174. Overwhelming strength of Half-Demon!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 7:20 p.m.]

Before, Codey came in cross to fight Toshiro, even if the fight between them was almost fair, Codey reacted onto the call of his Shadow's real trust. Now, standing in front of Toshiro with a new look of transformation, Codey's boomerangs prepare to be used at their full power.

"Once you seem like a normal weak Human with Demon Blood, once you seem like a nerd and the third time, you seem to be hiding your strength, seriously, you're all messed up in order," Toshiro spoke, however Codey could not care less.

"Think, whatever you want, still..." When Codey spoke he crossed both of arms in front of him, once the boomerangs clashed at each other and created a wind. "I still don't like how you've been put only to chase down Ayuka, so if I must, death will come upon your own wimpy body." By saying so, Codey's Bizzare wind unleashed greater limits when he spoke after making a red glow in his eyes.

"Hen-Shin!" From the surprise, Codey's boomerangs spun quicker and were surrounded by his yellow aura that blasted in the air, boomerangs following it and shaping themselves into one, singular bigger boomerang shuriken alike, it spun with forcing wind and then Codey reached with his arms to the side, making his clothes ripple in the hard and strong wind, by putting the palm on the boomerang's middle handle he spun and prepared a serious face.

("Henshin? Those are rare to be seen on Planet Earth, this is for sure going to be problematic if I don't stop him at this instant, I've given up on hunting down that white hair girl, I'll just hunt him down instead...") Toshiro grabbed his katana with both hands and turned its blade to the right, in front of his jaw. The pink plasma raised from his body and connected itself to the blade.

"Your wind might have increased in power, however, it still doesn't stop the effectiveness of my Type to yours..." Spoke Toshiro when making a quick step forward, the bolt of plasma struck from behind and in an instant Toshiro appeared in front of Codey.

But Codey disappeared from the spot after spinning his bigger boomerang and reappeared behind him, but Toshiro quickly twisted his foot and turned around when the plasma followed behind his blade's tip, by slicing toward Codey, however, once again Codey disappeared and in a second strike propelled his foot forward into Toshiro's jaw, once stunning him.

Codey disappeared in the wind, once appearing above Toshiro, faced downward when moving his right arm behind the back and then swiping it down, throwing the entire boomerang that went blasting at high speed even pushing Codey higher in the air, once Toshiro faced up, he quickly spun with his katana and tried to block, but before he could, the boomerang went slamming into his blade and in an instant, the blade seperated itself, shattered and spread across the floor, as for the boomerang. It continued to slam Toshiro into the ground when the wind-blasted upward, around Codey making a wind barrier that disappeared in windy explosives. From there Codey landed on the floor and recalled his boomerang.

"I believe that's not an attack to knock you in an instant, or are you actually that weak?" Questioned Codey with addiction to fight in current state. Toshiro, even though he was covered by scratches stood up and looked at his handle. "I usually believe that once a Ginken is destroyed, the person dies, isn't that correct, so why have you not been killed, is it by any chance that this is not your Ginken, if it's not, why don't you show the real one..." Questioned Codey. Toshiro threw the handle away and became serious. "Guess you caught me... I wouldn't be a Demon Killer for nothing, or hunter...." Spoke Toshiro. "My real weapon is not a sword at all." Once saying so, Toshiro moved his right arm to the side and begin to create an energetic bow, that began to glow.

"A bow? Those haven't been seen by me for a while..." When Codey spoke so, he prepared his boomerang, that roared in the wind. "That's because these are the most rare types of Ginken, and I am one who wields these shapes!" Spoke Toshiro when disappearing and in an instant surprising Codey once appearing above him.

A pink circle appeared underneath Codey and a target was locked, from there Toshiro shot and released a rain of arrows, covered by plasma which Codey then needed to defend, he spun his boomerang above his head and unleashed a tornado that blew Toshiro higher in the air and even absorbed the plasma. One doing so Codey swiped his boomerang in a 360 degree angle from his body and then unleashed it at speed, surrounded by bizarre winds that were aimed to attack Toshiro. Codey ducked and then gathered both sides of winds into his feet and repelled himself high in the air when Toshiro disappeared from the air and landed on it, with Air Step, Codey however, quickly showed himself behind Toshiro's back and prepared an impulsive wind. Toshiro ducked and slipped behind but the wind that Codey gathered in his feet was unleashed in a blast that struck Toshiro and began pushing him across the air.

From doing so, Codey moved his arm, swiping it obliquely from top to bottom when the boomerang began to be manipulated from him, the boomerang went smashing at Toshiro however, he avoided it by spinning above the boomerang and then using it as a platform to dash to the side, Codey followed his enemy's movement and began to use his arm to attack him from afar, by using the boomerang.

Toshiro was able to avoid a barrage of attacks when landing on the air step and disappeared in plasma, once doing so, he quickly began rushing around Codey and unleashed plasmatic arrows that began striking Codey into every part of the body, once doing so, Toshiro leaped in the air with a flip and gathered a higher amount of plasma into a single arrow, shaping it into larger and then release it when the plasma burst behind Toshiro's back. Codey sensed the attack however the arrow still struck him and exploded, surrounding Codey with plasma, that stopped him from moving from that spot, Codey was uncovered by the mist when he faced forward. Toshiro stood on the ground, preparing his bow and aiming it at Codey.

When the arrows spun and gathered the plasma, they were shot toward Codey, however, Codey's eyes appeared to give a simple glow, he made a step in the air and then vanished, the arrows began to shake once flying and were thrown over the air and scattered. "Where did he go?" Toshiro asked, however, his answer was quickly seen, by getting surprised, Codey appeared in front of him, with an opened palm, his eyes were still glowing which terrified Toshiro.

By making a stomp in the air, Codey unleashed the wind that circled from around his body into his palm, he reached forward with his right palm and came in contact with Toshiro's face. The wind was unleashed into his face and in a powerful blow, his body got sent back at high speed over the air when Codey made the next step and aimed his left arm forward, he unleashed a bunch of gathered wind blasts that began to pummel on Toshiro's body and then Codey reached with both arms forward, the silver wind was now infused with black and Codey unleashed it by using both palms, a gigantic blast of gathered wind went flying toward Toshiro who just flipped and landed on the air, sliding across it. Toshiro prepared plasma around his body to hopefully avoid the attack and use it to his advantage, but it was useless.

Toshiro was struck with full force and wrapped up in the air by the wind when Codey raised his arm and caught his boomerang. "Then again, you're kind of slow..." When saying that, Codey spun his boomerang and gathered an even higher amount of wind to throw it at full force and extremely accurately, when making a stomp in the air, the boomerang went flying in a spin-like motion and from there, Toshiro felt annoyance, when his body unleashed plasma. "I tell you this now! Every Demon should be KILLED!"

Codey became terrified for a second so he quickly stopped the boomerang when the plasma outraging flew in the air, Toshiro's clothes rippled in insanity when he spoke. "Killing you is my priority and I will clean this world of people like you! I will hunt you down until your blood wraps itself in shadow! You will be killed by me and nobody else!" With a loud utterance of words, the pink plasma changed into a massive beam that began waving in the air, creating a shape. "The death will reach your life!"

When Toshiro spoke so, he summoned a gigantic bow created of plasma and from there blasted in the air with full force, from doing so he disappeared and appeared in front of Codey with a tensed fist, from shock, Codey's reaction was frozen, when he noticed the plasma gathering in Toshiro's left fist. Once doing so Toshiro was surrounded by the incredible structure of plasmatic trails, and smashing his fist into Codey's stomach, because of the intensified Kinetic Type, his plasma evaporated Codey's cape and from the burning of cloth, Codey went blasting backward, forcing to cough out the saliva and his back went smashing into the trunk of a tree, the boomerang followed him and struck his body, cracking the trees when Codey was cut by the scattered wood pieces.

Toshiro ranged out with his bow and aimed it, the gigantic energetic bow followed his movement of arms when unleashing a gigantic plasmatic arrow, filled with charged up plasma and preparing to stab through Codey. "I will isolate every demon and extinct them!" The arrow was fully charged from gathered plasma as the arrow went bursting into Codey, from terrification couldn't make a move, as the plasmatic arrow stabbed directly through his chest, his body was hollowed through the middle when the blood sprinkled forward, the arrow continued pushing Codey into further distances and then chased him into a tree, hanging him onto the trunk, making him look like a devoured human, bleeding and zapped by plasma.

"You will be devoured by this plasma and you will always remember the person who extincted you!" Toshiro... raged.... "And be knowledgeable, that I will kill you many more times, if you somehow come back, I don't care, I'll mess you up, like a-"

But when saying. Toshiro's stomach felt something in him. "W.....what....- what- just- what- was.... that?" By stress, Toshiro looked at his stomach, seeing an arm, stabbed into his guts inside of the stomach, bleeding. Codey was in front of him, regenerated when his teeth became sharp, just like Demons.

"Think again..."

To be continued...