190. Introduction of Half-Demon's training!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 1:45 p.m.]

Codey, Akira and Tishida were preparing themselves to work on his training to learn the correct way of producing his Half-Demon Powers.

"I'm aware that you'd love to help and that it's quite necessary, but ~ I feel like I will be useless. Tim and others will go search for Ayuka while I work on training? I don't think that's fair." Spoke Codey, scratchy near his head. "Ah, don't worry, Tim's done the same before, they won't be mad, I bet they'll be more happy than anything else, to improve yourself is necessary as a Spiritual Duelist, and, no matter if you've learned how to control the Half-Demon Stage, you still need improvement in it's usage of power." Explained Tishida, waving with his fan.

"Yes, I'm aware. But -" Soon as he were about to say, Tim and the others dropped by. "But, you're worried, correct?" Soon as Tim spoke so, Codey faced at them. "Well, of course, who wouldn't be?" "Don't worry, as much as I'd appreciate your help, there are just times that you need to focus on yourself, just like from today onward. The strength you have is some that nobody between us has, which is absolutely rare for human, so you should worry about your power, because, even if you've learned it could cause a lot of issues to your future events, so trust us, we'll get her back on the team and then you can show her just what you've learned, of course, as soon as she recovers." Explained Tim. "Besides, who knows, your power might be needed in future." Kanji added when smiling. "You just keep working hard, all right. Just like Tim did, when learning Akusei." Mayumi spoke with a thumbs up.

"You know, you're much different to when you aren't training somebody, Mayumi." Tim said, facing at her. "Do you think I'll just go 'full comedy mode' on the person who is training? If so, congrats, you are wrong." That's when Tim's face became unamused. "Anyway, keep at it, we've decided to go today, like I said, quicker we go, sooner we'll get there." Tim answered with a smile. "Argh. Well, all right, but if I see that anyone ends up missing, I'll make sure that the killer suffers, got it!" Codey seriously spoke. "Sure, we won't mind, but try not to go on a rampage and then kill innocents. Right? Nobody here wants that to happen." Tim spoke with a smile. "Right?" He then became serious. "Yeah, I'm aware about that." Codey sighed. "All right, enjoy your experienced training, we'll get her back and I hope this will be the last time that this kind of event will happen to her." Tim then turned around. "Well, see you then, keep at it until you make us proud." Tim smiled with a half-look back. "I won't." As from there, the six who were on the goal to find Ayuka left the area and Codey was left alone with Tishida and Akira.

"Well, now that they've left, what do you say we begin little Baby-Demon." From joking around, Codey immediately became unamused to what Tishida spoke. "Anything is fine, but that name is something that really does not fit me... a tiny bit on the strength part, but still." Codey spoke. "All right, all right! Enough joking around, first I'll begin with the introduction that you've been aware about, already... well, probably."

"A Human gives the ability to use their 'Demon Blood' to when one of their parents has Human Blood and the other parent, Demon Blood. To when that happens their child advances in many features, some that humans can't do and some that Demons can't do. Demon Blood is build out of Demon Cell. Demon cells are mysterious cells discovered in the East. These cells stimulate the functions of the living beings, but their effect is too strong, and people, who receive portion of these cells, usually die. The cells themselves are withdrawn from demons. The story is in fact known over the internet but many people believe its fake, but as the story goes, it was quite simple to when they found these cells. Once a human who was born with Demon Cell, a normal mortal, was researched to when he seemed to be unconscious, by discovering his body to see what type of Cells he had for such inhumanoid actions, they've discovered the new type of cell 'Demon Cell'. By the research going on for a few days, they've figured out that one of his parents, his mother, had the identical cells. She was unaware of them but seemed to know many things that people could never understand. For them thinking, her existance was dangerous, they've decided to execute her, away from her son, but that didn't help, her death just increased her son's immense power, that forced him to go berserk and begin to rampage over the towns, over the forests, until he didn't find his mother, but, he never had a luck in finding her as a group of mankind have finally awoke, these were the first appearences of Spiritual Duelists, they've held an incredible weapon to which they had not yet named it. Because the first created weapon was inherited over centruies it constantly was moved to the next born human, because it was a Silver Sword, they've named these weapons after it, to which we now know as a 'Ginken'....."

".....efficiently these weapons were created only to clean the world of the Demons, but that was never luck, one day, a Demon God was born and had unlimited power, he'd been living for years, for so many years that no humankind could, but recently a bunch of years back, a woman Fell in Love with that Demon as he had looks of a human, the two of them lived together, hidden and gave a birth to a child, but because he was fully a human, he only had a life time of a normal human, that child is still alive and is staying on Planet Earth, but unlike his father, his power was mostly used for good..." Smiled Tishida. "Huh, that's almost identical to how my father explained it." Codey spoke. "Well, do you know why? That's because, I'm an enemy to that father, and the human that I am talking about.... it is you, Codey." Codey's eyes widened opened and his eyes felt great shock.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Friday, 2:10 p.m.]

Meanwhile while Codey was in work of training sessions, Tim and his group continued to run at higer speed through the Umi Forest. "I've done a few researches over the internet at the free office function on my watch and I've come to find exactly where the are was, but it's not so close, but it's set up a bit further from the town in the middle of the Hikari Forest, that's where most of the people spoke that stands a building, somewhat like an elderly laboratory, that's where Araya Outcall must be." Kanji explained to while running after Tim. "Huh? There is a town a few meters away through Hikari Forest, right before that crazy Shinsuke guy? How come that people have not never noticed that?" Tim questioned. "Araya Outcall is surrounded by a barrier to where people cannot enter and is also invisible to them, so there are many questions to what is that intense force, blocking the area." Kanji explained. "That barrier must be simmilar to the one that me and Saburo encountered a few days back." Mayumi exclaimed. "What do you mean?" Kanji faced at them at confused feeling. "It's actually quite close to our hideout, we couldn't have enter it, no matter what we tried." Saburo explained. "Have you by any chance tried to release your aura and then enter?" Sakami questioned while moving at the same time. "Yes, we've tried but it still didn't budge, so it gave us the thought-" Saburo was about to finish, but Sakami gave an answer. "That we'll have to somehow break through, isn't that correct?" Questioned Sakami, to when her companions nodded. "And how do we plan on breaking through, if those two couldn't have done it, who could do it?" Kanji looked at every single one of them. "Wait! Tim, you've increase your power to something never imagined, do you think that maybe-" But Tim interfered. "No, I believe I couldn't break through it at full power, neither. But I believe that Kylin could." To that, Kylin became a bit certained but at the same time confused.

"If you cannot do such thing, how do you think I could?" Wondered Kylin. "The only four who know perfectly how to use Spiritual Control are, me, Mayumi, Saburo and you. But, as you remember, those two couldn't have entered the barrier and nor could have I passed the barrier near the tree, I only was able to pass through it at 'Akusei' stage, but, no matter that, it was still much weaker to the one that we've hearing, if Mayumi and Saburo managed to pass through that barrier around the tree and not through the one near their Hideout, than there is no chance they could through this one. As for you Kylin, you managed to easily move through the three's barrier, so you might have the chance to pass through the one at the laboratory, of course, we cannot be sure sicne we have not yet seen if you would have the opportunity to enter through the one, near their hideout, but I believe that you can do it, you've managed to teach me so many stuff that I didn't know before, so it'll have to be on you." Tim explained.

"You might actually be our perfect Duelist to do so, I think, Tim's got a good point." Mayumi smiled when facing at her. "And, if not even you can pass, then we might need to push at it with full force, somehow shatter it." Smiled Kanji. "They are both correct, so, will you give it a try, Kyin?" Questioned Saburo, a bit serious. "I ~" "Kylin, you're almost at the same power as me and Sakami, just by looking at you, I can tell that you'll manage to break through that barrier!" Tim smiled, even Sakami made a calm nod. "All right. As my duty, I'll try." From what Kylin spoke, others made a smile. "Good, but from here on now, be careful, we don't know who might be stalking us!" When Tim spoke, everybody prepared very serious faces. ("But ~ will I really be able to do so?") That was Kylin's biggest worry.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Laboratory - Friday, 2:20 p.m.]

Shinsuke was standing in front of the capsule to where Kodama gathered his energy to soon be awoken. But from there, the door behind him opened and three have stepped in. "Ah, Taira, I see you've brought your two good friends." Smiled Shinsuke. Taira was standing in front, between a girl and another man. "I've brought them, yes." Taira spoke.

"Well done, my friendly cooperator, well done indeed...."

To be continued...