196. Lethal Opponent! Taira!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 4:40 p.m.]

The roaring blue flames blasted circulary into the air when Sakami needed to raise her left hand for the heat to not scorched her body once the blue light soon dissapeared and Sakami was now witnessing Tim's Henshin that she has never managed to see before.

The black coat waved with cloth on the inside coloured red and his blade was much thin, his sleeves were tighter and Tim's Henshin has finally reached it's final look, when the flame bursted one final time, Tim's blade was identical to the one that he used while fighting Isora. From there Tim's serious look outstood.

"Henshin? Well, that's something I have not yet witnessed with my own eyes, but I gotta say, it seems that your Henshin is not that special, all that it has done to you was simply just make your blade much thinner. It does seem quite sharper, will admit that." Answered Taira while holding his own chin.

"Thanks for your rating and opinion, but nobody asked for it." Tim spoke when fully preparing to take on Taira, his chains were finally gone since he was now under commands of Shinsuke. "Yeah, I should of have expected that answer." From the smile, Taira quickly swiped the right hand to the side and in an instant, making the sword to bounce on the side as it spun, yet it was grabbed by him and in instant the orange aura bursted in the area, leaning trees aside and even vaporizing the leaves that once were there. "Tim.... you really have to be careful, he's not like opponents you've faced before." By the given warning, Tim sighed. "You know, I thought I was ruining the nature, but you are better at it." Tim said with a full confidence but at the same time worry, against his opponent. "What can I say, I guess evaporating the forest is something that I love, let's say. My hobby." By the words that were said out loud, clearly, Tim's seriousness continue to circle around him.

Sakami faced forward back at their opponent. ("Teaming up with Sakami, to be exactly honest, I'd never expect that would happen.") Tim thought when making a small movement on the foot to the side. "So, then, let's begin this, why not?" Smiled Taira when stretching his right arm to the side, the orange aura was rising and rising when Tim made a step. ("This is the opponent that I was warned about, so I must keep my guard up for this entire fight.")

The first move raged out to when Tim dashed forward and vanished, the body that he was controling appeared in front of Taira, right on the left side, by swinging toward Taira he hoped to land a quick strike, no matter the trying, Taira swiped his own blade and blocked then unleashed orange energy that began to push Tim away, but from doing so, Tim slid on the floor when the second body appeared before Taira, with a spinning slice which was pretty much Sakami's signature move, she swiped with first blade but from there, Taira blocked, the first cut and the second, from making a step he gathered his aura into his fist when slamming forward, Sakami who was aware of his movements somewhat, ducked backward, when Tim immediately dashed over her when Sakami disappeared in a leaning pose backward, from there Tim's blade cut into Taira when the pressure immediately released from the area. Sakami from there instantaneously appeared behind Taira with a prepared cut, Tim once again vanished when Taira was in need to block the cut behind him, struck by Sakami and blocked. Her strength was quite immense, but no matter the strength, Taira blocked it, at the same time, Tim hopped forward and sliced forward, unleashing a blue crescent sweep that flew forward extremely quick, from that point, Taira pushed forward to change Sakami's direction and after the full spin he unleashed the orange wave of his aura that berserked over the floor, smashing into Tim's move and mixing itself into his attack, from there Sakami used her spin to land perfectly and to lock onto her target when she made a step and sliced forward with her right blade. Taira this time decided to dodge with a quick jump in the air when his aura rose after his feet left the floor, Sakami crossed the second blade in front to block the aura.

Tim and Sakami from there both appeared around Taira midair and both sliced forward. With enthusiasm, Taira disappeared within the air and landed in the air in the distance. Before Tim and Sakami struck themselves, both of them disappeared to avoid injuring each other.

Both of them slid across the invisible platform, made from their aura while sliding across it. Sakami moved her right blade behind the back while moving the left one in front of her, she unleashed the purple aura which allowed her to provide more pressure, she immediately disappeared from besides Tim and by appearing in front of Taira, she sliced forward, this time with a half spin, while unleashing a roaring purple aura wave. Taira leaned forward while crouching his feet and dashed right at the aura, when beginning to cut through it and using his own aura to blow away Sakami's. From there, Sakami noticed Taira in front of her when getting sliced into the shoulder, but in luck, she didn't gain a deep wound when she disappeared, from there Tim appeared in front of Sakami and then awoke his roaring blue flames from his blade, cutting obliquely toward Taira, who quickly twisted the blade in one hand and blocked, wiping the flames and stopping them from Tim's blade, which then flew in the air, he immediately followed up by reaching forward with his right hand, however, Tim disappeared as Taira just only heard clothes rippling, Tim once more appeared right behind Taira's back while twisting his feet to turn at him and then cut, again, obliequely. Taira however quickly moved his right arm backward when catching the blade in his arm and from the caught, the pressure that was about to struck Taira was changed into a pulse that quickly spread through the air, to what had happened, Tim's eyes caught surprise. "Was that all the force coming from your attack, I must say. It's kind of weak." From the smile Tim ducked after seeing that Taira stabbed toward him and let go of his sword, when quickly slipping behind him and opening his palm, creating blue flame from the palm. ("Letting go of his own sword, the hell is he thinking?") But Taira noticed the flames burst at him when he raised his left hand to cover his body, however he felt that his sword was gone and from there, Tim immediately slid to the side with spread legs, sliding, holding his own sword with both hands.

Once the flames were blown away, Taira witnessed a female body in front of him, which caught him in surprise, Sakami unleahsed purple aura and sliced obliquely when he immediately acted and backed away, however he witnessed how the purple aura flew at him somewhat like a created wave of energy, he immediately unleashed his own, orange aur and leaped high in the air, creating an explosion and blowing away the aura, but even so, Tim immediately appeared before him, making Taira see multiple of himself as an illusion and in that moment, Tim sliced forward but Taira tensed his feet and blocked the attack, but he was once again pushed back as he began to fall towards the floor. From there Sakami immediately began to jump between the trees and when she got right beneath Taira, she leaped high in the air, spinning. "Fury Cut!" She spun while unleashing her aura while creating a circle somewhat like a tornado around her and sliced with both swords towards him. Taira blocked the first cut while falling, but he needed to sacrifice his skin on the left arm to avoid getting killed, for that the blood emitted and his body quickly landed on the floor while his face became serious and jumped backward. Sakami however immediately appeared in front of him and cutting up with the purple when releasing a purple cut, Taira immediately moved to the side, however he noticed that the second blade was already cut at his side, so he blocked but while doing so, Tim immediately appeared on the opposite side of Sakami, behind Taira's back and held his sword with both hands, emitting blue fire from his blade while extending it into inferno that began to roar in the air and from there, cut forward, Sakami on the other hand, quickly focused her eye sigh on Taira's chest and made a weaker cut on his chest and then after making a step, disappeared.

Taira felt the pain in his chest but smiled when he turned around and the orange aura was trembling behind him when he swooped forward. Both, flame and the aura came in contact and prepared a massive explosion to when, Tim disappeared and from there a wider cut appeared on Taira's right hip, when Tim showed his body, faced away, behind Taira. He leaped forward before the explosion reached him while Taira was the only one caught in it. As from there on, Tim turned around, after landing on a tree's branch and noticing a burst of orange colour, emitting forward toward him. He jumped and let the burst to strike the tree and then faced down toward Taira. Sakami who was much closer to Taira was now seen to be in close combat with Taira.

Taira cut with his blade toward Sakami's neck when she ducked, she then noticed the fist of his left hand, aim for her abdomen and felt the blow landing, she recovered quickly and then noticed another cut, cutting obliquely. She moved her body on the opposite side to where the blade was, when she then felt the pressure surrounding her. Taira disappeared and circulate around her while she was in a trap, not knowing how to escape, she quickly crossed the two blades before her when Taira soon smashed into them and at the blow, unleashing an orange burst that pushed Sakami back, she tried to act quickly, but Taira's speed was much faster then hers at that instant and she only had time to make a step, but even so, she was cut into the shoulder, luckly not into the neck when she quickly leaped into the air. Taira made a smile. "Don't run, come on! Did the last fight make you scared!" Questioned Taira and leaped after her in preperation to cut. But before she was going to get cut, Tim's body appeared and his eyes were furious, which caught Taira off guard.

"Our goal here is to bring back Ayuka to our team, not to deal with an idiot like you!" From there, Tim's blade unleashed a heavy storm of burning fire that constantly roared in the wind, from there Tim spun and used his muscles to tense the grip in his blade, the inferno that was about to rage out rose in the air, from there Tim swooped forward, unleashing a cross of two crescents, made out of fire, the combined attack of his Seraphic Penetrate and fire. The burning 'X' that raged was waving in quick oblivion when Tim sliced downward with it, Taira immediately blocked but at that, the flames roared around him when he was caught in the flame explosion, by the force that Tim released caused Taira to be knocked toward the ground with full force and from there, his body went slamming into the floor, cracking his back while the ground beneath him circulated and the stones arose from around, flying, and the grass was burning around the area, when Tim dropped toward the ground. While doing so he shook this blade for the flames to go out when Sakami landed next to him, holding her shoulder wound. By surprise Sakami looked at Tim.

"Are you all right, Sakami?" Tim questioned as the inferno around them continued to live.

To be continued...