204. Struggle to achieve!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:21 p.m.]

As the metal shattered, Codey landed and the rest were caught in surprise. "Did.... he win?" Wondered Kanji. The wind gently blew past the rest. "No. He might of have done a massive deal on Kodama, but he was no where near to beating him... I can still sense his pressence... it's growling and rising." To when Sakami spoke, Codey moved his right hand forward when the boomerang returned in front of him and then flew behind his back. The flame explosion appeared to when Kodama stepped outside of it. ("Well, I guessed that wouldn't be enough to put him down... but I at least hoped he'd at least be weakened by at least of 20%.... but not even 5% has he got tired...") Codey thought to when he seemed to be a bit stressed. The burning flame soon dispersed to when Kodama's clothes burnt to ashes, upper body was shown, however, he barely had a scratch on his body. By moving the palm in front of his face, Kodama closed his eyes. "Barely knew what had happened.... but, you seem to have a big hopes to defeating me..." Kodama sighed, his rage or anything was not even felt, he was still, calm, ready to fight. "Oh, come on.... this is a joke, does somebody really become this tough after they are given the 'Divine Energy'?" Kanji asked with pure annoyance. "It's not just him to be worrying about... Tim and Ayuka, we still cannot sense their pressures.... it's impossible...." Answered Kylin, to when she faced at the rubble.

"Yeah... still... there's gotta be a way to somehow defeat that human, if he even is one." Answered Kanji, slowly beginning to regret to what they were put up against. "Yeah, there has to be.... but Codey's stamina has dropped by a total of 60%... if that reaches less than 20%, he won't even have enough strength to fight." Sakami explained. "And to what we've seen. The three of us together were no where near to beating him, only Codey is strong enough to keep him busy." Spoke Sakami, climbing through her thoughts. "But isn't it the same for Kodama?" But, to reject his speech, Sakami spoke. "No... Kodama's stamina has not even dropped above 5%." To the saying, the rest became surprised. "You've gotta be kidding, and we thought we could beat this guy?" Kanji once more asked. "Damn this is going to be impossible.... Codey's already reached half of his stamina...." Spoke Kanji.

But at the same time, Codey spoke to Kodama. "Aren't you a tough guy.... literally.... you've barely broke a sweat and you still have so much stamina..." ("Really a problem for us.... I'd expect to at least get him beneath 20% of his stamina loss, but not even close...") From there, Codey made a step to when he swiped his hand, throwing the boomerang that flew above the grass at full speed and manipulating force. Kodama moved with his right hand forward, to when a massive metal wall appeared. At the force, the small boomerang bounced into the air, to when Kodama punched the metal, shattering it into small shards and then swiping with his hand forward, heating the metal after releasing a burst of fire, from there, he swiped his arm and shot these shards at incredible speed to which Codey still had some time to react. At the crossed arms, Codey awoke his wind, bursting through the area when unleashing it and preventing the shards to reach him. Codey made a step and dashed through between the shards when gathering the wind through his right arm, pulling it from behind his back and then infusing it with the flames that were left. "This would be much more easier if I've combined someone else's fire, but yours will do as well." To there, Codey made a left stomp forward to when he moved his palm forward. He was now using the combined wind and flames as offense to when he spoke. "Let's see how do you work against the fire!" Codey shouted.

He bursted the wind forward as it looked as a fire burst that then flew at Kodama and surrounded him after Kodama covered his body. He opened his palm and swung it forward to when water bursted, flames were put out, however Codey then appeared in front of Kodama moving his palm inside of the water spit and combined the water with his wind, he used his agility to spin around Kodama and summon a massive tornado that was made out of combined water and wind, he swiped around him, circulately to whom he then leaped in the air. The combined attack of water and wind, was following him high in the air he trapped Kodama inside of a vortex. By stopping inside of the air and at the top of the vortex, Codey held his breath as Kodama was unable to escape. "Try this as well! Combined Attack! Storm Drop!" From using the water, created by Kodama, he unleashed the wind in a burst, straigth down to which the vortexed tensed and whirly heavily. The heavy wind was bursted right at the top of Kodama's head to while he was being pressed to the ground.

"Did he just combine his wind with the fire and water, to create a flame burst and a vortex?" From shock that others have witnessed, they noticed how the water drops began to rain down on them. Kodama, still being pressed at the ground opened his palm to when he began to unleashed electricity. By ejecting that electricity, it flowed up the vortex and caught Codey in surprise. By the spin, Codey instantaneously aimd his palm to the side and unleashed a wind burst, stopping the vortex to let the electricity be in his range, as he slurped the electricity and combined it with his wind. "Now electricity too?!" Questioned Kanji, making a step to see.

Codey used the electricity and the wind, to surround his body, to when he disappeared in vanishing. From the rain, that was created from the exploding vortex, Codey soon appeared in front of Kodama, to when he touched Kodama's body. He used that to his advantage to when he shocked Kodama and began giving him greater pain. He then made a stomp to when he noticed, Kodama smashed with his fist forward, smashed the foot as a stomp and bounced himself above Kodama, who then opened palm and unleashed flames, preparing to burn Codey. Codey quickly flipped in the air as he was upside down, midair, above Kodama's head. He was gathering wind into his right palm, to which it then infused the wind with fire and at that Codey unleashed it, a massive flame spread across the grass, to when Codey was bounced high in the air because of the massive force. From the moment of that fusion, Codey turned his body around, so that he could land on the floor. However, Kodama appeared next to him to which Codey was caught in surprise. For losing a lot of stamina, Codey barely had time to react and was instead ready to get struck.

Kodama moved his left hand behind his back, gathering wind to his advantage and then smashed into Codey's stomach, making him cough, in that instant, Kodama opened his palm immediately and unleashd a burst of fire, which surrounded Codey and blew him backward. From that moment. Kodama quickly swung with his arm forward and a rock wall appeared, growing behind Codey's back, to when it got slammed into him, pushing him on the floor, forcing Codey to be slipped and rolled on the floor. ("Damn it... all of those combined attacks did not even phase him! What is this guy made out of?!") At the thoughts, Codey's body went smashing into the rock, as it got shattered and, the dust bursted and covered him.

"No, that looked like it hurt, badly!" Shouted Kanji, worried to when freezing on the spot. "Codey's stamina has dropped above 70%! Another 10% and he won't even manage to fight him evenly!" Called Sakami, worried. "Already! So how is that possible?! Kodama's stamina didn't even lower above 15%!" Kanji was extremely worried. "Yeah.... but Codey seems to have enough strength to keep Kodama focused on him and nobody else.... look, he was even avoiding to strike the rubbles.... he's aware to where Tim and Ayuka are.... Codey can manage to release a huge Demon Bomb. But it would make everybody in the 150 meter mark, killed." Akari spoke. "So what can we do... he doesn't let us to fight and even if he knows, he is running out of stamina, efficiently!?" "I am aware... Codey is aware too, but he knows, that anybody here would just be a burder to him, he's giving it all he's got! He wants to protect us and even defeat his opponent.... that's the true thinking of a Spiritual Duelist." Sakami claimed. "He can't be serious... just look at him, he's as beat up as if he was just slammed under rubbles." Kanji answered.

To saying it, they looked at Codey, his muscles were weaker and he was sweating from the gigantic mass of stamina he used. ("It feels as if I wasted my stamina fighting him... but I know that he is getting weaker and weaker... slowly... but surely..., if physical attacks won't affect him, or combined attacks, then what will...") To saying that, Codey faced at his right boomerang, when he got an idea. ("Wait.... this could work....") Spoke Codey as he thought in his mind.

From that point, Codey's face turned back to intimidation, by moving his arm aside, the boomerang bursted straight back into his grip. From that moment, the boomerang's began to change. ("Guess it's time...") Codey spoke. The area began to be surrounded by intense wind that started to make rocks, leaves and others light stuff compared to his wind.

The boomerang that he held has now sharpened and was given two sharper blades to when it extended a bit, the boomerang that Codey held, began to unleashe intense energy that even awoke his yellow aura. "What... is he doing?" Questioned Kanji in confusion. Codey threw the boomerang up in the air and swiped his right arm backward, grabbing the boomernag between the hilt, to when it almost looked like a dagger in a shape of a boomerang.

"What the hell is that?!" From confusion, Kanji seemed confused. "It appears... that Codey has managed to reall know what his 'Henshin's is about...." Questioned Akari, and at the speech, the others became confused. "W...what do you mean?"

"The big 'boomerang' that he used was just the beggining form, his Henshin however is completely different..."

To when she said, Codey's clothes waved aas they extended backward. A yellow coat appeared and waved behind to when Codey's necklace presented the wind. The boomerang were extremely sharp, but other additions to that, his pants, thightened, his coat that was worn by him was given a different shape to when his Demon symbol on the forehead glowed. The area around the floor, bursted to when Codey's sleeves thightened, Codey's T-shirt thightened as well, when Codey swiped with his boomerang forward.

"This is my true 'Hen-shin'! Now I understand!"

To be continued...