191. The Scouting Guards assemble.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Entrance - Friday, 3:00 p.m.]

- The Scouting Guards the first line of defense, their orders are to stop the intruders from closing in on Araya Outcall, to do so they will begin scouting the most expected path for their enemies to arrive, Northern path of the Araya Outcall, to do so they'll rush into attack line and proceed with causes. Soon as they make contact with their enemies they've been given instructions to eliminate them.

For our heroes, they are expecting to have trouble with minor obstacles and that is why six of them have assembled on the path. The research that Kanji has made provided them with the answer, they are aware that the path will be blocked by minimal of three guards. Being correct gave them the next lineup.

- Tim and Sakami have been set to comfort the strongest of the three, which is Taira Katsu.

- Mayumi and Saburo have been set to comfort the second duelist that is yet not known

- Simmilarities are also sent to Kanji and Kylin who are set to fight the third

Those were the first recommendations, but the easiest way to describe it is quite simple;

Their goal is to breach through the barrier and will be cut off by the three enemies, to get that information, they've sent Akari to provide them with the answers, her goal is to simply seek the three guards, and for being the quickest and one of the smartest, she secretly achieved information, by using a technique that hides her Spiritual Symbolism, by sending the information over her Zero Watch, our heroes lined up.

Her goal was finished and her next step was to back them up if it will be necessary, but while our heroes keep their sight on their opponents, Akari returned to Umi Island to provide Codey with efficient information as well.

From there, the six heroes split up, East, West and North from their perspectives. The path was expected to be a long trip however they are aware of that and continue their configuration. For when they finish their comfort with enemy, they'll rejoin near the barrier and use Kylin to hopefully break through the barrier, if Kylin somehow ends up too weak after her fight, they'll continue with recovering her strength and together use their abilities to shatter the barrier. Further plan ahead is not yet sure since there was no chance of seeing the laboratory, behind the barrier.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Entrance (Northern) - Friday, 3:07 p.m.]

"The Northern Path seems clean for now." Tim spoke while running besides Sakami. "This doesn't provide us with information that we won't be cut off by an enemy, remember, one of them was Taira and that guy even gave me trouble." Explained Sakami. Tim looked to the side. "That's almost unbelivable, somebody to give you trouble, I didn't expect for someone that strong to exist, based on Captain's Strength, you're above every other apart from Himurya Shezaki." By the certained look, Tim seemed to begin thinking. "I believe this is why they've put both of us to comfort him, for being near or above Captain's strength, by fighting him alone, I never landed a perfect blow, so be sure, don't underestimate our enemies, losing you is our plan gone." Spoke Sakami with serious but confident face.

"I'll keep that in mind." By answering Tim continued to move with Sakami forward. ("But if Sakami had such trouble with him, we might be on the same strength as him together, and who knows what kind of secrets he hides under his identity and power...") A sweat dripped down his face but seemed to be confident at the same time. ("I can tell, Tim is a bit worried and stressed, but that's obvious... not knowing what enemy is capable of is the strongest fear of a Duelist.") Sakami moved to look at Tim but faced back ahead.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Entrance (Western) - Friday, 3:10 p.m.]

"These lineups are something that I would pick, or at least simmilar. Our strongest allies towards the toughest opponent, seeing what Taira did will surely shock Tim, his strength is just overwhelming. As for us, we're dealing with somebody we've never seen, same goes for Mayumi and Saburo. We're lucky to have Akari's aid, without her we'd have been struggling to get an idea to what our obstacles were going to be." Sighed Kanji a bit stressed. "I'm not sure about our opponent's strength, but it does give me some strange worries, the first two obstacles were those two, now we have additional enemy to deal with, and who knows, if we manage to get through them and through the barrier, there is another high chance that he'll have another enemy... the subject that Shinsuke is trying to awake must be something over our expectations, furthermore, reaching Ayuka is another mission, to seek her is another struggle, but we've been informed that she's in a jailed cell ~ however, this still doesn't give us the answer to where exactly..." While listening to Kylin, Kanji seemed to have been a bit interested in their lineup as well. "True, I believe identically to you, but it still keeps me a bit stressed that one of us will fail.... even I am stressed of myself to fail the plan...."

"I do understand, but we should trust our allies from Tim to Saburo, we might not be sure how their fight will go, but if we just manage to get through our enemy and then wait for the rest, we'll be certained to hopefully meet them at the provided spot. And if by any chance, Mayumi and Saburo fail, but we don't, I believe we'll still have enough strength to get through the barrier, I at least hope so, their strengths are simmilliar to ours so we shouldn't worry to break through, apart from losing their lives, we're fine. Still, do keep hopes up and trust everybody on our team." Kylin explained. "Another thing you should keep in mind, if Taira is really that tough, Tim can probably fight him alone at full strength, both, by combining Henshin and Akusei." To what Kylin spoke, Kanji opened eyes in shock. "Do you mean to tell me that Tim can combine Henshin and Akusei at once, he's already powerful with just Henshin, putting Akusei on top has to have massive effect, no?" Wondered Kanji. "It can happen, yes, but doing so would waste his entire energy, stamina and strength, he'd run out of energy in around 5 minutes, fighting him would lower that number to about 3 minutes, that's the most problematic thing about him combining these two techniques." Explained Kylin. "But wouldn't he reach the power to defeat his opponent in a single blow?" Wondered Kanji. "No, not a chance. An opponent like Taira is something to be feared about, if a single cut didn't weaken him, then cuts from Tim would be pointless, and if he were to use Seraphic Penetrate, he'd run out of stamina in one strike, so he must focus on only using his physical effects, and I can tell he's aware of that right now, I believe he's stressed while moving, no doubt about that." Spoke Kylin.

"I understand the situation, let's just hope Tim and Sakami can take care of Taira." Kylin agreed. "Yes, if we lose their strength, we will have massive trouble dealing with next obstacles, without them, we're almost weaker than Shinsuke, and if he is creating a powerful subject, that human must be even more powerful than Shinsuke himself, I believe not even all four of us, Mayumi, Saburo and the two of us, wouldn't stand a chance against him, who am I kidding, with both of them, we'd be standing targets, easy to kill." Spoke Kylin. "Yeah, I can percieve what you're telling me, guess you've got point, this mission will not be easy at all." "Correct, but now, prepare yourself, we're closing in on the enemy's territory, do not let your guard off, our opponent can attack us at any time, anywhere." By nodding, Kanji and Kylin continued running.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Entrance (Eastern) - Friday, 3:15 p.m.]

Mayumi and Saburo were both running but then, the enemy has finally showed. "Why hello there little buddies!" The girl called when coming to jump from the tree. The girl raised her blade and sliced downward, when water trails begin to grow from behind her towards Mayumi and Saburo. "Guess we've got an early visitor!" Mayumi spoke when bouncing her right arm to the side and grabbing her blade, Saburo did the same but swung ahead after sliding, a pink barrier appeared before both of them, Mayumi and Saburo, when the water struck itself at the pink barrier. Mayumi from there quickly twisted her feet to the right and leaned forward with her blade stretched behind her back, she immediately disappeared from the spot in a green blazing light when appeared on the left side of the girl. She sliced forward, however the girl quickly turned in the air and swung to the right blocking her attack, from doing so, Mayumi quickly used her sword to bounce herself back and flip, then disappeared in a green light, she landed on the branch on the opposite side, when the girl finally landed on the floor. Mayumi at the same time quickly moved forward and dashed at high speed, spinning when slicing obliequely toward the girl, however, the girl quickly raised her sword on her right, blocking the strike, followed up by backing, from that moment she sensed another body behind her, so she quickly disappeared in a blue light when sliding across, it was Saburo who tried to cut her, from there, the lineups were set.

By smiling the girl stood up straight, threw her sword for it to spin and put her left hand on her hip. "Well, welcome, so you two are my opponents? Interesting, a girl and a boy, so by looking and checking at you, I've seen your abilities. You, the boy are able to summon any shapes and types of barriers to block attacks and for you girl, you're incredibly skilled in close combat, good beginning for now." Saburo closed his left palm when the barrier he had created shattered. "Anyway, guess it is time to introduce myself. I go by the name Nagamine Yuko, pleasure to meet you." She spoke. The girl had somewhat blond-ish hair, blue eyes, she was at the same height as Ayuka and she seemed to have a somewhat nice attitude. Mayumi raised her left hand in front of her eyes, sideways when moving her sword. "Mayumi and this is Saburo." Spoke Mayumi.

"Well, nice to meet you, sorry, but this is as far as I can let you go."

To be continued...