198. Stress extension.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 4:47 p.m.]

Tim grabbed the sword tighter with a bit of stress. "So, now you see me how terrifying I can be at full power. And all you did was... giving me minor wounds, to be honest, I didn't expect you to bring my rage in less than 3 minutes. Tell me, are you in a rush? If so? Is that 'Mask' that you've wore before soon going to fade?" To when Taira spoke so, a sweat dripped down Tim's face. "Let me guess, that mask of your has a time limit, does it not? Ah, I thought so, then prepare to be obliterated!" To when he spoke, Taira appeared in front of Tim with a fist ready to smash into his face, from the shock, Tim noticed that his opponent reached maximum speed to when Tim felt another skin strike him into the face and from there, he went bursting backward, through a line of trees and to which each and every single one of them dropped down, in that area. After blasting through the fifteenth tree, he began to slid his back on the ground, getting scratched by the sticks and rocky floors to where he smashed his back into a rock, smacking through it, rolling on the floor and then smashed his elbow at the ground which forced him to bounce in the air, directly between the tree bushes in the air.

While Tim was still immobolized from the pain, Taira already appeared above him and smiled. "Here I am!" Taira smashed with both hands at Tim's back to when the flame aura surrounded Tim's clothes and got his clothes burnt. From the speed and strength, his body went strucking the floor to when a gigantic floor hole appeared, making the rocks and dirt to be bursted in the air, from there Taira instantaneously appeared on the floor, before Tim's lying feet to when an inferno awoke.

"Ha? What's the matter, now when I increased my power just by a little, you're as weak as that female friend of you, captain, I suppose." Smiled Taira. Tim's body was pressed at the floor, shaking to when he moved his eyes to face Taira. He tried to create a mask, but even before he could, Taira smashed his fist into Tim's face and the back of his head was dug into the floor to when Taira opened the palm in front of Tim's face. "Come on, no time to sleep!" Shouted Taira and at that unleashed an flame explosion that twisted around the area as a tornado, black cloth was burnt to ashes from when it floated when Taira grabbed Tim's face and raised him. "Come on, what's the problem, you seem to be getting your ass kicked and you've acted so tough before. Why don't we just blow you to pieces!" Smiled Taira and raised his hand, but before he could, his wrist got cut and Tim disappeared to when Taira became surprised.

"What the hell?" Questioned Taira when seeing his hand bleeding. "What- happ- the hell- happened?" Tim was still awake when he noticed a girl standing before him. Taira faced at them, to when Tim sat up, feeling extremely weak. "I see, even you have trouble against him." The girl spoke. "K-Kylin?" Tim questioned in confusion to when her body was surrounded by electricity. "You..... we've told you to stay on your path, what are you doing... here?" Tim asked, still recovering. "I think you should say that for yourself as well. You've sticked around alone and told Sakami to move for the barrier, so you broke the lineup as well." Kylin answered. "Yeah! But, we need you for the barrier. If- if you get killed here, then what have we acomplished?" Tim questioned. "Then, death is not an option for me. But stop saying like it matters, you're losing you strength while we need your at maximum it can be. You're our most precious warrior on the team to rescuing that girl." Spoke Kylin when a sweat dripped down her forehead, finally facing back. "So don't be a fool and continue to fight like you've always? To what you've shown was just a fracture of your power, correct? So then get serious, because we need as many teammates as we can possibly get!" Kylin was a bit worried but Tim has never witnessed her talk so serious. But from there, Taira appeared in front of Kylin to which caught her off guard. "Now shut up young lady!" Taira cut forward but at soon moment, his sword shook and was stopped right in front of Kylin. Tim stood before him, with a serious look, beated up, but the ground beneath them extended into a massive hole, to which extended multiple times in width.

"Ha?" Taira asked while trying to push forward, however, his arm was shaking to while Tim was holding him back. "Did you forget? Your opponent is me, don't try to kill others, not until you killed me." Tim's voice became louder when he pushed forward and unleashed a blue fire that circled before them, the cut that he produced was struck past Taira's chest to the hip, to when he felt pain and the blood erupted past Tim's face. From there, Tim's blue aura bursted in a loud roar. "So prepare to face that opponent!"

From there Taira was sent back through the air to when Tim increased his aura and made a step forward. "Mind lending me a hand then?" Questioned Tim, and Kylin nodded. "Of course." From there, both of them disappeared and instantaneously appeared in front of Taira to when both of them sliced forward. Fully combined attack shock Taira to when he blocked but was still sent back to when he flipped with a side slip and then noticed how Tim appeared in front of Him, from there Kylin appeared behind him and disappeared in electricity to when she jumped high in the air. Tim sliced forward and unleashed a fire wave to where Taira sliced through it as for Kylin she immediately dropped down with a flip and sliced Taira, who blocked, she was thrown back but quickly caught her balance in the air and then hurried along with a vanish. Tim and Kylin both appeared on both sides of them to when each of them struck with their blades.

Taira blocked Tim's and knocked him back and then quickly ducked to Kylin, using his elbow to strike her in the stomach, knocking her in the air and then swiping with his blade upward. But in luck Kylin quickly recovered and unleashed a bolt that stunned Taira's attack. Tim on the other hand, quickly appeared in front of Taira and cut in a circular shape over his shoulder, cutting Taira's leg, and then made him annoyed. "You damn idiots!" Shouted Taira to when he sliced with his blade downward. Tim quickly ducked and slipped beneath his arm to where he moved behind him and at the same time, Kylin appeared in front of Taira and blocked the attack, ejecting electricity that bursted in the air. While keeping Taira busy, Tim turned around on the spot and releasing a burnign cut that wounded Taira's back.

From there, as he unleashed a roar of anger, Taira's orange aura bursted in the air and immediately opened his palm, grabbing Kylin's face and then pushed with his hand forward, scorching her skin and then throwing her back to when she quickly spin in the air and caught herself on her feet, after the landing she quickly wiped the blood from her cheek and noticed how Tim and Taira just exchanged slices and struck each other's blades. Tim was knocked backward but Kylin at that quickly appeared in front of Tim to when Taira hoped of stabbing Tim. She pressed her blade on the flat side of Taira's blade, when sliding her own across it and then making a stomp, erutping electricity from beneath Taira and shocking him at full force, from there she sliced through Taira's entire arm when his eyes opened wide. He was forced to drop the blade, to when Kylin raised her leg and released electricity, kicking the sword from Taira's reach. Because of the anger, Taira immediately made a fist and prepared to hit Kylin into her head. But in luck, Tim appeared at the same time, grabbed Kylin and vanished with her. Both of them appeared in the distance to when Taira slammed the tree instead and made it get vaporized into ashes. Kylin did not have enough time to thank Tim so she immediately moved her finger in front and gathered electricity, when she immediately unleashed a thin bolt that struck int oTaira's shoulder, pushing him back. In that moment, Tim and Kylin appeared in front of Taira who's hand just exploded into blood because of the electrecuted muscles and intense voltage.

To when Kylin reached in front of her face with her left palm and Tim with his right. Their masks appeared to when both of them pulled their blades backward and sliced forward, both of them raised their Kinetic Power to when they struck forward and sliced in a cross over Taira's body, from there, the flames erupted from the wound and the electricity bursted into his veins making him feel extreme pain and an intense electrecution in his body, from there his body went blasting backward to when he barely could see. Tim raised his sword over his head to when he unleashed a black flame that increased to maximum of his temperature. "Infernal Laceration!" By the shout, he unleashed his attack forward in a cross, while it was extremely fast and extremely hot, his mask shattered to when Kylin appeared in front of Tim. "Voltage Dance!" At first, the fire that Tim unleashed, exploded and burnt Taira when catching him on fire, from there however Kylin appeared in front of him, unleashing electricity at full force when she disappeared, electricity bolts began to cut around Taira's body and forcing him to lose strength, he was given cuts all over the body, he was bleeding through every cut, to when a massive electrical slice appeared in front of him and at the contact exploded to when, the burning infused with electricity and ended up in a massive electro-flame explosion. "You bunch of CHILDREN!!!!" Shouted Taira in anger to when his body got slit into pieces, Kylin was blasted backward when her mask shattered, however the blade that Taira dropped was being manipulated and turned it's blade tip to stab through Kylin's back.

But before that would happen, Tim quickly cuaght Kylin in his arms and sliced the blade, landing on the floor to when the blade finally shattered into pieces. Tim and Kylin looked at the area to where the explosion appeared, but as much as Kylin felt embarrassed to be held, she was finally dropped, when Tim noticed the end, the final explosion appeared that covered both of their bodies and was even seen by Kanji and the rest near the barrier.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Barrier - Friday, 4:50 p.m.]

"Did.... they do it?" Mayumi asked, but Kanji made a smile. "There is no sign of Taira's immense energy! They must of have done it!" Kanji smiled. With no words, Sakami added additional smile.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 4:50 p.m.]

The flames slowly began to be put out, when both, Tim and Kylin felt tired, however, they made a smile. "He's finally gone...." Tim spoke. "An... opponent like that.... really did a number on me." Tim's clothes were forced to change back, to when his sword reshaped back to its Kodachi state. "Next time.... please, keep up with the plan. But, thank you." Kylin spoke. Tim who looked at his wounds, spoke and cleaned the sweat from his face. "Yeah, I'll make sure...." Tim spoke to when his sword disappared. "What the?" Tim question in confusion. "Wait, what happened?!" From there Tim's eyes shook Kylin looked at him. "Guess you've overused your Ginken in that battle.... it needs to rest for a bit of time, don't worry, it should rest before we reach the barrier." Kylin spoke, which made Tim a bit relieved.

"Right... then, let's hurry up, Ayuka won't be able to hold herself long enough if we waste any more time." As much as Tim was injured he was hiding his pain.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Barrier - Friday, 5:00 p.m.]

Kanji and the rest were caught in exchanging looks with running Tim and Kylin, giving them a smile. "There you are, you made it! But.... one of us didn't manage to." Spoke Kanji, when looking near Mayumi. By noticing that Saburo was killed, they felt guilty. "I'm sorry Mayu-" "Forget it, we've both been aware of what can happen, so please... just continue with what we came here for." Mayumi spoke, but everybody knew that she didn't have the best time and was feeling upset. With no other words, but sad looks, Tim nodded. Kylin stepped toward the barrier. "Let's hope that this will get us in." Kanji spoke.

Kylin took a breath to when she touched the barrier with her palm, the electricity began to eject from her palm and the barrier began to vibrate to when her palm began to shake. Kylin's eyes became serious but filled with pain. Others were looking and before Tim would stop her, she rejected. "I can do it.... it's just a minor wound." From there, she unleashed her aura and the barrier began to vibrate stronger and tougher, when the pressure began to be pushing at the others. "This pressure? How did somebody create it anyway, it's much more tougher than our pressures combined!" Tim called while getting slid back by a little. As for Kylin, she continued to push forward and sacrificing her palm. "Just, go through!" From there, Sakami unleashed electricity to when her clothes began to rip, even her cape, to when she finally breached with her right through. To that event, the barrier exploded and shattered to when another breeze of pressure bursted at the others and knocked them back. Kylin's right arm was being eaten by the pressure, but in luck, she managed to breach through, while her earlier ripped clothes popped out and almost making her bra unwrap. But in luck, she grabbed the edge of it as she felt her tired.

"She... managed to go through with only her strength."

To be continued...