193. Watery 'madness'!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 3:26 p.m.]

Sakami was noticing that Tim wasn't looking very proud. "You didn't seem that worried before. What's the matter?" Sakami questioned to his worried face. "....I'm just worried that I'll mess something up, others are going to risk their own lives for these enemies... after all.... the opponents we or they, are facing, are troublesome, if Taira gave even you the struggle, what could others do against him? Not just that, others are already in fight probably and I'm not there to help, it's just gives me so upsetting feeling..." A sweat dripped down Tim's right side of the face as Sakami looked at him. "Tim...." As much as Sakami wanted to calm him down, there were no words she could come up with. "...Each of them know what they've got themselves into and are ready to help. And you saying that you're not there to help is completely incorrect. You're willing to do anything within your power, right? So if that's what's bothering you should believe into us and them, your goal is to bring Ayuka back here even if you've got the idea that she was put there using her own thoughts..." Sakami answered. "..." "So for now, focus on your own order, I'm sure Akari knew that this plan will work, I believe she wouldn't put this lineup. Trust them and yourself, all right?" Sakami spoke, to what Tim answer. "....Guess you're right...."

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Entrance (Eastern) - Friday, 3:26 p.m.]

The fight between Saburo, Mayumi and Nagamine was still raging out at high pressure.

Mayumi just stepped to the side when Nagamine sliced in front of her with her katana held in both hands when Mayumi slid across the floor backward, however, she was followed by water pressure that was flying toward her at high speed, Mayumi prepared to avoid however in luck, Saburo was there to keep support. He immediately made a hand form when another pink barried wall appeared, blocking the water current that was then bounced and splashed at the floor. Nagamine then immediately dashed forward with quickness and appeared behind the barrier in front of Mayumi who already released her green aura to block the upcoming strike. After a successful block, Mayumi used that to her advantage and bounced into the air, leaping with a flip and then reaching with her left palm toward the blade and swiping the palm on it, then creatng an immense pressure of green energy that outstood from the blade. "Lenghtened Berserk!" From a cal, she sliced forward toward Nagamine unleashing an intense sweep of green energy that swirled around Nagamine and then squeezed into her, when an explosion appeared. The green lighted explosion seemed to cover Nagamine and from there, Mayumi dropped her guard, she noticed when the blade cut through the green light and Naagmine went dashing out of it. "Flashy attacks and exploding too, guess swimming is not something you do!" From Nagamine's logic of words, she swiped forward, but to when Saburo was about to create another barrier, Nagamine instantaneously appeared before him, from Mayumi's perspective she became surprised. "Saburo, watch out!" Mayumi held her guard back, when she prepared to land on the branch and hopefully protect Saburo quickly enough. However, Saburo swiped with his blade in front when a crystalized barrier appeared around him with pink energy, the heavy slice from Nagamine was slammed into barrier and while making a contact, Nagamine released water pressure from her sword to when the barrier suddenly shattered, Mayumi finally rushed at Nagamine with green light surrounding her when she appeared behind Nagamine. Yet so.

Nagamine reached for her blade and made a smile, she instantaneously unleashed the next water pressure to extending it and then spun when both, Mayumi and Saburo were caught in surprise. Mayumi's blade struck Nagamine's, and Saburo's blade struck it to, from different sides, thanks to the spinning from Nagamine. Blocking ddi protect their lives, however both of them were knocked into different sides, distaned away from Nagamine who was now facing Mayumi with a difference stance. She had her both legs somewhat spread and little leaned, when she held her katana in the grip of her right arm, as for the left hand, she had it moved next to her chest height. "Guess we could say that a splashy exit." Nagamine made somewhat fun of her opponents, to when Mayumi leaped back and landed on her feet, sliding back with a serious look, Saburo was a bit clumys when it came to balancing his stances, but made a correct landing. ("That was her first attack that caught us off guard and one struck forced my blade to shake... it gives a smaller tremble to my right hand. As for Saburo, he is not the best in offense, rather more in defense and guarding his ally, when we look at it from our perspective, only I could face her one to one and Saburo more likely is a support, while she is both, offensive and defense with her water pressures...") In thoughts, Mayumi have thought.

"Guess it's time to get serious!" Smiled Nagamine, the blade began to form itself. From surprise, Mayumi prepared after feeling the tense pressure. The blade that was once a katana has now transformed to a somewhat robotic, wider blade, somewhat like a machine. It was given much wider blade while the middle had a core, filled with blue energy, she now held it with both hands when giving a smile. "Is that even Kodachi??" Asked Mayumi in surprise. The blade that Nagamine held was moved backward as it mechanical veins got filled with water. "That's our own idea of your weak Kodachi, this one is much more improved!" Smiled Nagamine, when she tensed her feet into the ground, they got cracked, from there she disappeared instantaneously when Mayumi soon noticed her in front of her, she raised the sword to block, once the blade that was now much more heavier and controled by some sort of core slammed at her defense, the blade of Mayumi trembled heavily and almost shattered, when she noticed the blade twisting and then slicing toward Mayumi, she ducked but from there, Nagamine followed up with a tense kick into her stomach, she was slammed backward when flying through the air.

For Nagamine's attack, she continued by releasing the next pressure of water, which blasted and madly waved through her blade, behind it, she sliced forward and unleashed the water wave while Mayumi just landed. ("Crap, I can't avoid it!") But to when Mayumi thought, Saburo instantaneously appeared in front of her. "Second Grade of Crystalized Barrier!" Answered Saburo, when he created a wide and long barrier in a form of a line in front of him, the water pressure slammed into the barrier, but somehow the pressure was heavy and piercing enough to shatter the barrier and caused Saburo to be stunned for a few seconds, he flashingly noticed somebody appearing in front of him. "Saburo! Don't be so offensive!" But even calling to, Saburo declined Mayumi's saying, he twisted his feet. "May I be a support, may I be a protector, I still am a Spiritual Duelist, and we are known to face danger face to face!" From saying it loud, Mayumi became surprised. Saburo swiped his blade behind. "Ko-Dachi!" From saying it out loud, the pink aura blasted around him which stopped Nagamine from continuing and knocking her back. "Seriously?" She asked while in midair, holding her sword. From there, Nagamine has witnessed a newly formed weapon. Saburo stood in front of her with a blade, who was a shield at the same time, attached to its crescent blade shape.

("Almost gives me the vibes of a shorter scythe.... doesn't really matter, I'll just struck it down.") Nagamine from there raised her blade over her right shoulder when she used her left hand for supporting its handle, she sliced downward when Saburo prepared to block. The heavy blade smashed into the blade's shielded form when the ground shattered, but from there, Nagamine noticed beneath her. After connecting the blow, the floor begin to create pink glowing crystals that are usually defensive field, but this time, Saburo used them for perfect offense, when the growing crystals begin to bounce Nagamine between them after growing. "Damn, what the hell is this even, I can't get enough time to even escape!" Shouted Nagamine while she just bounced into another crystal. ("He used defensive battlefield to his advantage? He changed it into offensive walls and whenever one of those rocks comes in contact with person, it tires their aura out.... this means, more the times Nagamine slams into them, more aura will she lose.") Wondered Mayumi after standing up. ("The hell is this, it's wiping my aura out like a feather blown away, it's tiring me out so fast!") Thought Nagamine when a sweat dripped down her forehead, then once again, caught in another crystal.

("Now I understand why he is a supportive duelist, his attacks don't even injure me, they just tire me out so that the girl behind him can take the final blow! Oh, you're not planning before head, so I'll just prove to you, that tiring me out is not the way to defeat me!") From there Nagamine turned around quickly enough when slamming her blade into the upcoming crystal, the water bursted in intense force when she used that to block. When she was bounced back to the next crystal she did the same thing. "Damn it.... it only works on humans not weaponry...." Saburo said quietly and that's when he noticed. Nagamine was making the blades wet to which soon made him realized. "She's trying to wet them so she slips down, instead of bouncing!" To there, Nagamine was just pursuited on the side as her back slammed into a wet crystal, and to what Saburo thought, she slipped in the middle of the field, surrounded by growing crystalized rocks.

("Only work once they are wet, not when dry..... perfect.") Smiled Nagamine when she unleashed pressure, both Saburo and Mayumi were caught in surprise when a massive water bursted between the field, high in the air, from there, Nagamine appeared in extreme speed when raising her blade, releasing a current of water. "This is getting quite interesting, you see!" Smiled Nagamine, she prepared to drop at Saburo, however she noticed that Saburo reached for his face with a pink aura. "What is the hell is on his mind?!" Questioned Nagamine, but soon she noticed a black masked with pink outlines. "A mask!" From there, Saburo threw the blade in the air when putting his both palms together. Mayumi tried to reach for him. "No! Stop, you can't do that, it will kill you!" Shouted Mayumi, but to when she tried to stop him, a pink barrier cube surrounded her. "Saburo! Stop, you can't-" However, Mayumi's eyes were caught by shock, when Saburo spoke. "Our goal is to bring back Ayuka, we are aware of our sacrifices... but if this girl is not affected by neither of our abilities, then this is the only way to do it. Mayumi, after this, just make sure to return my sacrifice by rescuing Ayuka." Saburo made a smile. "You must be kidding, this is not your way of ending this, are you dumb!" Mayumi began to smash into the barrier, but it never worked.

"The hell is he even doing?" But to his wonders, Saburo spoke. To there Nagamine appeared in front of Saburo and swung downward, however, Saburo's arms were crystalized and when he used them, the blade cut through them, seperating his arms, even so, in pain he spoke. "Shattered Explosion." By doing so, his body glowed pink and Nagamine's eyes trembled, final look forward, a massive explosion appeared, bursting around Nagamine, Saburo, area and protected Mayumi to when the surrounded path of trees, began to burn in it, even turning the sky dark for a few seconds, from North and West, these two explosions were seen, and Mayumi who tried to stop Nagamine, was frozen on spot, from the shock, seeing how the ashes began to float down, the ground shattering into an oblivion and ending up in a massive destruction of the nature, luckly, even as the barrier cracked, it was enough to hold Mayumi safe.

Somebody important to Mayumi has passed away, using his own life for exchange of defeating the opponent, or.... at least that was the plan.....

To be continued...