189. Unexpected arrival of old friends!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 9:08 a.m.]

Tim, Sakami, Kanji, Codey and Kylin stood still as they noticed the approaching people.

"Uh. Akari, Tishida, Akira? W-what are you doing here and how did you find us?" Tim questioned with several blinks on his face. "Hoho! That's our little secret you see!" From the saying, Tishida moved his face in front of Tim's, while siding it and winking with a smile. "....Seriously?" Tim seemed to have been annoyed. "Ah come now! No need to know every detail, am I right?" Smiled Tishida, waving the fan in front of Tim's face. "We've just tracked you down, thanks to your helpers, I'd rather call them." Smiled Akari. "Uh, do you mean, Mayumi and Saburo?" From the nod that others gave, Tim became unamused. "I knew I shouldn't have told them where I was going!" By saying Tim snapped with his fingers. "Ay! Ay! So, how's my favourite customer doing today?" Tishida wondered. "I'm doing fine? But isn't Ayuka your favourite customer?" Tim sighed. "Well, while she isn't here, you'll just have to do." From the speech, Tim still felt very annoyed. "Oh! I see you've got some new friends, who're these two young ladies?" Question Akari, from there Kylin and Sakami introduced themselves.

"Waaaaah?! Whoa! A childhood friend and your Akusei trainer! That's so nice!" Smiled Akari with a clap. "Would you tell me why are you here already?" Tim questioned. "Oh, sure, sure! Tishida here was lazy to move his ass until one moment, but the reason to why we're here-" "Hey. come on now Akari." Giggled Tishida. "We've just wanted to help out a bit, why not." To what Akari spoke, the rest became confused. "Help, us? Like, helping us get to Ayuka?" Kanji added. "No, not even close, well, somewhat close, but still. We're only here to help you with additional training sessions, to all of you, mostly, Codey, since he needs it the most." Akari said. Codey suddenly appeared in front of Akari. "Hey! Come on! I know I'm weak in phsyical strength but I'm nimble as hell! You could at least give me some interest!" Codey sighed with a bit disappointed face. Akari however made a kitty face to his reaction. "Training session? What else do you need to teach us about from Spiritual Body?" Tim wondered. "Fashion!" From to Tishida's saying, each and every single one of them dropped on the floor, apart from Sakami and Kylin. "Kidding, kidding!" Laughed Tishida when covering his mouth with the fan.

"Come on! You were going to give me a heart attack, I love what I'm wearing! Unless you got a party outfit like onesies!" From smirk face, everybody looked at Codey. "I'd laugh to watch you wear that, but at least you'd suit well in it for being frail." Kanji said. "Hey! Not funny! Onesies are cool, sometimes...." Codey faced aside. "Well, no matter. But to be honest, this session is more focused on Codey, the rest of you, don't need to intend it." Said Akari, becoming natural. "Huh, for him? What do you mean?" Tim wondered. "As we know, Codey's got some weird ass Demon kid in his mind, so that's what's about it." Said Akira in anger. "You shut up, little stick!" Codey began arguin with Akira. "Well, there is still some stuff, Codey has not achieved, so if you won't mind, we'd like to take him for at least two weeks, that'll be more than enough for him to learn what we came to teach him the second, uh, stage, we'd call it. For now he only learned how to control that hidden shadow, but there are still three more steps to mastering it, but we'll only need him for the first step, for a time being." Smiled Akari. ("I wonder why does Tishida come if he has nothing smart to say?") Apparently, that was Kanji's priority to think about.

"Three stages? Are you kidding me? I barely learned how to control it!" Codey sighed with an attitude of disbelieve. "That is correct. You'll get more explanations to when we actually begin, for the meanwhile, I'll switch places with you and help out Tim and the rest to find Ayuka, while we do that, you'll be working your butt up until you're not tired and sweaty!" Smiled Akari. "Yup! And I'll make sure you reach all of those!" Laughed Tishida. "Oh just shut it, hold man!" "By the way, you know when I mentioned Saburo and Mayumi. I've brought help." To there, Tim and the rest faced outside the window. "Hey! Timmy! Guess you're looking kind of hot today!" Called Mayumi, to when Mayumi called, Tim's swear dripped down his forehead. "Mayumi, Saburo?! What, you two as well!? And what the hell do you mean, 'hot'?" Tim questioned embarrassed. "I saw your fight yesterday! You've done quite a heated job!" Laughed Mayumi. "Your jokes are still as horrible as ever!" Shouted Tim when leaning over the edge. Kylin stepped besides Tim and looked down. "Oh! Hey! Kylin! I see you've joined on his 'tim'! Get it, because his-" But when Mayumi spoke, Tim immediately yelled. "Will you shut up with those ugly jokes!" But Kylin nodded and said hello to them as well. "So why exactly are you waiting outside?" Tim wondered, to when he asked, Mayumi's ear shook. "Erm. Nothing.... hurry up and hide them, Saburo...." Mayumi called, he moved a bowl of noodles behind the back. "Seriously?" Tim once again became unamused.

"Well sorry! I love that type of pasta! Don't judge me!" Mayumi called. "Oh! Right, think you could show me that beautiful mask of yours! I wanna see how it is, if you know how to use it!" Laughed Mayumi, from there, the rest of them looked at Tim. "....Urhm.... mask?" Sakami asked. "Oh! Right! Akusei involves a mask! That's pretty much what she's talking about." "I still don't understand..." Sakami spoke. "Oh come on! Simple, Akusei is a technique that involves a mask, happy now?" From there, Codey soon jumped in front of Tim's face and grabbed his collar. "Shooooow ittttttt! Now!" Codey was inpatient, when a sweat dripped down his forehead. By slamming his palm on Codey's forehead, he pushed him back. "But why would I use it for no reason?" Mayumi asked. "Oh! Well, then fighting me, in base form will be easy." From there, Tim soon understood. "Oh...."

"I wonder why Japan has oftenly people who use mask, I just think they look kind of weird, but it sounds cool." Codey said. "Yeah, I'd prefer to keep it at bay too, but, Akusei just cannot be efficient without." Tim said with a scratch on the back of his head. "Well, we may as well, see you fight with it a little, Codey's training can wait." Smiled Akari. ("Thank god...") Hurryingly Codey thought.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 9:20 a.m.]

Tim and Mayumi have set their practice duel near the mountain top, so that nobody would be put in danger. "All right, let's see if that Fiend Spirit in your body has been improved to your likings." Mayumi spoke, she had the sword's handle leaned on her foot top when she knocked it in the air caught in her right arm and swung sideways, releasing her green aura with alpha pose at the same time. "All right." Tim spoke when reached with his arm forward, he summoned his Ginken once twisting it and moving on her back. He opened his palm when the blue aura began to swirl around it, from there he moved his palm in front of his face, when the blue aura began to shape a mask, by doing so he immediately began forming a mask when he swiped his palm to the side, a white mask appeared on his face, with his eyes changing to a 'Fiendish'. The others did feel a massive boost in his power. "Are you kidding me? That pressure, rumbling is just from putting up a mask? And he isn't even in 'Henshin'?!" Codey questioned. "That's the meaning of 'Akusei'. Increasing someone's power to at least of minimum of 3 times." Explained Kylin with a calm face. "You're not even phased with this energy, how?" Kanji added. "I've trained him, so I'm used to whenever that happens."

"That's an interesting mask now that it is complete, though it looks quite different than to when you only had half." Mayumi spoke. "That's true, quite weird how this process works." Tim's voice was understandable but this time, it was heard as if two voices were speaking synchronized. "This is just a practice, so don't go destroying this entire mountain, all right." Mayumi spoke to when she reached with her palm in front of her face, summoning her mask when the green aura appeared from her palm. "She can do it too, huh? Does this mean, Saburo and you are also able to do so, Kylin?" Codey wondered and looked at her. "That is correct, we all have this ability to do it, but from the 'Mask's Energy' Tim's one is more efficient." Codey and Kanji were both quite surprised. "The mask itself is kind of scary, but his look in the eyes creeps the hell out of me...." From the saying, Codey faced back at him. "Then, let's do this short test!" Mayumi spoke.

Tim moved his sword to the side, when a black energy immediately bursted. "Wait! Black?! What do you mean?! His Aura is supposed to be blue!" Codey called in shock. "When we've trained, we've came to a conclusion that his body is shared with another Fiend. The Spirit that he chose is connected to his sword, but the Fiend is connected to his body." Explained Kylin. From there Tim's Seraphic Penetrate extended further as it waved behind his back. Tim transfered his force into his arms when preparing to release his attack. Mayumi smiled but even then a sweat dripped down her forehead. "Okay, more than I've expected, but all right, send it." Mayumi prepared for quick action, when Tim extended the black aura even further from his sword, forcing the grass the wave at insane energy even cracking the floor underneath his feet. By swinging, he unleashed an aggressive but controled crescent of black energy that went flying forward at full speed, Sakami immediately sliced ahead to struck into its spiritual body and keep it away, but the aggressive energy, was moving past her body. "Man, this thing is hard to stop!" But in luck, Mayumi cut through it and with force let the black energy to struck the wall behind her, the top part of the hill was exploded into grass, dirt and dust, her mask cracked and her left cheek was cut, bleeding a bit. From seeing it so, she let the explosion to finish and made a smile.

("Truly a remarkable strength in that attack.")

To be continued...