172. Hopes of preventing the capture!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ??? - Friday, 6:50 p.m.]

While Ayuka nad the rest have been caught up between the grips of a group, Tim finally reached his time limit to 180 minute mark, but what was more surprising, he was able to reach another 30 minutes further. Tim was a bit sweaty but he leaned off his sword. "Huh, you've reached the mark about 5 hours later from once you reached 2 hours." Smiled Mayumi when facing at Tim. "There... I can control my Aura for 210 minutes, what do you intend me to do now?"

Questioned Tim with a confident yet serious face. "Oh, that is simple... you've completed our training sessions." Smiled Mayumi, from there, Tim became surprised. "What? But I still cannot even control my-" But he was soon interrupted.

"Oh, do not worry, we know, let me explain. This was your first training out of three main training sessions, these are, Aura Release Time, Spirit Control and finally the main part to learning the technique, facing your own Fiend, however, with how you are now, you still are not ready to reach the final mark, the minimum timer that a Spiritual Duelist has to control his aura is for 3 hours, once you reach that mark, the next step is, Spirit Control... this will lend you a big help when using Akusei, as its importance are valuable, much I cannot explain, since that is not our goal, however, we'll be switching places, from Tokyo City to Yagayo Town, it's more of an older city, however it is quite far from Tokyo, but do be aware, with your Speed, you'll be able to reach it, once you get there, you'll meet a person who'll continue your training and also finish it, she goes by the name Kylin Sandarasu, she'll give you further details." Exclaimed Mayumi.

Tim was quite confused but amazed. "So, you expect me to find this 'Kylin' girl at Yagayo Town? How can you be sure that I'll manage to find it?" But from a smile, Mayumi pointed at his Zero Watch. "Simple, use your watch, it has the knowledge you need to get there, the path will take you for about 3 days, to reach there, for the first day you'll get there, ask around, they'll point you in the right direction to where you'll meet her."

Smiled Saburo while he added words. "All right... fine, but these 3 days better be worthy of my time!" Of course, Mayumi and Saburo explained to him, that everything will be all right. "Before you go, do remember this, when you meet Kylin, she'll probably ask you to show her how your aura works and if you can use aura for a minimum of 3 hours...." Tim stood up straight and made his blade disappear. "All right, hopefully, this won't make me waste these three days to arrive, I still hope that Ayuka and the rest have not been caught in any danger...." "Not to worry, I believe they'll be fine, for the time you're gone and be knowledgeable about your journey...."

- A few minutes earlier -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 6:30 p.m.]

Sakami, Codey, Octavius and Toshiro were still in action, as Sakami and Codey, both, gave their all to keep these two duelists away from reaching Ayuka, but all though have they known, that this will not be an easy task at all. To keep them away, Sakami and Codey had both needed to fight, Codey confronting Toshiro and Sakami, confronting Octavius.

Octavius kept on jumping across branches of trees, with his focus entirely on Sakami who has been easily keeping up. "By the looks of it, you seem to be their strongest unit?" Questioned Octavius, yet he understood.

"You told that just by looking at me, that's believable, however, don't count me to be the strongest among them, at least for the future, because, there's someone else, who will be far more superior to me..." Explained Sakami and her mind told, that she had her focus on Ayuka's hidden strength. "Haha, all right, but for now, we can both agree!" By saying that Octavius grabbed his greatsword when unleashing his red aura. Sakami was yet but serious once she released her purple aura.

"So, you're another Pyro Type user! That is rare nowadays, the only person I've seen to have this Type was somebody who I've met a year ago, that being said, Typefilled or Typeless, the ability does not count at such fights." Exclaimed Sakami.

("But, it does confuse me, his blade is not in a shape of a katana, it's somewhat confusing me, I am aware there are multiple of Ginken types that have their physical shape, yet but changed... Katana Shape, Bow Shape, Dagger Shape, and Basic Sword Shape, but his is none of them, in fact, it is a Greatsword, wielded by both hands, can he really move so efficiently with that heavy sword across these branches....?") But while thinking, Sakami noticed how Octavius jumped across the gap between trees and unleashed burning fire from the tip of his greatsword. Sakami twisted her feet and slipped to the ground when Octavius cut the tree's branch and burned it into a pile of ashes.

Sakami quickly faced back at her enemy when seeing him dropping toward her, with his sword over his head. ("My swords are not durable enough to withstand such heaviness. I've gotta avoid overhead strikes.") From thoughts, Sakami jumped back when the greatsword went smashing toward the floor, but Sakami noticed that Octavius twisted his blade before striking the ground and sliced over, barely missing the floor when a wave of hot fire burst toward her.

Sakami quickly bounced in a crossway and then dashed to the side, seeing the flames spread over the grassy and forest trees, she came in close to prepare a strike, but Octavius faced her. "Fast... are we?" Sakami swung with her right-handed sword but Octavius just ducked under her blade then prepared his shoulder, she felt how his body rammed into her hip and began pulling her across the floor, she was soon rammed by sword's plate and knocked backward, surrounded by the released fire, her body went flying at the tree trunk while she quickly noticed and immediately spun in mid-air, fixing herself and cutting through the trunk, making the tree fall, before landing, she whipped her body over the air and landed in a crouching stance, with her blades, raised behind her back.

She soon noticed Octavius running at her, with a followed-up fire trail. Octavius not only raised his sword but used its heaviness to his advantage to begin spinning on the floor, swinging his blade around him like a fire cyclone, that protected him. Sakami knew that she would not be able to strike him at that state, so she immediately tried to back away, but, Octavius's body was wrapped into flames when Sakami sensed another pressure behind her. Octavius raised his voice and slammed with his heavy sword. Sakami quickly raised her right sword after turning to the side and used her left arm as a support to her sword, yet she felt the heavy blade strike into her weaker one and by that, she was sent flying, forward toward another tree, however, this time, she slid on the floor and felt how her cape began burning, by surprise, she was forced to unwrap it and let it fly.

"That's the second time a cape of mine has burned...." Annoyingly spoke Sakami but quickly jumped backward, after showing her black jacket, shirt and pants. Octavius simply just rammed his sword into the ground and unleashed a flame trail which began rising in temperature and turning into the blue. Sakami was surprised, but pressed her feet at the tree trunk, leaning her left arm over a branch, to stand on the trunk. From seeing the higher temperatures fire moving toward her efficiently, she quickly made a leap over the flames and landed on the other tree branch, seeing the other tree, getting caught in flames.

Octavius stood up straight with a smile on his face and had his heavy sword leaned on the grass. "Ah, so that's how you look fully, from bottom to upper face, quite different than the target we're after, that just confirms me that you are not, her." Sakami was a bit serious and had her glance faced at Octavius. "And what do you know, a badge of being a Captain, now that's something that never came up to my mind..." But when Octavius spoke, Sakami put her left sword into the waist sword holder.

"Oh, this? Oh, it was just for a time being, you don't need to see me as captain anymore, as that was never my real goal..." Spoke Sakami, ripped the badge off, and threw it into the burning tree. "Oh, is that so, so what makes you so resistant to those Clans, is there something else, completely, that you're after, or is it just that you don't like wearing that thing?" Asked Octavius, who was facing her. "It doesn't matter.... stop talking, the fight between us has not yet been finished." Sakami dragged her left sword from her holder, when raising her right sword in front of her chest, pointed the blade at the tree on her right and the left sword, held near her waist, pointed blade behind her. "Ko-Dachi!" From the call, her blades began changing and lengthening, they became a bit thinner but extremely sharp.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 6:47 p.m.]

Sakami and Octavius kept on fighting, but so have Toshiro and Codey. Codey, zipping over the air and releasing wind, disappeared, while Toshiro stood between a bunch of fast, sharp, and rippling wind. Codey suddenly appeared between the wind's blowing and swinging his right arm in front of his chest, throwing the spinning boomerang. From the quick notice, Toshiro jumped to the side, holding a normal katana, when jumping between trees which made Codey get confused quite early. But in a short instant, Toshiro appeared in front of Codey, while they've both stood in the air. "So, Aero Type! Good to know, however, not effective against Ioni Type!" Codey became surprised once noticing pink plasma, moving from Toshiro's blade.

Codey knew to move immediately, so he unleashed a strong wind and blew himself backward like a rocket while zooming between the trees. The plasma was stopped however, Toshiro continued the attack, by releasing another set of plasma and then sweeping it forward, unleashing a plasmatic wave through the air, which went flying toward Codey who has been a good amount of meters back. "This won't be easy at all...." Codey turned his body when unleashed another wind, that blasted him to the side. As he was 'flying' through and between the trees, the plasma just did not stop following him, no matter how fast he was. Codey noticed the plasma closing in.

So he immediately turned his body for the plasma to shock past him, from there, he felt the second plasma trail aiming towards his feet, however, he was skilled enough to maneuver his own body over the air with trees as support, so by twisting his feet, he smoothly spun between a gap of trees when the pink plasma struck the trunk, Codey quickly began dropping down, when spinning his body and surrounding it with wind, the plasma went struck his body, however, he used the wind as a barrier once the plasma merged with the wind around him. Once that happened, he used that to his advantage and threw the boomerang surrounded by plasmatic wind between trees, accurately aiming at Toshiro. From the shock, Toshiro crossed his arms in front of him, while holding his katana but felt the pressure, striking him and blowing him backward.

"Guess this guy really knows how to fight and use types to his advantage by fusing it to his own!" Thought Toshiro, after landing in a gap.

To be continued...