176. Kylin Sandarasu!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Entrance - Monday, 1:00 p.m.]

By the time the duel between Codey and the others ended, three days had passed. Tim and his 'new' friend entered Yagayo Town. And for them, it was quite a huge place.

Looking around, Tim was a little lost. "Uhm .... this is Yagayo Town ... but ~ where do I even start now?" At this, Tim exhaled and was already bored. "Look how many people are here, just ask them, one of them will already know Kylin!" The girl smiled and Tim turned her tired face. "Woah! You urgently need sleep!" But in doing so, Tim spoke up.

"There's ... no time .... Amari. Mayumi has sharply determined what it will take ... even though I'm tired ~ I'll still have to hold the aura for 180 minutes ... that I can prove to this girl ... of course ~ before that we have to find her." Tim exhaled again and took a step. Amari, however, was still a little lost. "Well .... okay .... ~ but don't ask me to make you anything to eat!" But, as Amari said this, Tim raised his left hand and hinted that he was not interested. "..... anything .... let's just keep going ...." Tim yawned as well. "Boy! He really should take better care of his health ...."

They both continued to do so.

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Entrance - Monday, 1:10 p.m.]

"Argh ~ forget it. I urgently need something to eat!" Tim faced ahead to luckily witness heaven, which... was food stall in his view. But lucky him, finally noticed it and came to the food stall, next to there was a girl who just have had something to eat.

"Oh! Well hello young man! Would you ~ uh, like something to eat. You know ~ you, don't.... look 'the greatest', what the heck happened to you?" Questioned the chef, but Tim stood like a zombie.

"Urgh... please ~ may I have something to eat. I'm tired, these 3 days walk, no rest. It feels like I'm dying..." Spoke to Tim when wiggling, barely standing. "Well! Why don't you go rest somewhere, nobody likes to see a guy, tired to his life!" But, Tim answered.

".....I'd already get rest... but first... I gotta find someone ~ so she could help me?" From the interest, the girl next to the stall asked. "Sorry to bother you. I hope it wouldn't trouble you, but I'd like to politely ask, who is it, that you seek?" The girl politely asked and Tim gave her a look.

"Uh... right... maybe, do you two know her. Her name is 'known to me' as 'Kylin Sandarasu'. I was sent here by Mayumi and Saburo..." Then, the chef laughed. "Ohohoho! Now that's a coincidence!" Laughed the chef, making Tim confused. "...what's.... what's so funny....?" The chef then leaned onto the stall's counter. "The girl you seek! She's right before you. Ta-dah!" Chef pointed at the girl, who held a sandwich in her hands. Her eyes were somewhat bright pink and her brighter purple hair had two ponytails on each side, reaching down past the back to her waist height. "....excuse me, repeat it...." But the girl spoke.

"That is correct. I may not be sure as to why you are here, but, I am the one who you seek for." For a few seconds, Tim froze. "...." "Whoa! Wait! You're here?!?!" By the loud shout, people immediately turned at him when a bunch of them became squiggly into their eyes. "I am so sorry! I shouldn't be doing this! Please! I am very! Very! Very sorry! I was sent here by Mayumi, they told me that you could help me with training 'Akusei'! Please, excuse me! You have never seen me tired! I'm awake! Nor am I hungry!" Tim was kneeling on the floor, having his palms touched onto each other as he constantly began bowing before her.

From there. Above people's heads, question marks appeared. "....what's wrong with that guy....?" A woman wondered. "Please! Still! Even if I may be too harsh! I am sorry! I promise I'll do my best to release aura for 180 minutes! I'll even do anything you want! Just please! Don't throw me away like a fool! I beg of you, ma'am!" While Kylin constantly looked at him with a calm face a sweat drop slowly dripped down her forehead.

"Wow? Look at him! Almost a gentleman!" Laughed the chef. "Uhm... if you would please... ~ stop doing that... it's embarrassing." Kylin calmly said and from there Tim's eyes popped out. "Of course! Sorry! I'll stop! I am sorry for the misunderstanding!" By standing up, the second sweat drop dripped down her forehead. "Tim! What the HELL is wrong with you! Stop being so loud! Everybody's got eyes on you! Seriously! Aren't you supposed to usually be as serious as possible, not as weird and crazy, like you were just now?!" Amari questioned and pulled Tim by the neck. "...Wait! Stop! That's her! Amari! Amari! That's Kylin! Stoppppppp!" Tim loudly shouted while constantly being pulled into the crowd. "Yeah, yeah! That easy really is not!" "Amari! Amari! It's her! Seriously! It's her, stooooo-" But from there, a hit was heard in the crowd.

"Hey! Ouch, that hurt!!!!" A yell was heard. "I need her! She is the one! The one they sent me to find!!!!!!!!!!!! Amari!!!"

From there people could not bare what they had seen, when Kylin just looked with confusing look, then, facing at the chef. "Do you ~ always, get this kind of customers?" But when Kylin asked, the chef had a cat face with a smile. "No! Surely not." Which was a total lie.

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Centre - Monday, 1:30 p.m.]

"What do you think you're doing ?!" In a loud voice, Tim tried his best to get away from Amari. "What am I doing? Oh ~ you probably know! In front of, fifty people, you started yelling like some kind of donkey! That's literally not normal!" By the time Amari uttered this, Tim became unamused. "Put me back there! How many times do I have to tell you, that girl was Kylin !!" At this, Amari slid on the floor as she turned. "Wait, why didn't you say that ?!" When she asked this, she dropped Tim and he called.

"Waaaaaaaaah!" On the descent, his body crashed into a wall as people followed his flight. With repeated winks, people questioned. "Who are these two freaks?"

Amari quickly ran towards the wall as her eye twitched. "Uhm ~ are you..... okay?" But when she asked this, Tim immediately stood up and looked into her face. "Are you crazy! As deaf as you are, I've told you ten times that IT was her!" As Tim yelled at her, Amari scratched her ear, placed her left hand on her hip, and closed her eyes. "..... and ....?" Then Tim snapped. "And!?! I could start with what I was sent here now, not by dragging me across the ground like a rope!" Then Amari answered back. ".....I'm sorry....?" In doing so, Tim fell to the ground. "Let's just go back there before she runs away!"

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Centre - Monday, 1:35 p.m.]

"Cook! Please say she's still here-" But, in doing so, Tim lowered his hands to the ground as his eyes and mouth opened wide. "Oh! Look who's back, but ~ uh, I'm sorry heh, but ... she's not here ... anymore ..." With that, Tim slowly looked back at Amari as she smiled embarrassedly. "..... ehehehe ... he ..." "This. Is. Your. Fault!" Tim shouted angrily. "Hey! If I said-" But Tim immediately grabbed her by the shoulder, making a very scary face. "We were right next to her! I could start showing off my aura now! But, no! Of course, YOU, you have to BE stupid and get me away from her !!!!" Tim started shaking her back and forth, about a bit of sweat dripped on the back of her head.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry, she had a reason." With that, Tim immediately turned his face to the cook and scared him. ".... Tell me! Why. Wouldn't. I. Have. To. Worry about her ?!" Steam appeared from Tim's nose. "Eh. Well ... she left me a 'letter' and said it was for you." Tim, however, became unamused. "So ~ um, you can take it and read it." With that, Tim grabbed it and started reading.

- Sorry for not understanding, but I had to get out of this neighborhood and move towards the court. I see you came here for help, which I can help you with, but in the state you are in now, I can't. With a nice request, I ask you to come down and meet me in court in the morning, don't worry, I'll be in that area just wait. "

"Hah. At least someone just knows how to take care of other people, NOT like some." When Amari said this she smiled and turned to Tim, who was unamused. "Seriously, everyone just wants me to rest! I can't! I only have one month to get there! If I don't get there there's a good chance that Ayuka or someone is going to get hurt! They need help and I can't be lazy for a single day-" But when Tim spoke that, Amari rammed her hand into the top of his head and placed him on the floor. People looked lost again. "Don't worry! I'll take him away! For now, let him have a cute and little-infant sleep." At this, Amari grabbed Tim and lifted him onto her shoulder. "Nice to see you, the people of Yagayo Town!" With that, she walked away.

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Centre - Monday, 1:59 p.m.]

Amari entered the hotel. "Uhm, hello! May I ask for a room, just for one night?" Amari asked with a charming smile. But, the person behind the table looked toward her shoulder. "And .... um ... what happened to him?" Then Amari looked over her shoulder. "Ah! Don't worry, he's just tired, that's why we came here, please room for two, with a separate bed!" The young lady nodded. "Um ~ well, then if it's only for one day, you can get up for free, please use the room here up the stairs to the right, 101."

"Thank you so much for your quality help!" In doing so, Amari took Tim to the room and threw him into bed.

"And that's how it's done .... now, um ..... really, what now?" Amari asked.

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Monday, 3:00 p.m.]

Sakami, Ayuka, Kanji, and Codey kept themselves in Hanakaze Town for a while.

"It's surprising ... that attack really tired him out .... but why that attack was used at all, in power it seemed like it didn't matter .... not only that, he killed Toshiro which wasn't at all his purpose ... "Kanji thought. Codey, on the other hand, was lying on the bed. "And what happened to Ayuka? Why is she so .... abandoned in her mind?" Kanji asked. "Looks like they both had a special event," Sakami said calmly.

"Well ... anyways, until Codey doesn't wake up... we're going to have to stay here ..." With that, Sakami got up from her chair and stepped aside. "Uh .... yes, all right ..."

To be continued...