201. Kodama Tsutomu.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:03 p.m.]

Kanji, Sakami and Kylin, each of their eyes shook when Mayumi's blade slid on the floor and split in half. "....Who was she? Why was she trying to attack me?" Kodama wondered, he seemed to have been gaining knowledge through the time passing. Sakami's hands were shaking when they were about to drop. "It's..... over.... there is nothing we can do..... this..."

"....this is the end....."

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:05 p.m.]

"... his project.... it's merely a creation by a scientist.... h-how is it that powerful? What were we thinking. There was no way that we could of have defeated him. Not even together with Tim. This guy is way out of our league, his power is not.... his power is no where near compared to ours, I doubt even together, we're still ten times weaker than this monster." Kanji spoke with a terrified look. "...that is why, that is why they needed the power of someone with 'Divine Blood'. So that somebody like him would have enough power to wake up.... to wake him." Kylin spoke. "And now, without Tim, Ayuka..... Mayumi... Saburo. There is nothing we can do. Not even captains together would stand a chance against that guy." With muttering out loud, Kanji couldn't even stand, duo to the fear.

"What's with you two. It's still the three of us. This is not how I'm ending my life, if I die, then I want to die with at least trying." Loudly called Kylin. "You're crazy.... Kylin, haha.... we're done for." Kanji spoke. Sakami stood up after her hand stopped shaking. "No. She is right, wasting time, sitting here won't do us any good, that's something that Tim would do oppositely." Sakami raised her blade in front of her chest. "You two, huh? Of course, my thoughts were correct. Girl's are always crazier...." From there, Kanji, finally stood up. "Surely you don't think we can beat him." Spoke Kanji.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Middle (Northern) - Friday, 6:10 p.m.]

While Sakami, Kanji and Kylin stood before the greatest fear. Somebody was moving through the forest. "....... we gotta hurry, I can sense that, Tim and the others are in big trouble...." A well known voice spoke. Brown hair waved to when his clothes continued to ripple. "Something I didn't expect you, to say... Codey." Smiled Akari, moving. "Hah. Well, even a second late and we might end up in giggantic apocalypse." "Sounds about right, but don't push yourself far when you get there, the training only took you a singular day and you've acomplished it, crazy, may I say." Smiled Akari. "I told you, if I have to get stronger fast, that's what I'll do."

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:12 p.m.]

"You guys are so out of your mind.... but I guess, there is no rejecting." Kanji moved his right hand to the side when spinning his sword. "Kodachi!" By the fear in his voice, he released his weapon, forming it into a spear. Kylin moved her right hand in front of her face, summoning the mask immediately when the electricity stuttered. Sakami on the other hand, who stood between, before the two, prepared her blades. "We've seen what he can do, so don't think that this will be easy." Answered Sakami, who made a serious face. "This is still dumb, but all right." Kanji spun the spear, increasing his power of voltage.

Kodama, who stood in the distance, facing at his own palm, dropped his arm. "Please, may I know my name?" He spoke. "Oh, shut up, don't be stupid." Kanji immediately made a heavy step to where he dashed forward. Kylin swiped her blade to the side and dashed forward, leaving an electrical trail. Sakami spun with his spear and sliced toward Kodama, but, Kodama raised his left arm and blocked. Kanji who felt the tense force coming purely from Kodama's block, got pushed backward. "Please, I need to know my name." Spoke Kodama, in that moment, Kylin landed on the right side of his, when sliding her blade obliequely, however, Kodama closed his palm and Kylin felt her abdomen get struck by invisible force, bouncing her aside. Sakami on the other hand, came attacking from behind, sliding, preparing both blades to when she made a step and spun, however, Kodama created a barrier, sort of like a shield behind him, which blocked the attack and up on contact exploded, catching Sakami in it.

"This is seriously dumb? This guy blocked all of our attacks without even making a sweat, he didn't even move from that spot!" Kanji called, wiping the blood from under his nose. Kylin, kneeling because of the strike. "Well. Guess we gotta keep pushing." She spoke, soon at that moment, the explosion that was created revealed Sakami, who just spun and had burnt clothes. Kanji and Kylin made a step, once both of them disappeared in electricity, striking with their attacks, appearing in front of Kodama's face. But once again, no movement from him.

Before he was going to get cut, he closed his fist and tensed it, when the wind bursted forward and knocked both, Kanji and Kylin back, who were then caught in a slide. Sakami on the other hand came dropping from above with both of her blades raised over her right shoulder and sliced down. However, she was surprised, when a rock wall appeared in front of her, and instead of cutting the body, she struck the rock, who bounced her blades aside, at that moment, the rock manipulated itself into a fist and slammed Sakami, knocking her back. "Who even are you people? And not just that, still.... what is my name...?" Spoke Kodama.

"Do you think we'll just tell you your name! You can forget it!" Shouted Kylin, when appearing in front of him. "Don't even try us!" Kanji added, appearing with Kylin. However, Kodama opened his palm when Kanji and Kylin became surprised. The flames bursted forward which ended up in covering them and on contact burnt their clothes, even pressing them backward through the air, pushing. Sakami quickly tried to strike with another cut, however, this time, she was caught by her arm and felt the tense palm, squeezing her shoulder, to when she noticed her shoulder getting frozen, by there, she was thrown over the air and noticed how Kodama pointed his palm. He struck electrical bolt that was sent at Sakami, who crossed her blades, btu was still caught in the blow, knocking her toward the floor.

Kanji, Kylin both stood up, while Sakami sat behind them. "How many Kinetic Types does this guy have? He used so many, Cryo, Aero, Electro, Pyro, Terra..... what is he?" Questioned Kanji with shock, feeling tired dramatically. "This guy is really not something to be dealing with, manipulating more than one Pyro is almost impossible for a basic Spiritual Duelist, is he a machine?" Wondered Kanji. "No, his skin identical to human flesh, all of those attacks, they are just what he can do." Sakami spoke, holding her frozen shoulder which was then cracked. "You're not kidding ,are you? Multiple Kinetic Types and his physical strength is so much more tougher, after only a few blows, I already feel weak." Kanji added. "That is also side effect from early fights we had, but still, we mustn't let this guy roam around the wild, rampage over and eliminate this entire world." Spoke Kylin, seriously and calmly.

"Yeah, no doubt about it.... but, he seems to be hiding his full strength, we've seen what he has done to Mayumi, why is he hiding it?" Kanji wondered. "He's trying to get to know his name, we can keep him occupied for as long as we don't tell him his name." Answered Sakami stepping in front. "Is this really the only reason he isn't killing us off the start?" "Most likely, yes." Kylin spoke. "Then, I'll make sure, he gets his butt handed to someone who will end him and kill him!" Shouted Kanji, without thinking he launched himself forward. "Wait! Kanji!" Too late, Kanji spun his spear after flying over the air and preparing to stab. But, as expected, Kodama opened his palm and at that he created a red blast, which surprised Kanji. "Whoa, what the-" From the shock, the attack reminded him of Codey's Demon Bomb, but smaller.

Through the shock of Kanji, Kodama moved and released the blast, aiming for Kanji. From there, a lightning bolt flew from the front of Kanji, to when Kylin's body appeared. She sliced forward and cut the blast for it to be halved and sent past them, exploding on the contact of a tree. When that happened, Sakami's scarf, clothes and hair waved, a massive red light appeared behind her from the explosion that created a massive opening in the middle of the trees, burning and vaporizing the pieces of a tree, identically to a vaporized water. Kanji and Kylin landed to when his eyes shook. "That was so small, but so.... lethal..." Spoke Kanji. "You were an idiot right here, not going to lie. We've told you to keep your guard up, if that blast struck you, you would be dead." Called Kylin when facing back. Kanji who was shocked let out a sweat, dropping down his cheek and onto the floor.

"Let's keep pushing, we can manage to at least keep him occupied." Kylin spoke. From there all three of them disappeared with their physical speed and appeared around Kodama on each side, Kodama's view was spun around to when he closed his eyes. "How much longer, can you speak? What. Is. My. Name?" From the saying, Kodama smashed the floor with his fist, when the water steams bursted. "Hydro too?!" Questioned Kanji, once the three of them were pushed back by the hot water and even burnt on the skin, they landed on the floor, but quickly recovered.

Sakami contined her attack when she spun, releasing her purple aura. "Fury Cut." Kodama moved his left hand behind to when Sakami cut into his palm, but, the result was not blood, in fact, it was her blade getting caught and stopping her aura. "Fool." From the words said, Kodama unleashed another flame that covered Sakami, but before she was caught in it, she spun and jumped out, when the flames extended, begin to fly at her like a trail. Sakami quickly leaped backward while she was still followed by the mass of heated fire. From there, Kanji prepared to stab, however, once again, Kodama stomped the ground and unleashed spiky ice that slammed into Kanji's spear, knocking him back. At that moment, Kylin quickly appeared beneath Kanji and gathered the electricity in her blade. She sliced forward, unleashing a deadly voltage of electrical slice. "I asked for a name...." From there, Kodama's eyes glowed red and released eye laser of red colour, that was countered by Kylin's blade, but the second, was shot through her shoulder like a bullet and made a hole, to when she lost complete control over her right arm. In pain she dropped on the knee when Kodama twisted his foot, she was caught off guard, when the ground underneath her shook, rocky stones grew from the ground, which smashed into her stomach, knocking her in the air. From that point on. Kodama swiped with his right arm and unleashed a wave of wind, that was as forceful as an explosion, knocking Kylin backward in the air. Kanji just appeared before Kodama again, to when Sakami just crossed the blades, accepting the fiery path, to where she was in it, she cut through the fire and unleashed a purple energy that flew toward Kodama.

Kanji on the other hand, spun and released electricity with his spear, but from there the two attacks never were good enough. Sakami's attack was blocked by a rock growing, while Kanj's attack was frozen with the wind, from there, Kodama spun and unleashed electrical ring to where both of them, Sakami and Kanji got knocked away.

"If you won't tell me your name, then I guess you'll just have to die." From the saying, Kodama raised his right arm when beginning to create a massive red bomb. His eyes shook tensly when the bomb was gathered, Kanji, Kylin and Sakami were surprised when the hand was swung downward, the bomb went flying at slower paste, however, its force was intense as the ground began to shake, the trees burned to when the three of them already faced death, but.

An item, a boomerang went spinning with full speed, gathered wind and extreme speed, while the saying went. "Don't even think." From there, Kodama got surprised when the boomerang went bursting at high speed, blowing the trees, leaning them aside to while another saying went. "Merge and largen!" By the saying, the boomerang became larger and faster to when it went bursting through the massive bomb and using its wind to seperate it into a massive explosion in the air, to when the boomerang circulated behind Kodama's back and slammed into Kodama's back, he was forcd to make a step when the wind blasted on the edges and destroyed the ground beneath Kodama, creating an immersive move. "Wind Tornado." By the speech, the giant boomernag created a deadly tornado that surrounded Kodama and his purple eyes glowed inside of it. "Isn't that...." Spoke Kanji. The tornado was stopped from Kodama's force to when Kanji faced backward and made a smile.

Codey landed on the floor when the boomerang came flying back in his right palm.


To be continued...