168. Entrance to the Forest path!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ??? - Friday, 1:00 p.m.]

While Ayuka and the rest proceed to exit the Umi Island, Tim's training was reaching highly further. "120 minutes, that's a 30-minute increase, you know, he might reach 3 hours by the end of this week, in fact, he only needs another hour and he'll begin his proper training." Spoke Mayumi who seemed to be in fact, interested.

"Yes, you may be right, to his concern, he surprisingly doesn't need a rest for a while." Exclaimed Saburo and was rather confessed. "Correct, but let's do hope, that he won't have further trouble controlling his 'Fiend'. That is his priority after finishing his Aura Time training.... then again, the aura changes to when he runs into it, this gives me worries that he might not be connected to his Fiend at all, which is kind of.... unexpected, with us, our aura just sticks the same color. But all it does... it tenses... his, however, changes extremely, from blue to black, what's the most confusing, black aura is the rarest type...." Exclaimed Mayumi.

The auras are based on rarity.

- Orange, a Duelist has a 90% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Pink, a Duelist has a 78% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Green, a Duelist has a 62% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Yellow, a Duelist has a 46% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Red, a Duelist has a 38% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Purple, a Duelist has a 25% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Blue, a Duelist has an 18% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Grey, a Duelist has a 12% chance of obtaining such an aura

- White, a Duelist has a 7% chance of obtaining such an aura

- Black, a Duelist has a 3% chance of obtaining such an aura

"That's what confuses me the most, it feels as if he had more than one Spirit inside of his Minded World, could potentially be, that Tim's sword is not connected by Fiend, but as if it were connected by someone else, then again, people usually do not have more than 0 or 1 Spiritual Bodies inside of their Minded World.

By figuring out some stuff, it may be different. His Fiend is connected to his main body and as for his sword, it is connected to another, which we do not believe to be aware of. As for us two, our Fiend is connected to our blades... and our own body, that progressively advances in Aura..." Explained Mayumi in long thoughts. "If that's the case, he may be a bit different than some other Spiritual Duelist, which I had no idea to exist." Saburo and Mayumi were both concerned. "Tim, you may stop now for a while, do take a rest, but we do have a question before you rest..." Answered Mayumi. Tim's ears heard that and faced at her as his aura, exploded and vanished. "Why's that? You usually give me rest at night, not throughout the day...." Spoke Tim.

"A bit of change will not be troublesome, but, answer me another question, your Ginken, has it been connected to a Spirit or a Fiend?" Wondered Mayumi, but from there Tim became confused. "What's that supposed to mean, it has been connected to a Spirit, a friend of mine who was killed by a Demon, isn't it obvious?" Tim questioned once crossing his arms.

"So that's it...." Tim looked at them confused. "What? You look as if you've been thinking for a while, everybody has their weapons connected to a Spirit and not a Fiend." Spoke to Tim, but he did not expect the next question. "That is incorrect, me and Saburo, both have our weapons connected to a Fiend, we do not have any Spirits, other than our own." From there, Tim paused and became confused. "What? Are you telling me, there is a difference between having a Fiend inside of a weapon and a Spirit, and if it is, what's the big deal about that?"

"You're aware that, we were only able to access our 'Fiended States' or as we call it' Akusei' by having our Ginken, forced connected to a Fiend if it were not, we could not have such abilities, but for yourself, you have a Spirit Connected to your body, do you understand, what I'm saying. If you do not, I'll give you a short intel. A Ginken can only be qualified for one's body by the human to be superior, in your case, your body is not yet illegal for it to be qualified, but a Ginken once held by another, can choose another human, no matter what their strength is, as long as the weapon can maintain its physical body, it means death for a human, but luckily for you...,"

".... your body was not born with it, in fact, you're just a mere human with special ability, just as me and Saburo, we did not achieve these Ginkens to our own desire and birth, yet it was inherited to us by another Duelist, but even so, a Ginken at such rate, cannot be efficiently controled by us and can sometimes give it an outbreak, this is why we needed to learn, this technique, of course, your weapon is not connected to a Fiend, unlike ours, so it cannot go berserk, but your body is, which means, you're the one who will go berserk, not the weapon, overwhelming you and making you its slave, this is the opposite for us, but we had never had such trouble, learning this ability, in fact, the Ginken was needed to be 'sure' that we're the right person, so it let us our power, but of course, before making it, we did have studies with a master, to learn such technique..... that's a case to why we have never went berserk the way you've went, you cannot even tell, who your friends are and are not, your Fiend is basically a killing machine that will devour and slaughter everybody in its way, your Fiend is a psyho type so it is the hardest to maintain, our's are not as psyhological, but are still an obstacle that could potentially end up in our Ginken's outbreak, and usually..."

"...people do not have two Spirits connected to them, which does mean, that you've been born with a Fiend inside, and that is the reason to why you were able and see other Spirits, but once you've come in contact with a Ginken, it's rage was prepared to kill anybody and increase your weak body for it to be useful, it's like a manipulator who controls their own target, but, the second Spirit inside your body, or should I say, inside your Ginken is the one who protects you in battle, for it to focus, so as long as you have that Spirit connected to your Ginken or Body, I believe you will be able to learn how to control it, but that too is not the only case.... before you ask, I'll answer you. Your Ginken is connected to your Aura, to which the Aura is connected to your body, which means a connection between your two 'Spirits' Minded World, as you've been inside of it already, were you not? Anyway, that is the most intel I can give you about what your difference is between us two, and you..." Spoke Mayumi.

From there Tim's eyes became squiggly. "That was a short intel for you? It took more than 2 minutes for you to explain all of it..... literally..." Spoke Tim. "Well sorry, you needed to know of this, or else, this may never be effective, so the goal here is for you to learn, how to be 'worthy' enough of the Fiend, for it to allow you and use your body by yourself, that too is the massacre, that could one day involve your friends at risk, not 'befriending' as I say it, your Fiend, it can come to an outbreak, just the ways, you've been going psycho lately and before that, so for now, the meaning here is, that your body may not be yet capable of that Fiend's power, as for your Ginken, it is a perfect synchronization to you, so that is why, your Fiend has sometimes, fall in confusion, because your Ginken Spirit, forced your body to see reality.... well, now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go take a long and warm food dish, goodbye."

When Mayumi left, Tim and Saburo both became confused. "So what she means by it, is that my own aura has to overwhelm the Fiend's one.... all right, then.... this is no time to slack off or rest...." Tim wildly unleashed his aura out. "Be careful, too much of tiredness and your body will fall under Fiend's state again..." Saburo reminded.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Mountain - Friday, 1:10 p.m.]

While Tim had trained, our heroes have already been accessing the Forest Path from the top of the mountain, their hunters, however, were slowly scouting the entire area, but the only side they have not accessed was the Mountain and the Forest. "Good, we haven't yet been found, we must continue, the Forest is just down this path." Spoke Kanji, from there Codey noticed his paper flying over the air. "Stop!" Called Codey, it was the photo of Ayuka's poster. Codey jumped for it and caught it. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Questioned Kanji, once Codey landed beside him.

"What? Losing this poster might be problematic! We need it, who knows when it'll come in handy!" Spoke Codey. "That's not what I meant! Using your Air Step, just allowed the others to sense your Spiritual Symbolism!" Kanji added, which surprised Codey. "Hey, it was just shortage, don't be so worrying, no way, they'd manage to sense a quick Spiritual Symbolism, from that far in a second!" Codey spoke, but then he was wrong. "Don't be so sure, we gotta put a pace on." Spoke Sakami as they began to run down the path. "I'm telling you, you're making this too big of a worry!" Codey said once they finally reached the path surrounded by multiple trees, but at the meanwhile.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 1:12 p.m.]

"Natsuko, Naoki, Tsukiya, Toshiro, I've found them. They are exactly where I believed they would be at this time." Spoke to Octavius, once Tsukiya jumped beside him and the rest. "Are you kidding? I sensed nothing, how can you sense somebody in such a quick second, from this far away?" But even if Tsukiya asked, Octavius, did not answer.

"Would you prefer, for us to stay here, anyway? Hurry up, let's chase them before they get too far." Spoke Octavius. "Ugh, fine.. guess you're the boss, may as well trust you!" From there, each and single one of them disappeared from the spot and people became surprised.

"Where did those people, go?" A kid asked.

To be continued...