182. Reunion!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Laboratory - Thursday, 1:10 p.m.]

Previously, Ayuka provoked her hidden strength, but now she was walking with Kojima through the hallway when the door opened. Shinsuke turned in her direction and as soon as he saw her he smiled.

"..... here ..... she .... is ...." Spoke Kojima. "Oh? Well hello, I suppose you're finally here, Ayuka Kirashito, and you, Kojima, now .... what exactly had happened to you?" Questioned Shinsuke once stepping in front of them. "..." But Kojima gave no answer. "Ah, well .... it doesn't matter, all that matters now, it's that, you ~ Ayuka, has finally come to my aid." Spoke Shinsuke. "What is it that you want ....?" Ayuka was somewhat serious. "Ah, no worries ... there, however, will be many things I will ask of you .... and if you wish to protect your 'friends' .... you'll do every single one of them, understood . " Smiled Shinsuke. With no regrets Ayuka spoke. ".... No words? All right, so it is settled, then come here ...." Spoke Shinsuke and brought her next to a capsule. "You see, this human, inside of this capsule absolutely needs your help, so, this is the first thing you will do, you will share you strength with him and then, use your healing abilities to speed up the process in making. Understand ? " Without any comments, Ayuka closed her eyes.

"As you wish ...." Once Ayuka spoke, she was given orders to put her right hand inside of the machine and so she did, she began feeling how her Spiritual Symbolism began to become weaker and weaker. "Ah, this will be enough for now, now, please, if you speed up the processes with your healing abilities." From the orders, Ayuka walked in front of the capsule and reached with her right arm forward.

"... Perfect ....."

- One week later -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Sunday, 2:30 p.m.]

Codey, Sakami and Kanji seemed to have been in discourage and had barely any confidence. "....This is just the worse that our plan could have ended..." Codey spoke while leaned onto his palm. "No sign of Tim and lastely, losing Ayuka.... ugh, why does these things have to happen to us...?" Codey questioned once shattering a cup. "....Codey.... getting angry won't solve any problems that we have right now..." Spoke Kanji. "Are you serious? You're taking this so lightly as if we got nothing to worry about, her aid to Shinsuke can mean anything, we can't even know, what it is going to happen! At times like this, ugh! I actually wish that Tim would be here to help." Spoke Codey. "And you, you're being quiet this entire time, do you have nothing to say about this, Sakami!?" Codey asked, standing up and pressing his palms into the table, when Sakami's cup cracked. "...what is it there to say, we've pretty much got the worse ending possible, we don't even have any leads towards where she could be...." Sakami spoke. Without words, Codey still had no idea what to say.

Meanwhile on the outside.

People were looking at a boy and a girl. "Who the hell are these two?" Questioned a boy. "You know, as much as I heard Umi Island was overpopulated with civillians, I didn't believe they'd be so annoying. staring at us as we're a bunch of outsiders." The boy spoke. As for the girl she was just walking by. "Are you kidding me? You GOT nothing to say... why..... is this all happening?" The boy thought. "My apologies, but I am already quite used to such populations, so I cannot be disturbed by such crowds." Once the girl spoke, people constantly looked at them. The girl had bright purple hair colour as her ponytails wiggled. "That guy looks like he's about ot murder someone with that ugly face." Once the boy heard so, he almost snapped. "Try the same. Not to be disturbed by them." The girl said. "Easy for you to say." Finally, the two stopped. "So? Just to ask polietly. How are you sure that this is the place?" But when the girl spoke, the boy snapped with his fingers. "Why? Because, it literally says 'Food & Drinks - Umi Food Stall'!" The boy spoke, from there the girl became a bit surprised. "Wait. Have you, uh ~ by any chance come here just to..... eat?" The girl asked. "Hey! Long trip to here literally made me hungry, don't lie, you have high appetite too!" Spoke the boy. "Well...." "What, 'well'???" The boy asked. The girl reached for her back and grabbed a sandwich, when the boy froze on the spot, becoming white. "I had a sandwich." From there, three dots appeared on boy's head. "Are you kidding me?! You've had two sandwiches this entire time and you didn't share one with me?! I was dying from hunger!" The boy shouted. "Well ~ you never asked." From there, additional dots appeared. "HOW the hell was I supposed to know that you had TWO sandwiches with you, without you saying a thing!" The boy shouted, and people were constantly weird about him. "....Ask...." From there, the boy gave up.

"You know what, nevermind...." The boy stepped toward the counter. "Well hello young man, what do you wish to order?" The man questioned. "Just give me a normal dish of this.... uh.... 'food stall'." The boy spoke. "Then Bubbly Meat shall be for your service!" The guy spoke. But once the girl sat besides the boy, she polietly bit into her sandwich, once her eyes shook a little. "You REALLY enjoy it, don't you...." The boy annoyingly spoke. But no answer, the girl looked to the side and made a disgusted look. ("....It's no good at all.....") A sweat dripped down her forehead. "Now I wish that your family just kept you there.... not let you come along..." However, everything to what boy has said, it seemed to not bother the girl. "That's not how you talk to ladies!" The watch shouted. "Will you already quit bragging at me with your stupid robotic tone!" The boy shouted at his Zero Watch. "Not my fault you don't know how to talk to females." Spoke the watch, however, the boy just gave up and leaned onto the counter. "....Who am I kidding, this is the worst day ever..." He spoke, once his white hoodie on zipper blew in the wind. The boy bit into the free bread that was serviced at the stall and sighed.

As that was happening, Codey, Kanji and Sakami were walking by. "Man, what's with all the people? They seem... soooooo, confused and are acting so strange..." Codey spoke, scratching his ear. "Well, today is Sunday, so people are free of work and are using many shops..." Explained Kanji. But from there, Codey faced to the side, and became a bit confused. "....is.... that..."

"Sakami, if you want, we can go do something and come up with the plan." But soon when Kanji, spoke, both of them began hearing Codey's weird noises. Codey was looking at the boy, leaned on the counter and biting into bread. "I can't believe it!" When Codey said so, the boy's white hair rippled. Codey's eyes opened wide and were given a star in them. "What the hell is wrong with you! Codey, hey!" But no answer came from Codey, after Kanji tried. "Timmy!!!" When he shouted, both, Sakami and Kanji faced at him as he rushed at the guy behind the food stall, Tim turned around and became unamused. "The hell is he doing here?!" Tim questioned, Codey leaped forward when the boys faced at him, however, Tim moved aside as Codey went falling inside between the food stall and smashing between the dishes, sliding into the wall. Girl who just tried to bite into bread, froze, holding the bread in front of her mouth. Kanji made a smile and quickly moved forward, Sakami followed him in confusion. Codey quickly circled from the wall ahead and pressed his palms on the counter. "I can't believe it! It's really you! Tim!" Shouted Codey, but Tim made a step back and confused.

"Are.... you all right?" Tim questioned with confusion. "Tim, so good to see you!" Spoke Kanji, Codey tried to grab Tim again, however, Tim backed away. "Can somebody tell me what is wrong with Codey?!" Tim questioned. "Are you serious? You're gone for 2 months! And all you say is 'What's wrong with him'?" Kanji asked, Sakami in the meanwhile stood still, not speaking. "Urhm.... well....." Tim raised his foot and pressed it on the Codey's forehead, but Codey kept trying to reach for him as Tim held his hands in his pocket. "Well, sure, but ~ he could, at least be more-" But before Tim spoke, he became confused. "Huh? Why are you here, Captain Sakami?" Tim wondered in confusion. "Uh..." She spoke. "Tim! Are you for real, do you even know who she is?!" Kanji questioned when flapping with his arms, up and down. "She's the Captain of the 13th Clan...." But from there, Kanji became confused. "Look at her! Isn't there something fammiliar to her?!" Spoke Kanji. But Tim looked at confusion, looking at her sideways, still keeping Codey aside. He looked Sakami from bottom to top, when he soon noticed. "That.... scarf.... whoa! Hold up! Don't tell me, that!" But, when Tim looked twice, he soon became surprised. "Sakami!?!" Soon he noticed who she was.

For the first time, Sakami properly showed a smile almost tearing up. "Whoa! You've changed so much! But- how! How is it possible, I'd never thought you were Sakami who.... that.... I.... that was.... that....." But Tim was out of words, still using his left foot to push Codey aside, when he finally spun him on the ground as he rolled aside. "Timmeeeeey!" He called, rolling into the fountain. "Would you already, stop with this acting of a dog?!" Tim annoyingly said. "...Finally, you get who she is!" Kanji spoke. ".....it's.... so great to finally see you again...." Sakami spoke. Tim scratched his hair. "I.... uh... don't know what to say..." Tim spoke. "Um... wait.... Tim.... who is... she?" Kanji questioned when pointing at the girl with his palm, who just bit into the bread. "Oh... uh... this is Kylin... I've met her in Yagayo Town, she helped me with a few stuff, but.... uh, now she's.... here..." Tim spoke. "Wait! Kylin! Do you mean the Kylin! THE Kylin Sandarasu?!" Questioned Kanji, falling in an instantanous estaticness. "Yeah.... but.... how did you know her?" Tim wondered. "How can I not! Everybody talks about her from Yagayo, she is as skilled as a Captain!" Kanji question. "Oh my! Sorry! I should introduce myself more efficiently." Spoke Kanji and bowed forward. "My name is Kanji Sanda! It's so great to finally meet you in person!" Spoke Kanji. Kylin polietly introduced. "Thank you very much, nice to meet you as well, Kanji." She spoke. Sakami introduced as well.

Codey finally came crawling from the fountain, wet, towards them and stood up, fixing his curly hair. "Uh... where is Ayuka...?" Tim asked, but at that moment, the three of them became somewhat sad.

"Oh... she..." After explaining, Tim's eyes shook....

To be continued...