177. The 'Semi-Spiritual' Training!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Tuesday, 1:23 p.m.]

Natsuko, Naoki, Tsukiya and Octavius ​​were called to the main headquarters area.

"Your property was to bring in Ayuka Kirashito, but what you brought was nothing but the executions of Toshiro ..." The four were surprised. "You only have three more weeks, you know, don't you? Urgent intervention is needed, you have less time and there is a greater chance that this island will be destroyed, so please if you don't lose your mind from now on, and that's an order!" The four hunters, however, were serious. "We lose one of our co-workers and you don't care at all? Where do you have this damn personality! That attack we felt wasn't our fault at all, but our escape was forced and automatic! We didn't have to do anything, his pressure blocked us to progress! " Tsukiya yelled. "So? Now you're explaining to me that there's a technique where that person forces someone to flee? Please don't be stupid!"

But when the man said this, Octavius ​​confirmed. "Sorry, boss! But to what Tsukiya said, is pure truth, our mission was of course obligatory and we should have advanced it, but it was not in our power." Octavius ​​nodded at the explanation. "Okay ... maybe true, but, a technique like that would be honestly hard to contain." "We believe so, but for this boy, it seemed that this force was coming purely from his aura, which is impossible for a normal warrior, let alone a Half-Demon." In doing so, the man moved his hand toward his chin. "I recommend a different approach to these warriors, Mr. Kojima Nao. One of them was the girl who earned the title of captain, she didn't say her name but she's also a problem we need to get rid of." Octavius ​​explained.

"Captain? What is someone like her doing in our world? Hmmm, what about a girl, have you at least met or seen her?" Then Octavius ​​answered. "Not on our side with Toshiro, but for the other side, no one seems to have seen the girl who was our target." In doing so, Kojima exhaled. "Okay, is it possible that those four Spiritual Duelists figured out that a hitman would be sent to them?" "Impossible sir, one of them must have been the real target, they wouldn't just abandon their hunted ally. Of course ~ the one we were looking for."

As Octaviius spoke, however, Natsuko thought and remembered her clash with Ayuka.

{".... hurry ...."}

"Natsuko, how about you, how was your fight going, did you get a look at your target?" Natsuko raised her head at the question. ".... I'm sorry, but ..... no ... I didn't, I never got the chance, I don't even know if they were a boy or a girl ..." She explained. Octavius was rather suspect of her. "Um, I see. Okay, then we'll make progress in need, your plan will be easy to get started. A few more ~ ​​you said that the guy when he used that overwhelming attack, got genuinely tired, after, didn't he ...." At the nod of the others, then Kojima set goals. "Well, our plan will be organized ....

1. First you'll have to Find those four 'Spiritual Duelists'

2. Meanwhile, us, the Police Regiment will prepare barricades around the forest, which consists of police officers.

3. Once you find them, you will force them to flee in the direction I will assign you.

4. While doing so, don't attack while tracking, the only person you try to stop is that guy, if the guy happens to be still in a coma, we'll grab him and catch him from to where he sleeps.

5. After the boy's fatigue, I believe that they have approached the nearest town, which is probably Hanakaze Town, so the barricade will be a few miles away from the town's North Side.

6. Once these warriors are caught in our barricade they will probably somehow try to break through, for this I will have on my side the next warrior known as Taira Katsu, one of the greatest criminals, but I believe he will follow our orders.

7. In the end, if need be, you will join the fight against them, I believe the girl will be with them as from there, there are no more options for the three paths, which means they will all be united together.

Understandable ....? "When explaining, Octavius ​​asked." But ... is it really worth trusting Taira Katsu? We can never be sure if it will really help." " Don't worry, it will. Well, anyway, I'll call the Police Force and other aides, this plan will be announced in exactly one week. "

In the end, however, Naoki asked. "If I may ask." He raised his hand. "Go ahead, Naoki." Confirmed Kojima. "That Half-Demon is genuinely tired, but that doesn't mean he won't wake up in a week, after all, we don't know how long that fatigue holds. Chances are he's going to be cured." But Kojima wrapped his palms. "Like I said. If by chance this guy wakes up in front of our goal, I'm going to set you up for 'Undercover' which means you're going to update on everything that's going on with you, I hope you're able to do that without being noticed." Naoki became a little surprised. "Sure, I'll do it." Naoki confirmed. "Okay, then forgive yourself for now and get ready, you have exactly one week."

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Centre - Tuesday, 2:20 p.m.]

Tim looked at the folder and became unamused. "She said around the court .... Uhm ... but, where?" When asked, Amari spoke up. "Why don't you just use Zera, or whatever your watch name is?" In doing so, Tim became unamused. "She has it all on her GPS."

"Are you crazy? A wristwatch-like that is fluid!" At that, his wristwatch rang. "Hey! How dare you!" Tim immediately covered his wristwatch. "See?" But Amari was surprised.

"Just wait, she'll show up already." Said Amari. At that, Tim sat down on the bench and Amari stood next to him. "....." "Soooooo .... how's your day?" When Amari asked this, Tim continued to be unamused for even longer.

"... wait .... didn't she say in the morning?" Amari asked. But then Tim turned white on the skin and froze. "Really !!! How can I be so stupid!?!" With a loud shriek, Tim raised his hands. "Calm down ..." Then both Amari and Tim turned in front of him. ".... I didn't really believe you'd come here so early since you were up for 3 days ...." Kylin explained, appearing. "Ooh! Hi Kylin! So, I see you expected him to be late!" Amari smiled. With a calm nod, Kylin confirmed. "So you're saying you've been sent to me by Mayumi and Saburo? Hm, I haven't seen that from them in a long time." At that, Kylin spoke up. "Oh, it's my fault. Let me introduce myself properly. Even though you already know who I am, it's my gratitude to meet you. My name is Kylin Sandarasu, thank you for your understanding and nice to meet you." With that, Kylin finished. ".... Really .... there is no need for such a kind presentation." Tim said. "Well. Anyway, my name is Tim Shinkaku. And uh ... that's , Amari." Tim explained. "You know, I can introduce myself!" She exclaimed.

"So, if I may politely ask. Is she also the one who needs my help?" "Huh? Hah! No! I'm only here because I was heading for this town, we met in the woods, only then did we both come here." She explained to Kylin. ".... even though she gets on my nerves ....." In doing so, Amari immediately became serious. "All right, then please, follow me."

"Uh .... shouldn't I show that I can endure by letting out a 180 minute aura?" Then she answered. "It won't be necessary. If they both sent you to me, then I trust you to be able to hold the Aura for more than 3 hours." Tim was still incomprehensible.

"Do you really think she's Kylin? She looks soooo, polite?" Amari asked. "Uhm .... probably?" As they followed, a man appeared in front of them. "Ooooh! Look, a beautiful boy and two delicious girls!" He was a man, smiling. "And you're supposed to be?" Kylin asked. "Oh. Right. Of course, how inappropriate for me to not introduce myself. I'm .... ah, how should I put it ~ Muto Kyou." Tim, Kylin and Amari were lost. "What's with that 'accent'?" Tim asked.

"Oh? Oh, don't worry. That's just the way I speak, so you little beauties, what have you got on your mind? Ah?" Wondered Muto. "I've only been set to help these boys on his 'Semi-Spiritual Control' training, that is all." Explained Kylin.

("How beautiful? His strength is overflowing! I can't believe to see such a powerful young boy! It's turning me on.") Wondered Muto, once licking his lips. "Well, if there's nothing you'd like from us. Please, do let us go past." "Ah. Of course my dear beloved girl. Go ahead, don't worry, there's nothing to worry about, sorry for ~ my, 'misunderstanding'." Exclaimed Muto. ("Man this guy is creeping me out.") Believed Amari. "Thank you very much." From there the three of them passed by, and at the end, Muto faced at Tim's bottom. ("I thing, he'll be a very tasty meal. Oh, foolish me, I forgot to ask his name.") Thought Muto, when Tim seemed to be extremely uncomfortable. "Why do I get the feeling, that, this guy isn't something to like." Tim believed, in a freezing believement.

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Tree of Spiritual Configuration - Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.]

"Uhm. You took me outside, downtown?" Tim asked with a lost look. "That is correct, if you don't know. This is the main reason to train your 'Semi-Spiritual Control'. It is known to be titled with the name of 'The Tree of Spiritual Configuration' and many warriors believe this is the perfect place to stay around and relax.However, the real value of this tree is its aid to a warrior like you.And, if I may explain, the Spiritual Control is somewhat, difficult to learn.People believe they've already received this technique, however, the true cost it's not so easy to obtain .... "

".... Spiritual Control is configurated of four different parts to achieve it.

1. Kinetic Mastery

2. Spiritual Body

3. Efficient Aura Release


4. The Spiritual Mastery.

Of these four steps, you've already achieved Kinetic Mastery, Aura Release Spiritual Body and Efficient Aura Release. However, you did not yet achieve 'Spiritual Mastery' which is the final step before learning how to perfect Spiritual Control. To explain it to you, Aura is created out of six different emulations.

1. Emission

2. Manipulation

3. Specialty

4. Enhancement

5. Perception

and finally

6. Transmutation

These Spiritual Controls may only be achieved, one, by a person. For example. A human aura is the main body to show someone's Spiritual Control, it is based on their color, brighter the Aura, then the person will have the possibility of these few types. Perception, Manipulation and Enhancement, the darker the aura, then the person will be able to obtain these, Emission, Specialty and Transmutation, your Aura is set under darker colors, since it's blue, so you're either an Emitter, Specialist or Transmutter . And for your Kinetic Type, yours is Pyro, so it also goes under one of these Spiritual Controls. Now, to go for the explanation. "

"First is an Emitter, these type of users are able to release their aura and infuse them with their own Kinetic Type.

Second is a Manipulator, these types of users are able to manipulate their own aura, weapon and as well as their Kinetic Power.

Third is an enhancer and is one of the most rarest of the types, this allows a person to enhance their strength and further movements, such as body.

Fourth is a Specialist, these types of users have a unique effect which efficiently increases their Aura's durability, however, those are usually the ones who do not confide themselves with a Kinetic Type.

Fifth are the Perceptionists, these are more likely to have extremely well configurated senses, however, that is not guranteed, as for many others have stronger senses. But these senses provide them with a wider range of Aura Release, Kinetic Release and Weapon Release as they can attack someone from afar which most of humans unlikely could.

And finally, sixth a Transmitter, these types of users are provided with the ability to exchange aura with others or raise their own, they may also provide other people with a limited power increase, yet these are the most rarest of them all.

To figure out your Spiritual Control Type, or as we call it rather 'Semi-Spiritual Control' as there can be consequences, there are several steps.

One step to figure that out is by the Kinetic Type, either the Kinetic Power is more of an offensive or defensive

Second step to figure out is by releasing aura at maximum strength and seeing how nature reacts to it.

Final step, is to use your own Spiritual Body, to see how it does react to water. "Explained Kylin.

"..... so .... Uhm ..... are .... you done?" Both, Tim and Amari questioned. "There are still further solutions that I must explain, but those will be explained at the end of your 'Semi-Spiritual Control' training session, then let us begin, for beginning, I will show you mine." Once Kylin spoke, she took a breath and released her purple aura. The strength of it was absurd which even scared, Tim and Amari. "As you can see, my aura color is purple, one after your own, since it is darker colors and I provide Electro Type, I cannot endure any of the brighter Aura Types." Once explaining, she stepped toward the water behind the tree and released her Spiritual Body. "As you can see, the water creates a cyclone which explains to me that I am an Emitter." Explained Kylin, as for Tim and Amari, they were still both confused.

(".... Does this anything got to do with learning 'Akusei'?") Tim wondered. "If you wish to master 'Akusei' you will need to know these steps and master each and every single one of them." Once Kylin spoke so, Tim dropped on the floor.

"I'm .... finished ...." Amari has also dropped. "You certainly are ....."

To be continued...