192. Shiny 'Knight'?

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Western) - Friday, 3:15 p.m.]

While Mayumi and Saburo reached their opponent Nagamine Yuko but at the same time, Kanji and Kylin came across their opponent.

By a face that was unamused and confused at the same time, Kanji questioned. "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" By the given question, the man standing before them grabbed his forehead and swiped his hair up when he sparkled. "Ah! So fabulous! A beautiful girl and a decently looking boy! How come you two are my enemies, I'd rather keep you for my collection of beauties!" The man spoke. "What do you say, my lady, would you like to come along?" While leaning in front of Kylin, she became very uncomfortable when a sweat dripped down her right forehead. "Hey! Get away!" Kanji swooped his blade in front of Kylin to intimidate the opponent. "Oh! But she smells so lovely, tell me, is that a rose perfume, if so, may I try it on?" The man raised his eyebrows when Kylin jumped backward. "Would you just back off, it's not polite from you at all." Spoke Kylin when she swiped the sweat past her cheek. ("This one is going to annoy me..... rarely that happens...") Kylin believed when she reached with her right hand to the side, the sword boucned from her aura and spun once she caught it. Kanji prepared his held katana. "Oh, now, why so pushy, let's just talk it out, maybe that way I'll let you through, especially if that girls allows me to have some fun." The man spoke. Kylin quickly became quite uspet. "Stop being such a creep! When they picked you as a Scouting Guard, who were they looking for, weird and perverted people like you?" Kanji questioned.

"Now, now, young man, I am not perverted, just seduced by this girl's beauty, tell me more, is that your ability? To seduce men just like me? A Shiny Knight like me?" The man questioned with a smile when raising his golden hair. "Man, you must be tripping to colour your hair golden." Kanji sighed. "Ahahaha! That was an entertaining joke, but no, I just look important with these beautiful hair, a perfection, every lady loves me, and every loves their Shiny Knight!" "You're forgetting about me, I'm not into guys like you." Explained Kylin. ("Damn, this would of have been much more entertained if my seducement worked on her.... the boy surely won't fall for it, unless he isn't straight.... but, maybe I'll able to get her attention on me, ah yes, this will be perfect, seducing her in a duel will surely make my victory all set!") The man spoke. "You spoke about Shiny Knight? Who the hell do you think you are? You're basically just another Spiritual Duelist, like us two, maybe state your name for once!" Kanji spoke. "Ah! Sorry for being so inpolite, my name is Sugai Jurou." Smiled Sugai.

"Sounds like 'Alert! Pervert standing before you' name." Explained Kanji to that Sugai immediately became disappointed. "Oh, I'm honored to get such a dumb idiot! I'll adore messing you up just like messing up girls!" Shouted the guy. "And you say you aren't sexually focused. I really dislike people just like you!" Spoke Kylin. "I agree, how about we put this fool down to rest, so he finally dies from this crazy life of his!" Kanji spoke, with no further objections, Kylin prepared. "What a disappointement, I'll have fun messing you both!" From saying so, the man reached with his right arm to the side when a waraxe appeared in his arm. "This will be entertaining, soon as I knock you both down, I'll take that girl and show her how it feels like to have someone like me by her side!" Kanji immediately felt guilt in the guy's eyes and summoned his katana. ("This is worse than dealing with abusers....") From saying so, Kanji and Kylin both prepared.

By instantanous movement, Kanji disappeared in electrical current when slicing downward with his katana. Sugai immediately protected himself with a raise of his axe and then noticed how Kylin appeared behind him in an instant, from there he pushed forward and forced himself into spin, when knocking kanji backward and then slicing toward Kylin's neck. From doing so, Kylin ducked and disappeared in electricity which surprised Kanji. Kylin appeared in front of Sugai and quickly moved her right leg to the side, then using electricity to land a critical blow into his face when forcing herself to spin, from there she created a circle of electricity and disappeared from it on the floor next to the Sugai's hip and sliced upwards unleashing electricity like a current from the blade when creating a zap which also forced Sugai to be caught in shock, from there she noticed the axe being turned to the right and then noticed how the axe went slicing back toward her, she backed away, when Kanji immediately appeared in front of her with his katana held by both hands in front of his face. On contact of the axe, he blocked but the electricity rose up on contact. "Take double the power back!" From swinging forwad he unleashed a heated electricity which was somewhat like active on counter attack, blasting Sugai back meant free strike of Kylin, so she disappeared from behind Kanji and immediately slid in front of Sugai, slicing with her sword, held with both hands, across his chest, then bringing a heavy wound on him, ocne she did so, she made a step and disappeared in electrical current that waved through the air and appeared on the opposite side.

"I didn't know you've also mastered Electro Type." Kanji spoke when looking at Kylin. "Yes, it took a few years to learn it, but I managed." Spoke Kylin. ("She might even have better control of her Electro Type, more than I do... guess she's known to be a Spiritual Control trainer for a reason.") Kanji was quite addicted to her strength when he prepared. "Damn, you two are fast aren't you. But both of you barely have any strength, unlike me, who can destroy this entire area with a single blow." Laughed Sugai, to when he spun his waraxe or axe for short. He swung it backward when spiky stones grew behind him. "Whoa, is he a Terra Type user? If so, our electricity won't go well against him." Called Kanji a bit worried. "May it be, but this doesn't mean we're in a huge disadvantage." Kylin spoke when holding her sword. Sugai made a smile when he swooped with his axe forward and unleashed growing rock spikes, that began moving at higher speed. Kanji and Kylin both used their electricity to back away and then both appeared in front of him, Kylin on the right while Kanji on the left. By striking forward with their blades, they were ready to cut. By knocking their blades into him, they pushed Sugai back with their might, once disappearing once again.

Kanji immediately appeared on his left while Kylin prepared herself on the right. Kanji sliced across his chest to the left and then Kylin followed up with a slice across his chest from the right. By sliding on the floor they noticed how Sugai took those cuts like a madman, not taking much damage, from there, Kyli nwas caught in surprise when a left arm went smashing toward her, covered with a rocky armour. By raising her sword she blocked but was slammed backward and caused her to slide on the floor. Kanji quickly ducked from the axe when he soon slid in front of Sugai, preparing an uppercut. But, even so, Sugai twisted his foot on the ground which surprised Kanji. He sensed that the floor beneath him cracked and from there, stones dug up and pushed him into the air, flipping him to lose balance- While trying to get the hang of his balance, Kanji felt another tremor, he faced toward the ground when a long rocky and spiyk stone grew from him, he rolled his body to the right in midair and swiped his sword on the side, when the stone squirted across his balde's metal. Kylin in the mean time immediately spread both of her legs when stretched her right arm outwards to the side, she disappeared in instant and soon appeared behind Sugai's back. From doing so, Sugai noticed her pressence and quickly ducked, despite his heavier weight. Kylin noticed the strike coming from beneath her, when the elbow immediately smashed into her stomach and knocked her high into the air, flying at full speed from the force.

When that happened, Sugai then continued his attack, what he did was unexpected. He swung the axe in front of him, when a bunch of rocky shards appeared, he followed up by swinging his left hand and unleashed the shards that began flying toward Kylin. Kylin tensed her body when she immediately moved her sword behind her back and moved her left hand in front of her chest. "Speed of Light." An electrical orb appeared in front of her, when she instantaneously disappeared from the midair, the shards flew and struck nothing, however, from doing so a bunch of electrical glows of her body appeared and each of them were fast as a bolt, slicing between the shards when, Kylin appeared at the end of glowing figure ring, she spun and disappeared using her 'Speed of Light' again and appeared in front of Sugai swiping with her one hand and releasing an electric slice that was wider than her sword, from there she knocked Sugai back and disappeared behind him, from there she once again used her second attack, disappeared and struck multiple blows in just electrical currents, this time causing a tremor in Sugai's body, by appearing in the distance she slid when straightening her body and swinging her blade in front to the side, then threw it and caught it, turned oppositely from how she held it before. Kanji who just landed was surprised. ("She managed to do that in the time while I was dropping? How fast is she actually? She's even faster than Ayuka or Tim's Henshin.") Kanji believed while standing in straight.

"God, you're a stubborn girl, aren't you! Speedy as hell, aren't you! How can I reject someone who is as strong as you!" Smiled Sugai. "But, let me tell you, your moves are fast, but they are not strong enough to keep me down!" Laughed Sugai, he spun his axe and made a stomp, when the ground began to rise from around them. "Watch out, Kanji!" Both of them prepared when feeling an earthquake beneath them. "Right!" By agreeing, Kanji waited to see what would happen, preparing with Kylin. "Letting me to attack, not the brightest idea!!" From a smile, Sugai slammed into to the ground, when both, Kanji and Kylin became surprised. "Quickly! Jump!" By reacting, both of them jumped and the ground beneath them exploded into pieces of rocky floor, flying past them, even squirting their skin and cutting. His strength was as brutal as it was intense. Kylin disappeared in 'Speed of Light' and landed on a massive rock that was knocked from the pressure, she then continued to mvoe across the stones, to reach distance. Kanji on the other hand took that advantage to hopefully land a blow, when he appeared behind Sugai, he was now using his 'Kodachi' stage as he was spinning the spear with both hands over his had, but what caught him surprised was the look on Sugai to when he turned around. "Not going to happen." By saying so, Sugai swiped with his axe backward, when unleashing a brown-ish but at the same time, yellow glow, creating an extremely wide sweep of light, which struck Kanji into his abdomen and instantly knocking him backward.

From the surprise seen, Kylin quickly acted and swiped her blade to the side, holding in right arm. She appeared in front of Sugai who was focusing on Kanji when a current of electricity struck from behind her, she sliced forward, landing a cut and then quickly flipping backward, using her right foor to release electricity and struck Sugai into his chest, from the flip she tried to disappear, but while she was upside down and turned toward Sugai, she noticed how Sugai reached forward with his fist, once again covered by rocky armour, he punched her directly into her chest, causing her breath to be swallowed, then pushed backward and sent into early-created rocks, striking her through and injuring her back side, she slipped to the floor and rolled across them, when she used that quick rolling instant to fix her stance, she used her left hand while quickly moving into a hand-stand, then jumping backward. Duo to being rolled she was cut into her cheek a little, when she landed on the floor, wiping the dust and sweat from her face and took a longer breath to continue fighting. Kanji and Kylin both felt quite intense pain, and both of them were tired. With a smile given, Sugai spun the waraxe and slammed its handle into the ground, saying...

"You know ~ You two might actually be fun messing around with."

To be continued...