175. The gather of the 'Demon Bomb'.

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 7:40 p.m.]

Codey, a warrior who occasionally separated his shadow from his body. His body is made up of 'Demon Blood' and is one of the Half-Demons.

Five procedures are required for a person to have 'Demon Blood'.

1. One of the parents must contain 'Demon Blood'.

2. The other parent must contain normal 'Human Blood'.

3. A warrior born of parents must have a sufficiently compatible body.

4. He must be born with Ginken which is almost impossible for people living on Planet Earth.

and 5. A boy or girl needs to contain a sufficiently capable Aura.

Once all these procedures are obtained, the person will acquire the title 'Half-Demon'.

That person will have the power to share his body with his Shadow, known as the 'Other Person' of that body, with a high chance that the warrior will lose his or her body control multiple times, the expected number, 2 to 3 times!

Because Codey has exceeded all these needs, he finally gained an understanding of his proper body.

Codey, piercing his stomach, of Toshiro, pushed Toshiro into the distance with a gust of wind.

His eyes, covered with anger and seriousness, were bleeding in a red glow. Correcting his body, Codey reached with his right hand to the side, summoning his Ginken.

Toshiro, however, chasing his gravity, turned in the cold wind, the body he controlled quickly reaching with his feet to the side, slipping, and using the air to rise the blow.

("What ~ how is it possible for him to heal his wound in less than five seconds? None of the warriors I met successfully healed their bodies!") With an angry and incessant tremor, Toshiro asked. "Toshiro, is it? Well, to what I've noticed ~ your body doesn't look understandable enough. The kind of movement I made would be quickly known in your mind ..." With an explanation and a serious look, Codey spun his boomerang with quick movements. "Tsch .... you quickly became an 'alpha male'. Understand that you haven't won yet, namely .... I'm still standing in front of you and I'm not dead ...." But, Codey wasn't interested.

"Well ~ in my view, I understand you're still alive, but ~ how long do you think you will be?" When asked by Codey, Toshiro was frightened. "Huh? Really? Just because you successfully stabbed my body, do you already think you're going to beat me?" - "Well ... Toshiro. As you can see, you're wounded ... and me? Well, I'm not. I think I have the victory already in my hands." As Codey tried to anger his opponent, he started moving to the side by walking, through the air, of course. ("That damn bastard! One successful body hit and he already thinks he's going to win ?! Hah, I think I'll enjoy proving to him that we, normal people, are more capable than you, slain Half-Demons.")

With that, Toshiro moved his bow in front of him and aimed his target. As he looked closer at Codey's body, the bow shook. ("Exactly 13 meters away ... height, 183 centimeters, which means I have to aim an arrow over his head, as my arrows are extremely fast towards him.") an arrow wrapped in plasma, was shot. Codey took the last step with a close look, and as soon as the arrow was supposed to stab him, he disappeared in a wind cyclone, thus also bouncing the arrow to the side.

At that, Toshiro quickly turned his body towards the tree and jumped towards the ground, but, hoping to land successfully on the ground, his eyes noticed a rapid body in front of him, appearing in the unexpected. ("How did he know where I was going to move!?!") As he pondered, Codey stretched his strength in his palm and let out a gust of wind that was rising. With a strong and sharp approach, Codey leaned forward and dropped his boomerang, throwing. This boomerang, however, spun quickly through the air since its release, and was aimed precisely at Toshiro's neck.

In doing so, Toshiro moved his bow in front of him and hoped to defend the fast boomerang that was approaching him every hundredth. Toshiro was hit in the arms and then bounced higher into the air, with his clothes almost torn to pieces. Because the force was rich in power it forced his body to be turned back, upside down. But, although he defended himself, he noticed a body in front of him when he fell, which was just placed in a kicking motion. His stomach was hit with the force of a kick and forced him to erupt in saliva, then a blow sent him to the ground and with one hit, his body was caught in the ground, stuck and the ground split in half into a huge hole, sand and earth and dirt, all they were blown into the air and covered his body.

Codey raised his hand in quick reaction. He caught his larger boomerang and stopped it, releasing a pulse of wind. Codey, on the other hand, gave a serious face in the direction of Toshiro when he was finally discovered from a dusty wall. The body was in unnatural motion, and his body was covered in blood. ("That-hurt ....") Toshiro thought as his body shook. "And? Are you done?" Codey asked.

"If you are, tell me. I can finish this fight at this point, plus, you told me you 'Normal' people are stronger than us ~ and so on ..." Codey folded his arms and longed.

With his weighty body, Toshiro slowly stood up as his, wrapped arms waved. ".... stop that, smart-talking .... it's best recommended that you shut up." With angry speech, Toshiro reached for his neck with his palm. He found that he was breathing harder and that his throat was almost completely destroyed. ("Another similar attack and it will destroy my esophagus. Damn bastard, I have no idea what to do if this happens, in power he is of course more trusting ~ who am I kidding, in everything he is more trusting than I am in this state ... ")

As he pondered, at an unexpected moment, Codey appeared with his right leg raised, ready for a slanting kick. "You can think a second time ~ of course if it's a 'second time' for you." When Codey said this, he finally kicked violently at Toshiro, turning him to the side in front of him. Blood was spat out through Toshiro's mouth when he felt even more pain. Codey then followed with a kneeling leg, kicked with all his might, and delivered a blow to his opponent's back. He continued to do so with physical blows to tire Toshiro as quickly as possible.

In the end, when he gave him a kick in the stomach, Codey caught his face and forcibly knocked him to the ground, Toshiro's whole body was rubbed against the ground and the sand released the wind, which rose and blew Codey's hair. The neighborhood was shrouded in the wind as Codey appeared high in the air with his right hand raised and his boomerang resting on his back. At the side setting, Codey closed his eyes and let out a serious face.

"Well. Now that you're on the ground. I think you're going to be the first person I'm going to show it to. Have you heard the name 'Demon Bomb' before?" At the question and Toshiro's lying body, his eyes twitched. ("Demon ..... B ..... Bomb ????") Toshiro seemed to have heard that name before. ("No ... not again! No, please!") In the raised hand, a red light slowly began to appear above the palm of his hand. "Ah! I see you're quite scared. Well, I'll show you this attack, but ~ heaven fun, for you, of course. I'll enjoy it too much!" Codey tilted his lip into a smile as his red light began to grow into a larger shape and get bigger and bigger until it reached the shape of a bomb.

As energy gathered, due to sincere force, a storm began to appear. The leaves of the trees, the sand of the ground, the wind, the rain, the clouds, and the rest, began to shake at lethal speed, a huge tornado, black wind, appeared around Codey's body, reaching all the way to the top of the clouds.

Sakami, Ayuka, Kanji, Octavius, Natsuko, Naoki, and Tsukiya, all of them, froze at the force that was detected.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 7:49 p.m.]

Sakami watched the top of the trees as she spotted a huge cyclone in the distance that also reached in her direction, her hair shaking in an emergency, her clothes the same. "What the hell is going on in that direction?" With a stern but frightened face, Octavius asked. ("..... is this a force from Codey ....? No .... no... I think it is .... but, he has never shown such force, is he in trouble?") Sakami was more serious, thoughtful, and her surprised face was not shown, in fact, she was genuinely stoic.

Octavius, however, was frightened to death, quickly turned around and raised his hand. Sakami, however, immediately turned in his direction.

Everyone looked, Tsukiya, Naoki, Natsuko. Even Ayuka and Kanji.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Left Path) - Friday, 7:51 p.m.]

Ayuka stopped while running and the same was true for Natsuko. "Why does he want us to retreat ?!" She asked, Natsuko, surprised, but, her answer was obtained. "Is ... it's a red light? But it's so huge!" Natsuko called out in fright. Her face was covered with a swab and her body threw off both of her katanas. "He's right! I won't even stay up here, not by chance, I don't want to die at this!"

Ayuka was lost at them. ("What ... is going on? She used to be so brave, but now she's like a real loser.") But because Ayuka knew it was her chance to attack, she instantly appeared in front of Natsuko, who almost fell on the ground for running away. The hood of Ayuka's cape was uncovered, and her eyes appeared, holding her sword as she wrapped it to the side, next to her shoulder.

Natsuko, however, compared her to the girl they were chasing. "..... you are ..... you are, the one- the one we were looking for, that's you, Ayuka Kirashito ...." But, Ayuka gave her a serious face as she cut forward. She landed on the ground next to Natsuko as she 'cut' through Natsuko's body with both hands in which she held the sword.

Natsuko's eyes widened. "..... sorry, this is the end ...." Even before Ayuka prepared herself to halve Natsuko's body, a pendant with a picture of two parents appeared. Ayuka's eyes twitched. "... no- pl .....- please, no .... I don't want to die ..." Ayuka remembered.

{"Ayuka ... promise this. That you will never kill a human unless necessary ..."}

It was her memory that Tim had told her. Ayuka stopped her sword even before she cut through Natsuko. Her eyes were in frightening, but she was preventing to cut.

{"Huh? Well, you know that wasn't my intention! I promise!"}

Natsuko looked over at Ayuka's face. "..." Ayuka pulled her sword away. ".... hurry up ....." she uttered. Natusko, however, was surprised. ".... but, one word that you saw me, and I will find you, and kill you ...." Natsuko gulped and nodded, and with that, she immediately ran past Ayuka, still in horrific feeling. Although Natsuko was frightened, she thought. (".... I- I don't understand .... since she's not mean .... why- does that scientist want to get this girl?") Natsuko thought and noticed Ayuka swinging her sword behind her back, placed the sword on her string, grabbed the hood with both hands, and covered her head. Without looking back, Ayuka ran forward.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 7:51 p.m.]

Codey's 'Demon Bomb' has now been completely completed. "Get ready, it's over for you, Toshiro." At the excuse, Codey swung his right hand down and dropped a huge red bomb flying towards Toshiro.

Octavius, Tsukiya and Naoki all escaped, which also surprised Sakami and Kanji.

As to what followed, for Toshiro ....

The Demon Bomb hit the ground as it exploded, igniting trees, grass, ruining the neighborhood when Codey's eyes lit up for the last time ....

To be continued...