164. Discovering 'Umi Forest' and the mystery unleashed!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.]

"I won't lie, but this forest, it kind of creeps me out." Once Myles spoke so the others faced him. "Are you by any chance joking, there is nothing about it... it's just nature.." But of course Myles didn't accept it. "Nevermind.... what's been going on with Ayuka?" Wondered Codey as he turned at the back. Ayuka was following them, looking at some sort of a 'watch'. But Kanji made a smile. "Oh, her?" He faced ahead. "She's just been lost in thoughts, you know, how teenager are, they get lost in their thoughts quite easy, depression, love, and those kind of stuff, let's just guess, she's having that day today." But once Kanji explained that, the rest seemed to have been confused. "You could be a therapist." But when Charlotte said that, Kanji immediately became weirded out. "Uh, yah, not my thing." They continued to move down the forest road. Ayuka was constantly lost in her thoughts.

{ "Y'know, do you, uhm secretly like him?" Kanji asked. "Like him?! Why the hell would that be on my mind? Like I said, we're just friends!" Spoke Ayuka in annoyance. "If so, why are you red in cheeks and got heated up so easily? You know, everbody has that time where they feel warmth of somebody, that's just how children and teens are, y'know, like you'd want to be with someone." Giggled Kanji and sat down. Ayuka became even hotter in the face. "Stop treating me as if I were in love with him! It's getting on my nerves, really." Spoke Ayuka but Kanji giggled. "All right, all right, I'll leave it to you, but think about it."}

("Ugh, why do I still have that on my mind, it's been about half an hour since that happened and I just won't get it off my mind....") While the rest have constantly been looking around for the beauty of nature, Ayuka just didn't get the chance to look at it. But then, somebody stepped in front of them in cape, the three of them stopped. "Uh.... hello, is something going on? Are you lost?" Questioned Kanji, Ayuka stepped between them and looked at them in confusion. "No, I'm sorry, I'd just like to ask if you have seen somebody that I'm searching for." She spoke. "Uh, sure, maybe we can help, who are you looking for?" Questioned Kanji. "He goes by the name, Timoshī Shinkaku." When the woman spoke, the rest of them became surprised, however.

Metal was heard as everyone looked. A silver blade pulled out in front of them. Everyone, Codey, Kanji, Ava, Charlotte and Myles looked in that direction as the body took a step ahead of them. The blade that was spotted was swung in front of them as the girl, covered with a coat, drew her sword. At one point, a storm and tornado of wind rose, blowing away and leaning against the trees, two swords were swung and caught in collision, the ground collapsed as Charlotte and Ava were blown away. A blue spark rose from the person's eye as all the other clothes blew.

Ayuka was aggressive and attacked the girl with her sword. "You named that person! What the hell do you want with him?!" Ayuka asked in an aggressive voice, her clothes blowing in the wind as the girl with the covered clothes became surprised. The girl standing in front of Ayuka and the others looked ahead into Ayuka's eyes. ("As soon as I called his name, it looks like this girl fell under aggression? But why ?! After all, her pressure rose to something I didn't even believe existed. ") The girl thought. Meanwhile, as the two girls stood in front of each other with their swords hit, Ayuka answered. "Answer me!" She called out angrily. At that moment, however.

[??? - ??? - ??? - Tuesday, 3:05 p.m.]

Somewhere where nobody has known, a girl dropped on her knees with her hair waving, they were white and her eyes were silver. With a hurry, the girl seemed to have been set up in a seperate dimension. "What's going on? What's happening? My arm??" The woman faced at her bleeding arm with her eyes shocked. "Godess Zero! What happened!" With a hurried up rush, a group of two people came, they were surprised, seeing their Godess, on the floor, all wounded. "Godess Zero!" From the worry both of them hurried along and came to her aid. "Please, explain to us what had happened! We'll do as much as we can to help you!" Spoke the man. "I can't.... tell.... it... it just happened.... this wound.... it just, appeared, and the blood flowed..... there's something going on...." Spoke Zero, but the two men were shocked. "It doesn't matter! But you need treatment as soon as possible, not even you can heal those wounds, especially not if they are coming from your own body!" Spoke the man. "It's fine... I'll take care of them." Zero had a white long dress, which represented her title of being 'Godess'. "But! Godess! If we don't get you recovered as soon as possible, then... then too many problem will occur, without you, The World Zero is not going to percieve its last words!" Called the man. "We'll take you to the-" But then Zero stood up. "I said, it's fine..." She spoke and moved her right arm over her wounded arm, she immediately recovered those wounds. ("The pain, it only appeared to be enough to immobolize me for a few seconds. This is not normal, that should have never happened.... unless, something happened to..... her....")

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Tuesday, 3:07 p.m.]

"Ayuka! What's gotten into you! Stop yourself already!" Called Codey. Charlotte and Ava were shocked. "Hey! Where.... where did she get that.... s-sword from?!" Spoke Charlotte. "Answer me already!" Called Ayuka when pushing ahead with her sword. The woman had struggle to keep her away. ("She's powerful, not to mention, usually I don't come across many people who can make me shake, what the hell, why is she doing this anyway, I'd thought these guys would know, but they seem not to know, even so... why did this girl launch into operation of slaughter as soon as I called out the person's name?") When thinking so, Ayuka called again. "Are you deaf!" When she called, a white aura bursted around them and with a one single swoop, the woman was pushed across the floor. "Ayuka! Stop it already!" Kanji reached forward with his arm, however, once he tried to grab her arm, a white aura immediately embered, his skin got scorched and he backed away. Ayuka made a step forward when the floor aside her shattered to pieces, the leaves floated in the air, once three bodies appeared from Ayuka's spot, she was gone and in a sudden instant Ayuka already attacked the girl. "When did she even move?!" Spoke Charlotte, even Kanji, nor Codey could have noticed.

The woman blocked her attack again, but even so, she was thrown backward with her cape waving. Ayuka bowed ahead when she unleashed aggressive pressure that halved trees around them. The woman was in shock when she needed to block once again. "She's never acted such way!" But the woman then noticed the look in Ayuka's eyes. ("Silver eyes? Is.... is that? That's gotta be!") But before she could have think and spoke about it in her mind, Ayuka swiped with her sword forward, while mid-air. The white aura bursted into the woman ahead and launched her backwards, the woman spun in the air when the purple aura unleashed. Ayuka's hair were waving crazy and her eyes were glowing brightly silver. ("I can't beat her! I can just block, but soon, one strike that I can't block, and I'm finished!") The woman just jumped backward when Ayuka landed in front of her, unleashing a pulse through the ground that raised the ground, made them float with trees around them. "Codey! Any idea what the hell is happening to her?!" Wondered Kanji, but even Codey could not understand. "No I don't! But no matter what, all I can do is take her on and try to stop her!" But before Codey went into attack, Kanji stopped him. "What are you doing?!" But once Codey faced into Kanji's look, he understood immediately. ("That's right.... those two are still there, I can't be showing it as well, if Ayuka is then I should stay back, but, how can that woman stop such beast at all?") When, Codey thought, he looked ahead.

Ayuka and the woman both struck with their blades once white and purple aura, raised themselves high in the air. From there, Ayuka disappeared to the side a few centimeters above ground, her left leg was stretched nearing the ground and her right arm was leaned aside, Ayuka's both eyes unleashed white spark and from there, she slashed forward. The woman unzipped her left side of the hood and reached for the second sword that she had, she slashed forward and both blades once again came in a collision. From there, Ayuka disappeared. The woman faced to the other side of her body and spun her blade, the movement were somewhat fammiliar to Codey. By the woman spinning her sword, she slashed toward Ayuka, but when it looked like Ayuka was about to get cut and ripped apart, her blade just went phasing through her body, from there, Ayuka appeared behind her back and slashed. Ayuka's blade was emitting white wave which was waving behind it, Ayuka spun in 360 degree instantaneously and then unleashed a powerful blow. Under the woman's hood, the right eye glowed red and a purple aura blasted in the air, Ayuka covered her front while in mid air and felt the purple aura, swimming around her body, her mouth were shaking but from there, she disappeared from the air and with her erupting aura, stopped the woman's attack, the trees went blasting higher into the air and collapsed on each other, the woman became surprised when she immediately raised her sword, but when doing so, Ayuka appeared in front of the woman, even then, her body seemed to have been glowing white, once appearing, she again disappeared in a chain of white exploding lights and the woman's body began to get pummeled and struck back, her clothes were ripped apart and her back went slamming into the tree, when it bounced her forward, the woman dropped her sword when Ayuka appeared in front of her once again. "I said, explain!" With that, Ayuka swiped her sword toward the woman's neck, but before landing a blow, the blade stopped next to the woman's head, once the blade was stopped, the wind erupted around them and even created a cut in the left woman's cheek, Ayuka was shocked and her eyes returned to blue, once the rocks and leaves dropped down. Both of them looked at each other.

"Captain Hashujin Sakami?!"

To be continued...