180. Taira prevents continuation!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Thursday, 10:20 a.m.]

"Tuh-tuh-tah ..." Tishida stepped into the room where Akira was complaining about Akari. "Hm." He wondered. "Ugh! Stop it! You're already sleeping here in this room all the time!" Akira shouted angrily. Akari was turned into a cat when she yawned. "Don't yawn and step back!" He shouted angrily.

"Well, well. Calm down, you don't have to worry, eheheh ~" Tishida said as he blew with his fan. "Akari, I think it's time to go, tah-tah." With that, Akari yawned and got up, with that she tensed and smoke quickly appeared, she turned into a person. "Come on, come on, you could give me some time to rest." Akari replied and stretched. Akira, however, was unamused by this. "Ugh ~ why do we even have to go there?" Akira asked with fluidity. "Oh? Just for a little help ..." Tishida laughed.

[Planet Earth - Hanakaze Town - Thursday, 10:25 a.m.]

Sakami, Ayuka and Kanji were still tracked down. "Hey ~ why should we do this in such a miserable way, it would be best to cut them, at least we'll get some blood." Tsukiya replied. "You know why. They're on their way to find their friend, and that's that Half-Demon. That means they'll definitely stop when they cross the barricade, of course, if they want to do something and save him, they'll be able to choose between casting a girl or to somehow break through the whole barricade and the team. " Octavius ​​explained. "Tsch ~ always according to their plans." At the same time, Tsukiya lowered his impatient words and continued with what he had been asked to do. "

Sakami, Codey and Ayuka, however, were still a little suspicious. (".... it doesn't look like they want to catch us ~ as it looks like they're more likely to plan something else, but .... what?") Sakami usually understood their plans but this time her guess was not acceptable. Then Kanji and Ayuka got surprised and both slipped on the floor. "What the-" As Kanji said this, Sakami turned back forward and stopped running. "And so they came into our plan." At this, Octavius, Tsukiya and Natsuko stopped. "What the hell is that?" He asked Kanji in surprise when he looked in all directions he noticed they were on deadline. "We order the fugitives to stop immediately! The instructions were clear!" The policeman called.

"What's going on here?" Ayuka asked. "Looks like they didn't want to catch us, but put us in a circular barricade." Sakami said in disappointment. Meanwhile, Kojima stepped forward with a serious face. "Hello, young fugitives." He uttered Kojima. "As I see it, you don't have to run ahead. Well, you can try, but ~ it doesn't look the safest." As Kojima said this, the shooters aimed their ammunition in their direction. "You have shooters in front of you who can shoot at one point, and behind you are our most helpful warriors, Tsukiya, Natsuko and Octavius. Warning if you want to cross, I apologize, but one step below that spot and I will order them to shoot if you want to continue without any problems, all you have to do is put the girl in our hands. " Kojima said in a serious voice.

"Sakami! We're surrounded, we can't go anywhere!" With Kanji worried, Sakami didn't want to take a step forward. ("I should've known that this would happen.") Sakami thought as she looked around. "Well, so how are you going to move on? If you don't hand over that girl, then there will be bigger problems." They felt his tremendous pressure reaching out to them just by taking a step. "..... I don't want to ask, but, Sakami, I have no idea what we are supposed to do now that wherever we turn, we see more than 100 shooters and four warriors, nor is it possible that we can defeat them ourselves ..." He replied Kanji in a worried voice.

Sakami's mouth shook angrily. ".... not even by chance, we won't put Ayuko in your hands." Sakami called while standing in front of both of them. Ayuka was surprised and didn't know what to think about it. "Hm? Oh, then I think you understand what's next, Taira." As Kojima uttered this, Taira began to approach but stopped. ".... two girls .... one boy .... that'll be even more interesting. I'll finally be able to squeeze some bodies into my blood." He declared Taira with a serious look. "Sakami ..... this warrior doesn't look really fun to fight." He warned Kanji.

".... listen, when I jump on the attack, get ready to run." Said Sakami. "Wait? What! But, Sakami! You can't be serious, it's not safe!" Called Kanji in a worry. "Settle down, their focus will be to shoot me, not you two, however I believe they will try to capture you, so as soon as I make a move, run and don't stop, got it." Called Sakami, while ordering. Kanji and Ayuka were both worried and unsure if they should continue with Sakami's plan. "You'll be put to a close death! We can't just let you get shot, just to save our butts!" Ayuka spoke when very paranoid. "Well ~ that's the risks I may take and Tim was the one who has shown me such stages of braveness ...." Exclaimed Sakami.

"We still can't! There's no way-" But, when saying, Sakami disappeared. "Go!" From there everybody became shocked on the spot and both, Kanji and Ayuka made a move. "Prepare yourself Taira! You, shoot!" Ordered Kojima and from there the guns were shot, however, what was unexpected, two warriors, dropped from the trees and grabbed Ayuka and Kanji while pinning him to the ground, because that shocked Sakami a bullet was struck into her ankle and from there she dropped onto her knee and once doing so, she noticed a hand striking into her, from the surprise, her body went blasting over the air and struck into the trunk of a tree. The bullets were then aimed at Sakami, since that where their priority to stop, however when doing so, Sakami had one chance to escape.

By standing up, Sakami faced her terror by seeing bullets flying at her from the front, left and right. Sakami immediately jumped up with a leap when the bullets went bursting through the tree's trunk, but when she avoided, Taira already appeared above her with his hands over his head. From another terrified reaction, Sakami raised her both blades and blocked, but from the force, she was struck down toward the dirty floor when she was forced to roll on the floor, from there Sakami stood back up, but even if she did so, Taira already appeared in front of her, when she tried to slice forward, she was grabbed by the neck and raised up. Kojima closed his eyes. "Take her out and that's the only order you will get." Spoke Kojima, from saying so, Sakami's body was crushed into the rock and forced her back to almost completely crack. "Damn you! Let go!" Shouted Kanji and with Ayuka, both of them struck the two holders with kick and knocked them back, from there, Tsukiya and Natsuko jumped at them and prepared to fight. "Sakami!" Worryingly called Ayuka, but even then, she noticed how a sword was cut toward her face. By ducking she then slipped back and leaped a few centimeters back. By an intimidating look, Ayuka seemed to be frusturated at Natsuko.

"You're going to regret it...." Ayuka reached onto her back and threw her sword, it spun and then she grabbed it. "Kodachi!" From the frusturation, Ayuka called, as this was her first time showing what her sword was really all about. The sword extended and became thinner when her handle froze and she swung the sword from front to the side, unleashing a cold wind. "Sir! Do we shoot?!" The firearmed policemen asked, however Kojima didn't answer. "Sir, they've broke through, what do we do?!" Asked another police, still, no answer. Same went for Kanji.

He prepared to face Tsukiya once again when opening his Kodachi stage and preparing his spear to zap its way through the warrior before him. "Hah! This was my favourite part that was in the plan! By chance you somehow got rid of the two capturers, us two will enter, while you friendly girl Captain is occupied with our strongest unit, Taira!" Laughed Tsukiya. "Damn! What the hell is your problem with fighting!" Kanji spun his spin and raised voltage around his body.

Meanwhile, Sakami just avoided the punch from Taira and sliced forward, but using his chains on the wrist he blocked and caused her blade to bounce back, she was then smashed by a fist into her stomach, once she endured it, held her sword in a blocking position while sliding back from the force given. "Kodachi." Sakami increased her blade length of both swords when she prepared. "I'm glad I get the strongest warrior by the three!" Laughed Taira, enjoying himself too much. "Come at me you shorty!" From calling her a shorty, Taira raised his hand when laughing, his chain begun shaping into longer type when he spun it over his head. "A chain that can extend?" By believing that she would be able to block the upcoming attack she cut forward, but the chain was easily wrapped around her left arm as it pulled her forward unarmin her left sword when she noticed a punch heading for her face. Sakami used the chain to her mobility when circling in a wheel leap and then jumping into Taira's face, delivering a strong kick for a short stun, she pulled her left arm from the wrapped chain and then turned on the floor to grab her sword, she then noticed that the chain has already been swung toward her, so she used a high jump, but even then, she was wrapped around her body and then spun in the air, forced to fall toward the ground by using chain. Her back was pressed into the ground and she was then slid across the floor as Taira used his chain to do so. Her back was slammed through a bunch of grouped trees and because of his unbelivable strength, the trees were forced to be destroyed and from there she was raised and thrown into the air. Taira used his second chain and also the first chain, when begining to use it constantly.

Sakami was being struck, slapped and slammed by chains, but she was able to defend a few, but after a few attacks, she was struck into her stomach and wrapped, she was pulled toward Taira when he shortened his left chain and then prepared a tensed fist. Sakami realized that she was heading straight for the fist. By hoping to somehow escape she noticed how the fist was punched. But from quick thinking, she kicked with both legs up to make the fist move under her bottom and then smash her feet directly into Taira's face, from there, she twisted and delivered the next blow with her foot, stunning Taira and turning him to the side, from there, she used his body as a support to jump and spun, to unwrap the chain. After the flip, she dropped down and raised both sword above her head. By falling she was closing in on the top of Taira, preparing to cut, her scarf, cape and clothes rippling through the wind. She spun in the middle of the wall and sped up. Taira noticed and felt how both swords that Sakami held were slashed downward from the air and cutting through his flesh in the back. The blood erupted, however, he seemed to not have been feeling any proper injuries, he just used his left arm to struck backward and using his elbow to smash her in the stomach, she was forced to thrown into the air and spun directly into the tree. From the bounce of the strike, she dropped toward the ground.

"Still holding those swords are you? Well, let me fix that!" When Taira laughed, he grabbed Sakami's blades and pulled them toward him, also pulling Sakami with it, he struck a serious knee blow into Sakami's stomach which forced her to cough out saliva, from there he twisted her blades and forced her let go of then, from there he used his both elbows to strike her into the back and then quickly used his second knee to strike her into the stomach, causing her to feel even greater pain. From getting blown back, he stabbed the blades into the ground while running at Sakami who was still falling. He jumped and made a spun kick when striking Sakami into the face. His strength was incredible and because of such power, he easily knocked Sakami over the floor and air in extreme speed, she went flying past policemen's faces and her body was struck into the trunk of a tree. "This is so fun! This is how much anger I have gained from being in prison! And you're the perfect human to use it on!" Laughed Taira, because policemen were rather scared they backed away from the scene, when Sakami used her palms to try and stand up, however, she was shaking and struggling. "Aw? What's wrong, can't a girl stand up!" But as soon as she stood up, her arms were wiggly because of the weakness and tireness of her body, but soon after, she noticed how Taira appeared in front of her and kneeled her into the stomach, stunning her on the spot, turning and and then punching into her face, following up with an elbow pummel and ended up with a kick, into the top of her back after raised leg. She was struck back into the ground once the floor cracked into a gigantic hole.

"This is going to be so fun! You're going to me by pummeling bag!" Laughed Taira...

To be continued...