179. The beginning of 'Barricaded Preperations'!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- Week after, the plan began -

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Thursday, 10:05 a.m.]

At the unexpected entrance of the room, Kanji and Ayuka froze on the spot. Sakami standing in front of them was serious. Codey, who had been lying in the room the day before, had disappeared. "Impossible ..... what happened, don't say it's the same with him as with Tim ..." Ayuka replied anxiously. Sakami stepped closer and checked on the bed. ".... Looks like it's not the same way, someone had to take him away while he was still at in weak point." Sakami explained.

"... But how,? Impossible, how did the person escape, my room is next to his, I could easily hear someone enter!" Exclaimed Kanji angrily. "The possibility is that the criminal who pulled Codey away has used some sort of ability that can hide his movement volume and cleanly erase his energy against other people ..." Sakami explained.

"..... that ~ it's all my fault ..." As Ayuka uttered, Kanji and Sakami turned to face him. ".... if I just showed up in front of that scientist, and went with him, none of this would of have happen ....." In doing so, Kanji became a little disappointed. "What are you talking about? It's not your fault." But, Sakami and Kanji listened to her voice.

".... I don't know why people want me, but ... I know that if I accepted everything, none of us would get hurt, tired or even taken ... the same for Tim, if I didn't show up in his world at all now he could live a happy life ... with you, Sakami .... Kanji .... " Ayuka explained.

With that, Sakami stepped closer. "I think I could say the same for myself. That's when my whole family was killed. He helped, he saved me from those killers, even though he didn't know me properly yet. He lent me a home with his father, gave it to me, confidence and courage. He even gave me a scarf. " When Sakami explained, Ayuka still felt guilty. "Do you think this is your choice? No but it's his, he, himself decided to help you and me." Sakami explained. "And, I believe he helped others we don't even know ..." "Thomas. Remember? Ayuka? With all the help, he helped him and hung out with him .... and I believe you helped him many times. .. "While Kanji added to Sakami's talk, Ayuka lifted her collar and covered her mouth, which was worried and sad.

"They took Codey? Well, then we'll just find him, don't give up, and don't blame yourself." Kanji explained. "And, if you don't want to help, you can also stay here, you don't have to worry, we'll find, both, Tim and Codey." Sakami said calmly. "And if I happen to see that something happened to them ..... ~ then, I'll just kill them ..." When Sakami stepped aside she moved her sword, and Kanji and Ayuka were surprised at the killer look at Sakami's image. "You may help, it's your choice. You can stay here or come with us. Wish to help them and repay them? Well ~then you'll grab this cape, cover yourself and go search for them, or, if you do wish not, then, you'll stay here and let us finish what we began. But, do be sure, whatever you choose, we'll bring both of them." Once explaining and talking some sense into Ayuka. Sakami showed her the cape that was raised in front of her body.

With a look, Ayuka thought but became serious. "You're right. There's no time for a depressing speech. It's time to find Codey and Tim." When Ayuka said this she reached for her cape and wrapped it around her body. Kanji was smiling at that. "You see, you already understand our language!" Sakami smiled. "Properly decided, then ~ get ready for a long search." Sakami said. Ayuka nodded during that moment as Kanji wrapped the cape around his upper body.

With a nod, all three were ready to go out. "Sakami. You have the captain's knowledge, it's up to you to lead us." He explained to Kanji, and the return of the words made Sakami nod.

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Northern Barricade - Thursday, 10:10 a.m.]

Though, Sakami reached into Ayuka's thinking and increase her confidence, they still had no clue to what they were going to be set up against. The main 'Barricade' has been set in the distance, The Police Force and Regiment are prepared for the worse, while Naoki successfuly held Codey by them. "Damn you! What the hell do you want from me!" Codey, awakened, angrly shouted at Naoki. "Be quiet, this is just going to be for a little. All you must do it participate in this one, interesting preparations." Exclaimed Koyami. Codey then just turned, when seeing there were a bunch of people set up on the side of the Forest. ("What the hell are they planning? Is this some sort of trap for somebody!") But while thinkin, Codey soon understood.

- Operation 'Capture Ayuka Kirashito' -

1. Tsukiya, Natsuko and Octavius will drive the runners towards the Northern Barricade of the Hanakaze Town.

2. While their operation is ongoing, they must not innitiate in any types of fight, nor attacking our escapists.

3. On the path, some hunters will be prepared to shoot if necessary and will only be ordered to fire if Octavius sees a necessary timing.

4. Once they reach their destination, Taira will be ready to take them on, since those three chasers will be behind, the three runners will have no where to escape and will be caught in a deadline.

5. If the battle against Taira fails and if his orders do not work, Codey Katorishi will be our next subject, we'll force the girl to exchange her place with him, if that doesn't work.

6. We'll prepare the Hunter Team which is hidden between trees at the barricade, we're guranteed a successfuly capture.

Once all these steps are made, we'll take the girl to Shinsuke.

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Thursday, 10:14 a.m.]

Ayuka, Sakami and Kanji ran through the forest path with their hands stretched behind their backs. Without them noticing in an instant, Tsukiya, Natsuko and Octavius ​​were hiding in the forest trees.

"Tsukiya, I hope you don't get too hungry to kill, our plan is easy, all we have to do is bring these three runners towards the North Barricade." Octavius ​​commanded distinctly. "Tsch ~, yes, yes - whatever." At this, the three felt the movement of Sakami, Ayuka and Kanji. ".... they're here, get ready when they cross that distance try to grab them." Said Octavius, and prepared for command.

While moving and running, Sakami looked sideways to the top of the tree and was surprised to see Octavius ​​and the others on the tree with a ready hand. "Quick! Get ready!" She called, Sakami. At that moment Kanji and Ayuka were surprised to see all three jump towards them. "Apart!" Speaking, Ayuka and Kanji jumped in the other direction as they drew their swords.

Octavius ​​cut with his sword down but was blocked by Sakami's sword. Ayuka moved her sword and defended the attack from Natsuko. ".... it's you ..." Ayuka said in disappointment and anger. "....you.... you don't understand!" Spoke Natsuko, but Ayuka was uninterested.

At the same moment, however, Kanji defended the attack between Tsukiya. "Oh! Hello! I see we're meeting again!" Tsukiya called out. "Shake them off, we don't want to get into unnecessary duels!" Loudly ordered Sakami, and Kanji and Ayuka confirmed. Ayuka took a step forward and let go of her aura as she pushed Natsuko aside after the sword slipped. At the same moment, however, Kanji disappeared into the electric current and appeared behind Tsukiya and kicked him in the back, knocking him away, Ayuka and Kanji obeyed the order and continued running, while Sakami slipped past Octavius's hips and then disappeared with a stunning blow. She joined the run next to Ayuka and Kanji. "Keep going!" At this, all three hurried.

"Perfect, right in the direction we want to take them ~ after them!" With that, Tsukiya and Natsuko lined up and ran with Octavius ​​behind the others.

"Remember not to act suspicious! Remember the orders, no innitiating in a fight while in a chase!" Exclaimed Octavius. "We get, now shut up already!" Angrly spoke Tsukiya with a spit.

"Do you think they were the ones who took Codey?" Ayuka asked in a confident question. Probably, as you can see, one of them is missing, probably it was he, the one who was around us all the time without us being able to notice him." Sakami explained to other two as they moved forward. "Sakami, don't you think that's a little suspicious? They didn't even try to catch us, just attack!" Kanji questioned, hoping he was right. "Probably yes, but, for now, move on, but be careful." They hurried and so did their chasers.

"Shoot, now!" Ordered Octavius, meanwhile all three became surprised. "Firearms ?!" Sakami noticed how they crossed the rope without knowing. "It's a trap! What now ?!" Kanji asked. "Quick, get down!!" She called, Sakami. When speaking, Kanji and Ayuka took this into account while Sakami pulled both swords out of her holder. In doing so, she turned the swords and made a small jump, the bullets were fired when Sakam spun with both swords, in surprise Sakami deflected the bullets in a circular angle and then disappeared. The shooters hiding among the trees became frightened and noticed Sakami traveling past them and cutting through their skin. On the last landing on the tree trunk Sakami bounced forward and made a turn she turned in the air and landed when Sakami noticed the next shooter. Landing in front of him, the man was surprised when Sakami cut across his body and laid him down, meanwhile Octavius quickly attacked Sakami but with a jump she made, she leaped and flipped over him and delivered a kick to his face. At that, she noticed the next swing of the sword from Tsukiya and turned with a serious look.

She defended with her right sword, supporting her gravity with her right foot and then bouncing it away, continuing to run forward as she stopped them for long enough. "Damn! I didn't know this girl was actually that clever!" Octavius shockingly called ​​as he continued running. "Octavius! She broke through our whole 'Shooting Team'!" Called Natsuko in a daze. "Yeah! Which means we only have three more chances to catch that girl!" Exclaimed Octavius. "Wow, Sakami! That was stunning!" Called out Kanji with a smile. "Be careful in front of you, we're not done yet." They accelerated even more while Octavius, Tsukiya and Natsuko began to do so as well.

- The first two steps of the 'Capturing Ayuka Kirashito' operation have both failed. Three more chances to capture our hero Ayuka. By continuing their path to reaching the end, Octavius and others finally realized what a threat Sakami was to them, as for the three of our heroes, will they successfuly escape and breach through their defenses, or will it turn in a failure?

To be continued...