184. E.T.D. Begins!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- Three days later -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.]

Efficient Dueling Territory or for short E.T.D. is a tournament made out of 20 duelists who will be set through four rounds and become the winner. The Dueling will certainly have rules which are expected.

"Rule 1: The Duel will have a time limit of 10 minutes and in that time a duet must win, if by any chance the time runs out, then there will be a second chance for the duets to win.

Rule 2: While dueling, the fighting may not lead to any murders or they will be disqualified from the tournament.

Rule 3: To win a duel, the duelists must either knock both their opponents behind the line or by knocking them out.

Rule 4: Firearms are forbidden and only close range weapons may be allowed, while using them, you must be careful not to stab the opponent, any cuts that will be given to the opponent will be recovered by our most trusting medical sisters.

Final Rule: You must not attack your own teammate, if that happens, the opposing team will win automatically and will move up to the next round.

Each time a duet wins, they will be given a token which counts as the score to keep their score easily, as much as the token isn't very useful in battle, they have quite important role in the rounds as they will allow you to remove any mistakes, such as yellow cart, simmilar to a football match, now, to continue, here will be the setups of how you'll be participating." Explained the announcer.

The battlefield was somewhat small but it was large enough for wider duels, it was rectangular and stood on the island on the ocean a few meters away from the city.

"You know, this is something I never expected." Kanji called, speaking to Tim who stood besides him in confidence, serious pose with crossed arms. "....Expect what....?" Tim asked. "Well ~ teaming up with you in some sort of a tournament, I believed I would be the last person for your pick." But Tim quickly answer besides. "Well, you were the only one near me, plus, you're a tough Duelist, I don't see what's not expected here." Exclaimed Tim. "If you don't like this way, then you may let me fight them myself." "Wait! No, no! That's not what I meant!" Called Kanji. "Oh? Well, then don't make yourself seem like you're some sort of an idiot that could not fight." Tim answered, while facing at their lineup towards two opponents. "And who would know, first one up are we...." Tim said when moving toward the middle. In sudden moment, Sakami, Codey, Kylin, Charlotte and Ava all came running through the group to see. "They are already up? Man, we were lucky not to be late!" Codey spoke. "You... know, this is so strange, seeing our brother, fighting with weaponry, that is something I didn't expect to see any day." Charlotte gulped as she was worried. "I believe this tournament should be too easy for them." Spoke Sakami, while facing ahead.

"Well, look at that! This will be entertaining! First round and we're going against two kids, hah!" The men who stood in front of them were laughing, as Tim stood still, not moving. The two men held just basic swords that were bought through the store. "I wanna see how this sharp blades test like on opponents like you!" Both of them prepared, as for Tim he stood still. "Huh? Wait, where the hell is your weapon?" The two men were almost dying from laugher. "Excuse me young man, do you have something to fight with or are you planning to fight bare handedly?" Questioned the announcer. "This first round? Yes, bare handedly." Tim spoke. As for Kanji, who stood next to him, he seemed to be extremely confused. "Are you by any chance mocking us kid? Fighting without weapon here is almost death wishing!" The man shouted. But the announcer agreed and began. "10 minutes until the end you may begin!" He called.

Tim made a step when both of the men before them froze on the spot, people who watched Tim seemed to have been confused when he closed his eyes, from a single moment, Tim's body disappeared and in instant, the clothes waved in front of the two men's eyes. ".....w.....wait..... did..... he even.... move?" The boy asked, even Sakami, Codey and Kanji seemed to got caught in surprise, once Tim pressed his palms into the two men's faces, from there he powerfuly smashed them backward as both of their backs got dug into the tournament's floor. The floor that cracked in an instant and extended under the two men when a wind appeared in sudden moment, it blew aroudn the area when people began losing bags and papers that they held, even their clothes waved once they were almost struck and blown back, as for Tim's look it has seemed to be terrifying for others. ".....shut up with your big talk...." Tim creeply spoke when the two men immediately fell into unconscious, for the final time, Kanji felt how the wind exploded once more and then dispersed, the bags slowly began floating toward ground, when even the announcer became surprised in eyes. "Did he even move!?! I'm sorry to say this, but even I couldn't have seen his time time!" Shouted Codey, once his eyes twitched. "It could have been seen by you easily, you just have not focused onto him..." Sakami explained. "Yeah... but still, come on! Wait, Kylin, he was in training with you right? What the hell did you do to him?! I've never seen him shatter the floor with just his hands!" Codey yelled, people who had their jaws opened to the floor, dropped their stuff and even the other duelists in this tournament were felt in shock. "Yeah.... you know, when I said I'd join this tournament, I think today is not the best time." A man spoke, his teammate agreed. "Definetly! Hey! Announcer! We're out, don't count us in this tournament, I'm not getting my ass beat just for a stupid tracker, see ya!" The two men ran away and the third duet were eliminated. "Uh....." The announcer was out of words.

"The..... victory goes to..... Shinkaku and Sanda...." The announcer said, raising the green flag. Tim stood up straight while facing at the two lying men on the floor. "I can tell so clearly. His pressure is equal to a captain, and that's with bare hands. I don't wish to know where his power goes when in Spiritual Duelist state." Called Sakami. "Wait? Are you kidding?! You mean to tell me that Tim, literally exceeded your power, Sakami, and THAT with just bare hands?!" Codey asked. "It's true. Tim's power increase dramatically over this one month. First he was put under training of Mayumi and Saburo, that is where he was able to master the 180 minute mark of Aura Release, after coming to me, we've worked on his Spiritual Control which was learned in a week, then one final week, we've trained in him using Akusei for at least 30 minutes. He might of have not reached the 30 minute mark, but at this level of power, he might not even need it." Spoke Kylin after explanation. "You know Codey, he may be weaker than you in this stage when you're at maximum level of power, but, I could say safely that he exceeds your strength after changing to a Spiritual Duelist." Sakami spoke, even she was a bit overwhelmed. "Well, who cares, let him show off, I'll just blow his burning passion away, hah!" Codey called, confidently. "Since.... when did you two become rivals of some kind?" Sakami questioned. "This is not about rivarly, it's about jealousy." Codey said. Charlotte and Ava, however, both felt shaken up. "This cannot be our brother, he's only 4 years older than us and he can do that?" Charlotte called, as for Ava, she seemed to be mroe estaticed. "Our brother is AMAZING!" Ava yelled, which surprised Charlotte.

While Tim and Kanji achiebed victory, two people seemed to be calm, watching them. "Didn't expect to find someone, equal in our strength on this battlefield...." It was a male's voice. "Well, even if he may be that strong, we still have no cue about his teammate, so we're safe to say we'll win." Exclaimed, his teammate however was a girl. "You're right about that.... only now I understand what some people truly are capable of." The guy spoke after moving to the side "Well, I believe those two will be our final opponents, let's hope they've got some interesting moves at full strength." The man called as for the girl, she accepted to what the man spoke.

"I couldn't believe my eyes. I understand these were just basic, Martial Artists, but, what you did- it, it...." "Save it." Tim spoke after stepping outside the line.

Kanji followed him right after, still confused. ("Is he really that focused on obtaining that tracker. I understand it, but I never imagined him to go that far....") Kanji believed in his mind, after the two fallen men were taken into the hospital to replenish their injuries. ("I can't tell. Is he going this far to release his anger toward others for what has happened to Ayuka, or was he just so inpatient and wanted to finish this fight as soon as possible, and checking on the time, it was only two seconds....") Codey faced back toward Tim who seemed to be ignoring other people looking at him. ("He's grown so much in just a month, will he ever reach limits? I remember the first he fought, he struggled to figth even a gigantic Demon, now, that Demon would be like a piece of cake to him, he could probably finish him in a singular blow, and looking toward the opponents he has faced, he exceeded everyone, even Fukashi, even Captain Yukito! He's on a complete different level than all of us in our basic stances... he may not be as powerful as a captain in his human stage, but I bet, once he transforms into a Spiritual Duelist, his power increases drastically.... just why have you pushed yourself that far?" Wondered Codey, somewhat worried that Tim was overdoing himself. ("Then again, when I finally learned how to control my inner-self... I felt so superior to the opponent, Tim just puts me in a situation to where I feel like I am weak.... but, this just gives me another reason to grind myself up and equal my strength with him, I may have the Kinetic Type Advantage, but in everything else, I am weaker, no matter how far I've pushed myself.... Tim has everything, physical strength, speed and durability, we do not put brains into count, sicne that is not really enhancement.... we all know that I am THE smartest, but still.... we may help Ayuka simply with him on our side.... now I know why you've left without saying anything..... congratulations, Tim.....") Codey believed.

To be continued...