199. Arrival and love.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Araya Outcall - Friday, 5:00 p.m.]

After finally reaching 'Araya Outcall' and its laboratory, Tim and the others are on their way to enter further, by standing in front of the laboratory with lowered Spiritual Symbolisms, it was just a second of time that one of them will find Ayuka, but before that, a voice is heard.

"Ah! Hello! Hello! I've see you were able to defeat my strongest army, how interesting, very, very, may I say." Tim and the others were looking around, trying to find the radio. "Stop hiding and show yourself, it's over, you can't win on your own against all of us!!" Kanji shouted while annoyed. "Oh? Yes, that is true, but nobody said I'd like to come in any fights with you, I'm just a mere scientist, all I do is make different tests and create subjects, but I will say, your female friend was an amazing help to me, with her powers shared with my subject, Kodama should be awake in less than an hour. And you may think, that we'll destroy the capsule before that. Sorry, but that won't do, you'll have to find it first. And by the way, your friend is being well taken care of right now." Smiled Shinsuke to when a holographic video appeared before them. Their eyes witnessed surprise.

On the inside of the cell, they saw, Ayuka chained on the ceiling, only in her underwear, she was kneeling in front, while she was completely beat up, her eyes were not showing any emotions. "See, she's doing great!" Smiled Shinsuke. "Ayuka!" With a step, Tim's eyes shook in worry. "Oh, sorry, she can't hear you, nor can she sense you that you're here, she pretty much shared her entire aura with my project, so, she won't be able to do much, apart from sitting there like a tree." Spoke Shinsuke after laughing. "I give you my word! As soon as I find you, you'll be slaughtered, you understand that!" Tim shouted while trying to push forward. However, Sakami grabbed Tim's arm, and stopped him. "Calm down, we'll save her, but without focus, we will never be able to." Sakami spoke. At the same time, Shinsuke laughed. "Oh, my. Shinkaku Timoshī, aren't you a brave one, but loud too. But sorry, I don't think if she'll even manage to remember you, even if you do somehow get to her." Smiled Shinsuke. "You're wrong, no way that she would forget me! I'll prove you wrong!" Tim shouted while he was still trying to push forward. "Oh, is that so, then what about now." To when Shinsuke said that., they noticed a man standing in front of Ayuka.

He reached with his blade on the top of her chest when releasing an intense voltage throughout her body. Because she was overwhelmingly beat up, her body was weak and her screams were now heard, even, her body could not withstand anymore shocking. "No! Stop! Ayuka!" But even if Tim was aware she could not hear him, he kept on doing so. "Isn't she pretty when she gets zappy zapped? I just love the look on her eyes!" Laughed Shinsuke. From there, her body was shaking, she was bleeding and could barely move. But what made Tim surprised the most were the tears that he saw, even then he heard. "....I'm sorry..." By the words, Tim's eyes widely opened, when others behind him became surprised.

And to what had happened, brough memories back in Kanji's eyes. From the frozen body, Tim's eyes became shades, his irises turning black, while his hair began to wave in a rise of the wind. "So unworthy... so stupid... I won't let your harm her..... no..... not anymore.... a friend is a friend and not even her.... not even her deserves to be torchered like that. Shinsuke, I'll find you, rip you apart, kill you, rip out your eyes, rip out every single body part you've ever felt....." But even the threats that Tim spoke did not make Shinsuke scared. "If this is your way of trying to make me scared, it will not work, you're just a mere human and my project has unlimited power!" Laughed Shinsuke. "Tim, don't do this happen, it's happening again! You've done it before at the E.T.D. and back at Tokyo City as well! You've gotta-" But then, Tim faced back and Kanji felt chievers. "Are you trying to keep me calm at such moment? Don't even make me." From there, Tim walked forward when he moved his right hand to the side, his blade bursted and appeared as it was put on his back. "I'll get to her, and nothing will stop me."

"I see what he meant with black eyes...." Kylin claimed while facing at him. "Does this something got to do with the 'Fiend'?" Kanji wondered. "I couldn't tell.... it may just really be his true identity, but that also wouldn't make the most sense." Spoke Kylin. "It's like 'The Evil Within' him...." Spoke Mayumi. "....Tim...." Only words that Sakami spoke. "Oh who cares, we have to help him! We have to get to Shinsuke and stop this project of his!" Kanji, quickly changed his thoughts, but others agreed.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Laboratory - Friday, 5:05 p.m.]

Shinsuke stepped toward the capsule with a smile. "Only 55 minutes to go. This will be the biggest project I have ever decided to create, yes... Kodama, you just wait, you will soon be awakened and soon, you'll be ready to obliterate that island, and after that, we'll obliterate the rest of the islands, we will be the rulers over the seas, you just watch, as soon as we do that, our next goal was to kill the Godess." Laughed Shinsuke, loudly and crazly. "I'll make even them, obey me, both! The mother and her daughter, they'll be under my command so that I will have anything that I want, everything that I want!" Laughed Shinsuke with a hold of his forehead, he shattered his glasses. "This will be the most fun I'll ever have!" With the laughs, called out, the project, the subject, the weapon, the body, and the man in the capsule, its, his breathing fixed itself. "Only 54 left, I'll count down, until you won't be ready! Ahahahahahahaha!"

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Hallways - Friday, 5:06 p.m.]

"How the hell are we supposed to find his laboratory and then stop his project. This place is like a maze inside of a building!" With a call, Kanji believed it was over. "Oh, stop making nonsense, we'll find it at some point, let's just hope it is before the 'one hour' mark." Mayumi spoke. "Are you kidding me? We even lost any sign of Tim in this hopeless maze and you expect US to find this shitty laboratory?" "Would you calm down, we should focus on finding laboratory, Tim's probably gone ahead to find Ayuka, so it's up to us to get to Shinsuke first." Answered Kylin. "Do you really think that Tim went straight for her, wouldn't be better to go stop the project first?" Kanji wondered in worry. "No, I'm aware of what he is after, we've split up so that he'll save Ayuka, while we're the ones to go and destroy the project, the 'whatever' that crazy scientist wants." Claimed Sakami, agreeing with Kylin and Mayumi. "This is why I hate being surrounded by three girls, they always work together and never listen to a boy." Spoke Kanji, however, the three girls ignored to what he had said. "Suree! Ignore me, that's fine to, that at least confirms my fact." Spoke Kanji while they just turned a corner. "Besides! If we're looking for the laboratory, wouldn't we have better chance of finding it quicker, by splitting?" "It's not safe plus, if only one of us finds the laboratory and the rest don't, we could probably not know what that scientist is going to do, the last thing that we want is for us to split up, believe me." Kylin answered. "Man, fine. Guess you've got a point there." With a sigh, Kanji continued to move with the rest.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Jail Cell - Friday, 5:20 p.m.]

The time was only about 34 minutes remaining before the project, but at the same time, Ayuka was still weak.

"All right, let's make you a better haircut!" Smiled the man to when he stepped toward Ayuka and cut her hair, to short. "I won't cut them all the way, I think you look a bit better with your hair shorter. Plus I can see your pretty face better!" The man laughed and grabbed the blade. Her hair were cut to a length of her shoulder. "Then let's continue with what we did!" Called the man, he stabbed Ayuka's shoulder, slowly while she began screaming, loud, from there she felt the electricity flowing through her body, making her eyes to shake in pain and her scream was echoed through the are, but this time the man just did not stop and didn't stop, he continued to electrecute her for multiple seconds. "How does it feel! This is what happens to the sluts like you!" Laughed the man as his eyes were shaking crazy, btu from there, his eyes opened wide, when his neck began to bleed.

Ayuka's body was soft when it was barely hanging up. The guy's head however was cut when the blade was dropped. Because of Ayuka's foggy sight, she questioned. "Wh-who, is... there-?" From there a body stood to when her eyes finally recovered. Finally, Tim has showed himself with his eyes completely upset, the sadness that he felt in his heart was making him shocked. "What.... have they done.... to you? They've..." From the words, tried to be said from Tim, his eyes shook, when he quickly jumped toward her and bursted into a hug. "I'm so sorry, if I didn't left all of you, none of you would of have got hurt, please... I'm so sorry, Ayuka!" His real feelings towards his friends were finally revealed. And when Ayuka faced over Tim's shoulder, she felt warmth. "I should have beenby your side for this entire time, because of me and my stupid foolish mistakes, so many have died, so many have got harmed, so many were kept in worry, and even you, you've put yourself on the line to protect others, even though you probably knew what would happen." From there, Ayuka felt the same feeling that she felt the time, to when she grabbed Tim's shoulder, facing against Lucas. The chains were cut and her hands dropped.

"I-is... t-that you? T-Tim?" Her voice was weak, quiet and gentle, her eyes were shaking while hearing his voice. "Yes. It is me! I'm here, Ayuka." Tim spoke when hiding his sadness behind the eyes. "I... I thought.... I- would.... never- see- y-your, smile.... to never.... h-hear your voice..... ever again." To her words, Tim was still worried, when Ayuka immediately hugged him back, even surprising Tim, when her chin leaned over his left shoulder, with a loud cry, coming from Ayuka, Tim felt to what he'd never believed he'd feel, the true love of his friends, the true sadness, the splashy tears that flowed down his clothes.

("She's so weak, her skin is so cold, how could you push yourself through this.") ".....what were you trying to do.... why? Ayuka... why have you put yourself through all of this, through all of this pain, through something so dumb...." From there, Tim reached for Ayuka's head nad pressed it against his shoulder. "To protect them? I understand! But why, you could of have just waited! Why didn't you just wait for me to come back? ..... Why were you so pushy to find me..... you know it yourself! I even gave a promise that I'll never let you die, that I'll come back, this is why I want to get stronger, so that I can keep my promises to the friends I have made.... Ayuka, I'm sorry to leave you alone, but, please..... your actions your took.... please, never do them again.... but if that's what you want, I understand..... I'll always come for you, I'll always protect you, to keep you alive, so that you see the reality of this world, to see the happiness that you must see, so that you keep friends, that you meet new people! I promised you, and I'll promise it to you as many times as you'd like, just ask, and I'll make sure that I keep that promise." Tim was holding back to not let go of tears, when Ayuka's body became weak.

".....I... I know..... Tim.... thank you...."

To be continued...