187. Unproper victory of unexpected!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 12:35 p.m.]

Bystanders and spectators of the duel were focusing on the time. "Is it possible? They only have another 5 minutes left before the time is up, if the winner is not described now, Tim and Kanji will have to duel another 10 minutes until the victory is described, or until somebody doesn't drop out." Spoke Codey overshocked. "By the looks of the duel, nobody has any advantages, the only real strike that was achieved by, was by Kanji, striking Tsuji." Kylin exclaimed while quite certained about the situation on the duel. "So what we're getting from this is literally no accension. Just perfect, this will take multiple hours if the duel doesn't stop any time soon." Codey grabbed his face, pulling skin down from annoyance and unpatience. "...shouldn't you hope that Tim and Kanji win? Or are you here just for speech and giving thoughts that don't really provide the answers?" Codey then made unamused expression. "Think it as neither."

As for the duel, it was still quite equal. Tim provided the next strike by moving up close toward Kimoto and prepared to swing, but in a twisted dash behind Tim's back, Kimoto prepared to stabbed his back, from below his up, against Tim's chest. Tim quickly leaned forward when the blade of the scythe cut his back clothes, Tim, however, quickly twisted his ankle in the air and struck Kimoto's right hip. "Ah, aren't you a kicking one!" When speaking to Tim, Kimoto prepared a turn in the spot and swung toward Tim's head. Tim opened his palm when Kimoto felt heat. ("What the hell is this?") But before knowing what it was, Tim unleashed orange flames that exploded in front of both of them. ("Fire?!") From the explosion, Kimoto went flying high in the air, once his clothes began to ripple in the air and fire, they turned to ashes but in luck he still wore a top T-shirt. Tim then quickly straightened up his stance from the risk of cutting himself but luck was on his side. Tim moved his left sword by his left hip, held by both hands when unleashing blue energy, once again, after swinging and using his signature move, the blue energy crescent went cutting upward, and soon as it was unleashed, its pressure created a shattered line under Tim's blade. ("That time is much more superior and faster!") By a quick turn to the side, Kimoto felt how the blue crescent flew in front and past his face. ("Sugnature moves are quite rare on such warriors as him, but he seems to have to struggle using him, to think that every weaponry that is a Ginken has a signature move, I believe that would be miscalculated.") After turning his body, Kimoto dropped toward the ground.

Kanji and Tsuji were in a close range combat while their stabs and cuts were extremely fast, by the final clash of the two spears, black and silver lightning flew past them from their backs which also caused them to split up on the spotted distance. Kanji noticed how a spear went flying at him. ("Is she disarming herself?!") But even though Kanji avoided the spear, Tsuji teleported to it and caught it behind Kanji's back. From the turn back, his eyes witnessed knowledge. ("That's my skill!") While thinking, the grin on Tsuji's smile creeped him out when the spear went stabbing forward at his back. ("I gotta do something, quick!") From thinking, Kanji moved his spear behind once an explosion of energy appeared, he sacrificed a little of his body pain once he was blasted forward on the floor, but what was surprising, the enemy he had to face was right before his eyes. Kanji's spear dugged into the ground when he touched the floor. ("Rising Voltage!") Through his mind, his voice echoed after the ground began cracking in a line toward Tsuji who was dashing toward him. ("Huh?") But, when noticing, her eyes trembled and feared the upcoming attack, Kanji swooped with his palm upward and the ground cracking, made a circle. ("A prepared trap?!") The ground bursted out a thunder which rised in the air and Tsuji was caught in it when her eyes opened wide. By a loud and high pitch scream of pain, her body began to be electrecuted and her body was almost cracking. When Kanji closed the palm a sudden explosion appeared and Tsuji was throbbed back at high pain and her body did not linger when it was caught in paralysis. Kanji stood up straight and spun his spear.

"I believe this is as far as you may go, this won't continue as you are too paralyzed to proceed the fight." Kanji spoke. Tsuji, who dropped her spear was still shaking because of the paralysis and her clothes were somewhat burnt. Kanji prepared to make her drop out, but. "Aren't you a comedian?" From hearing that, Kanji's eyes shook when Tsuji spun on the floor and hit his knee. ("What? She can still continue!?") By Kanji began falling toward the ground, he noticed how Tsuji got up in a straight body and leaned her leg back, Kanji knew what was following and he guessed it. The knee was struck into his stomach and caused him to become immobolized because of the lost oxygen, when he was grabbed by the back of his head and then, once more, Tsuji kneeled her knee into his face, forcing him to feel headace, from there, she pushed him forward and then jumped, kicking with a kick into his face, turning him around. By doing so, she jumped from the turned back and nailed a backhand spinning kick into Kanji's face, knocking him to the side, doing so, she aimed her pointing finger forward and unleashed a lightning, which was as small as a bullet, as fast as a bullet and as dangerous as bullet, the lightning stabbed through Kanji's left arm, from the back, which forced the electricity to move through his inner body. ("This feeling? How can I be affected by her electricity? How does it work?") Thinking made him fall toward the ground, when he luckly was still awake, not knocked out.

Tsuji stomped on the spear's handle, knocked it in the air and caught it, when spinning and then pointing it at him. "Have you spoken about me being defeated, well, did you just get jinxed? Guess, you did, and you were faked quite easily." Kanji's mouth shook. "You, faked your pain? Damn it." Kanji called while paralyzed on the spot, that made Tim to lose his focus. "Watch out!" Kylin called out, Tim immediately faced forward, when he noticed the scythe stabbing toward his neck. ("He's actually trying to kill me, damn bastard!") Tim's eyes shakened into seriousness and anger, from the spot, Kimoto became surprised, once he felt a wound going below his armpit. ("What? When did he?!") Kimoto was surprised, for a single instant, Tim needed to use 'Henshin'. By standing behind him, he threw the sword to spin next to him as it changed back and same went for his clothes, this time, Tim grabbed the basic shape fo the sword, once more. Because Kimoto's armpit was wounded, he could not use right arm and was soft, so he had to hold the scythe in his left hand. Tim then changed his focus on Tsuji and when Tsuji were about to stab Kanji, Tim came to his rescue. "What in the-" Tim unleashed a blue crescent of energy that went cutting into her and exploding up on contact, blowing her back when she went rolling at the edge of the line. Tim seemed to be very advertised in his anger.

"T-Tim? Thanks...." Kanji spoke, once Tim helped him to stand up. Kimoto at that time seemed to began releasing his pressure. "Aren't you looking a little 'confident'. You know what I hate the most? When the opponent of me, leaves me hanging behind, yes, that's very pissy, you know!" While saying in pissed off voice, Kimoto swiped his left arm to the side, when the scythe prepared to be used, Tsuji stood back up and even felt the pain. "Remember? I spoke your girlish friend is being teased in the jail cell and was well care taken, do you know what I mean? No? Hah! Then let me tell you! Right now, while you're focusing on partying with us in a duel, your firned is being torched by many toys! And you are here, wasting your time, focusing on me, instead of going after her! Hahahahaha! You're so sick, trying to get a tracker which doesn't even exist! This was all on the plan! Yeah! That's right, that tracker we were talking about is just a trick! That announcer guy helped us all to her, we were sure, you would enter it, so we'd keep you away and soon kill you! This is why announcer never stopped the duel! Why? So I'd get the chance to cut your neck off!" Laughed Kimoto.

"But you! As such a fool you are! You could not even tell that! That's correct! You're a big dummy dum! Awwww! Are you going to cry, well, so be IT! You're going to play with us for until I don't kill you! Get ready to-" A flash appeared before Kimoto's eyes.

And his body was not able to be felt anymore, people were stocked up in shock, even, Sakami, Kanji, Codey and of course Kylin, they were trembled, even Tsuji was terrified once seeing what had happened. The blood was bursted into the air once the witnessed arrived. Kanji was in a kneeling because of pain, when he saw Tim, standing behind a corpse. Kimoto's eyes were shocked when he realized that his head was detached from the body. Tim's forehead and eyes were shadowed, with his hair wavey, the darkness coming from his body was rising. "Demon Blood, huh? How entertaining, is it not. Getting your head detached, it must feel so great, just like to what you just said. Speak no more, shall I say. Let me exlaim myself, torchring must be so ideal to you, right? Well, how does it feel, losing your entire body and your head, set aside? Feels great, I can feel it, just like you can feel how much I'm pissed. I'll let you know this before your death, you're just the beginning of my lust for blood, soon as you're gone, the next on the list are your deepest friends, the ones you love, that stupid impostor announcer, your friend girl over there, your parents, even Shinsuke Kōhai! I'll make sure that I find every body. Each of you will be gone, ripped apart to bloody skin and burnt in every single flame, I'll make. Remember, I'm not taking stuff like this lightly, messing with my friends, just brings out the real rage out of me...." Tim explained, when Kimoto felt fear, all sweaty and crying. ".....now..... go to hell!" Tim's eyes widened, when squeezing the head and squashing it in his right arm, the blood bursted in the air and Kimoto's corpse dropped down. Tim's friends and people were in terror.

Announcer was scared when he began to beg. "You're next!" Tim shouted. "Wait! N-No! Please, I beg of you! Don't kill me! I! I was just forced into this, haha! Come on, please, don't be like that, I won't make any sign-" But even before he finished, Tim already stood before him. "Shut up." By swiping his right arm ahead to the right, he made the human's weak body explode in instant, felt by blood, bursting aside. Looking back, over his right shoulder, Tim's right eye finally showed itself again, the red glow appeared in the look, when the dark aura began purging around people, people like normal humans, were crying and could not speak when they began running, Sakami, Codey, Kanji and Kylin were as well caught, yet but in fear, sweating from their faces. "Now-" When giving look to Tsuji, she immediately made a step back. "Wait! S-Spare me! I can tell you their location! I'll help you find your friend, I promise!" Called Tsuji. "Is that so, then speak, before I bash my fist into your face as well." Tim raised his right hand next to him. "Your friend! She is being held on the South of this Island's docks! She is being kept in a cell. There is an entire laboratory near, that's where you'll find your friend!" She explained. "What is it called?" "What, what do you mean?" Questioned Tsuji, but Tim appeared in front of her. "Don't act dumb, what is the place called!" From being right in front of Tsuji's face, she almost began crying. "Oh! Oh! Right! Of course! Araya Outcall, it's hard to miss it, it's surrounded by nature, the laboratory is where you can find your friend, there you can also find Shinsuke." Explained Tsuji. "That's all I know! Apart from their reason to why they wanted the girl! She has healing powers, they are using her to power up a Individual Duelist by the name Kodama Tsutomu, that is everything! I promise, please, just spare me!" Called Tsuji.

"I appreciate it. You may go but, if I see that you've lied and speak about me! You're going to be slaughtered! Understand it! Get lost." Tim called. "Of course! No words will come from me! Nor have I lied! Thank you very much!" From there Tsuji dropped on her bottom, stood back up but rushed. However, she was soon stopped when somebody appeared in front of her. Her eyes shook. "Shinsuke! What- what are you doing here?!" Questioned Tsuji. "Oh? What am I doing here? Ah, you've failed me and from all the power that the girl has given to you, you know what follows if you fail me, right!" From what spoke, Tsuji froze. "Wait! No! Please, don't, I'm sorry!" But, even so, her body was grabbed by the shoulder. "Don't worry, you can take a rest, but not alive." From there, her eyes popped out, when her body exploded into blood. Tim disappeared from the spot and prepared to cut the man, his eyes were still terrifying. But as soon as Tim struck, the barrier blocked him and bounced him back. "You bastard!" Tim shouted in anger. "Ah! Now, now! Save your energy for later, I just came here to finish my buisness with this precious dead young lady.... so, I see you've managed to get past these two, that's entertaining I must say, but, what are you planning to do? Save your friend? Trust me, that's the final thing, she'd let you do, right now, she's being well taken care, torchered, but not to worry, she won't be killed, of course that is.... only if she continues to provide us with her power!" Laughed Shinsuke.

- As Shinsuke was explaining, Ayuka was chained by the wrists on the wall, half naked only dressed in her underwear -

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Laboratory - Thursday, 12:42 p.m.]

"Come now, you cannot rest, we need more of your power." A man spoke, standing in front of Ayuka. But she was quiet as she has already provided them with almost her full energy. "Quiet, I see, well, what about after this!" The guy raised his metal bat. "Off it goes!" The man swung sideways toward's Ayuka's right hip, when the hit was heard across the hallway. Her eyes trembled in pain, hiding as much yell as she could. "Not enough, what about another one!" This time, the nailed bat was struck into the same spot, causing her to bleed because of the spiky nails. "Still not, ah, well, let's keep going-" The man continued to hit Ayuka's body from full force, almost cracking the floor. "How does it feel, getting smashed on your perfect body! You're soon going to run out of life if you don't help further!" Called the man, as he prepared another hit, somebody called. "Sadow, that's enough, leave her, we were ordered not to kill her." Spoke a man. From there Sadow sighed. "Oh, well, but I was enjoying myself, so much, guess there is another time, see ya girly." From there, he walked through the jail cell, when Ayuka faced at the floor, from when the guys left, her eyes let out two tears, but it wasn't from pain, yet, it was from sadness. ("I'm... sorry, but this way, you'll be fine...") Thought Ayuka.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 12:43 p.m.]

"Well, now that you know, what we were doing, I don't expect you to just give up, so I'll let you be! Before you arrive, I believe my project will already be prepared!" Smiled Shinsuke. "You damn bastard!" Tim tried to attack again, however, Shinsuke giggled. "Doodle bye!" From there, he disappeared in lightning.

"No! Stop!"

To be continued...