165. A bizzare meeting!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 3:07 p.m.]

Once the name was heard a sword was dragged out, shining and giving a gaze through its metal, a powerful blow was struck forward, once Ayuka who have turned aggressive attacked the woman in full strength, by the aggression, the whirlwind boosted up. However, the opponent was then a shock to the rest.

"Captain Sakami Hashujin?!"

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 3:13 p.m.]

Charlotte and Ava were still stressed and unsure on what to think of. "That blade, it just came.... from... no where.... how did she...." But there was nothing that Codey, Kanji or others could do, Charlotte and Ava have witnessed fantasy. "I'm! I'm sorry, I don't know what was I thinking, please forgive me Captain Hashujin!" Ayuka called out and made her sword disappear. The two swords that Sakami held were put on the hips. "Not really interested, but do tell me, what was the point of attacking?" Questioned Sakami with a stoic look. She had her right hand on her right hip. "Yeah, seriously Ayuka, what the hell was that for? All she did was say Tim's name!" Angrily called Codey. "I.... I can't explain, it was just automatic.... my body reacted on its own before I could even think...." Sakami's green cape then slowly waved in the wind. "Doesn't really matter." "Oh, right. Uhm... Captain Hashujin, why are you around here anyway?" Wondered Kanji. "If you did not understand, I'm searching for Shinkaku and by the way, stop with this 'captain' title, I really do hate it when it comes to operating on Earth." Answered Sakami while turning toward them. "Uh, of course. But, why are you looking for him anyway?" Wondered Kanji. "It's for something I must do, if you did not know, when I was a kid, my entire family got murdered by a trio because of my brother stealing some bakery food, it was also on the day to when I was about to meet the new neighbours, those idiots wanted to sale me to some customers, luckly, I was saved and Tim was the one who has reacted, without him, I'd probably be sold to a bunch of weirdos." Explained Sakami.

But on her explanation, the rest became surprised. "Wait? Hold on? If you and Tim have met before! And he is 17 now, how old are you then?!" Kanji wondered. "The same age as him, predictable is it not?" But when explaining, Kanji almost freshed out of words. "Slow down... you're going through everything fast, we'll bother about your age later, mind explaining what happened, further?" Sakami proceeded. "What matters here the most was his action taking, he killed two adults by himself, the third one almost strangled him to death, what's more, he somehow brought out the confidence outside of me, I had to stab the person holding him, and once we've escaped, he took me in with his father, his mother was by then gone, and his sisters were still just babies in the hospital, he gave me this scarf since that age." Once explaining, she raised the scarf's edge. "But, last time... you've seen me and Tim dealing with Demon, you've acted as if you didn't know us, well... him.... what was the case of that." Asked Codey. "To be honest, I couldn't have been proven to be him, I only remembered him how he was at the age of 5, when I saw him at the age of 16, he seemed like completely different person, apart from you Codey, when I heard you call out his name, it gave me questions if that really was the kid I've knew since the age of 5." Explained Sakami.

"Just.... to be clear... you're, uh childhood friends?" Wondered Ayuka. "Is that important?" Ayuka became embarrassed. "Well, I just want to make sure, what's so wrong about asking that?" "Nothing, I suppose, but, yes, we are, or better word to use right now is, were." Explained Sakami. "Even though you're telling us all of this, he never mentioned you at all, not even once." Kanji drastically felt weird. "Because, his father ordered him to keep that event for himself." While Charlotte and Ava listened, both of them seemed to have been very confused. "Why... would he hide that from us?" Charlotte finally dared to ask. "Oh. So you must be his two younger sisters, but, answering is not really something I can tell, I suppose his dad, just didn't want talk about, it was a week after Tim's mother died. And then, after several weeks, Tim and I set ways, his father was known to be 'dead' and he has been put to a care center, of course, since he didn't like it, he ran away and ended up returning to his apartment, you see, our village wasn't too far from where his apartment stood, though, it was very isolated at points, with luck he had the owner of that apartment sold it, Tim was lucky enough to sneak in there a year before and he then set up in the room, and I suppose, father took you both with him, or what was the point?" Questioned Sakami, once facing them. "Erm... let's just say we were put at care as well for a few years...." "Well, it's still something to go along."

"Uhm.... Captain Sak- I mean, Sakami, what happened, how did Tim live there without him being noticed?" Codey was rather curious. "What happened? The owner was a nice guy and let him stay there for a free until he grew up and achieved adult age, luckly the owner of the apartment accepted his wish to not be taken to the care center, the owner came to him for help, every so often, but then the owner died and Tim was left alone at the age of 13." What confused the rest was. "But, how are you aware of these stuff, didn't you just say you haven't seen him until back then?" Wondered Codey. "Well, I'd rather not talk about it, it's something that I'd rather keep hidden to myself, and before you go saying that I've stalked him, I have not, it was a different reason to how I managed to get his details, just for now, we won't go into details, but I've figured his bilogy through the layers of Clan's mechanism, the owner seemed to have been writing Tim's life and then shared it to when he was near the end of his life.... that's all I've managed to figure out, it was also another reason for why I've took the Captain Exam, so I could get the minor details to which were necessary."

"Was that really your goal? And if it was, why do you intend to meet him?" Kanji uttered. "Believe it or not, I just want to give him this information I have, and it'd be great to see him once more, do you not agree?" By that, the rest became certained. "Yeah. But, the thing is..." Codey tried to finish, but Ayuka spoke after. "After Tim's injuries, he just disappeared into the night sky, not even giving us any evidences to where he went." Spoke Ayuka. "Is that correct? Well, if so, why have you not been looking for him, and if the reason is, for you, to not care, then why did your friend attack me when I mentioned his name." Ayuka seemed to have been looking at the ground with a 'sadder' face. "This... well, this 'missing' of his, is getting over our heads, she probably told the truth for her to attack automatically...." But of course, Sakami then spoke. "It wasn't automatic, if it were, her pressure wouldn't have gotten hidden for those few seconds, even her look on the face became different and her face's skin became softer." From there Kanji and Codey quickly spoke. "Wait! Hold up, before we go any further! Can I please explain to you something?!" Ayuka looked at her hand in confusion. ("My..... face.... my pressure, what does, she mean by that?") Ayuka was in her own mind, thinking. But after a few minutes, Codey and Kanji successfuly explained the situation to Sakami.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 3:30 p.m.]

"Ah, so that's the reason..." ("Didn't know she was the person that Captain Himurya mentioned.... a Semi-Godess, I suppose that makes sense why her power increased and why her eyes changed to a god-like colour, even her Spiritual Symbolism dissipated, but, why did that happened, just after I mentioned Tim's name, is his name like another activation to her strength... is she somewhat connected, or what is it...") But then Ayuka stepped toward the others. "Uh, may I talk to you three?" Of course, Codey, Kanji and Sakami agreed. "Sure, go ahead." "When you spoke.... about my face changing, there was this time, a year ago.... to when me and Tim came across Lucas... when, Mia.... betrayed us... once I touched his shoulder, there was this electrifying feeling in my arm, however, it seemed he didn't feel it.... only I have.... do you think, that, that even is somehow connected to today's one, or was it just a coincidence?" Wondered Ayuka, luckly, still not knowing of her true body. "It has a possibility, then again, did your face go soft to when that happened?" But, after Sakami questioned, Ayuka declined. "Then, it may just have been something else." ("Something that was activated, only when Tim was around, yet so...") "Look, don't worry, it can happen to everyone, no trouble here...." Explained Sakami. "Well, yes, but.... it only worked when....." Ayuka spoke. ("When you've spoke or heard his name.....") "...I spoke his name....." Explained Ayuka. "I do not know, really, what the truth of today's event is, but I do know you somehow even provided greater strength than myself...." With that, each and every single one of them became surprised.

"Stronger... than, you... Sakami?"

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ???- Tuesday, 3:19 p.m.]

Tim was releasing his blue aura at max, but he only managed to do it for about 50 minutes. "Come on, Tim, if you're planning to master 'Akusei' you need to hold you aura for at least 3 hours maximum." Explained Mayumi. "Well, sorry! The maximum time of aura that I've used was 25 minutes, 3 hours is a gigantic increase from a sudden!" Tim spoke in annoyed face. "Well, if you're planning to succeed, then you really gotta hurry up with your maximum Aura Usage timer." Spoke Mayumi, but Tim was rather tired already. "....If you don't, you might-" "Yeah, I get it! You're right! 3 Hours is it? Got it, then you'll get those 3 hours of Aura Release!" By the loud call, Tim tensed his aura's pressure and released it fully at max, it began lightening the area with blue glow. With a smile Mayumi started her timer.

"All right Shinkaku Tim, then let's see what are you really capable off."

To be continued...