203. The rush!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:18 p.m.]

"Yeah... but can he actually come up with something?" Kylin wondered while facing him. "It's Codey... he always comes up with something new. So. No doubt. I bet he'll manage to get his figuration out, or make some sort of plan." Kanji said, meanwhile. Akari continued to heal Kylin's wound on the shoulder. "This is something that is called 'hard-work'. Trying to impress somebody, or to try and exceed someone. That's something that Codey wishes.... to become stronger, like any other rival of somebody wishes to exceed someone else." Explained Sakami to watching the fight.

("Metal.... wind won't be effective at all against it.... I don't think I can even manage to provide enough wind to somehow blow it away.... and my boomerangs.... they are not shartp enough to cut through metal... especially with my current physical strength.... what can I do.... avoid... but that will just tire me out and before he stops attacking, I'll run out of stamina... then just be caught up in a slam...") By thoughts, moving through Codey's mind, he faced at his palm. ("But.... Demon Bomb is hot enough to provide smaller flames if it comes in contact.... that's the strength of Demon Blood.... their blood is warm and reacts on someone's strength.... and because Demon Bomb is created from my blood, it quickly tires me out.... it's as if it were eating and drinking my blood... this is why I needed to stop making such huge bombs. But, if the bomb were to be at full size, I'd be too tired in the next few seconds after using it. But then again ~ smaller portions of size... of Demon Bombs, it can still be very tiring for my body....") But the thoughts kept on circling inside of his mind. ("But also.... he has other Kinetic Types that he can release.... if I use Demon Bomb on electricity... it wll end up in massive explosion than earlier... if I use it against ice, the ice will freeze my attack and the explosion won't be as tough..... if I combine it with fire.... the Demon Bomb won't change much.... Combining with earth..... that won't do either, as the rock can block the demon bomb and may counter it back at me..... for the wind, fusing it with it can be bad for the surrounding as the flames will spread..... there is not much I can do.... it's only effective against Ferro.... that is metal... of course..... and water..... that won't work.... it will just vaporize the water and after that, the heat of the bomb won't be enough powerful to do any damage....., which means, I must get closer... and use it straight up on his metal or his body.... but for now, I gotta see what this metal thingy can do... that way... I'll have much better idea of what will be effective against it.... and finally.... using wind on my side while creating Demon Bomb, that will just ruin my body.... as I cannot do both at once... yet...")

To there, he began to notice metal spikes grow from beneath him to when his eyes shook. Codey instantaneously jumped to the side and stretched his arm behind his back, launching himself forward and rush ahead. ("Yeah.... the only thing I can think of right now... is to rush him dead on.") From there, Codey noticed walls of metal began to be manipulated in different wiggles to when Codey stepped aside and turned his body, when the metal moved past his chest. From that moment the next metal appeared behind his back and smashed into his body. He was knocked ahead, but that still did not stop him from rushing. He jumped and leaped through a circular hole of the metal when landing on the floor and jumping, the metal spike came growing behind him, but by turning the body, he managed to avoid, when he spun sideway and avoided the falling metal. From there he pressed his feet on the metal, to land. ("It's moving like snake.....") From there, Codey ran up the path of the metal to when he noticed another metal wall flying at him, by leaning backward he was forced to drop back from the trail to when he smashed the feet upward into the metal, being upside down, to when he dropped toward the ground. But at that moment, the metal spikes already grew. ("This is like water flow and the ice spikes that Ayuka can greate.... but if they pierce me.... I'm sure than dead, for being a Half-Demon... I don't have seven hearts.... so I only got one.... but - what's also bad for me, is that using m Demon Form makes a massive fatique on me...") Codey moved upside down and unleashed wind from behind his feet, pushing himself forward a little. To that instant, Codey quickly pressed his feet on the flat part of the spikes and slid down it to when he leaped forward, avoiding the metal as it crashed into the spike. He was back at square one, on the floor.

"He's very agile compared to how he was before... but I don't think he'll be able to keep this for entire fight, it must be tiring him out quite badly, he had not had any flexibility as that, before.... so it must be tiring him...." Kanji spoke, worried. "That's quite knowable for somebody to go in action while he just increased or learned something, I must be aware... we all must be... to know that he is trying to close in...." Kylin explained while her wound slowly began to be fully healed. "There, this should be all...." Akari spoke. "Thank you...." To that event, Codey just leaped backward after the combine trio of metal, smashed into the ground, from there, Kodama, who floated in the air, moved his hand to the side and unleashed metal spikes, that grew at Codey, ready to pierce. Codey was caught in surprise to when he crossed his arms, by the force his arms were pierced and cut off to when his blood erupted. He was then smashed by heavy metal, struck at the floor. To surprise, others almost rushed at him, but the metal, who was pressed down on Codey's body was kicked in the air and bounced, to when Codey rolled backward and moved back on his feet, his hands who were in bleeding have now closed the hole to when a warm steam began to smoke from his body. "You're still trying to fight? Even after your arms were cut off?" Questioned Kodama. "Codey!" By the shout, Kanji tried to move at him, but Codey looked at him with serious face. "Stop moving..." "B-But... your arms, what can you do without them!" Shouted Kanji who was standing still. "Did you forgot? I'm not a normal human.... I've got blood of Demons, so, this won't stop me." To when he spoke, his arms recovered instantaneously to when he felt them once more. Kanji made squiggly eyes. "Oh.... right - that's right....." "Half-Demon I suppose? I should of have realized that to when we've began fighting." Spoke Kodama, with his breathing heard, through the mask.

"Yeah and I'm not finished with you, not even close, I still got more passion than you could ever." From there, Kodama opened his palm and turned it upside down, to when he raised it. From there, Codey felt the ground shake as he noticed another metal grow from the ground. Quickly reacting, Codey avoided with a high leap and landed on the metal wall. ("He is only using metal.... does this mean, he can only control metal only? For as long as it is activated? If it's so, this will be a piece of cake." To a wipe past his mouth, Codey wiped the blood and then opened his palm to when the metal in front of him, spikened. They began to move toward it and targeted him. ("All at once.... very well then.") Spoke Codey and from that event, he immediately made a smaller crouch to when he made a three step on the metal and touched the flatness with his right palm. He moved his left hand next to his face and began to summon gentle wind which surrounded him. "I may not be able to manipulate wind like Manipulators, but I do have common control over it...." To that moment, the metal spikes began to burst at Codey at once, like a bunch of snakes attacking a human. With a pulse through his right palm, Codey launched himself in the air with extreme passion, force and great speed to when he began to move through the air. The first combination of spikes were ready to pierce him through the stomach but Codey made a flip forward and the spikes went under his back, he pressed his back on the flat side of the spikes to when he slide on them, from there he noticed how the next combination of spikes, pierced straight from above.

He quickly moved forward when avoiding the spikes as they stabbed themselves, he ran up the snake-like body as he noticed another combination of spikes, flying at him. He immediately leaped straight ahead and spin between them to when another spike came stabbing from above. He caught the spike after moving his body to the side to when he spun on it and used that moment to launch himself into the air, from there, he was faced with another combination of spikes. From spectating Komada in front of him, he noticed how he moved his palm at him, the spikes were in a circle, to when Codey noticed them stabbing at them, closing like a hole. He moved his arms behind his back and unleashed the pulse of wind to when he boosted right forward, he only had a small gap to move through to when the spikes were about to pierce him, but in luck, he made his body lie in the air and moved his arms behind his back, zooming through the small gap, to when he was right in front of Kodama, from there Codey prepared force in his foot, spinning and smashing his foot into the face, from there Codey disappeared in the vanishing after stunning Kodama and appeared behind him. "That was a good try!" However, as soon as Codey spoke, he noticed a bnch of spikes appear behind him to when he became serious. ("I was expecting that to happen...") Codey from that moment, quickly turned around and pressed his back up against Kodama's to when, he swiped the arm from right to left. The 'Henshin' size boomerang flew in front of him to when the spikes stab into the boomerang and were shattered because of it's heaviness. From there, Codey swiped with his left hand backward and smashd his hand directly into Kodama's face.

From that moment, Kodama felt a pain, moving through his skull when the wind bursted from the contact and threw Kodama through the earlier created metal and shattered them into smaller pieces, from there, Codey spun and dropped toward the ground, when seeing Kodama getting smashed through a row of trees.

Kanji, Sakami and Kylin were caught in surprise. "He managed to get through that hard defense barely scratched, only one of the spikc, cut him through the skin...." Kanji shouted in shock.

From there, Codey landed.

"Just how powerful did he become???"

To be continued...