167. The protection of Ayuka! Heroes venture out!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- Next morning -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 8:50 a.m.]

The earlier appearance of the Individual Duelist named Shinsuke Kōhai left civilians of Umi City in frightened shock, to protect their lives and island, the head of the city gathered five of the most skilled Duelist of the area.

- Naoki Bushida, the Detective Duelist who works with Police Force and Regiment.

- Tsukiya Eguchi, the Progressive Assassin who stalks at night.

- Toshiro Goto, the Demon Killer who significantly is put under commands to hunt down Demons and cleanse this world from death, from the Earth Headquarters.

- Natsuko Hajime, who is focused on researching the appearing Demons

and finally their leader who was ordered by the head of city to commence this operation

- Octavius Hamada.

Their orders were yet but simple, to hunt down the warrior by the name Ayuka Kirashito, as he believed that she might be a danger to their island. "Do not let me down, or there will be consequences, you have but a month to succeed.." He spoke.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 10:30 a.m.]

"Seriously, those commands were so stupid, we're warriors, why just not go hunt the crazy scientist down, no need to harm other Spiritual Duelists," Natsuko called out by asking in a sighing thoughts. "Apparently, he believes we cannot protect this city, without finding that woman, and who knows, even if we find her, there's still a greater chance for that guy to still struck down this island." Toshiro sighed. "That's true, but the commands were simple, find her and we still may have trouble." Octavius exclaimed. "So what you're saying, this island is already destined to be destroyed." Wondered Tsukiya. "Pretty much, but then again, they spoke that this girl is around this Island, I bet we won't have struggled to find her, besides, we got the photo of her." Answered Octavius. "Better question here is the one I want to ask, if the guy has never yet seen that girl, how did he get the photo of her, she wasn't under arrest, nor was she ever put to jail, any ideas, Naoki, dear Police Force Detective." Wondered Tsukiya.

"No, her name was never in any of the notebooks, nor online activities that would cause her to be arrested, she's pretty clear when it comes to crimes." Naoki moved his eyes to face at Tsukiya. "And there we go, searching for her at day, as if at night wouldn't be easier." Told Tsukiya with annoyance. "Cheer up, dunno why do you love your searches under night skies, not really much easier when it comes to searching, the only easiest thing about it is that there will be less public outdoors." Once Natsuko spoke Tsukiya gave a glare at her. "I didn't come to your aid to be put under his commands to search a day, I'm here to assassinate that girl before she gets in his body-" But then Octavius interfered. "You will not kill her, you may be the assassin, but your orders are clear as the sky, you were trained in quiet movements, not just to assassinate people, you're our main key to hunting at night, as you've got most skills at that time, during the day, you're here to help out.... at day search, Naoki is the main key as he is known to be a skilled Detective." "As much as I agree, I've only been sent here for searches, I am not a guy who was trained in quiet movements mainly, I am only here to be your 'brain' side, as you people usually do not understand normal cases." With that Tsukiya gathered his annoyance aside. "Tsch, whatever, take your pick, I'll do whatever I need, as long as I get to fight along the way." Answered Tsukiya.

"Were you not trained to attack at hidden moments, why do you wish to fight a fight that is fist to fist?" Natsuko questioned. "Does that really need to be important to you? Mind your own buisness, you're pretty much the best at researching those Demons." "That is enough, we'll be progressing by beginning on this island, if we do not find her, then we're safe to guess that, that girl has already changed courses and continued her 'escape' down the forest path." "Hold on, Octavius, is not this island, only accessable by using a ship and the one road?" Wondered Toshiro. "I'm sure they'll find a different way."

But once they were talking, Codey was sitting at aside. ("So, the head of this city, really does want to get his hands on Ayuka... damn, they must be skillled, which gives us another problem. Staying here won't be helpful as I believe they will search this entire city, in a quick set... this means, we must secretly begin moving across Forest Path as that will be the best course to take, my eyes don't see it through, but I do sense that they know about the seperated Forest Path that is across the next isle, connected to the Umi Forest, this hiking was incredible to us as we have found another way to escape.... gotta hurry though, I'm sure these are not any ordinary unskilled Spiritual Duelist, but it does surprise me that there are more than only us, more Spiritual Duelist that we did not know about, gotta rush then.") Once doing so, Codey stood up and casually walked away, but Octavius was a bit suspicious of him.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 11:15 a.m.]

"What do you mean? Why should we get out of here? Let them find me, not like I could care less, if necessary, I'll just-" But Ayuka was quickly interrupted. "Would you settle down a little, you're never this loud or aggressive, if it's what we must do, not to find you, then we'll just need to come up with a better plan." Spoke Kanji. "Of course, if you do wish to meet up with Tim again, then you'll just have to stick around, not go wild." But when Kanji spoke that, Ayuka called back to him. "Stop using his name as orders to me, so you can forg-" "Good, so what's the plan." Spoke Kanji and faced at others. "Hey! I didn't agree to it!" Ayuka was completely ignored. "I've come up with a few sets of ideas." Sakami exclaimed with her arms crossed. "Hey! Are you all deaf?!" "So what is it?" Wondered Codey, which was pretty much annoying Ayuka, for ignoring her.

"The plan is yet but simple. To get out, we must be as less seen as possible, we will have to cover our bodies with these black capes." From saying that, Codey noted. "Convenient..." "Doesn't matter, I believe you've been talking about the Forest Path, connected to Umi Forest, that's the route that is the easiest for us to walk by, correct?" Sakami asked. "That's what I was talking about, yeah." Kanji, Codey were both listening. "So, for the current time, until we don't reach the Umi Forest, we will wear these black capes, to hide our identities, we'll need to be dressed this way or otherwise, we'll be too 'noticeable', but once we do reach the Forest Path, we can undress them, but I do recommend that we do not." Explained Sakami. "But wouldn't we be too noticeable with those clothes on, it's too clear for them to understand what's going on?" Kanji questioned by raising his hand. "Don't worry, we'll be taking alleyways to sneak between the city, to the top of the Umi Mountain and then move down the Hiking Route to reach the Umi Forest, there onward, we'll have to continue our movements and hopefully come across some other places, until we don't reach Tim." Explained Sakami. "Yes, but hold on, if we'll have two quests, getting rid of that group and finding Tim, won't be that more 'complicated'?" And as expected, Sakami confirmed.

"Our first goal was to find Tim, was it not, we'll just have to take the risks while escaping our hunters. But do be sure, that we might come to a dead-end and then need to face our opponents, but even if so, if that time comes, be prepared for a fight, one month, is all we need, I'm sure we'll come across Tim at some point, now, let's venture out before they get their glimpse on us." Answered Sakami. "The last question, what about Tim's family, shouldn't we explain the situation to them?" Asking in surprise, Codey directed his words. "That will not be necessary, Charlotte and Ava, saw it, both, I'm sure they've already been making a move to soon leave this Island for a while, this case is on us, to stop Ayuka's capture, and to stop Umi City's Destruction, this is what we must do, I believe that Shinsuke guy's real reason is not to destroy this Island, but to fear those people and to gain something, to activate his goal, he spoke about her being a subject, did he not?" With a clear utterance, Sakami spoke. ("She's right, Ayuka does not know why she is being protected and stopped by us, but telling her would be even worse, we've been told clearly, not to commence any of knowledge about her being a Goddess's daughter, we must keep her away at any time, I believe he wants her, just to make his plan work.....") Codey thought with his arm on the chin.

"All right, then let's venture about before it's too late..." Spoke Sakami. "Why am I going along with this plan anyway???" Wondered Ayuka in the utterance of annoyance.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 11:25 a.m.]

Their first target was to reach the Umi Hill and Mountain, then move from there to the bottom of Forest's path. But they knew from the start, that they'll need to be smart about their movement, as five of the hunters are all around Umi Island.

By the explanation plan, these four were standing behind an alleyway, scouting their area in front to see their hunters. Sakami grabbed the edge of the building and faced the public. "How's the area?" Kanji wondered as they stood behind Sakami, Ayuka was the only one with a hood up her head. "This area is clear, for now, let's make a move and move to the Docks passageway across, but be careful, we'll be right under people's feet so be sure to be as quiet as possible and move along the wooden planks." "Oh, right, I forgot there's a planked path, down at the edge of the main path." Exclaimed Kanji. "But before we move any further, how are we going to get through this crowd of people without getting suspicious?" Codey asked. "Use your Vanishing Dash for a second to get to the area, then hide your Symbolism immediately." When Sakami spoke, they nodded. "Ugh, still can't believe that I'm going along your plan...." Ayuka sighed but at that, all four of them used Vanishing Dash and created a breeze around the area, which did confuse people, but by the end, they luckily reached their targeted area.

"Move along the walls, as we do not have much free space down here." The orders by Sakami were quite simple but by agreeing, they began running down the roofed passageway near the ocean.

People's walking and talking were heard above them and they were moving toward the stairs, which were all the way at the end of this path.

To be continued...