185. A withstanding opponents!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.]

After the second , the third team were put to the second round after two duelists dropped out, fourth team was victorious against fifth, eight won against seventh, the final round just began and the two mysterious duelists who were hiding their identity for current time were ready to fight against the ninth team, the two teams fighting have already set up standing in the battlefield.

"The final duel of the first round is about to begin, the two teams that are fighting are Duet Nine and Duet Ten, duo to third team dropping out, the set up of the second round has been changed, the final duel will provide us with the final team that will move to second round." Explained the announcer with his microphone very close to his mouth. "I'm surprised people still dare to fight after seeing what Tim has done in the first duel..." Said Codey while looking at Tim, who stood next to him, seriously. ("Guess we don't just have martial artists....") Kanji believed while looking at the two cloaked people. ("And, I'm certainly sure that Tim is aware too...") "The fight may begin in a couple of seconds, so prepare yourself." Spoke the announcer. "3....2.....1.... fight!" The announcer called. "All right Peppe! Let's show this two cloakers that we like to see them face to face!" The man called, as Peppe agreed. "You bet, Patey!" They were just about to move once both of them froze on the spot and with their eyes shaking, the two men collapsed on the floor. People were somewhat confused to what had just happened while Tim and Kanji soon became a bit amazed by what had just happened. The boy who was cloaked dropped his arm and closed it. "You know, that was a bit overboard, Kimoto." Spoke the girl, calm. "Wish to say I'd care, but they are just a bunch of big talkers, they are not our real opponents, but those two.... Tsuji." Exclaimed Kimoto when the announcer from shock barely called their victory, from the spot of the last-standing area, both of them, Kimoto and Tsuji stepped out. "That guy only raised his arm, and that was all there was to it." Codey called, certained that they might have be tough opponents to beat.

"Tsuji do remember that we shouldn't waste time, beating such fools as those, our orders were loud and clear, Shinsuke told us to keep the tracker away, we must get that tracker and if we don't, those two will." Spoke Kimoto and faced backward, from there his cape fell down and gave a serious look toward Tim who faced him back. ("I don't know who they are, but they surely seem to know what they are after... everybody entering this duel has a reason that they want that tracker and those two don't are up to no good, I bet.") Tim thought and then waited for the next day, which was also the second round. The people moved aside as Tim sticked behind with his group. Sakami, Kylin, Codey and Kanji stepped besides him. ("Well, he seems to have some great enemies that could keep us in harm, but after obtaining that tracker, we're done, they may do as they wish.") Kimoto and Tsuji both walked ahead and gave no other hints. "You know, those two seem to be Spiritual Duelist, just like us and they seem pretty tough, do you think you two will manage at the end, after all - there is no doubt. Those two will be your final enemies as the rest of the martial artists are just mere people, no special abilities at all." Answered Codey, Tim's hair covered when he made an intimidating face. "Whoa, hey! What's gotten into you all of a sudden? What is that look for?" Codey questioned in a surprise. "....those two work for the scientist..." Tim spoke, after saying, the rest of his friends became surprised. But from there, Tim made an unknown smile. "I'll enjoy beating them down to a pole." From there, after saying so, Tim's friends looked at him in surprise as they never expected him to act this way.

"Hey, calm down, save that smile for when you'll need it, creeps me out." Codey added. No answer returned, Tim stretched. "All right then, sorry!" Tim yawned and walked forward. "I'll be taking a rest." "Wait? You're taking a rest, but all you did was ~ take care of.... two people, not even sweating." Kanji answered. "Yah? Well... standing bored me and tired me, besides, I still need to get a noon meal." Tim's quick switch of acting caused others to become a bit strange. ("That tracker will be in our hands, I don't care what army he sents at us....") Tim began walking toward his 'home' while others sticked a few seconds behind. "You know, has he been acting like this to when you were training him, Kylin?" Codey questioned just for concern. "....Simmilar, I believe so." From the words she spoke, Codey, Kanji and Sakami seemed to be at part with confusion.

"I will proceed to say he has changed a bit, since the last time we've met at Spiritual Realm..." Answered Sakami. "Oh, don't worry, trust me. He's too focused on his saving of Ayuka and destroying the 'Shinsuke' guy. Once he succeeds in those, he'll return to what he was like before, trust me." Kanji claimed. "I hope you're right...." Codey added while worried a bit.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Wednesday, 4:10 p.m.]

"....Um.... Codey, what are you doing?" Kanji wondered while looking at him, Codey was doing situps while talking. "If Tim has reached such limits, I must reach even further, this is why I gotta work up my body." Explained Codey. Before Tim bit into the bread, he looked at Codey, but then back ahead with a smile. "What are you laughing at?" Codey questioned in annoyance when stopping to sit up and look at Tim. "Nothing, just surprised you see me as stronger. If you do wish to get stronger, you could ask Kylin for help too." But when Tim said so, Kylin almost chocked gently on bread. "I, um ~ do you mean the Spiritual Control?" She questioned. "That's right, I think everybody else here is curious to what others have in store." Tim explained. "Wait, Spiritual Control? Oh yeeaaah, you did say something about it, so what exactly is it all about?" Codey questioned while interested. "Oh ~ Spiritual Control is just a Feeling of your Aura, which affects your abilities." Once Kylin explained the situation, others then moved toward the ocean, near docks.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Wednesday, 4:20 p.m.]

Everybody was standing in front of the ocean when Codey still seemed kind of confused. "So, all I have to do is release my Aura and put my hand over it?" Questioned Codey, and in answer, Kylin confirmed. "The Aura reacts like pressure, this is why sometimes the area begins cracking, but when above water, then the reaction of it will explain what your Spiritual Control is." Answered Kylin. "Hm, somewhat believeable, we really haven't had any combats over water, so I never expected this reacts on water..." Codey spoke. "Then, go ahead, let's see, Codey!" Kanji was quite proud.

The Aura that Codey had awoke rised and begin to swirl over water, the pressure was tensing once the water began to ripple heavily at high speed. "Whoa, that is so weird but I like it!" Codey smiled. "So, that's somewhat expecting." Tim smiled. "Seems you're a Perceptionist." Explained Kylin. "Well, he can have great focus if he is calm enough and his senses are better than ours." Spoke Kanji with a smile. "Perceptionist, that's something I was expecting, but at the same, didn't ~ Anyway, you can go ahead Kanji." Codey smiled while backing away, however as soon as he backed away, the water bursted into the air, which surprised everyone. "What was that?!" Codey questioned in confusion. "Uh..... that shouldn't have happened!" Tim called in confusion. "Kylin, mind explaining?" Tim questioned. "That's something you don't see every day, he appears to be Perceptionist but Enhancer at the same time." From what spoke Kylin, others became shocked. "What?!" Asked Tim. But Codey giggled. "Sorry, that was my mistake, I accidantely released my aura which forced to water to rise!" From explaining, others became unamused. "Something you'd least expect from a smartass." Tim said. "Hey!"

The second on the trial was Kanji who did the same, but this time the water began to swirl extremely fast. "Manipulator.... that's usually the case for Electro Type users."

The third and the final was Sakami who seemed to be somewhat confused about all of this, but still, she reached with right hand forward and from there the water seemed to have not move or shake. "That's strange? Shouldn't something happen?" Wondered Kanji. "No, everything is all right, she is a Specialist, no wonders." Answered Kylin and from there, Sakami stepped aside. "So we have, two Emitters, one Specialist and one Manipulator! Oooh, that's spicy, although... I wish we'd knew what Ayuka's Spiritual Control was." But when Codey spoke so, Tim closed his eyes. "She's an Enhancer." Tim spoke, and then everybody looked at him confused. "What? How could you know that?" Codey questioned. "If you don't know, Ayuka was fighting purely without Ginken for a long time, she was winning her fights by using Hanatsu, which enhances her body speed, strength, durability, perception, accuracy, focus and Aura Increase, she could raise her strength within fists and deal a huge damage, with barely her arms, and as we know, for a human to be an Enhancer, that is only 5% chance to obtain." Explained Tim. "Oh, right, the battle against Lucas, she showed it to us.... Hanatsu, I've forgotten about it." Codey said. "Wait, if Enhancer is 5% chance, what are others?" Kanji wondered.

"Easy to answer....

Manipulation has 83% chance to be obtained

Transmutation has 74% chance to be obtained

Perception has 57% chance to be obtained

Emission has 33% chance to be obtained

Speciality has 16% chance to be obtained

and finally...

Enhancer has 5% chance to be obtained." Explained Kylin with a calm attitude. "Aw come on! Can I have at least any luck of having a better perk to me than Tim!" Codey jealously called. "You've got 'Demon Blood' and that is extremely rare, do you not?" Questioned Kylin. "And your perks don't matter, everybody can be efficient in battle, no matter the Kinetic Type, Spiritual Control or Aura Rarity, they just have minor effects, that is if you don't increase your Aura, of course." Explained Kylin. "Urgh, whatever...." Codey sighed and crossed his arms behind the back.

"At least I'm not as stupid as some of you...."

To be continued...