169. First meetings!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Friday, 1:30 p.m.]

"See, as I said, there is nobody to worry about, you've been in shock for nothing, we haven't been detected and not like I'm that stupid to allow them to do so.." Spoke Codey who acted quite confident over his results. ("Maybe he is right, but we're very outstanding inside of this forest, if they reach this path, we'll end up in actions taken.... which means, we'll be absolutely needed to split into directions.") "All right, hear me out." Spoke Sakami.

The four of them looked at Sakami. "We're guaranteed to be found, so for now, split up, there are in total of five of them and four of us, we have 3 paths, ahead, which means, somebody, will absolutely need to go with Ayuka." Spoke Sakami. "And I believe you're the safest option, so I believe you'd be better to go with Ayuka than me or Codey." Answered Kanji, to which Sakami agreed. "Yes, that is correct, right now, I am the most suitable for her side protection, since I am the most skilled, but do be sure, once we split up, It'll be bound for them to split up, which means, once they find you, I believe they won't attack, since you are not the person who they are looking for, however, be prepared for a fight, once we do so, we'll have to meet up at the end of this forest, from there we'll continue together, however, this is not guaranteed safety for Ayuka, meaning, we must do anything at all cost to keep her away from them." While Ayuka was listening to them, she fell into thinking.

While, running, her cape waved. ("Why are they so willing to protect me, the easiest solution would be just so I showed myself to that scientist, but something confuses me, even if I am a key to his selection of subject, what is with me that these three need to protect, it can't just be friends, would it? But, that would just be stupid, there is something more, about me, that not even myself know.... christ....") But then, Ayuka heard. "They're here! Speed up and split out! Don't get buzzed!" Once Sakami ordered all of them nodded and they made a heavier step forward, they sped up with their movements and split into three directions. "Oh! Hi there! I see Octavius was right about you being here! Well, let's see what this girl is all about, just hand her over!" Spoke Tsukiya as he was moving through the bushes on the other side.

"Hurry, they've split up! We must not lose them! Natsuko, go right, Naoki, follow Tsukiya before he messes up, I'll take the middle with Toshiro!" By that, they accepted his orders and split up. ("Thought so, they head would focus on the ones who were in duo...") Wondered Sakami. "Do you really think this was the best choice, leaving Ayuka alone?" Wondered Codey, but Sakami nodded. "They were right after our backs, so we needed to trick them into thinking that Ayuka will be with a guard, however, since they haven't seen her entire body, they believe that I am her, which is good for us. But do be sure, we must continue our escape, if we get stopped, they'll find out who we are, so if necessary, try to make this 'escaping' as long as possible, don't give in, just to fight them immediately." Called Sakami. "I understand, but I must admit, good thinking, Ayuka was chased by a singular opponent, so when the time comes, I believe she'll manage to get her will to fight out, Kanji has put the shouting guy and the other 'Detective' kind of guy." Codey smiled. ("I'm glad she gave us a hint with her eyes, when moved, lucky for us, they've fallen for it and Ayuka is only being chased by a singular enemy.") Thought Codey.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 1:40 p.m.]

("A trick, seriously? Well, it may be stupid, but I suppose she did pick the most suitable way, she is a Captain, no wonders, her power, and brains are at high..... then again, will this work efficiently by the end of this chase?") Thought Ayuka while continuing to move further. "You may not be the correct person, but I suppose, chasing you will be rather fun!" Natsuko giggled when she speeds up, of course, Ayuka did too. "Oh? You can go faster! That's going to be fun a fun fetch! So how about it, how's your day? I'm just interested!" Smiled Natsuko. "Huh, quiet, guess you won't be able to speak, which will be a bit boring, chasing you in quiet, agh, darn, that'll be a long run." Sighed Natsuko.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Middle Path) - Friday, 1:40 p.m.]

("Of course, I get two and so do Sakami and Codey, this is actually pretty helpful, this means, we have four eyes out of five, chasing the wrong character... but then again, if I get stopped, fighting two at once, will not be easy at all....") Thought Kanji and sighed. ("And these capes, came in the clutch too, without them, we'd be at disadvantage.") Kanji hurried over. "Oh come on! You'd love to see a Duelist that makes this difficult, why just not show yourself before we force it out of you!" Laughed Tsukiya. "Would you focus on catching them, before you shatter down a tear and lose your mind!" Annoyingly spoke Naoki.

"Oh, come on, why do I get the 'Detective' that'll be the most annoying but yet fun chase of my life.... hey, Naoki, why just not take your feet aside, I'll deal with them, no worries, this prey is all mine!" Called Tsukiya. "I thought you weren't an Assassins but Hunter at the same time, what's your orders, to fight? Well, they were not, it was simple, to just seek the real girl!" Called Naoki. "Now tell me something? Why the hell, would I leave him alone, the girl or not, I still want to slaughter this person, but it's making it difficult, he is running instead of fighting!" Tsukiya made a smile. "Do be quiet until we catch them!" Ordered Naoki. ("But of course, this person in front of us, seems more of a manly body... not woman-like....") Naoki thought. ("Their legs do not have the shape of proper female thighs, and his upper body is more 'bulky', means we don't have the right target....") Called Naoki throughout his mind.

"Come over here, little runner!" Tsukiya reached onto his back and dragged out two daggers. "Prepare to dodge, before I let out my rage!" From there, Tsukiya already began attacking, Kanji, by throwing his daggers, which were luckily able to return at will. Kanji stepped to the side to avoid. "Oh, good, you might be fun actually..." Tsukiya made a step and sped up. ("Speeding up already? Does he not care about his stamina?") Wondered Kanji, but even he, also hurried in faster paste. "Don't use your entire stamina, Tsukiya!" Aggressivly and angrily called Naoki. "Oh, shut it, I will take orders from myself, not losers, like you and that weirdo, in fact, I'll adore hunting this person at my own will, the girl, or not!"

Tsukiya swung his dagger aside when a purple shadow appeared around his dagger. Kanji noticed something in his shadow, which surprised him, from there he quickly jumped and avoided a shadowy stabbing arm, he landed safely. ("I haven't seen such type? Is he using Dusk Type? It seems to be using my shadow to his advantage, this is nothing like Darkness... I guess it's most suitable for a night assassin, but still, if he's using that Type, what will the other guy use?") Kanji wondered but continued to move. "Oh shment! Guess I've missed my strike, but not to worry, there will come more and more of them!" Tsukiya was the urge to fight Kanji, either he was the correct person or not.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Left Path) - Friday, 1:50 p.m.]

"So, now that we got them on our butts and soon to be chased down and caught, what will be our plan from there?" Codey quietly wondered while running behind Sakami. "If it will be necessary, we'll just have to fight them, to keep them busy, much longer... of course, we won't have the best solution to when Ayuka will finish her stalk, which must mean, do not give them any hints to who we are, they probably believe I am Ayuka for having a feminine body and I believe they believe that you are 'my' or should I say 'her' guard...." Sakami answered, with her calm expression. "This sounds kind of weird, but all right...." They continued running, but even then, they thought carefully. "Octavius, you've been molded in thoughts, something the matter?" Wondered Toshiro. "There's something strange about their stand by setting up.... but I can't tell yet, so don't bother me too much, because I'm trying to think something up, and keep running at this paste, I believe they want us to chase them, so do not give them and speedups, or we might be in for a struggle." Even though Toshiro did not understand completely, he continued to obey his orders. "Well, guess I'll agree, but what do you believe it's happening?" Toshiro wondered. "That, I still don't understand fully, but I'll get it eventually....."

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ??? - Friday, 1:55 p.m.]

Tim was stopped by Mayumi. "Tim, there's something I must tell you." Spoke Mayumi, which also surprised Saburo at the same time. "And what exactly is that?" He wondered, once holding his sword. "Check this out." Mayumi showed a poster which surprised Tim. "Wait! That's Ayuka! Why is she being wanted for prize money of, 10,000,000?!" Tim wondered in shock. "I am not sure, but I believe something wishes to get their dirty hands on her, for some kind of project, I cannot tell for sure, but I believe that they got, but a month to find her."

Spoke Mayumi. "I gotta go after them and help them immediately!" But, Mayumi immediately raised her voice to stop him. "No, we have a month and you've increased your Aura Limit to 120 minutes, you've gotta continue to raise that time, a month is enough for you to reach 3 hours mark, what is not guaranteed however, is that you'll be able to learn Akusei before that time comes, however, I believe you will." Spoke Mayumi but Tim's serious face became a bit certain. Luckily, his blackened eyes and a red glow dispersed throughout these days, it seemed that it was a side effect for awakening his Fiend while hospitalized. "If so, please, do you know anything else than her being wanted?" But, his answer was given.

"I believe that Ayuka is surrounded by your friends, however, she's got a hitman on her, a group of five, which are hunting her down, I don't know more for sure, but hopefully, she stays away from there for this entire month, as for you, you must hurry if you do wish to help her and your friends." But when Mayumi spoke, Tim's eyes became intimidating. "Fine, then, you want my Aura to increase! I'll do you just that!" Once Tim spoke, his blue aura burst in a shake, once Mayumi and Saburo both became surprised. "What is happening, his Aura's Burst Power just rose to over his earlier limit!" The blue aura was glowing and shining at them, almost blinding them.

"I'll hold it for three hours, and that is guranteed!"

To be continued...