183. Efficient Dueling Territory!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Sunday, 3:05 p.m.]

Tim was standing up while thinking with his hand on his chin. "...." "He's been thinking like that for a while...." Codey spoke. "....need Ayuka.... I think there is something I should be aware about." Tim believed, however, staying calm. "Well.... there is something you should know.... but -" Codey scratched his hair. ".....but?" Tim wondered. "It's.... somewhat risky, we were ordered not to tell you." Codey spoke. "....I'm... sorry... Tim." Tim was of course confused. "Forget it.... so she decided to go with them, to help them...." Constantly thinking, Tim's mouth shook. ("What do they want with her.... damn it.... I knew i should have just been here while they were going through these problems.... urgh... this makes me so mad!!") Tim sighed and turned around. "Whoa, where are you going?" Kanji wondered. "Well.... my family, you said they are on this family, I may as well go say hi to them." From there Tim stepped forward. "You don't even know where to go.... let us show you." Sakami exclaimed. "Sounds good enough." From there, Tim followed them with Kylin.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Sunday, 3:15 p.m.]

"My dear Timboy!" Dasuke jumped forward. "Finally, reunion! Finall we don't need to constantly drive off and off and off and off and -" Before Dasuke finished, Charlotte slapped her palm against his mouth. "Just shut up already!" Annoyingly spoke Charlotte. "So, where is-" But before he could finish. "I am right here! Whoa! Hey! Where is my lovely Ayuka!?!" Myles loudly asked with a worry. "She's... uh 'busy'...." Kanji added. "Oh come on! When Tim comes, of course she's gone while she could simply just jump at him and ki-" But before Myles spoke, Codey grabbed his mouth, while Tim felt confused. "What?" "Ah! Ahahaha! Don't worry! He was just joking! Y'know, his perverted mind!" Spoke Codey. "What do you mean, this was not perverted at all, it was about them-" But from there, Codey smashed Myles gently at the top of his head. "Hey!" "Ooh! Well, look! Time to go shopping!" Codey called. "What? Hey, nobody agreed to go shopping with you!" Shouted Myles in anger after the door shut, Tim was still confused. Sakami faced back at Tim who spoke. "..." "Is, everything going to be all right with you?" Calmly asked Sakami. "Why wouldn't it be.... I just got stuff on my mind that I'm trying to figure out." Tim spoke. "I may not understand much about what is going on here, but if I can be in any help, please, do ask me." Answered Kylin. "We sure will!" Kanji estaticly called. "Tim, let's go for a walk, I wish to explain the situation." Kanji spoke and in luck, Tim agreed, as for Kylin and Sakami, both of them stayed indoors.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Sunday, 3:29 p.m.]

"So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?" Tim wondered in confusion. "I....well. First things I'd like to say ~ when you just left without any trace, we were all worried sick and were preparing to find you, but while trying to find you, me, Ayuka, Sakami and Codey came in several obstacles, the Police Regiment's Most Trusted Group that was sent after us and even if we managed to breach through them, the next week after, we've been caught by them again, but this time, there was a new warrior that is now still roaming around. Besides that, week ago, Ayuka has decided to exchange herself to return Codey, we did hope to somehow keep both of them near us, but we just couldn't do anything after getting batted down liek a bunch of animals... besides that, before it, we've encountered a Scientist, named Shinsuke..... he was the first who began posting Ayuka as a money reward, this is why everybody was sent off, to hunt Ayuka. We tried our best to keep her, but we just couldn't...." Spoke Kanji. "Myles and your family also do not know that, but they've caught Ayuka in action, so Charlotte and Ava now both know what we were hiding from them.... this also means they know what you've been hiding from them." Exclaimed Kanji. "It was going to happen eventually...." Tim sighed. "Look, the basic thing here, we somehow must find Ayuka and rescue her... but this time, please, don't go running away, we absolutely need your help, I believe you've gotten stronger in this month, and I bet, quite a lot." Spoke Kanji. "Don't worry.... I'm not planning to leave either of you, not anymore, this was just one off thing.... I've needed to do something after that inncident, I felt, so weak and still I do, losing Ayuka who is very important, is something to-" But then Kanji got surprised. ("Does he know about Ayuka being a 'Semi-Godess' or did he mean it just as friendship?") Kanji believed, but then.

"Everyone, everyone! Who is here to enter EDT! If you're looking for getting stronger, please! Come this way and sign up!" Called a man. People were bunching up and signing when Kanji and Tim both came closer. "Uh... excuse me? What is EDT?" Tim questioned. "Ah! What a fine young looking man! ETD, stands for Efficient Dueling Territory and is a hand to hand combat tournament, we gather the most toughest warriors to win the poster of Ayuka Kirashito, and whoever wins it, they'll be given a-" But when the man spoke so, Tim struck with his arm and slapped the poster away, when the boys faced at him. "....Tim?" Kanji wondered. "Tell me the reward..." Spoke Tim. "Ah... Uh.... reward.... it's tracker, which works perfectly...." Spoke the man. "Give me the pen." When saying so, Tim immediately signed in. "Look at that teenager, he really is entering into ETD? This is no place for kids!" Laughed a man.

Tim also signed up Kanji. "Whoa! Hey! Why did you sign me up?!" Kanji questioned. "We have better chance to recieve the reward if we both do it..." Tim spoke and then threw the pencil into the man's hands, as the man tried to catch it he thanked. "Well, seems we've gathered the 20 candidates!" Smiled the man. "Sorry, no more place!" Called the guy. "Hey! Those two just pushed themselves through the line!" People complained. However, Tim and Kanji both seemed to ignore them. "Why do you want that tracker?" Wondered Kanji with confusion. "We'll have a higher chance to finding her..." From there, Kanji stopped while looking Tim who walked forward. ("....he really doesn't seem happy with that at all, I mean, it is expected, but, I never seen him so serious about something...") Kanji thought.

[Planet Earth - Laboratory - Sunday, 3:30 p.m.]

"Not doing a bad job, you're doing perfectly." Smiled Shinsuke while watching Ayuka, sharing ker power with multiple capsules, she seemed to have been stuck inside her mind, forced to do such things. ("Just a few more days, and HE'll be ready...") Laughed Shinsuke inside his thought while doing a side experiment.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Sunday, 3:40 p.m.]

Finally, Kanji and Tim returned. "Oh, hi, welcome back you two." Polietly spoke Kylin. "Kylin, I need a favour from you." Tim spoke, while she became a bit confused. "And same goes for you, Sakami." Both of them stepped closer. "So, what do you want?" Sakami questioned, "Me and Kanji signed up in EDT." From there they became a bit surprised. "Why did you sign up for that if I may ask?" Kylin questioned. "The final reward is a 'tracker' which can really be efficient in our search, getting that item will really increase our chances of finding her, so, I'd like to ask you, when we get that tracker, I'd like you to help out on finding her, the path will probably be difficult, but we absolutely need your help, Sakami, I've seen you fight and your strength is incredible and same goes for you Kylin, for Kanji and Codey, I'm already certain they will help, but we need as much help as possible, we don't know how many stuff we'll have to go through, so please, that's all I ask, to help us." Tim asked. "I think I have no comment, sure I'll help, as long as I will be in help." Spoke Sakami. "And you, Kylin, I know I've known you for only a month, but please." Tim asked. "My apologies, but, if you believed that I would not help, I'd be upset, my duty as a Spiritual Duelist is, after all, to help people, and that goes the same to help your friends, so, polietely may I say, I will help." She exclaimed. Tim made a smile and thanked. "And please, stop with that 'polite' accent towards me, I feel so uncomfortable." Tim spoke. "Erm.... well.... I'll.... try...." Kylin spoke. "Did somebody say about help?! Oh, if it's about Ayuka, you can make copies of me and we'll all help!" Codey came crushing through the door. "Yeah. I'd expect that much from you. Heard you've learned how to control your Half-Demon Mode, proud of you." Tim spoke. "Huh? That's something you don't hear from him oftenly...." Codey sighed. "Well, I genuinely am, so, whatever you think, I'll accept, however, I do believe I won't be so nice to those jerks..." Tim said. "Well, whatever it is, we'll be at your aid." Kanji spoke, Tim thanking one last time.

"Oooh! Oooh! Why don't we make a group name!" When Codey spoke so, Kanji, Tim, Sakami and Kylin all seemed to have no comment. "How about! Spiritual Scouters! Oh! Wait! What about, Overpowered Rangers! Wait, no, that's no good. Ah, I got it! The Frog.... wait..... isn't that actually worse than other two..." Codey thought. Tim walked past him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Work on your names, but honestly, no name is required. Now if you won't mind, I would like to see what this Island has to offer, you can come with if you'd like." Tim spoke, as well as others seemed to be a bit confused, they agreed to follow and come with him. ("Tim might be acting normal, however, I can feel it, he has outstanding rage inside of his mind, the Shadow that could break out at any time, whether it is something that puts us in danger..... sometimes he may not look like it, but he really does care about us, I'm glad we have his help back, with him, I bet we'll save Ayuka in no time, no matter the situation!") Smiled Kanji while thinking.

("Prior to them or me, I will find you..... that's a promise....") Tim thought when his face turned to serious, faced away from the rest.

To be continued...