194. Mayumi's revenge.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 3:35 p.m.]

By Saburo's sacrifice, the explosion has been caught by the eyes of every ally or enemy.

"What happened on Mayumi and Saburo's side?" Tim worryingly asked. "I'm not sure. But it doesn't look well at all." Claimed Sakami to whom ran besides Tim. "I can't just ignore it, shouldn't we go there to help them?" Tim wondered. "Tim, as I said before. Focus on your own path, not theirs at these points." Sakami spoke. "How can you take these things so lightly, do you not care about them at all?" "That is not what I said, weren't your priorities to save Ayuka? If so, going there will ruin every lineup we have, and this way, we'll mess up the mission and never get to save nobody, do you understand, what I am trying to explain...?" Sakami, calmly asked. "....." With no comments given, Tim's fist shook. "Fine, whatever you say!" From ther, Tim continued to focus on his path.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Eastern) - Friday, 3:36 p.m.]

Once the cubed barrier that protected Mayumi shattered, she stood up straight with widely opened eyes, which then relaxed again. She felt hte wind bypassing while noticing no remains of her ally, the only thing she noticed was broken glasses, lying on the floor. By picking them up, she thought. "Why would somebody do something so stupid...." To thinking, her hand shook. "This was not necessary, we could of have just beated her together and neither of us would lose a life." Mayumi spoke when her hair waved within the breeze. By stepping ahead, Mayumi was about to continue her plan, but could not get her mind off Saburo's event that just appeared, but then.

"Where.... do- do you think you're going?" A female voice was heard and Mayumi immediately turned around, getting caught in surprise. Nagamine stood up in tired body, behind Mayumi when covered by wounds from explosion, Mayumi turned around, as her eyes appeared more surprised. "You're not finished with me." She spoke. "H-how did you survive?" Questioned Mayumi. "How? You're asking a very dumb question. "I wrapped myself in water current before explosion has set off, that weakened the attack and let me have another go at killing you, now that you're beloved friend is gone, why don't we make you disappear too?" With a smile on Nagamine's face, she wiped her blood near her face.

"So you mean to tell me that his sacrifice was pointless?" From the rage in Mayumi's eyes she seeed to regain her confidence. Mayumi's green aura began to swirl around her when her Ginken reappeared in her hand and while doing so, she spoke. "He sacrificed his life for nothing, now I see what kind of idiot he was! But no matter, that will be repaid by me, the fury I got on my mind is seeking out, I'll make his request come true, after killing you, the one who we are looking for will be saved, understand that?" Mayumi moved her left hand in front of her face when releasing a green light, she swiped her hand to the side when a black mask appeared, glowing green. "And that's something that I won't stop until you're gone for good!" Called Mayumi with her voice changed.

"Look at you, having fun with using your power!" Smiled Nagamine when grabbed her sword that ran out of fuel, so it reshaped itself back to a basic katana. "This is not 'having fun' it's 'wanting to kill'."

From there Mayumi made a lean forward and instantaneously flashed forward when Nagamine was caught in surprise, Mayumi sliced forward who was blocked, but then immediately turned her body and moved behind Nagamine, from there another shadow of green figure appeared on the front side of Nagamine when both, Mayumi herself and the shadow sliced forward. Nagamine ducked and made a defense with her blade when releasing water that whirled up in the air like a cyclone, Mayumi and the light disappeared from the spot when the green lighted up figure bursted back into Mayumi. "That's good, making a copy with your aura, that's some skill requires mess!" Nagamine smiled and from there moved the sword ahead when the cyclone bursted like a beam forward. Mayumi quickly covered her body while the water kept spinning around her and behind her. Mayumi created a massive aura burst that stopped the water and bursted it aside. Mayumi then moved with a step and disappeared from the spot once more, this time she moved her left hand across her right shoulder after switching hands and obliquely sliced in front of Nagamine. By blocking Nagamine felt the pressure that was coming from Mayumi's sword, she felt the aura explode that knocked her back with ease just like a blown feather in the wind.

Mayumi landed when crouching and facing forward, her eyes glowed through the mask when she had her sword crossed in front of her both shoulders and neck, another two copies appeared of green light when the three of them dashed forward, in instant, the two shadows appeared on both sides while Mayumi appeared in front of Nagamine. ("Now there is two of them?!") From there, Nagamine surrounded herself with a water current, when the three blades sliced forward, it was absorbed by the water and soon, Mayumi spoke. "Ko-Dachi!" By calling out, her katana was given a different shape with the blade being somewhat like sharp fangs, in total seven, she then disappeared from the front and appeared, turned away, behind Nagamine. Without knowing what Mayumi did, Nagamine now only felt her clothes getting cut near the right shoulder and across the top of her chest, bleeding. Nagamine, who was urgently annoyed moved her right foot behind and released water from her katana once she turned around. Mayumi's mask was looking at Nagamine to when Mayumi leaped in a flip over Nagamine's back, avoiding the burst of water when Mayumi sliced forward successfuly cutting Nagamine's top of the chest, she followed up with another swipe of her blade when the fangs stabbed into Nagamine's chest, by pulling the blade, Mayumi turned around in a spin and grabbed the sword with both hands, making a stance simmilar to a samurai.

From there Mayumi created four bodies of green aura when surrounding Nagamine, each of them made a heavy step forward and sliced downward identically when Nagamine felt the blades cutting into every side of her body, the blood was emitted and her body began to feel weaker, from there, the shadows combined back into Sakami's aura when her green eyes glowed further. From the force, her mask evaporated and Mayumi immediately dashed forward, stabbing through the middle of Nagamine's chest, then slicing to the left with full strength and then moved back. "You're not so tough without your 'Kodachi' thing, are you?!" Mayumi asked, when Nagamine's eyes shook in anger. Mayumi noticed how Nagamine dropped on the floor, leaning her body on the arms, pressing her left shoulder to somewhat stick up. Because the wound cut her heart, she barely had any time. "You're going to be erased by that bitchy woman, that 'Semi-Godess' will be the death of you and not us, you just watch!" In anger shouted Nagamine and finally, he body pressed at the floor. "'Semi-Godess'? So that is why they wanted that girl!" Mayumi said when spinning her katana and making it disappear. "Well, if Tim trusts her so much, we got nothing to worry about." Mayumi spoke, still rampaging over to what had happened. "Saburo.... I promise that, what you've done today will be repaid." Mayumi spoke and, the first opponent was finally laid down. "For now, I must continue my job."

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Western) - Friday, 3:50 p.m.]

Kanji was breathing heavily while standing in front Sugai. Kylin at the same time, seemed to have used less stamina but was also tired. "Are you guys running out of stamina? That's sad, I thought that punching and constantly using strength tires you out more." Sugai seemed to completely forgot his plan on 'seducing' Kylin and was now purely focusing on striking his opponent down. ("Running out of stamina is really something that us, speed masters occasionally run into... that's very bad for us...") Believed Kylin while thinking and breathing heavier, quietly. "Oh shut the hell up. All of that is aid by you to drop our confidence. Maybe we're running out of stamina, but simple, defeating you will be as easy as a perfect score in football." Said Kanji. ("By the calucalatons, Akari spoke that us two together have a high percentage of winning, this believes to give me that there is 70% of victory guranteed for us, for him just 30%. That could be different if we run out of stamina completely.") Kanji thought. "Ah? Is that it? Fine, then let's see!" From there his axe began to shape into a rocket-like weapon that had a yellow core at the end of it, it was wide and heavier, but it had a yellow energy flowing through it.

"Then, the speed will help me as well." From there, Sugai turned his 'rocket' weapon backward when it unleashed a yellow burst. "Block this!" When making a step, the 'rocket' unleashed his aura to speed up, as it blasted him forward identically to a rocket's speed. Kylin and Kanji were caught in stress when both of them jumped high in the air, but as soon as they did, Sugai stopped instantaneously, releasing pressure forward and aiming his 'rocket' toward Kylin. ("This is hot enough to strip her, and who doesn't want to see that!") Laughed Sugai when Kylin became surprised, the 'rocket' unleashed a powerful burst of energy when Kylin crossed her arms, the burst struck her and exploded, by then, Kanji immediately and quickly faced at her. "Kylin!" But from there, Kylin dropped down, with her upper clothes nearly compltely burned, from the surprise, Kanji lost his air balance and dropped to the floor and smashed into the floor. Her bra was shown near the right side with her skin. By saying, Kanji stood up, scratching his bottom. "I thought seeing boys half-naked was emabrrassing, seeing girls is even more embarrassing, now I understand, Codey!" Kanji said when facing toward her, but he immediately faced away. ("This is not comfortable at all.") Kanji believed.

"How does your new look suit you, perfectly fine-" But to when Sugai said, he noticed her right side of the bra's strap drop when she immediately reached for her right side of the bra for it ot not fall. Sugai bursted out blood from nose when. ("This is hummiliating me..") Kylin thought, embarrassed in her thoughts, while breathing heavily from the tireness.

("This will be annoying, my strap is burnt and useless and my clothes are completely ruined, how am I supposed to fight like this?")

To be continued...