178. 'Semi-Spiritual Control' figuration!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Tree of Spiritual Configuration - Tuesday, 2:35 p.m.]

Tim now stepped in front of the water. "..... so ... should I ... put my hand over the water and use my 'Spiritual Body'?" With a question, Kylin confirmed. "That's right, the water itself will react to your pressure." Tim stepped in front of the water and placed his right hand in front of him over the water. With this, his body became transparent and glowed blue.

Tim was worried that something was going wrong but at that point the water started to form into a cyclone, just like Kylin. "Oh, I see. It appears that you are an Emitter, just like I am." Exclaimed Kylin with a calm answer. "Huh? Well .... is, something wrong?"

"No, don't worry, this just allows us to work on your 'Semi-Spiritual Control' or for short 'SSC' more efficiently." But Tim turned in her direction. "Why ~ does it need an acronym?" After the question, Kylin reached for the tree. "Next hint to what we must do, is yet but simple. Proceed by releasing your aura and then touch the tree's trunk, from there, its effect will be automatically proceeded." Kylin explained. "Uh .... All right." Tim stepped to the tree and did the same. "Uh .... like this?" With a gentle nod, Kylin continued, with Tim releasing his aura, and at that Kylin became surprised, the wind blowing in the power of the storm, at which Kylin felt a kind of paralysis shaking through her body, but she was silent. "Is, this ... supposed to happen?" Tim pondered with a worry.

But when Tim looked in front of him he noticed how the blue light began to approach through the veins towards his face and then spread through his whole body, at that he felt pain but at once an invisible explosion appeared which bounced him away and created more the next wind pressure. "Whoa! What's happening, is this supposed to work like that ?!" Amari questioned when Tim fell onto his left knee and felt pain within his head. Kylin immediately stopped training and moved towards him, quickly reaching for his short. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?" Kylin asked anxiously, but luckily Tim shook his head. "No ... okay ... I am, but ~ what just happened?" Tim asked, standing up.

"This hasn't happened to anyone yet ..." Kylin began to explain. Tim, however, was unreasonable at this. "Wh- what do you mean by that?" Questioned Tim with a worry. "It seems that ... you're Aura is unbearable within its strength, when others come here for this training, they are put under a test of Aura Providence, the Tree should not have reacted in such way, in fact, it should have let you closer, tell me. Are you by any chance, a Substitute-Spiritual Duelist? " From the question Tim has heard, he faced into Kylin's face once she helped him to stand up.

"Does it involve inheriting a Ginken from another? If that's it, then yes, I am." Spoke Tim, holding his head. Kylin then backed away and began thinking. "We've never had to help someone that is a Substitue-Spiritual Duelist. This is something we've worried about in ages ..."

"What ... do you mean 'we'?" "Oh, sorry. Explanation is needed, I believe. I am a daughter of 'Spiritual Control Mastery', there was a total 7 of us, but many of them have passed away, currently, there is 3 of us, I am just the youngest of the family, basically, our 'sessions' have been past over through centuries, I may have the least knowledge about these types of Spiritual Duelist, but they believe I have the perfect knowledge to train them. Usually, Spiritual Duelist that came here, are able to breach through the tree's protection, but those are known as the 'Often-Coming Duelists' but we've hoped to never come across a Substitue-Spiritual Duelist, so we've never prepared ourselves, since there were doubts that one has existed since the death of the first, so. I- I don't believe that I can help you. " Explained Kylin, however, Tim closed his eyes.

"... I'm very sorry, but-" Before she finished, Tim answered. "You think you can't? Well, I'll tell you differently. I believe that you will complete our 'Semi-Spiritual Control' session, trusts given. And not just by me, I believe Mayumi and Saburo believe into you as well. If they are friends with you, they were aware that you have never participated in training a 'Substitue', which means, they know that there is something else that you have, that others in your family doesn't ... so. 'll give my trust, I know you'll manage to help me. " Tim spoke. "Wait ... what, no, no, no, you don't understand, I don't think I'm skilled enough to help you-"

"You just believe that you don't, but you can't know." Tim spoke. "So, I believe, that you can do it, there are 3 weeks, I know you'll manage ..." From the big talk, Kylin became a bit more confide in confidence, but she still had hopes very low. She faced at the floor and sighed. "....I wish you'd understand..... all.... right-"

- Next day -

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.]

"Is Codey doing any better?" Worryingly asked Kanji while facing toward the lying body. "To be honest, he seems to be regaining his strength, although, we don't know how long it will take for him to be rest up completely..." Kanji was were frightened for his health. "....well ~ let's just hope it will be soon. We can't know when will those idiots attack, if... you understand me." Exclaimed Codey. "Yes, we should keep a close eye on surroundings, we never know when somebody watches us." But even as they had it on the mind, Naoki seemed to have already found them. ("As told.... these have come to the correct place, so the boy could rest. For now, let me continue the watch, and give reports further...") Naoki was acting unsuspicious undercover. Sakami just passed him by while in thoughts. ("Can Ayuka's healing recover Codey's strenght, or does it only work on wounds. But, as hopes for Shion to be here, that would be great, now we're stuck..... in the most casual spot to be expected and seen, who knows, one of these people could just be stalking us.... but then again, if they don't know how to hide their aura... there's a chance I'd be able to sense them. But, no luck at all...") Believed Sakami as she continued to walk. Ayuka however was sitting at the bench and Naoki was already seeing her. ("Now that I see her up close, I don't see much from her, other than looks.... is she really that special to that crazy scientist?") "Hey.... Ayuka.... would you have a second to spare ~ I only would like to give you some questions."

Ayuka agreed and followed Sakami to a seperated area.

"So ~ what was it that you wanted to ask?" "Your healing abilities, are they able to recover somebody's tirness, or is it just for wounds?" But Ayuka declined and leaned onto the fence. "If I could recover his strength, I'd already done it. But, there is nothing I can do, the only things they let me to do... well... recovering smaller cracks of bones, wounds and also provide efficient recovery to people who do not have strength." To what she explain, Naoki became shocked. ("Healing Ability? That's it, it must be, scientist wants her healing powers! But! Why would he wish to have that thing? Is there somebody he wants to recover, or what?") Yet, Naoki didn't understood. "I see.... so what you meant by the last thing. You'll able to recover someone's strength but not recover their tireness." "That's how I was able to help Tim, when he was dealing with those 'Turbulent Fiends' it wasn't just wounds that I've healed, it was small portion of his weakened state too..." Sakami was rather surprised. ("Is this why that Shinsuke scinetist wants her strength? I didn't expect that he'd want her Healing Ability, I'd just imagine, he'd need her 'Semi-Godess' power for usage of something.... then again, this does connect the puzzle pieces to why he wants her...")

"I see... well. I guess, time is really our only option to speed up the process, but we are in danger zone, we're sitting ducks, nothing that we could do... and leaving Codey alone behind is not something we should afford....." Explanation that Sakami gave caused Ayuka to agree. "....Sakami.... there is just one thing that was bothering me, and maybe, it's something that you'd know.... since you're a girl." Spoke Ayuka, by doing so Sakami wondered. "What is it?" "This has nothing to do with Codey, but I've been losing myself inside of my mind. A week ago, Kanji noticed that something was wrong with me. Basically, he said that there is a high chance I might like someone.... but... mind tells me that I don't, however.... whenever I think about him, it does calm me down...." Exclaimed Ayuka, embarrassed to speak. "Hm? So Kanji believed you have a crush on someone, is that it?" As much as Ayuka was embarrassed, she admited that that's what Kanji told her. "But, I just don't think that it is true.... sure, he's been around for a while, helped, loads of times, but... really, I don't see the point... worry is prior to those feelings, but it could just be me, mixed up in my thoughts.... then again ~thinking about him, does warm my heart.... I deny that it could be true, but..." Spoke Ayuka. "Hm? Well, I can't be in much help, some boys and girls do have different feelings to different people, but, if that's what's bothering you, there might actually be a high chance that you do like that person, either relationship or friendship, same thing happens to others." Explained Sakami. "W-what? Are you serious? I don't understand, any of you? Why would I ~ ugh, nevermind, I'll try to think about it myself..." From there Ayuka stepped down the wooden stairs. "Don't go too far...." Spoke Sakami and of course, Ayuka agreed.

("There's so many things that I don't know, nor myself, nor others....") From there, Ayuka continued her way of heading to the lake. "Well, that does happen, love, liking someone, happens through time and even yourself would not understand...." From there Sakami entered back inside the cabin. ("Who are they talking about? A guy? Is he someone we should be worrying about. No, I'm sure he'd be at their aid, so we shouldn't worry too much ~ yeah, not important, and even if the guy does appear, I don't see trouble getting rid of him....") Naoki quitely giggled within his mind.

- But then, a week passed by and the operation was about to begin -

[Planet Earth - Yagayo Town - Tree of Spiritual Configuration - Tuesday, 1:00 p.m.]

"Okay your Spiritual Control training is almost accomplished. Let's see if you're able to continue with the next procedure, then-" But even before Kylin could utter it, Tim held his sword in his right hand. He placed his left hand in front of his face. With that, a blue aura appeared, which quickly began to create a mask. Kylin was surprised when Tim reached forward with his left hand, his face was also more stoic at that moment as he easily reached through the barrier of the tree, his blue energy was released like his fire, and swirled around his body, his violent pressure even lifted the skirt from Kylin, but luckily she had longer stockings.

Tim turned calmly towards her and looked at her a little to the side. "Is this what you wanted to see?" Tim questioned. ("That's incredible, it only took him a week, as it took me almost a month .... I can see the difference between 'Substitue-Spiritual Duelists' than others ...") The wind blowing past her, even raised the grass. "That's correct ...."

"All right, so what is that final step for you, that you must teach me?" Tim questioned. "Your 'Akusei' you may be capable of using it, however, it is still not long enough to be efficient in battle, you'd need to use such a thing for at least 30 minutes." Spoke Kylin. "And how will we do that?" From there Kylin fixed her sleeves when undressing her jacket, which made Tim a bit uncomfortable, she hung her clothing on the wall and reached with her arm to the side, a sword appeared, now readied in her combat clothes.

"You'll have to fight me for 30 minutes straight. Which also means, you'll have to have your mask on for that time ..." She explained and prepared her sword.

"So, I recommend you, to be prepared, this will not be an easy task." Spoke Kylin.

To be continued...