202. Unexpected ally.

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:15 p.m.]

An item, a boomerang went spinning with full speed, gathered wind and extreme speed, while the saying went. "Don't even think." From there, Kodama got surprised when the boomerang went bursting at high speed, blowing the trees, leaning them aside to while another saying went. "Merge and largen!" By the saying, the boomerang became larger and faster to when it went bursting through the massive bomb and using its wind to seperate it into a massive explosion in the air, to when the boomerang circulated behind Kodama's back and slammed into Kodama's back, he was forcd to make a step when the wind blasted on the edges and destroyed the ground beneath Kodama, creating an immersive move. "Wind Tornado." By the speech, the giant boomernag created a deadly tornado that surrounded Kodama and his purple eyes glowed inside of it. "Isn't that...." Spoke Kanji. The tornado was stopped from Kodama's force to when Kanji faced backward and made a smile.

Codey landed on the floor when the boomerang came flying back in his right palm.


By the unexpected ally, standing before others, Kanji made a smile. With a smile Codey reached with the two fingers near his right side of the forehead. "Yo! Seems you've got a little trouble!" To once Codey swiped his hand to the side, he was fully enthusiastic. "Wait, do you mean to tell us that you've finished the training so soon?" Questioned Kanji with full surprise. "Yup, epic, right?" From the smile, Codey's boomerang once again shrank. "Who is this warrior?" Kodama asked, calmly. "Who am I? Well, just someone who's passing by." Spoke Codey. "Lie... these people appear to know you, well." "Hm, well, then if you're SO sure, you may just call me just by the name that goes like 'Codey'. Good? Well then, no more questions, I see that the tough old scientist finished his project." Codey spoke, stepping besides the rest three. "So, if I'm correct, you were gathered together by Tim to bring Ayuka, but. Based on the surroundings, I see him nowhere. Mind explaining what had happened?" Codey wondered to when he faced at the rest. To when he noticed their faces put down in sadness, he realized. "....Wait.... you don't mean that-"

"Yeah... Tim.... Ayuka, both of them were caught under the rubbles.... I cannot feel their pressures nor any sign of their Spiritual Symbolisms." Spoke Kanji. To that, Codey faced at the sword. "But.... the Ginken.... if the person dies, it usually shatters, right?!" By the worry, Codey has asked. "Yeah.... but-" "What do you mean BUT???" "That's not his Ginken, he wasn't born with it, so that means that his Ginken won't shatter, no matter what way he'd die...." Explained Kanji. To what Codey had heard, his mouth shook. "No! I decline to believe that, a rubble like that, no way that it would stop Tim, he's way too overwhelming for it, you gotta admit it!" Angry enough, Codey spoke. "We believed the same as you.... but ~ we guess to be wrong..." Answered Kylin. "And what do you mean, how did Ayuka get covered by those rubbles!?"

"She.... she was extremely weak and Tim needed to help her get out, but, too late, the two of them were caught beneath the rubbles, plus, she was too weak to survive that...." To when Kylin spoke, Codey quickly reached with his boomerang forward and pointed at Kodama. "Was it you?" With the angry voice, coming from his mouth, he asked. "Did you create this rubble and harm the two of them. Answer me, right now." Codey asked, angry. "Possibility is high, I could not know." Spoke Kodama, looking at his palm. "Ah, so you won't give me a clear answer? Well then, I'll just make sure that you curse it out loud." Codey said.

"Is he really going to fight him by himself, not even us... together could do anything?" Kanji asked, quite confused to how Codey acted. "Usually.... he's more of a chicken and fights like a total nerd... but what has changed to think him this way?" By the questions from Kanji, Codey already knew that this won't be easy.

By the press of his feet on the floor, the wind surrounded his body, rising from beneath his feet once his hair began to wave upwards to when his eyes slowly changed their colour to fully red, the blacker type of wind, presenting the Demonic senses joined in on the area to when Codey instantaneously appeared right in front of Kodama, to once and to second his eyes reached their full low and with a jump before Kodama and moved leg aside, he kicked forward with his right leg, to when Kodama felt his pressure, he immediately created a step with the left foot back and moved his right hand to swipe it in front of his body. At that point, the kick and the defended arm came with the contact. But from their force regained and unleashed, the area soon felt into a hurricane which merely came from Codey's attack. From the move on the spot, Codey immediately noticed how Kodama opened his palm on the left foot and prepared a burning hand that was aimed at Codey's face, but to noticing that movement, Codey prepared himself perfectly, by his right arm opened, he swiped it in front when the hurricane began to push Kodama back and preventing to get attacked by fire. To once Kodama was moved - Codey landed on the floor after a flip and immediately moved his right hand behind him, to the side. From there, his muscles in hand tensed to when a red blast appeared in his right hand.

"Is..... that.... Demon Bomb? But.... it's so small. No way that he could provide so much pressure by such a small blast." Kanji questioned. "You are correct. Codey managed to learn how to shrink and enlarge his blast, but the power is most likely to be simmilar strength." That's the moment to when Akari jumped besides Kanji, explained the situation. "But he can't use that attack! If he uses it, he'll catch all of us in it, especially Tim and Ayuka who are still stuck beneath the rubbles!" By the fear, coming from Kanji's eyes, he then witnessed.

Codey, who swiped with his right hand forward and released the red blast, caught Kodama in it, however, because of the force, he simply just blew Kodama and the blast in the air together to once their physical and spiritual bodies shot themselves in the air, from there, the blast exploded in midair, to when its large size of explosion, covered the sun and created a red light that shined upon the rest. By the red particles that looked like flames of the explosion, the rest noticed, how they fell like a rain. On the move of that, Kodama still defended the attack, but was smoking from his skin to when Codey made a press on the floor, he closed his hand to when Codey launched himself extremely high in the air - the wind followed his body to while he was closing in on Kodama, but Kodama moved his right hand in front and released an electrical web, that flew toward Codey, ready to slice him in half, but. Codey quickly landed an intimidating face to when he spun between the webs and avoided. The electricity from the web seperated into particles behind him, to when Kodama closed his left palm, seeing his opponent, in this case, Codey, in front of him. From there Kodama swung and unleashed another burning flame, but - Codey hit the kick to the side and unleashed the wind to when he swiped his body besides the flames and spun, upwards to when he kicked Kodama's neck.

By the wind pressed on Kodama's neck, he was thrown back, however, Kodama quickly recovered and slid across the floor to when Codey immediately opened his palm and unleashed a circulated wave of wind, that spun forward just like a tornado, that tornado soon reached Kodama and began to keep him at the spot, duo to its massive mass of wind, but still, no matter, Kodama seemed to have not been affected by it much. Kodama twisted his right foot to when a giggantic stone of rock grew toward Codey while he was dropping. Codey's eye sight moved below him, seeing the massive stone rock, growing to when he raised his left foot and smashed it downward, striking the stone and releasing a pusle of forceful wind through inside of the rocky body - and for its massive force, the gigantic stone exploded into rocks that began to rubble aside, Codey then moved his right hand behind his back to when his boomerangs appeared, however, to once his boomerang glow, its size changed drastically, to when he moved the boomerang behind his back and had it spun over his palm, floating. Kodama smashed through the cyclone of wind and blew it aside, using it to blow and lean the trees around him aside. But in that moment, Codey unleashed his bigger booomerang as it spun at great speed, size. The boomerang who just appeared in front of Kodama prepared itself to be slammed, but, to that event, Kodama quickly ducked to when creating a massive stone wall, blocking the eye sight. The boomerang went smashing through the stone as the hurricane once again awoke for a few seconds, but, Codey and the rest noticed that Kodama has disappeared from that spot, to when Codey's Perceptionist senses began to work effectively. Kodama appeared behind Codey's back to when Codey immediately turned around, crossing his arms, when Kodama's burning fist went smashing into Codey, scorching his sleeves.

For the force and strength, Codey was struck backward to when he spun and swiped his right hand behind, unleashing a wave of wind to stop himself. From that moment, Kodama opened his palm and began to create a metal. "Hold up, that's new. Wait!" Shouted Kanji, seeing the same thing. "Is.... is that metal?!" Questioned Kanji in shock. "Yeah..... it is... I haven't seen Ferro Type for so many years." Akari explained. "What do you mean? 'For so many years'. Just how old are you?" Kanji asked. "Ferro Type was first appeared by a woman, 70 years ago and from that point, to when she died.... Ferro Type was unachieveable by nobody.... the final few Kinetic Types that were common were..... Terra, Aero, Cryo, Pyro, Hydro, Electro and of course Ergo." To once Akari spoke, Sakami and others wondered. "Ergo? What is that?" Wondered Kanji. "It's what we call 'seperate' type, we can confirm that Sakami has that, she doesn't use any natural elements to her fighting style, but she uses her own energy and.... Ergo is a Kinetic Type, presenting Energy, these are the most common by types.... but Ferro and others have not been seen for centuries...." To her explanation, the rest became a bit worried. "What? But, if we look how the Kinetic Type works, Aero is the most useful type to combining other types, electricity, fire, water, ice, even a way of somehow combining the earth.... it's a type that would pretty much be most valuable in the fighting than the rest." Kanji explained. "But Ferro.... I mean... metal.... there is nothing that wind can do about it, nothing." Answered Kanji.

"Well.... we'll just have to see what Codey has in store to go up against that type....."

To be continued...