186. E.T.D.'s final duel!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 12:30 p.m.]

As expected the final duel was between Tim and Kanji who'll face against Kimoto and Tsuji.

"You know, I don't know how that guy beat those two freaks yesterday by just raising his hand." Kanji replied. "Maybe he has some special ability, but by waiting for the cut we won't find out." Sakami, Codey and Kylin were ready to watch this time.

"I don't know why, but ~ I have a very bad feeling." Kylin pleaded as she moved her hand under her chin with a show of thought. "And why do you have a bad feeling. Don't worry, they'll win." Codey smiled, but. "Not worried about them losing, but I have a very poor feeling about the fight, I can't explain anything, but it's definitely not a good feeling." Kylin explained. "Equally, something is different in the atmosphere, but I wouldn't know how to explain." While Sakami confirmed, Codey exhaled. "You worry too much ...."

"The last fight between Tim and Kanji against Kimoto and Tsuji will begin, please prepare and do not destroy the surroundings ...." the announcer shouted and grabbed his forehead.

During the same moment on this island, however, Octavius ​​and Tsukiya looked out the window. "And, tell me. The previous hunt when we did it, do you think it was worth it? You lost your arm I was stabbed and two of our co-workers were killed. Now at least I understand why they wanted to get that girl, but. Who would want to have such a horrible monster around, whenever that girl could kill that crazy scientist? " Tsukiya asked, Octavius, who was leaning against the wall and looking towards the island where the duel was taking place, was a little in mind. "Hello? Are you listening to me at all? Urgh, whatever." Tsukiya replied. "Remember that girl? She teased some guy, but. Now I'm not sure if it's that guy." His curled shoulder was very unmoving.

"What? That white-haired boy? Maybe he's strong in physical strength, but I don't know if it's really him, his pressure seems wrong to me-" "Maybe you're right, Tsukiya ... but still."

"So, are you all four ready? If you are, then you can start for about 3 seconds when the time drops!" He called, the announcer, and at that one everyone nodded, and the time of 3 seconds started to drop.

During the same moment, however, three stood in the crowd. "Ah, how he changed after a year." Tishida smiled. Akari and Akira were next to him, but all three held low profiles. "Yup." She smiled at Akari during that time as she held some sort of object in her hand. "Well, which interests me." Tishida smiled.

When time struck zero seconds, Tsuji spread both arms as her cloak blew in the wind, and at that moment a black Aura appeared next to which Tsuji spun her weapon which had just appeared. It was a black spear spinning, and from Tsuji the cloak was pulled and wrapped around her chest. She put on a smile and let out a black energy emanating from her spear.

"All righty! All set!" At that, Kanji reached with his right hand to the side. ("How convenient! Shee uses a weapon similar to mine!") Kanji thought as he quickly turned his sword into his spear at which the electricity rose. "A spear against a spear? That will be ... interesting ...." Codey said as he watched. "I'm not sure what your stupid ability is. But I'll need to figure it out, I suppose!" Tim called out and moved his hand to the side. When he let go of the blue aura, a white ribbon cloth appeared and began to blow behind his back, and next to that, a handle appeared and a blade from that handle. "Well, his sword is still the same, didn't expect much of it." Called Codey and scratched his ears. "I didn't train him in shifting his sword's form ..." Kylin exhaled. "Hey! Anything can be possible!" Codey called out with the moment he raised his hands to the side and showed as if he didn't know.

"Well then you'll need good luck figuring it out!" Kimoto clarified and then raised his hand above him as his cape began to move in the wind, and above his palm and head a scythe appeared that had a longer and shorter blade, was black and quite large. "Well, didn't expect to see a grimreaper out in the day." But as Tim said this he noticed the piece twisting and gripping both hands. "Then what do you say we start?"

And so, it began.

The fight began with Kanji and Tsuji facing off at the same time as Tim and Kimoto have faced. ("Guess that settles it, each of us has one. But be sure Tim, if something happens in the moment, I rather help you than focus on her!") Kanji seemed to be well-caring at the current moment, but, that was knowing that he'd have no trouble.

"Stop being lost in your mind and focus on the enemy in front of you!" Tsuji tapped the floor when a black lightning bursted from her back and immediately appeared in front of Kanji with a smile. ("Lightning? Hey? What the hell is this all about?!") Kanji proceed with causes by swinging his spear in front when the two struck landed, from there, voltage rose and both of them were pushed back.

While sliding backward on the rough floor, Kanji made a strong stomp into the floor and turned by twisting his feet and then immediately surrounding his body with electricity. The bolt was created, that struck from the air in front of Tsuji and again, Kanji spun with his spear, downward when Tsuji ducked and quickly touched the floor with her left palm, when Kanji was about to stab a wound into her, she created a dust cover and then stopped Kanji's attack, she then leaned back and raised her left leg, kicking into Kanji's stomach and then, when stucking her feet into his stomach, she wiped the foot across his body and forced him to spin, from there, she quickly spun on the floor, stood up and spun her spear behind her, from there she surrounded the spear with electricity of blackness and sliced toward Kanji.

From his quick thinking, Kanji identified the area and quickly struck ahead at the correct perspective, making him able to defend the blow. By doing so, Kanji then formed into a bolt which zapped behind Tsuji and making her lose a quick guard, Kanji struck forward but for quick reaction, Tsuji blocked the attack, after both coloured electricities rised around them into a paralyzing explosion, then both of them were pushed back after Tsuji slid forward, turning her body and immediately stomping the ground to leap into the ground, Kanji did identical move and both of them clashed in midair.

Meanwhile, Tim noticed the scythe zipping across the air towards him which he then avoided by jumping back.

After pressing his feet against the ground, Tim grabbed his sword with both hands and moved it to the side, once slicing it obliequely up. From there he released a blue crescent which went flying at high speed toward Kimoto.

Kimoto who was well prepare to somehow block the attack, zipped his scythe down and shattered through the blue energy wave, which then exploded behind his back and changed into blue sparkles. By quickly blocking Tim already noticed how Kimoto appeared in the middle of the air, a few feet from above the ground and sliced down toward Tim. Tim quickly twisted his blade and raised it above him, blocking the scythe, however, he was forced to lean his head to the left, as the longer blade of the scythe almost cut him. ("He's not trying to kill me, I'm aware. They'd lose, anyway.") From there, Tim unleashed a blue explosion from his blade from up close, when blowing Kimoto high in the air, from pulling his sword back, Tim leaped in the air and swiped with his blade, yet Kimoto blocked by swiping obliequely. "You know something, don't you?" Tim spoke as both duelists exhchanged looks. "Oh? And what may that be?" Tim began pushing with his blade. "You know where Ayuka is, do you not? You were not sent here just for the tracker, but to steal it from our hands, isn't that correct?" Tim questioned by giving him a very pissed up look. "Well, that is correct." From there, both weapons were knocked back from the force, once Tim immediately slashed downward. "If it is so! Then tell me where is she being kept!?" Tim questioned from the angry look.

"I'm quite sorry to disappoint you, but, telling you is not my job, but you do may, she is kept in a 'well-caring' jail cell." From aangering out Tim and trying to trick him, Tim pummeled forward when bashing his sword up against his scythe. Kimoto was thrown back from the air and rolled on the ground toward the line.

Luck on his side, Kimoto noticed that after he got on his feet in a crouch and slid. "Tsch..." From doing so, he quickly stabbed the scythe into the ground when Tim seemed to be in midair. From the shattered ground, the floor unleashed a black surge of energy that began rising from the floor toward Tim, in a burst speed. Tim crossed his sword in front of him, to block some of the damage and was then exploded toward the ground, by successfuly landing, he immediately raised a look ahead, but he already noticed how Kimoto went dashing above the floor at him, with a wielding scythe and controled blackness, Tim immediately forced the sword to be pushed in front of him as he blocked the upcoming attack, yet was still forced to move aside.

At the same time, Kanji just disappeared from the spot and noticed how he appeared behind Tsuji. However, she noticed him and after Kanji stabbed with his spear, she appeared behind him and spun her spear, then throwing her on the wall, she grabbed Kanji under his armpits and pressed hr body against his back, even making him feel her chest, slipping on his back. "Well, aren't you a bit dizzy one!" From saying so, she quickly squeezed his body and then disappeared in a bolt that was shot in the air, Kanji was surprised after appearing above the spear. By using his back as a leaping board, she then twisted her foot and slammed it into his face, stunning him for a good few seconds.

Then she disappeared from the air, appearing below Kanji and catching her thrown spear, she unleashed another rise of voltage and used it to her advantage when she zipped over the air, preparing to stab Kanji through his abdomen. ("This girl uses identical weapon and identical element? What is up with her, can she copy other's weaponry and abilities? Or was that just a convenience?!") Thinking didn't really help him out, as he noticed how the spear cut at him, he needed to release lightning from his arms, to knock himself backward before getting cut into the abdomen, from being blown by his own element, he prepared to strike. However, from doing so, Tsuji already appeared in front of his abdomen. ("Damn, I can't do it again!") Kanji saw how the spear went stabbing forward, but to avoid it, he had more luck on his side, as he was able to turn his body aside and then used his lightning speed, to appeared behind Tsuji. He stabbed forward and prepared to cut. ("That caught me off guard, darn!") Tsuji turned around and moved her spear near her right side to push Kanji's spear aside, but her upper right shoulder cloth of the clothing was ripped off by spear and after that, she immediately focused on her skin, shown on her shoulder. For that she payed a strike, when Kanji smashed his foot into her abdomen and pushed her back, then appearing above her from the spot and spinning, when unleashing electricity from his right hand. By forming a fist, he smashed it into her abdomen once more while upside down when her body went zooming toward the floor at high speed, by landing she felt a strange pressure on her back, which was the rough floor, getting shattered and cutting through her back. Kanji on the other hand, disappeared in a lightning, back to his original spot on the floor.

People and announcer, however, were quite confused and surprised, their quick movements, high jumping, and elemental release, was forcing them to speak. "....who are these aliens....?"

To be continued...