200. Kodama's awakening.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Hallways - Friday, 5:55 p.m.]

"Another dead end..." Sakami, Kanji, Kylin and Mayumi have all faced to back, but at that moment, Kanji sighed. "This is so annoying...." As soon as he spoke, he leaned on the wall and from there, the floor beneath them opened. "Ha?" With squiggly eyes, the four of them fell downward and slid down a tube. "What the hell is this?! Some sort of a slide!?!" Questioned Kanji, but before knowing the four of them were bounced downward to when their eyes opened wide, apart from Sakami.

The four of them dropped through a hole and both, Mayumi and Kanji rolled on the floor while Sakami and Kylin landed perfeclty. Before them stood a man who just turned around?" From the surprise, Shinsuke appeared. "Man, this hurt, this guy could really fix his travel through this lab." But to when Kanji spoke, he faced forward and jumped on his feet. "We've found you!" Completely forgetting the area and pointed at Shinsuke. "Wow, aren't you a speedster?" Questioned Shinsuke, giving claps. "You're finished, no more movement." Sakami spoke, moving her blade in front of her. "Finished? Am I really finished? Let's see." Shinsuke began walking around. "In total, it took you 55 minutes to reach this area, but in reality, do you think coming here 5 minutes earlier really saved you?" Asked Shinsuke with a smile. "I said to stop moving, you're going to jail!" Sakami added. "Jail, jail, jail. Didn't you come here to kill me?" Questioned Shinsuke.

Shinsuke slapped the button and alarm went off. "Sorry, but you won't catch me, you foolish kids!" Laughed Shinsuke and at that moment a mist began to move around the area, covering everyone's field of view. "What is this gas? Is it poisonous?!" Questioned Kanji, coughing. "No. It's just a distraction. We have to get to the capsule before-" But, after Sakami spoke so, the capusle before them opened and they looked ahead. "Is that his project?" Mayumi wondered with a serious but worried look. "Yes... seems like it is ready.... we were too late." Sakami spoke. Soon, the claps were heard when the gas began to be gathered in. "That's right, you were late and now, my project has finally reached its powers, thanks to your lovely friend. Now of course, since there is no need for her to be with me, I'll just sent a guy to kill her!" Laughed Shinsuke, but then he faced. "Wait.... one of you is missing?" Questioned Shinsuke, but from there his eyes shook, when a black shadow appeared in front of him, a blade went cutting through his arm as it was bursted into the air. "Killing you was my only goal, and I'll do it." The mist from there dispersed to when Shinsuke looked slowly to the side. "My arm!" Shinsuke began to shout while his wound began to spit out blood. "You bastard! You're going to pay!" From the saying, Shinsuke quickly crawled to the machine and pressed the last button when the capusle shattered and from there the water that was in it began to flow out.

Tim was turned around but stood up straight when his body was releasing pure blackness. Once Tim faced around, finally, his black eye showed fear which began to stress out Shinsuke. "Gahahaha! You think you've won! Well sorry! I've gathered enough time for my project to be finished! Now, YOU will be the one getting killed!" Shouted Shinsuke sweating. "Where's Ayuka?!" Questioned Kanji. "We must get out of here, this building is going to collaps!" Kanji shouted. "I'm not going until I don't finish what this guy deserves!" Tim stepped toward Shinsuke who was crawling up against the wall. "Wait. Stop! We can talk about this, I'll give you back, your friend! Please, just don't hurt me!" Shinsuke was shaking from fear. "Stop begging for mercy! You don't deserve one, so go to HELL!" Tim raised his sword, but before he sliced his arm was grabbed and Shinsuke covered his head. Soon, they've noticed who it was.

"Tim.... really.... stop, this is not necessary." Ayuka spoke, holding Tim's right arm. While his arm was shaking, he closed his eyes. "You must be kidding! After everything he did, what he did to you, what he used you for! You still won't let me kill this stupid bastard?!" Tim shouted when trying to stop Ayuka and letting out tears. Kanji, Sakami, Kylin and Mayumi have seen Ayuka, weak but doing her best to keep Tim from attacking. "You said it yourself, not to kill a human....." She spoke, that's when Tim began to listen, but still wanted to proceed with a cut. "Just, calm down. Your anger will just shadow you.... please....." She spoke, fade in the face, when Tim faced back at Shinsuke. With his mouth shaking, Tim pulled his arm from Ayuka's grip. "I don't get you at times." Tim spoke. "It's so good to see you again... Ayuka..." Kanji smiled. "No time to waste! We have to get out of here!" Shouted Mayumi. "What about him?!" Kanji questioned. "Let him stay." From there Tim's blade disappeared to when he grabbed Ayuka's left arm and pulled her behind him. "Just hurry up!" Tim shouted, but Ayuka who was still weak, noticed that Tim was not happy with the decision he made.

Soon as all of them exit the laboratory, the entrance ot it collapsed. Shinsuke, who was in pain, crawled toward the capusle while detaching the pipes, holding Kodama. By detaching them, Kodama opened his eyes and his breathing was heard through the mask, from there both of them were caught in rubbles to when Tim and the rest continued to move through the hallway. "Do we even know what way to go?!" Kanji asked. "Straight ahead, I've marked the correct path back on the watch." Kylin claimed, but in luck while the rubbles continued to drop because of the force, gathered by Kodama, they were getting slowed down. "It's a blockade of rubbles!" Shouted Kanji to when they slid. "I'll take care of this!" Mayumi spoke and put on her mark, unleashing green energy when making a stance and slicing forward, providing the wall with explosion of her energy to when she freed her path. "Let's keep moving." She spoke after the mask disappeared.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:03 p.m.]

The entire building was shaking to when the opening appeared, finally, Kanji, Sakami, Kylin and Mayumi jumped out, while Tim and Ayuka still continued to run. "Tim! Hurry up!" Shouted Kanji, but Tim noticed when Ayuka lost consciousness, his eyes shook and before he could jump out, he stopped, the opening collapsed and after that, the entire building. "Ayuka! Tim!" By the loud shout, Kanji reached forward with his arm, however, too late. Sakami's eyes trembled while the rest of them looked. Kanji quickly ran towards the rubbles and tried to pull them out, but they were unreachable nor seeable. "Mayumi! Hurry! We gotta help them!" Kanji shouted, but his answer was given. "I'm sorry, but I can't..... if I attack from this point, they could be caught in that explosion and killed even quicker..." Mayumi spoke. "You must be kidding, right?!" First time, Sakami raised her voice, seeing hatred. From there she quickly moved forward and tried to get through, but while trying to do so, her strikes of blades were useless. Kylin and Mayumi were both watching. "There is nothing we can..... can.... do..." Spoke Kylin with widely opened eyes. "Come on! Just hold on, I'll get you out! I promise!" Sakami shouted, however, to when she tried the final rock collapsed and that's when she saw blood. With that her eyes trembled noticed Tim's blade, stuck between the rocks. Sakami dropped on her knees when her blades slipped down on the floor. ".....No... their aura.... I.... I can't sense it...." Spoke Sakami, but was weak because of her witness. "This can't be it! We've come this far, there is no way that Tim'd let something like that kill him, no way, he must be aware that this mission was for nothing then!" Shouted Kanji whose arms were shaking.

Under the rubbles, where the two bodies lied, Ayuka slowly opened her eyes when she became a bit confused. She felt a warm body lying on her.

It was Tim, who protected her entire body from getting injured, but in return, he harmed his own body.

- A few minutes later into the future -

While he lied there, he was covered in blood and cut clothes, closed eyes. "....T....Tim.... w....what are you-" But soon, Ayuka noticed that he wasn't moving, thankfuly she was dressed to him giving her the trench coat. "....H...Hey.... w-wake... up.... T-Tim, please...." Ayuka gently spoke with her calm and weak words, however, luckly for the small opening that was over them, Ayuka noticed his hand leaned onto hers.

"...T-this.... is - is ~ not funny.... T-Tim.... please, do you- do you not hear my voices.... hey.... s-say something........... I..... I beg of you... - pleas-please.... at.... at least move your hand..." Ayuka then soon realized that Tim's heartbeat was slowing down dramatically. "Tim! Stop! This is not reality.... say.... please, Tim!" However, no answer..... was it heard from him.

- Back in early minutes -

Meanwhile on the outside, the rubbles blasted in the air. Sakami and others woke their eyes further when seeing a body jumping out of it. "Tim, is.... that.... you?" However, they were wrong. An intense and furious pressure was felt to when the man landed on the floor. It was a man, wearing a gas mask, longer white hair to when he moved his right arm and looked at it. His breathing was able to be heard by the distance. "No.... it cannot.... it's.... it's you.... the project that Shinsuke was working on... " Spoke Sakami.

Kylin, Mayumi and Kanji were all frozen on the spot to when a hummiliating man stood before them. "...This power..... it isn't mine..... is it." Spoke Kodama to when his clothes waved. Sakami stood up and grabbed her swords. Mayumi who was in anger jumped forward and moved her blade to the side, dashing through the air with a mask and green aura around her. "You monster! Go back to your damn slumber!!" Mayumi shouted, however, before she sliced Kodama, her body felt weird when instantaneously her mask shattered, her clothes were ripped and finally her body exploded into blood.

Kanji, Sakami and Kylin, each of their eyes shook when Mayumi's blade slid on the floor and split in half. "....Who was she? Why was she trying to attack me?" Kodama wondered, he seemed to have been gaining knowledge through the time passing. Sakami's hands were shaking when they were about to drop. "It's..... over.... there is nothing we can do..... this..."

"....this is the end....."

To be continued...