197. Rage released!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 4:45 p.m.]

By standing back up Taira began to gather more aura and produce it as quickly as possible with his smile on the face. "How pitiful, somebody that actually managed to give me a tiny pain, that's something that I'd expect less and less nowadays." From saying, Taira swung with his right hand while the blade shined before the sun.

"Thank you..." Sakami spoke when standing behind Tim and giving him a calm face. "Don't mention it...." "So tell me, you must be the human that they've warned me about. But to honest manners, you seem to be rather weak compare to what I was expecting, and, knowing myself, I adore people who begin to harm my body. Why? Well, that's simple, when I was taken to prison, there was no other human who could fight against me, nor harm me, every one of them were getting killed, one by one, until a light of whiteness appeared, the 'Godess' race herself, imprisoned my powers for the time while being cuffed. Then, seeing somebody like her, standing before me, eliminating, erasing all of those policemen because of her hidden rage... messed up my confidence, but now, that I don't need to worry about that skinny bitch, I'll kill every friend of hers!" For the crazy thoughts that Taira had begin to build up his rage. "And for that, you two will be the first time. Wait a couple of minutes and you'll taste just how strong I am compare to you, my rage is just getting built in my mind until it growls, so until then, I'll toy around with you two and maybe I won't even need to release that rage!" From the laughs, given, Taira immediately made a stomo when his orange aura began to storm around him.

"Sakami...." To calling her name, Sakami looked at him. "This is out of the plan and lineup. But listen to me." Tim spoke. "Go toward the barrier and warn others, when you get there, proceed with the plan, I believe the rest of them are already on their way to the barrier." Tim spoke. "What do you mean...?" "I'll keep this guy occupied, for you, the rest of you must break through that barrier, without me, you're all still powerful enough... so please, hurry up." From the calm surprise, Sakami spoke. "You cannot be serious? We barely stood a chance against him together, I can't just leave and let you get killed." Sakami answered. "I'll be fine.... promise." From the saying, Tim fixed his sleeve on the coat. ("This way, none of them will get hurt, at least for as long as I keep him at bay. But with them, I can tell, they'll be quick enough to bring themselves to Ayuka....") "So, please, worry about yourselves and trust your cooperatives." Claimed Tim. By facing at Tim, Sakami gave up on trying to stop him. "All right, but make sure to not die." From the words said, Sakami ran forward. "You know, it was smart to let your lovely friend go, if not, I'd kill her as well, just after you." Taira smiled.

"Right.... think I wouldn't be aware of that?" By the saying, Tim reached with his right hand in front after fixing his sleeve and releasing aura. "But don't be to concerned about you killing us, because I'll bring you down myself." By the loud and seriously voice, Tim's mask appeared on his face, once the blue aura bursted into waveful blackness, rising and rising with his eyes changing 'Fiendish'.

From there Tim swiped with his right and free arm to the side, roaring out his black aura to when he prepared fully. "Huh? Ah, so you've got more to you than just that 'Henshin'." Smiled Taira. ("I've only got about 3 minutes to finish this fight, Henshing and Akusei at the same time is absolutely eater of stamina, doesn't matter, guess I should stop wasting my few seconds that might be needed.") By the thoughts, Tim made a step and disappeared off the start when suddenly preparing himself in front of Taira.

By the increase in his body capabilities, Tim sliced forward to when Taira swung the short blade forward, blocking. To that clash, the pulse of their pressures berserked outwards, once declaration of fight was set.

Taira immediately spun his short blade and smiled. "Maybe this will actually be more interesting!" At the smile Taira puleld the blade downard to prepare a cut into Tim0s head, but in that moment, Tim slipped in a slide to the side while appearing behind him, leaving shadows of his body that were created by his speed, from the slice he struck forward but Taira's defense was once again set, even then the ground beneath them shattered into hole to when Tim quickly disappared and multiple wounds appeared in Taira's body, bleeding. By appearing behind him, Tim quickly turned around when swinging with his blade upward, the black flames went rising from his body to when Taira quickly faced around. Crossing his arms made the black flames to melt his skin and dropped on the burnt grass. By surprise to how much temperature Tim's flames held, Taira seemed to lose his target on sight.

By vanishing and then appearing in front of Taira, Tim sliced downward with his blade to when Taira blocked. From the force that Tim struck, Taira's blood bursted from the melted skin which made him aggressive. So because of that he disappeared and appeared behind Tim to when TIm disappeared at the identical moment, he slid across the floor but Taira was soon in front of Tim, releasing his orange aura, raging and from there, Tim ducked when a blade went cutting over his head, he then quickly sliced upward, forcing himself to bounce and then in midair vanish. From there Taira felt the cut once more but by ignoring it, he swung his blade to when it seemed to have been given an extended blade, Tim swung upward to when he blocked. Both of them began to move through the forest in close combat to when both of them slashed. Tim, however, disappeared to when his left eye prepared a glow, he raised his sword high up in the air to where Taira turned around, oticing his opponent high in the air.

While Tim raised the sword, his blade unleashed a black fire which was then set to strike and be unleashed at a swing. For that, Tim did exactly what he intended and swung downward, unleashing the burning black flame wave that was spitting immensely around the area, Taira quickly twisted his feet and made a leap backward, avoiding when Tim then opened his left palm and began to create a burning ball. By swinging with his hand forward, Tim's flame unleashed another crescent wave of flames and Taira quickly rested his arms on themselves in a cross, blocking the flames. "I've heard about different Spiritual Control Stages, and this one reminds me of Emitter. In fact, Emitters can provide attacks with bare skin and he seems to have three stages of Pyro, Spiritual Flame, Blue Flame and finally the Hell Flame, each of them increase in heat by a total of 100%.... meaning, his flame's heat is currently at 300%.... not even I can withstand an attack like that without getting my entire body melted. But who cares, my rage is climbing up the mountain and it's almost at the peek of that mountain!") By the laugh, Taira leaped high in the air when swinging forward with the blade.

On the other side, to where Tim moved by vanishing, he soon appeared behind Taira with a serious look on his face. Taira felt the pressure behind him and swung the blade, both blades clashed to where black fire erupted around them and created another inferno in midair, because of the wind, the fire soon blew away but Tim and Taira both dropped toward the ground and as soon as both of them landed on the floor, Tim twisted his foot and launched himself into a dash to where he swiped with his blade downward, releasing fire like a current behind his sword to when Taira swiped forward, blocking Tim's attack. In doing so, the fire provided by Tim dispersed to where Tim quickly twisted his feet and jumped with a spin, releasing fire through his foot and then slammed it into Taira's face, melting his skin on the side. From there Taira quickly smiled and reached for Tim's right arm, catching him in surprise. By a gentle wide of his eyes, Tim felt how his body got pushed over Taira's head and then thrown toward the tree, standing behind him.

While Tim was flying, he turned around and spun in a simmilarities of an air roll to where he unleashed a cyclone of flames around him, by pressing his feet on the trunk of the tree, he then launched himself back at Taira with the cyclone and closed his fist, by using the speed of the launch, he smacked Taira's face and then quickly stunned him. From doing so, Tim dropped down and used his knee to strike Taira in the stomach, to when he slipped behind him in a three step and then cut at his neck, cutting the skin and at the same time burning. From there Tim moved his sword back and aimed his right palm into Taira's back, by bursting out a higher mass of fire, he caught Taira in the flames and covered him, from there, Tim used that fire for a burning explosion, to when he was moved backward and slid, waiting to see what had happened to his opponent.

But from there, Tim's mask disappeared to not use too much time. He got a bit surprised to when he noticed that Taira's clothes were ruined, his eyepatch was completely burnt to when Taira faced backward. "You've. Burnt my eyepatch." Taira had his right palm, covering his eyepatch to when his mouth shook. From there, Taira unleashed an everlasting aura, bursting, rushing, skimming across, over and around the air when his hair waved, same for his clothes. By turning his face around, TIm noticed how Taira's body began to vibrate behind the aura, the aura was completely burning and his clothes were soon going to burn, his right eye on which he was supposed to have an eyepatch glowed orange and the aura, that was now just like fire, began to surrounded the area and burning the grass.

"I was planning to use my rage later not so early.... but, may I say, it feels as if a God has reached my body, and that means. That it is YOUR time to DIE!"

To be continued...