195. Assassination extends!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Western) - Friday, 3:55 p.m.]

By the event that happened to Kylin, she was stuck between a decision.

("....This so embarrassing and both of them are boys, around me. One quicker move and I'll show too much then what I would want....") From thinking, she soon came to an idea. She faced down and became quite serious. "Kylin!" Kanji called immediately and she faced at him. "Here, take this!" From there, Kanji threw some sort of a cape. By catching it, Kylin became confused. "It's a cape that Sakami gave us after searching for Tim. It's not clean, but it's better than nothing." Spoke Kanji. "That's.... uh... I at least hope that it doesn't bother you." From a sentence, Kylin nodded. "Thank you." She immediately wrapped the cape over her upper body when she became quite serious again. "If you would mind, let me repay this guy for almost undressing me by defeating him on my own." Spoke Kylin. "What? Why, but even together we struggle..." Kanji questioned. "Didn't Sakami spoke to trust ourselves? Then please if you keep your concern on yourself." From there, Kanji sighed. "All.... right...." Kanji answered.

"Sugai Jurou. Trying to strip a girl is not polite nor does it have manners. As a Spiritual Duelist, prepare to be eliminated." Spoke Kylin with a serious face, she turned sideways with her bladed moved near her right hip. "Please if you keep your eyes on me and leave my ally out of it." Kylin claimed. "Girl, I don't take orders, but I may take bets." Spoke Sugai with a smile after leaning his weapon on the shoulder. "Bets? Then state your request if you win." Spoke Kylin. "Oh? Really, trust me, you'd never accept it. If I win you'll come with me and you'll do whatever I say." Spoke Sugai. "You can't be serious! That's straight up excuse to get your hands on her!" Kanji shouted. "I'll accept your request. But if I win, you'll let us put you into prison, understand?" She spoke. "That's all? All right then, your request is equal as mine, then, let the better duelist win." Spoke Sugai. "How can you be so confident Kylin?!" Kanji asked with a disappointed face. "Please if you do not interfere, Kanji." From there, Kylin bounced the blade up for it to spin once she grabbed it.

And the heavy duel between the two duelist has began, for them to accept their bets. "Before we start completely, how do we know who the winner is?" Questioned Sugai. "It's simple. The first one who drops their weapon, loses." To her saying, Kanji got even more surprised. "Are you kidding?! His weapon is ten times heavier than yours!" With waving his arms up and down, Kanji gave up on his trying to stop Kylin. "All right, then it is what it is." From the smile, Sugai prepared himself.

Kylin made a step when the electricity bursted from around her, rising at high pressure, she disappeared from the spot when she appeared in front of Sugai and held her weapon like a mastered Spiritual Duelist, by slicing toward Sugai, he took the hit by using his weapon to block when pushing with it forward. Kylin from there quickly disappeared from the air while coming behind him with a circular dash behind Sugai and raised her sword in front of her sideways and followed up with a launch forward slicing toward Sugai's weapon who moved it to the side and then turned around, he aimed the weapon with both hands and held it over his shoulder like a launcher, providing his opponent with a smile. Kylin noticed that but her serious expression did not disappear, by the wave of her cape the blast was shot towards her when a bolt flew quickly ahead when the beam that Sugai shot went spinning between the trees and exploding a bigger area in it at the distance. At the meantime Kylin slipped on the floor when her clothes magnetised upward because of the ejecting electricity, in doing so she immediately shattered the floor beneath her once she appeared in front of Sugai's face, when both of them exchanged looks. Kylin looked like she was about to slice and because of that exact reason Sugai prepared to smash his weapon, but from there, Kylin raised her legs and let the giant weapon to slip between her legs. She used her free hand to touch the weapon's body and then used it to leap in the air, when her electricity followed her up, by gentle surprise Sugai faced upward after seeing a jumping girl in front of him. "Speed of Light." By moving her sword behind her back and moving her left hand in front of her, she created a current to which she then disappeared and appeared behind Sugai, landing a blow that Sugai nor Kanji saw.

After landing, she quickly turned around and made a half-spin kick that was struck into his left shoulder and then prepared to disarm him. For hoping to do so she immediately jumped forward. She reached to cut for his muscles in the right arm but in luck Sugai spun and slammed her into the body, knocking her aside while she still held her blade, after turning herself on the correct stance she disappeared from the spot, ejecting electricity and zooming through the path, appearing in front of him after the pressure and force, combined togetgher, blew past Sugai's body, she sliced forward at him but Sugai was lucky enough to be turned in the correct side and used his weapon to block when he then prepared to gather energy into the weapon. When the weapon got charged, he made a big smile with widely opened eyes. "Full on charged, feel it now!" Shouted Sugai when unleashing a long range beam, powerful as a meteor, blew toward Kylin, when her eyes witnessed flashiness she moved her sword in front when used it to block the charged up beam. When being pushed on the floor by the beam her feet begin to dig into the ground making a dirt trail alongside her movement while feeling intense pressure.

Sliding across the floor made Kylin to think. ("The weapon is not sharp to cut, but the fuel and heatness can simply burn his opponent. It burnt my clothes which means it could easily melt a basic sword's blade, it is very heavy and powerful and he can use the weapon to deal massive and powerful blows, not lethal enough to kill a Ginkenian at our strength.") By thinking, Kylin's hair waved while she began to eject electricity from beneath her feet, the voltage rose as it surrounded her blade and up on contacting the beam, it created another massive explosion while she was caught in explosion, her blade was thrown in the air while Kanji's eyes shook. "Kylin!" By the worry, he noticed the blade spinning and began to fall.

"Hah, guess that's it, you're coming with me!" Laughed Sugai, waiting for the blade to drop. However while the blade was about to hit the floor, a lighing bursted past it and the blade disappeared, just before hitting the ground. In shock, Sugai lost his guard and from sudden appearence, Kylin showed herself in front of him, when making a serious expression. "You let you guard down." To saying that, Kylin sliced across his muscles when the pain let his weapon to soon drop. From there, she faced at him with an offensive pose and from there used the same attack, she disappeared when bursts of electrical currents appeared and her body shapes from attacking were still seen because of her speed, shaping a triangular-like position, from there, Sugai's clothes got cut and ripped apart, Sugai was immediately surprised when Kylin slid on the floor in a straigh stance, leaving electrical trail behind her, when she spun the sword, soon after, the weapon that Sugai held, dropped down. Kanji immediatrly dropped into laugh when seeing the man only standing in underwear so Sugai soon covered his underwear embarrassed, "How does it feel being almost naked?" She questioned, Kanji however dropped on the floor, laughing. "The weapon, you dropped it, you know what that means." Kylin spoke when turning toward him. With unamused face, Sugai spoke. "Fine, I guess you win..." Spoke Sugai. "Now, go on, prison awaits, and make sure to find new clothes." Spoke Kylin. "Urgh..." Still disappointed at himself, he spoke. "....Fine...." He began to walk forward, leaving the weapon behind, steppng like a duck. "I should of have seen that coming." Spoke Sugai. Kanji but became. "Hey! Why are you letting him go, we can't be sure that he'll actually put himself in the prison." Kanji spoke.

- A few minutes later -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 4:30 p.m.]

By entering the police area, Sugai slammed the paper on the desk. "I'm here to get imrpisoned, I am a criminal, so hurry up, don't waste my time." Spoke Sugai. The policeman who was drinking coffee was confused. "Uhm... what's... uh... your name?" Asked the policeman. "Sugai Jurou, working for Shinsuke." When the policeman checked, he seemed to be surprised. "You.... uh are on the criminal list.... but-" "Stop talking, get me in already before I smash your face off!" From there the policeman jumped from the chair and nodded, from there they put him in the prison. ("So this is how it ends huh, losing to a girl when making me almost naked.... tsch...") He thought as he sat in his cell.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 4:35 p.m.]

Sakami and Tim continued to move while they were stopped by who else than Taira. "Well, looks like I get to chance to beat you down again, captain girl." Smiled Taira, standing in front of them with crossed arms, his eyepatch still covering the right eye. Sakami immediately became serious and reached for her both blades. "And I see you've brought a friend, who may that be?" Smiled Taira while he looked at him. "Tim Shinkaku." Spoke Tim when a swear drop, dripped down his right side of the head. "Ah, so that's a pretty well known name, I believe somebody told me about, not sure, was it someone close to you?" Taira questioned when being serious. "He's a friend of that girl, like I am." Sakami answered. "Oh! I see. So he's here to help you save that bitchy 'Godess'. Hah, that girl is going to be torchered and killed before you even get to her...." Spoke Taira, to what he said, Tim's eyes became covered with fury. "Stop calling her names...." Tim answered with his hair waving. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Are you there to save here, but what can you do, even your dear captain, could not defeat me, and you plan you'll manage!" Spoke Taira with a laugh. Tim quickly swiped his right arm to the side, when his sword instantaneously appeared. "Yes.... that's exactly what I'll do." To what he said, Tim's eyes glowed blue.


To be continued...