188. Preparing search for Araya Outcall!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 9:01 a.m.]

The event that happened yesterday with an intense destruction of the area caused several people to be somewhat frightened, Octavius and Tsukiya who have witnessed this event were caught in surprise of someone's fright.

At the same time, however, Tishida, Akira and Akari still walk around the Umi City, ready to greet Tim once more and his companions.

"....Tim, what was that back there... I've never seen you look so desperate to kill somebody, and that look in your eye... it frightened 70% of these people's island." Questioned Codey. "Even I, the one who has Demon Blood was at the edge of his focus, more than that, and I'd break down like a fool." Codey answered. Tim raised his right hand to face his palm. "I can't tell myself. It all began after I was caught in the hospital. When Shion recovered my body, that just appeared, for a while I had black eye but then it returned to what they were before..." Tim spoke. ("I'm not sure what he is saying. But that look in his right eye yesterday was so simmilar to mine...") Sakami believed, remebering her event when facing Renzo. "That never happened in training, so why has it happened now?" Wondered Kylin when thinking once more. "Even if I knew, I'd probably wouldn't know how to explain." From there, Tim stood up and walked for the kitchen. "Oh, right. I had another question. Why don't you just stay with your family at the house, why are you in the same hotel as we are?" Kanji wondered, standing near the window with crossed arms. "I don't want to put my family in trouble, if somebody comes for me, I'll at least be able to avoid death of people." Tim spoke squeezing the lemon on the grinder then making lemonade with water.

"Guess that's one way to spend your time here." Kanji moved his arm ahead when saying. "So, you're still planning to go find Ayuka, correct?" Codey wanted confirmation. "That's the dumbest question you've asked me since we've met. The tracker may have been fake, but who cares, the priority to get Ayuka back is still on the urge.... besides, without her, team is no completed, usually, me, you, Kanji and Ayuka constantly spend times together. Wouldn't you agree?" Tim spoke when taking a sip of the lemonade. "Yeah, you're right. And this time, we have two additional helpers." From saying, Codey looked toward Sakami and Kylin. "Oh. Right, this is a late question, but why have you left the Captain's Clan Setup? Sakami?" Wondered Tim when leaning on the counter. "My first goal was to find you, that's the only reason to why I've joined the clan. I didn't really expect you to become a Spiritual Duelist, but I did expect to find you easier that way." Sakami spoke, also standing near the wall. "Oh, I see, guess you don't plan on being captain anymore?" Tim added with another sip. "Tim... you've done so much that day, barely meeting me. You could of have gotten hurt but you still pushed ahead, I'm here to help, to be at your side." Sakami spoke. "She's right, we're all here to be at your side, to help anyway we could." Spoke Codey seriously. "Guess you can't be wrong about that, to be honest, without Kanji, I probably wouldn't have the chance to defeat both of them at once, and the help you've given were extremely high at my aid." Codey of course agreed to what Tim spoke.

"And just like you said, this team is not complete without Ayuka. Even Sakami could agree, she gave us all the help she could, without her, Ayuka wouldn't get this far, her leadership to us was extremely well gathered." Kanji added to the speech. "Usually you're not a team worker, so what was it this time?" From there, Tim gave a look toward Sakami. "Like I said, your friends, my friends, so if I must, I'll help out anyway I could..." The seriousness in Sakami's eyes raised Tim's confidence. "Right." "So, we know the exact area, but can we be sure that we'll get there with difficulties?" Kanji asked. "My guess is, 'definetly' but I believe Kylin would give a better explanation." Tim said.

"Of course. We're definetly have some events that will stop us from going there. As we've seen, Shinsuke Kōhai has already set two assassins at us to trick us, it's easy to say that we'll have other obstacles in our way, from people to traps, we simply cannot allow ourselves to be safe. If we wish to get to Ayuka, we're sure to encounter problems." "That much is expected, but the departure, how will we start it?" Kanji questioned, constantly exchanging looks with Kylin. "Departure has to be efficient, which means, we must begin as soon as possible. Sooner than later, the better chance of getting to her is." Tim exclaimed while others turned a look toward him. "So when?" Codey added. "Monday. I'd be happy to say to go now, but we shouldn't, they expect us to go there immediately, I'm sure he doesn't suspect us to go a few days later, and even if he does, we'll just to hurry up on Monday. Ayuka is strong, incredibly strong, she'll keep herself alive as long as possible, but that doesn't mean she'll be able to hold herself for more than a month, we got at least a week from Monday, I assume." Exclaimed Tim. "I'll agree with Tim. The two Spiritual Duelists spoke about her being chained, so its safe to assume that, while she's chained, she cannot use any sort of abilities." Kylin spoke. "Yeah... but would, uh. Would those chains really be able to hold, someone like her." From what Codey, spoke others became surprised. "Oh! Right! I forgot! Tim, you've heard noth-" But before saying, Tim called out.

He closed his eyes. "Are you still trying to hide her true identiy to me?" From when Tim spoke, others became surprised. "Wait ~ what do you mean?" Codey questioned. "You don't mean to tell me that you-" "The walls are thin, do you think I didn't hear your conversation yesterday. If you wanted to be efficient in explaining it to yourselves, the best way to do so, would be somewhere more 'private'. Her being a 'Semi-Godess'." From that moment, the rest froze. "And that is not the only thing that gave me the answer to her true identity, and I am aware it is dangerous for her to know her own powers, so I kept quiet." Tim spoke.

- Yesterday night -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Thursday, 11:10 p.m.]

"Tim must be exhausted from that fight and he still wants to hurry up with saving Ayuka." Said Kanji while surrounded by Sakami and Codey. "Yeah. But it's good that he does, quicker we get to her, more time we'll have to find her before she goes berserk again." Codey spoke. "I now understand much more, to why he wanted her power, she was able to completely eliminate that entire barricade with just pure pressure, her 'Semi-Godess' routines surely are something to be worried about." "Hey! Don't be so loud, dummy, the walls are thin, anybody could be listening to us right now." Kanji warned. "Oh. Right, I'll be more quiet." To while they were explaining, Tim and Kylin seemed to have been listening on the conversation in their sleeping clothes. "'Semi-Godess'? Is that what they were trying to hide from me.... but why was it that?" Tim whispered while asking. "They must have good reason." Said Kylin, also whispering.

"I'm just somewhat worries, she seems to be brutal while using that, but was that just because of her dexterity skills and rage to what they've done. The worry here is that, we can't be sure if Ayuka is really an ally. Well, yes, she is an ally, but whenever she transformed into that look, she were not to care about my life, she was going to kill me at any instant, I don't know! I understand stopping her was the incorrect decision, but I just hope that her 'Godly-Power' won't be a danger to us, at least the good part about it was that, she had much better control on who to strike than whenever I lost my own focus and released the shadow." Codey said when holding his forehead, still worried. "Calm down, I'm sure that she wouldn't have killed you. Anyway, this conversation should not be spoken out loud, not when Tim is around, let's not continue this before he knows." Sakami said.

"Kill, Codey?" When Tim whispered he leaned his hand on his chin. "That's something not to like. But that does give me the memory of that moment." Tim whispered.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 9:05 a.m.]

"The conversation between you was, kind of dumb, I'll admit, if you were to try and hide it, you might have as well, left the room for a while, but anyway, to what you've spoken about, it does give me some memories to back then when me and Ayuka came face to face with Lucas, when she reached for my shoulder, there was this paralyzing feeling, connecting through my own body, I acted as if I didn't feel it, but it felt so, pure but at the same time to evil, like yin and yang. Though, it didn't gave me an answer to what this 'paralyzing feeling' or 'sensation' was trying to explain to me." Tim spoke. "Is that the incident that Ayuka told us about a while back?" Kanji questioned and looked at Codey. "It must be, but she did say that she believed Tim couldn't have felt that." "Well, I did, but, still, why were you trying to hide from me, I don't understand neither of you here." Tim faced at Kanji and Codey. "Well. The Head Captain said to not for safety, he might of have been worried that you were to tell her for being so close to Ayuka." Kanji answered. "Seriously? If you or they had just said, not to say it, I wouldn't tell her at any cost, it's dangerous for her and I'm aware!" Tim sighed when dropping the glass of lemonade. "Well, it doesn't really matter now that you know, guess, just keep it at secret," Codey spoke. "Says you." Kanji added from when Codey followed up unamused. "So wait. Does this mean that Kylin has also heard, if you're talking this out loud?" Kanji asked. "She was next to me."

"Man, you can't have one moment where you aren't with a girl or a boy." Codey sighed. "Hey! I'm sorry, it's not me who put her in the same room as me! And trust me, sleeping that night was so uncomfortable!" Tim embarrassingly called when pointing at the room. "Well, at least they are seperated beds." Kanji laughed. "Not funny! You know, being in the same room as a girl can be so annoying!" Tim said blushing from the shy. "So now that we've finished this, we should come up with a few steps to how we shall proceed." Spoke Kylin, moving her hand under her chin. "Ha?! Are you just going to ignore to what I spoke?!" Tim asked. "Better to change subject before you boys go to any dirty minds, am I right?" To when she spoke, Tim and Kanji became unamused. "Don't count me in, I'm not like them!" Codey called, raising his arms. But before they continued, the door was knocked. Kanji walked toward the door and unlocked them. "Yeah, hello-" But, to when Kanji witnessed who stood before them, everybody between the three, Codey, Kanji and Tim froze, Kylin and Sakami however were confused. "Oooh! Hi! Good to see you again!" The fan waved as an older man smiled.

"Tishida? Akira? Akari!?"