173. The Half-Demon's true control!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 7:00 p.m.]

The fight between Sakami against Octavius and Codey against Toshiro was still ongoing, however, the big struggles began to appear for Codey.

Codey who was just able to avoid tracking plasma from the air, began losing his focus, trying to think of a strategy, as much as he was skilled in brain knowledge, he easily lost focus between the fight, either the fight would prevent him from making a strategy or in this case, the opposite. Codey who tried to think of a strategy was unable to move properly as he was too focused on making a strategy, Toshiro appeared in front of him from the jump and landing when making a wide step forward and cutting forward. Codey advanced back by avoiding but he was back at the similar event that he had witnessed against his fight toward Alexis, that happened a year ago. Codey while avoiding began to slow down with his movements, when a sharp part of Toshiro's blade cut into his cape, he immediately jumped back and landed incorrectly, which made him lose his balance. Toshiro had a free opportunity to strike but soon noticed. "Wait... you're a Half-Demon...." Angry spoke Toshiro. Codey dropped onto his bottom but quickly stood up.

"What's the problem with that?" Angry asked Codey, unbothered by his clumsiness at current events. "You know what my job is...? No? Well, it would just be obvious for you to not know, but I'm a Demon Killer, my lust to killing them is an incredible high, and Half-Demons, rares like you, they are high prize earnings, you know, as much as I would love to sell you to an isolated place, I think, killing you will be more interesting, and, I do not care what Octavius thinks about me, I will rip your body apart so that you will never see the sun again!"

As Toshiro spoke so, his plasma reappeared around his body and blade, by making a swift step, he instantly appeared in front of Codey and cut forward. By surprise given, Codey needed to back away from his reaction, however, his clothes were still shocked by the plasma, which made it cut. From there, Toshiro made a disappearance once Codey saw pink flash before him, he felt body getting shocked by plasma, however, as much as he was injured, he stood still.

Codey then became serious. ("This guy is going to be hard to deal with, strategy right now is not worth it, it's time I begin to think like Tim.") From thinking so, Codey completely gave up on making a strategy and went for pure offense. Codey turned around, when making his sleeves blow high and fast, he dashed forward once cutting with his boomerang from close range. Toshiro ducked to that strike and disappeared from the spot, appearing right behind Codey, however, even before Toshiro would strike, Codey already had his palm aimed at his chest. Codey used his attack 'Wind Pulse' and then immediately shot Toshiro's body backward, with wind, but it was as fast as a bullet once Codey made a step and swept with his left arm in front of him, the boomerang, floated in sync of his hand movements when Codey prepared to fight for real.

Toshiro twisted his katana and aimed its blade backward when he forced his body to move at incredible speed, Codey was able to sense him, once Toshiro appeared in front of his face and cut forward, Codey luckily dodged by leaning forward and aimed his right palm from under his chest to the left, turning it upwards and unleashing the next Wind Pulse, which sent Toshiro flying in the air. Codey faced up and immediately sensed his Shadow approaching his mind, but he did his all to keep it hidden. Toshiro was thrown through the air and making his clothes ripple. From doing so, he spun in force, to stop himself and then raised his katana, covering it by plasma completely, by grabbing his katana just like a spear, he threw it toward Codey in a flash, but as much as Codey sensed it, he was too slow to avoid it at that spot, so he managed to get hit by the edge of the plasma, pushing him across the floor and rolling him over his shoulder.

As he stopped his boomerangs flew next to his shoulders and began creating rustling wind. Codey swiped with his arm forward and immediately released his boomerang by manipulating its wind current that was attached to his arms and the boomerang, but the current was invisible to a human eye and only he understood how it worked. Toshiro pointed his palm at the boomerang when the sword unstuck itself from the ground and flew back from the floor into Toshiro's palm. Catching it and using his sword to block the powerful boomerang. Codey pulled or as he says, recalled his boomerang back close when he aimed his palm into the ground, preparing to strike whenever Toshiro made a move.

Toshiro stood by using Air Step and faced down at Codey whose clothes were rippling in extreme wind surrounding him. ("Half-Demons are supposed to be able and control their power, but I.... I believe this is not going to be working for me, but... if I understood correctly by the training I was put in that year... I have to use it, no matter what happens.... as long as I don't lose my cool.") Codey believed. ("The Demon Blood is just different than Human Body, but it does not work differently as the humanoid one, it's all through my body and it's a part of me.... focus this time, you'll manage.... you've been caught in these situations before and failed, however, this time, this will not happen!")

Codey closed his eyes slowly, when Toshiro began to be confused. Codey's eye sight began seeing another shadow of his body inside of his mind, standing inside of the dark place, that shadow turned toward him once red eyes glowed in it. ("The Shadow is not your enemy, but it's your ally, helping you to become stronger.... it is the thing that keeps me alive, it is the thing that regenerates my body, it is the one that may go berserk, it is the one that allowed me to reach new limits, it is the one who provoked me, it is the one who was the main part to me.... the only thing I should provide it with.... it is fairness.... we're one, no matter how we look....") Codey spoke, both, his arm and Shadow's arm reached forward as the palms came in contact, the silver wind and the black wind raised from them.

But in the forest, Codey's body was still standing in the same position, the silver wind that surrounded him before now received a black color, two winds now began spinning around his body. ("My only goal was to one day learn this, it wanted me to teach me, that strategy is never always the correct solution, this shadow taught me everything, it is his body too....") Codey's wind intensified once it blasted into the air, Codey's eyes slowly opened when his right eye changed to blood red, his left eye soon received the identical color too, this time, his clothes were fully dressed and his eye, changed to silver-grey, presenting the wind. Codey's both eyes then glowed red fully, his clothes were different but were combined into one. His wind not just became stronger and more intense, it became sharp no matter for it having a spiritual body.

"So, what now? Is he using his Demonic Body to his advantage, or what is he planning, usually their transformation takes about a second, not an entire minute...." Sighed Toshiro. "Does not matter, my will to kill him, is still the same." From saying so, Toshiro blasted toward Codey at full speed and prepared to stab directly into his heart. However, Codey made a smile, which was unusual for Half-Demon's transformation.

"Now I understand, this is what you've always wanted to explain. I'll admit, without you, I was completely useless, but you are not my enemy, you're just an ally, doing its best to keep me alive and since my body is also yours, you wish not to die, because if I die, you die with me." When the katana was about to stab into Codey's heart, he vanished in instant and Toshiro's eyes shook in fear. However, he noticed a cut through his clothes, which also cut into his skin a little. Codey however appeared behind him, standing casually, with his right arm positioned in front of his chest and his left arm under his right one, aimed at different directions, but boomerangs flew and sound beneath his palms and the black and silver wind continued raising up. Toshiro turned to face him.

"Half-Demons are far more superior to normal Demons, do not underestimate them, especially when it comes to my skills, I may look incredibly frail and wimpy, but do be sure, that is not important in fight, to when it comes in strength...." Toshiro's eyes widened when he was in heat of anger and complete annoyance.

[Planet Earth - Will Forest - Friday, 7:10 p.m.]

Tim was standing in the middle of the forest while looking at his right arm, raised in front of him. His aura was still blue. "What she explained... does it really change my aura to black.... but why would that happen and how was I born with this 'Fiend' inside of me, how is that even possible.... unless.... was my mother someone else, who I would never understand, what she was, was she really human.... usually parents of such children inherit their hair, eyes, personality, but I would expect that my mother had a Fiend inside of her.... damn, this is so confusing... but the focus is not that right now... I should continue my way toward Yagayo Town to find that Kylin Sandarasu person....."

But while Tim believed he was alone, somebody seemed to have been constantly around him, without him noticing, yet. Once Tim made a step, a transparent black Fiend appeared behind his back and his eyes became serious, his eyes even glowed as his path continued, hopefully, to reach so-called Yagayo Town and the person, just who exactly is Kylin, is she another Akusei, or does she only have the ability of such. "I should make this my priority and hope that everything works fine for Ayuka and the others...." Tim spoke.

"Hihihi, this boy looks quite interesting!" A girl called while watching Tim from the forest shadows.

- A girl looks down upon Tim, standing, studying him, a spear glancing on her back, by facing him her smile occurred, just who exactly is this girl?

To be continued...