166. Individual Duelist appearence!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Cave - Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.]

Sakami's appearence surprised most of our heroes, but in reality, she was not the real surprise, a man, who stood inside of an enclosed cave, watched at a warrior, a warrior, resting inside of a capsule, the man had a mask and the scientist watched at the man. "He soon shall be ready to open, oh lord, let's do hope you won't go on a rampage from the start, tskitskitski!" Scientist pressed a bunch of buttons on a machine and gave effect, the warrior's water began to heat up. "Oh, based on calucalations, you should be released in less than three days, do we hope, that I say." Once speaking, the scientist walked away, giggling.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 6:50 p.m.]

"So. No sign of him? Well, I guessed you'd know the most..." Sakami was rather stoic. "Well, what? Are we going to try and look for him?" Asked Codey who was somewhat concerned. "Well, that's the plan." But before Kanji spoke, Ayuka interefered. "Not the best solution." When Ayuka spoke, the others faced her. "I'm certain Tim knows why he left, I bet he has a good reason for it, even so, first thing on our list, we may as well explain what had happened.... to them." Then, everybody looked at Charlotte and Ava who were in a shock. ("I knew it! There was something going on between them and Tim! This is why he came home injured... so many times!") Angrly understood Charlotte.

- A while later -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.]

"Who'd known that would have happened today, at least I understand what was going on between Tim's injuries.... even so, how were they healed???" Wondered Ava. "It was me, usually.... I was able to replenish his minor injuries and take care of wounds, that is why he walked home, healed...." Charlotte and Ava listened to Ayuka. "But... even if you've seen and understand what had happen, this may not be known by your father or others.... understand, or we'll be forced to erase your memories of these events..." By saying that, Charlotte and Ava became a bit scared, but agreed. "Not like I was planning to tell him, that guy's classic, he'd just understand it as a joke....." Spoke Charlotte. "All right then, please do keep that in mind." Sakami was listening to the rest. "So, uh... Cap- I mean, Sakami... what about you?" Sakami gave a gaze to Codey. "Hm?" "Well, uh. What are you planning to do, we have no clues to where Tim could be... but.... you're still planning to search for him, or was that thought thrown to the side?" Sakami sighed at his speech. "The progress I have made hasn't increased at all, but do be sure, that when I get the chance, I will surely go search my way back to there.... and yes, despite the risks I may take." Codey scratched his back head.

"Well, if you do insist, so this means you won't begin searching for him yet, no?" But Sakami agreed. "No, if I do plan on finding him, we, or I suppose I should say 'I' will need to find further leads, people of course are not the best option, but do be told, there must be a way to finding him quicker..." Spoke Sakami with a sigh. "And so be heard... man, you just really don't got guts to drop this idea? Why just not wait, he'll return eventually.... well.... probably..." Spoke Kanji. "That is true, though, I must find it myself, with or without help, be aware, I'm leaving in a week, hopefully I get some leads to where he was thrusted." Kanji just scratched his forehead. "Well, if you speak so."

- Two days later -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 1:25 p.m.]

Ayuka and Codey were trying to help Sakami find some leads. "You know, why are we trying to get hints or leads from Umi Island, he wasn't seen here, definitely. To look for those idiotic leads, we'd have better chance in Tokyo City." Spoke Codey who faced at Ayuka. "Do you think I'm not aware of it. But, to be honest, something just hints at me, that there is somebody who could potentially know." "Oooh! A noodle with hot sauce, that's amazing!" "Uhm, ma'am, I think, that's a bit too much of spiceness..." The chef spoke with a face of surprising. "Nothing is really spicy, as long as you know how to taste it!" Explained the girl. "That girl is talking aloud, does she not realize that she can be heard by everyone?" Wondered Codey, thus walking past her. The girl looked behind for a second but took the noodles and ate them. "Hey! Excuse me, may I speak to you-" Codey's eyes almost spewed out once he noticed Ayuka talking to her. "Hey! What the hell are you doing Ayuka?!" He rushed to her side. "Huh, well hello, is there something I can do?" Wondered the girl. "There is this strange feeling, that.... uh... well.... you might know somebody." By saying that, the girl took another fork of noodles. "And who may that supposed to be, you know, you're kind of random on that guess...." That girl faced. "Well, I'm aware, but... do you maybe know where I could find a boy, named Shinkaku Timoshī." By saying that the girl became a bit confused when had her fork stuck in her mouth, she gulped the noodles and turned to the side, eating the entire bowl.

By closing her eyes and making a confident stretch, she spoke. "Sorry, missy, but that name is not familliar with me... I'll take another portion." Smiled the girl. "Oh... Well, sorry to bother you, we'll leave you to it, bon appetite." Ayuka seemed to have been a bit disappointed. "No problem, and thank you very much." Once the girl spoke, both Codey and Ayuka left. "Y'know that really was random from you...." "Whatever, Codey, it's worth asking, who knows maybe they saw something..."

The girl listened while sitting. ("What do they want with Shinkaku anyway?") Wondered the girl and finished the bowl in one full swoop, she paid. "Thank you, the food was delicious, I will leave now." "Of course come here at any time!" Smiled the chef, the girl left and moved behind the alley. Ayuka however, noticed her with a right eye and became serious. ("Should be safe for noone to see me.") When the girl thought so, she made a stomp and disappeared in instant. However, she did not realize that, Codey and Ayuka were right at the edge of the alleyway. "What just happened? She disappeared?" Spoke Codey. "I knew it, I knew she was acting weird, we gotta find and look for this girl." "Wait what?! How do you plan on finding her, if she disappeared in an instant, no sign of where!" Spoke Codey in disappointement. "Some way or another, I don't care.... let's hurry." Answered Ayuka. "Wait! Hold on, shouldn't we notify others???" But of course, Ayuka declined. "No, we may go look for him myself, anyway, they've probably been aware of suspicion lately." Ayuka exclaimed. "You can be so weird at times..." Codey exhaled and then stood up.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ???- Thursday, 1:30 p.m.]

Tim was still trying to hold his aura for 3 hours before Saburo. "Come on, stop sweating like a fool and get your time limit on aura release up there already!" Called Saburo. "Would you just shut up already, I'm trying to concentrate, you idiot!" Spoke Tim in annoyance. By then, Mayumi appeared next to Tim and with that, Tim froze with squiggly eyes. "Tell me something..." When saying so, Tim could not understand. "Uh.... Mayumi.... explain? What? And from where did you even come FROM?!" Tim wondered at loud. "Umi Island! Anyway, tell me, is there by any chance a girl with white hair, around 167 centimeters tall, blue eyes, wears a red and white hoodie, blue jeans.... is she by any chance a 'friend' of yours?" Mayumi wondered. "You, must be talking about... Ayuka? What's with her?" Questioned Tim. "Why the hell did you not explain to us that you got a friend who becomes suspicious of a person immediately after she LOOKS at them?!" By the shout loud, Tim seemed to be confused. "What do you mean?!" "I was just minding my own buisness! Eating noodle- I mean, I was just searching for clues.... and then this girl of your friends comes, with a guy behind her, as tall as a damn mountain and asks '.....do you maybe know where I could find a boy, named Shinkaku Timoshī.....'????" By that Tim and Saburo became unamused. "You've been away just to eat some noodles?" Each of them asked at once.

"I told you! That this is not important! Would you explain to me already!" Because Mayumi was embarrassed of her actions, she was red in cheeks. "Ayuka... and I guess.... you must be talking about Codey..... why are they at that Island?" But then, Mayumi called. "Seriously, would you just explain to me...."

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 1:40 p.m.]

Ayuka and Codey were now sitting on the bench, while Codey became bored of Ayuka's thinking. ("She's been thinking like that for already 10 minutes.... is she ever going to flinch, at all???") He was quite unamused. But then, there was an incident. Ayuka and Codey both freshed themselves out of mind and focused on the loud 'thump'. "What happened?!" Ayuka and Codey heard people arguing and talking, so by rushing to the crowd, they've come across a man standing on top of the rocky hill in the middle of the ocean, a few meters away from docks. "What's going on?!" Others arrived as well, Sakami, Kanji, Charlotte and Ava too.

"Well, hello, sorry for the 'at loud' appearence, but please do listen to me, my name is Shinsuke Kōhai and I'm a scientist, I've been there, preparing a mankind warrior and it will soon be unleashed, but if you do not wish for that too happen, please do hear me out. If you do not want destruction to your city and this entire Island, you must find me a girl, I've heard, she's been around here, but do not worry, I won't harm her, she's just a test subject." They all faced. Lightning were strucking the area around when Shinsuke fixed his white coat. "Hey! What the hell do you even need her for! I'm sorry weirdo, but you can't just come here, thrusting the area, that is not under your control, get lost!" "Yeah!" People were shouting. "My, my, would you wish to listen, you do not want anything bad happening to you, do you now?" Wondered Shinsuke. "To hell with that, you think we're scared of you! Get away and leave our place!" Shouted a man, but then Shinsuke smiled. "Hush in and out, please, do hear me out now." By saying so Shinsuke opened his palm and a man who called out, begun screaming. "It hurst, it hurts! What's happening, to.... my - bod- body!" But when the man screamed, people backed aside and his body was exploded into bloody pieces, the electricity burnt the blood in midair and the people became caught in terror.

"If you do not wish that to happen to you, you will look for this girl." The guy showed a poster, that's when Codey and Ayuka with the rest became shocked. "Her name is Ayuka Kirashito, and she is something that we must find at any cost, the reward can also be a prize money, but do please, find her first." With that people spoke. "You have 1 month, if you do not find her before then, you'll be killed and this entire island will be destroyed!" Smiled Shinsuke. Ayuka made a step forward, but Codey knew why they wanted her. "Stop! What are you doing! If they want me, I'll just go there!" She spoke in anger. "Sorry, but I can't let that happen! I know exactly why they are here and why they want you." ("Semi-Godess, definetly something that can't get away from our sights!") People began calling out to each other and Shinsuke made a smile. But from an immediate call.

Sakami came jumping high in the air, with both swords prepared to cut. People became shocked and her intimidating look, frightened them. "You think so! Well sorry, but that won't happen!" Shinsuke was faced with a body in front of him, both swords were moved to the side when Sakami sliced them ahead. She sliced forward with strength with her cape waving, but then Shinsuke smiled, Sakami sliced forward, yet, struck nothing, Shinsuke was gone in stormy weather when Sakami was pulled back. People felt this storm and whirly hurricane and were in shock, as for Sakami she fell toward water. "Damn it!" By that, she disappeared and appeared back at the docks, with an intimidating face, once the weather kept pressing against people, the man and the storm soon then dissipated.

An Individual Duelist, call himself Shinsuke Kōhai is on the hunt, his target, Ayuka Kirashito, her Godly Aura, what does he want to do with her, is he there to kill her, is he there for some other reasons? At any cost, People of Umi Island are ready to search for her, to protect their inhabitat, yet, they have an entire month, meanwhile, Tim's Aura Release time limit, has increased to 90 minutes, above....

To be continued...