181. Exchanging deal and the Awakening.

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

[Planet Earth - Northern Barricade - Thursday, 10:30 a.m.]

"Is there something bothering you?" Taira questioned when swinging his right arm back, near his face, when the chain spun around his arm. "Ah, prison life, it's so frusturating, drinking that disgusting water, eating that disgusting food, it really feels brilliantly how I can finally smell the fresh air of freedom." Answered Taira. Sakami was holding her left shoulder, listening to him. "You're supposed to hold a title of a Captain, so why are you so weak?" Wondered Taira. "Just shut up....." But when Sakami spoke with her heavy voice, Taira just laughed. "So, now you you're in the mood to order me around, is that it? How unfortunate you won't have this entertaining time for future. My only order was to eleiminate you, to help them capturing that girl, but not to worry, when I'm done with you, I'll deal with the others." Spoke Taira who was extremely happy to be from out of the prison. ("He's giving me a struggle? How was he able to get imprisoned if even I cannot be close in his strength?") Sakami wondered but her hand shook, still, not having her swords.

"But let us continue, this will be an entertaining beginning to finally reach future stages!" Once Taira spoke so, he made a step forward when he disappeared in an orange light, in a speedy appearence he wrapped the chain around his right fist to harden his blow, when Sakami ducked in action, but after doing so, Taira prepared his knee to strike into her stomach, and in fierce bow, she was pummeled into it, knocked a bit off her feet, from there Taira made a circling step and raised his leg to kick her into the hip, throwing her to the side, he moved toward her in instant when grabbing her collar. "You know, you're really useless without any weaponry, go fetch it for me!" When Taira spoke so he threw Sakami over him towards her stabbed blade into the ground. By feeling more and more pain, Sakami stood up once agai. "Go on, pick it up, I don't want this fight to end this easily, besides, I still wish to torcher you with my attacks." Taira spun his chains when beginning to walk toward Taira.

("....this guy... why would they release someone like that from the prison.... those chains are lowering his strenght, and yet, I struggle, is it just me getting weaker or is this guy on a complete different level....") Sakami reached for the right stabbed sword's handle. ("Whatever it is, it's be troublesome if he was not stopped soon... what I was taught by Tim, is to fight, no matter what difference it is between someone's strength...") Sakami's hair were covering her forehead when she wiped the blood from her face.

Sakami dragged both swords out when she unleashed her purple aura, Taira made a smile. "Ah, confident, have we become?" From there Taira spun his chains and reached with his right arm outwards, from there he summoned his aura when an orange glow surrounded the area.

Taira made a step and instantaneously appeared in front of Sakami striking with his foot, but in luck Sakami ducked the blow and backed by moving her feet to the side and then spinning on the side of Taira's body, she sliced at his hip, however Taira used his chains to block the slice and then quickly followed up by punching forward, Sakami raised her both swords and blocked the attack by crossing them, Taira however then continued by pressing his knee into her stomach and then delivering a spin kick into her face, pushing her forward, he uleashed an orange wave of energy that was surging at her with full force, she unleashed more of her aura and then sliced in a scissor like shape, by doing so the wave of energy was exploded on the side when Taira quickly attacked next. He appeared in front of her instantaneously and tensed his fist, by raising and moving his right arm to the side he punched ahead, aiming for her face, Sakami quickly ducked again and then cut obliquely and tried to cut Taira, but even so he motionly moved used his body to advance into a jump and spread his both arms with opened palm, the chain waved from doing so when he made a smile and caught the wiggly chains, in reaction of the movement, he swung ahead, unleashing a chain surrounded by an orange line, Sakami raised her both blades above her head and blocked, but the ground underneath her feet, cracked into another hole, while Taira dropped onto her.

She was grabbed by the head and then slammed into the face, rubbing her back against it, Taira slid her body across the hard floor and then spun after raising her, then throwing her forward with full force when Sakami quickly spun within air and landed, but yet so, Taira appeared right before her, preparing his fist and using his fist to strike her into the face, when doing so he followed up with a grab on her neck and once again, slammed her into the ground, he reached for her cape and ripped it off, since it was going on his nerves and then stomped onto her stomach as she laid. From there Sakami noticed how the foot was being pushed into her stomach and forced her to lose breath. Taira unleashed an orange explosion which created a bizzare tornado of orange aura that surrounded him within seconds, from the force that he was releasing and from the pressure he was managing to make, the leaves and bushes were being quickly blown and destroyed. "Do you feel it, do you feel it, my eternal strength, it has no limits, i grow every second while you're stuck at that weak point this entire moment! I will enjoy, crushing you, making you a punching bag and I will adore torching you with any sharp weaponry!" Laughed Taira when his left eye glowed orange, while his eye patch constantly covered his other eye. Sakami stood up when she noticed that Taira finalyl stopped his cyclone, that surrounded him and then appeared in front of her, he struck forward with his sided punch, striking Sakami into her face and then noticing how she was forced to spin to the side, she used that moment to slice toward him, but he avoided by leaning to the side, ducking and then ramming his left fist into her stomach.

On the contact on the blow, the orange aura surrounded the ground, crackign them and widening a hole in it, she felt the powerful blow in her stomach while she was sent high in the air, even forced to drop one of her blade, Taira made a smile and used that sword to his advantage. And how he did so was surprising, he kicked the handle to spin the blade and turn the sharp part up and then kicked it toward Sakami who was caught in surprise, she quickly kicked the air to use her pressure and twisted her body on the left, she reached for the sword's handle when she faced down, but to her bad luck, Taira already sent a powerful orange blast, flying toward her. She was shocked when she quickly needed to trigger it. To do so, she cut with her right sword and halved the blast which flew behind. Because of the force she noticed how she gained a cut in her left cheek, but from there, the orange blast exploded in the air which made her eyes open wide. Taira spun his chain when smiling. "Damn, almost a score!" From there hiis aura raged out when his left eye glowed orange too, an orange fire appeared around him when his blade finally showed itself. ("He's getting stronger by the minute, he is recovering his strength so quickly!") Taira proceeded by making a step and unleashed an orange fire that exploded underneath his feet and then appeared in front of Sakami from the leap.

He sliced downward and unleashed a crescent strike of orange flames, Sakami crossed her arms but was caught in flames and her clothes burned, on her right shoulder, her top of the left breast, on her hip and near her pants, she was thrown back when she needed to spin to catch herself in the air, using Air Step, she slid on the air when Taira landed in front of her, in the air. Sakami quickly reacted and rolled on the side when a kick went flying past her face, she then used that to her advantage to spin and kicked Taira into her hip, she then followd up by kicking him in the knee and disappearing, still barely fighting. Taira seemed to have been enjoying the fight overall, but he seemed to not be getting any weaker. "This was a strange movement you did there, but I believe it's quite fun!" With a smile, Taira swung with his blade, turning it on fire when its flames constantly waved in the wind.

"It's pretty heated up, and not because of the sun, because of my own fire!" Taira smiled and made a step. ("Getting close is not easy, his flames are overheated and I won't be able to withstand it properly.") Believed Sakami when making a gap between the two. "Sorry, but that won't work!" Taira in sudden moment appeared behind Sakami which strangely surprised her. Taira used this moment to slice obliquely and deliver a flaming wave, which surrouded Sakami and then knocked her back, because of lsot focus she dropped from the air between trees but Taira smilled when he raised his sword above his head, he began making a small fire blast that was becoming bigger and bigger. "No hidding, because it really is not helpful!" Once the fire blast increased its size magnificently he prepared to release it, however his eyes trembled, Sakami appeared behind him, with her body sideways, her face was serious and intimidating, from the position he was in Taira seemed to lose his guard, when Sakami had her right sword lifted above her left shoulder, she spun with full force and sliced into his back when making his back wound even deeper, the flame ball exploded and both of them were caught in it, or so it looked like, but luckly Sakami disappeared and landed on the floor as the sparkles of blown and spread fire began raining, as for Taira, he was no where to be seen.

By breathing heavily, Sakami almost lost her entire strength, as she was overwhelmingly tired to continue. ("It can't be enough to kill him...") Sakami believed, but as there was no sign of Taira, she slowly began to lose her guard. But, from there, Sakami froze on the spot when a body appeared behind her. An orange flame appeared on someone's eye, raisinginto the air, when the flames rised from behind Sakami's back. Taira was in the middle of a jump while his sword, held in left hand was crossed to the right over his chest, the chain was waving because of the wind and his body was shadowed, but his orange glowing eye and flame were standing out from the shadows when the ground shattered, creating a hole that extended several times into the wideness. "Sorry, but when you make me annoyed, I enjoy releasing my power." He spoke, this time with a serious voice, Sakami turned around sensing his Spiritual Symbolism rising over something that not even Captains together would be able to defeat, the blade, held by Taira was swiped forward and the flames blasted around Sakami, blood blasted from the appearence when a massive flame explosion awoke, bursting into the air and even darkening the sky. Ayuka and Kanji, who didn't have such struggle were surprised but what they had seen, but at that moment, Ayuka also noticed Codey, who was chained, her eyes trembled when the firearms were aimed at them.

("This... is.... all my fault.... nothing, nothing would happen if I wasn't here...") While thinking, Ayuka looked at Kanji who was forced to get cut into the chest and cut, but was still fighting. ("....everybody is fighting, risking their lives for me, but why! Why am I so important to them! What am I! I don't understand! Nothing, what do they see in me, why are they fighting for me! Why is everybody trying to protect me! I don't understand! There is no way I would understand, why! I'm just like them! A person, I'm not any special like them!") Ayuka's body was opened to be cut, however Natsuko seemed to have sensed something was not perfet with Ayuka. Tear dripped on the floor, splashed on the grass, making it wiggle. ("Sakami! Why are you doing this? Why? You barely know me and yet, you're trying to do everything in your power to beat them, why are you protecting me, shouldn't you be protecting yourself first?!") Ayuka just noticed how Sakami was trying to stand up, struggling, even though she had a gigantic wound on her back. ("Why are you still going! Just stop fighting! Just run! Please, I beg of you, you can't... you just can't continue... you've already felt so much pain.... please, just give up, just let them do what they want, I'll go with them, but please! Stop, please, there is nothing you can do.... if.... you two continue.... you're just get yourself killed.") Ayuka's face was covered in tears when she was defenseless, she was easy to be struck and killed at any moment. By looking into Taira's eye, she felt guilty liek she never felt before. ("All.... all I want for you is to be safe..... why won't you just let them take me....") Ayuka felt on ker knees when everybody faced at her. ".....tell me...... why..... why is everybody risking their lives...... please, someone, just give me an answer....." The blade was dropped by her, even Codey who just appeared on the scene by being chained seemed to have been scared. He was trying to speak, but he was prevented from speaking because of his taped mouth. The chains that were on him, were erasing his abilities so he was incapable of doing anything.

Taira now slowly moved his sword to the right, releasing the next flame which growled. "...what is it..... that they see in me... Sakami... Kanji..... Codey... just.... what is it..... I can't understand....") Thinking so, her hair began to wave. "....I just..... want to know..... I just.... WANT.... to know!" Kneeling on the floor, her aura began to appear, while people around them began to feel pressure, Codey's eyes were terrified, when her hair constantly began to rise from the wind, the ponytail that she had was forced to be dropped, her eyes glanced into the area. ".....what...is it..... tell me..." The tears began to slowly slip down her cheek as she had no confidence. Kanji and Sakami both faced at her but were incapable of stopping her. ".....why must you be doing this, I won't take it.... I can't take it.... I don't deserve such protection, I don't DESERVE it!" Ayuka's eyes glowed, changing their colour to brightness of pure silverness, when her sword began to shake. "Ayuka!" Shouted Sakami, but she could not hear her, the only thing she had on her mind was her thinking. "Quickly! Stop her! Innitate attack, immediately!" Ordered Kojima, from saying so firearms were prepared and Octavius reached for his sword when jumped at her, Tsukiya also changed his focus on her. Kanji's eyes shook and made him frightened when he tried to jump in, but from there, the next group of Duelists pinged him to the ground as his Ginken was disarmed. "Ayuka! Hey! What are you doing! Stop, do you even know what you're doing!" But even if Kanji tried to stop her, everybody became terrified. "....I'll..... erase you.... every.... single.... one of you..." Ayuka's mouth were shaking in anger, when Kojima looked to the side, people who were on the barricades began exploding into blood, one after one, their lives for being deleted, while the ones who pinged Kanji, exploded above him.

Tsukiya and Octavius were pummeled back once Octavius's arm exploded and made him feel problematic pain. Tsukiya on the other hand was stabbed by energy that hung him on the tree, the trees were waving in intensified hurricane and the sky was creating a stormy terror. Kojima was in fear. "What is she! What is she doing! She is a monster! I'm not continuing any more!" Shouted Kojima when he made a step back, even Taira backed away from the spot and was forced to freeze on the spot. "...people like you deserve erasue.... they deserve to disappear, killing you will be something that will keep you contained within your sacred lives...." Ayuka spoke, from there Natsuko who was in fear tried to escape, however, she was stabbed directly through the heart and forced her eyes to shake, coughing out blood. ".....I'll make you suffer.... you'll be found within slaughter, you will be erased, each and every single one of you...." Ayuka's look was somewhat sat, but it was filled with wrath. Ayuka stood up when her white aura growled, giving fear to everybody, even Taira and Kojima. "..... and you... you will be the one, who'll pay with the greatest punishments." Ayuka spoke, facing at Kojima. "....you've gathered these murderers, to track me..... them down.... you are going to be slaughtered and then, erased.... you will feel, how it is to suffer inside your own body.... your own feelings." Ayuka began walking toward Kojima and because of her wrath, he was being scared, he could not withstand such pressure, the ground opened up when Ayuka stepped in front of Kojima. "You're going to see, how it is... to feel sadness, fear.... worry, all of these emotions, all of them will be remembered until your erasure." Ayuka reached with her left arm forward which was surrounded by white aura, but when Kojima stepped back, Ayuka noticed Codey, she froze on the spot, she noticed how was was trying to call to her.

"....are you trying to stop me....?" Ayuka's glance was terrifying even for Codey, but he didn't show his fear, in fact he was doing his best to stop her. "....Is that really what you desire? Stopping me to kill these nuisances? If it's so, you may too feel what it is like, being erased." Ayuka swiped with her right arm when Codey noticed how Kojima on his right side felt extreme fear, making him shocked. ".....do you understand, just try to stop me, and this will happen to you...." Ayuka reached with her right arm in front of Codey's face when he finally reached into fear.

"Ayuka! Stop!" Ayuka became a bit surprised when her eyes opened. She faced toward Sakami. "What are you doing? He is your friend! You agreed it yourself to help him, to find him! Do you even know who are you trying to kill! Ayuka! Just get yourself together! You are not here to kill neither of us! You're trying to find someone you care about! Do you understand! I get it, I understand your fear, sadness, worries! But we all find those feelings for whenever it goes for somebody that we care, either it is one or multiple. Ayuka, we understand, you're angry at the ones, but killing them it's not the right thing! Do you remember anything, what were you like!?" Asked Sakami. "...what do you know.... you never knew what I was like..... is it death, what you wish for?" Ayuka asked, while looking at her. "I know exactly how you were, what you're after! All you want to do is to see a friend of you, somebody you care about! Do you know who he is! He promised you to protect you, didn't he?" When calling out to Ayuka, Sakami made her eyes to shake gently. "You were trying to find him, that was your priority, correct? Then make it your priority again! Don't kill those fools, as much as they hurt you! I know it's hard to hold it, but look! If you rage further, you'll end up killing others, even the one you care the most for! Do you really want that to happen!!" Sakami was showing her real feelings toward Ayuka. "....so please.... I beg of you to stop.... if you continue you.... you'll even kill Tim... and he is also a person who all of us care for, who I care for... so one last time, please.... stop yourself before that happens." Spoke Sakami and in surpris, she even left out tears, after Ayuka saw that, her eyes shook and opened widely, her hair stopped waving and her eyes became back blue, when she faced forward.

Ayuka however then spoke. "If I go with you, will you let others go?" Questioned Ayuka with a serious face, but once she said so, others became even more surprised. Kojima who finally snapped out from fear, spoke. "Y.....yes..... we promise.... we only need you, that's all..." Spoke Kojima. "All right, then let go of him...." As soon as Ayuka spoke so, Kojima unchained Codey and allowed him to talk. "Ayuka! What the hell are you thinking about! You can't go with them! Be more-" But Ayuka spoke. "No more talking. Then, Kojima, your name, right? Then take me to where I must go." She spoke. "R-Right away!" Said Kojima. "And you three, don't even try to stop us...." The final words, Kojima opened up a portal. "Ayuka! Stop, don't go, you can't go!" Shouted Codey, but then, Ayuka and Kojima disappeared. As for the others, they became shocked............

To be.... continued....