205. True identity of someone's Henshin!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:25 p.m.]

To when, and to now, Codey's final and complete Henshin awoke, now, the weapons, the boomerangs that Codey holds may be used efficiently in close ranges and his pure power has enhanced quite by a additional 30%, finally, the strength that he has, combining both, Demon Blood and Henshin, puts Codey at the same level as Kodama who still is not yet been stopped.

"True.... Henshin? You mean to tell me that the earlier Henshin was no where complete? But how can that be, how can a technique be incomplete... many may, but Henshin, it was already so powerful that it made me believe that he already completed it." Spoke Kanji, surprised but what his good friend has achieved. "Now I look like a total weakling compared to both... Tim and Codey... when will I get any tougher than this weak body I got now?" Disappointed at his own power, Kanji seemed to be rather upset. "Don't be so harsh on yourself, we're all aware of their power, but don't underestimate yourself, it's something that not even you should do." Spoke Kylin while standing in the distance with the rest. "Yes... but this still is a bit worrying.... I would guess his stamina will now drop even quicker than before, which is no good.... using Henshin for too long and wide amount of size, it can end up in an instant loss of it... so, he must be careful to how much he can use." Sakami explained. "I admit.... he should..."

From there Codey made a step to when he spoke. "All right, then why don't we try how good are you fully in close combat." From the saying, Codey finished the step and leaped in the air to when his arms and legs began to wave because of the tense force, he soon faced Kodama to when the eyes glew fully, Codey twisted his wrist and then swung his entire arm forward, the boomerang went flying through the wind at at Kodama, who then also prepared. But to when boomerang was about to cut, Codey appeared behind him and with free hand struck forward at Kodama who was standing between Codey's boomerang and fist, he quickly disappeared to when Codey's fist past by. From surprise Codey reacted quickly and moved his left hand across the right side of the chest, past shoulder, catching the boomerang between his middle and index finger. The wind, on contact exploded around him duo to it getting caugh from the force. At that moment, Kodama came dropping from the air to when he opened his palm and unleashed a flame burst. "Not too shabby." To when Codey spoke he instantaneously swung with his left arm forward to prevent the fire reaching him, by unleashing the wind for it to stop. From there Codey dashed around the flame and wind to when he prepared a knee, striking upward and in fact, smashing and landing a heavy blow onto Kodama's middle stomach, from there Codey stretched the leg to continue the attack and kicked the bottom of Kodama's jaw to when Codey, landed with the kicking leg and then made another simple bounce and kicked in a turn, this time with his left leg to when he smacked the edge of the foot directly into Kodama's thin bone on the chin.

At that moment Kodama quickly moved his gaze upon Codey and quickly smashed with his hand forward to which Codey ducked and slipped beneath it, he cut the sharp boomerang across the arm's vein to when he hurried to ram his shoulder into Kodama, knocking him back. From there Codey unleashed a sharp wind that followed behind his left foot and was then sliced downward across Kodama's chest, from there Codey continued his kicking to when he came in a dead end. Kodama caught his foot and pulled it over his shoulder to which Codey got surprised. After catching Codey's leg, Kodama continued with a smash with his elbow into Codey's abdomen and critisized him onto the ground, repelling the ground beneath Codey and smashing him high in the air, duo to hard and heavy stone. From there, Kodama quickly swiped with his left foot from the left to right to when he unleashed a cold spike, striking at Codey.

Before managing to pierce Codey's heart or his entire body - Codey quickly recovered from the hit to when he moved his body upside down, ready to fall face first. Codey moved his right arm behind his back and barely moved it from touching the ice, to when he pulled with full strength and began to cut through the ice, with full force. For the speed, Codey needed to land on the ice and slide down it, catching balance to when he slid in front of Kodama, reaching the floor and then swiping forward with his boomerang. Duo to Kodama's quick reaction, he used his wrist metal bracelets to block Codey's attack, but at singular attack, the bracelets shattered into metal, to when Codey quickly continued by following up with a kick into Kodama's face. From there Kodama leaned his right foot over Codey's left leg and opened palm to when Codey witnessed fiery light, which bursted into his face and blew him backward, through the forest field, he was also forced to get rolled back and bounce high into the air from the event, after Codey's guard left, Kodama quickly appeared in front of Codey and moved his arm forward, reaching with his own palm onto Codey's abdomen, to when his eyes trembled. The metal was beginning to shape into a piercing spike to which it was unleashed and because of the force and speed of a bullet, Codey's middle stomach, hollowed out to when his eyes darkened in pain, coughing the blood as his body fell onto the gorund and forced him to not move.

By the shock that everybody has seen, Kodama moved his right hand over Codey's 'corpse' to when said a few words. "Those who do not survive are never meant to be warriors..." At the saying, Demon Bomb began to appear in front of Kodama's palm to when others tried their best to come in luck.

Kanji who had enough of waiting appeared in front of the blast, to when others seemed shocked. The Demon Bomb was unleashed to when it came in contact, the massive explosion of red glow, bursted and the earthquake appeared, even forcing the rubbles to shake from the broken laboratory. Calling both their names, Codey's and Kanji's, the rest were blown back from the force, as the flames burnt into ash and nothing else was left of them, even wider and further opened area was opened to when the rubbles of earlier metal melted, creating a small field of heavy melted metal. To when they were pushed back, they've seen a hand-hold of burnt clothes that floated high in the air.

From the finale of the blown energy, Kodama stood near the explosives to when a blast went flying at him, with a swipe of his hand, the blast went bouncing in the air, exploding to when, no sign of Codey or Kanji. From the finales flames that dropped down, Sakami and Kylin both looked forward, they were the only one left with Akari. "No... there is no way.... Kanji was such a fool!" Spoke Kylin to when she looked ahead. "Well.... now that this has been finished, tell me.... what is my name..." Kodama spoke walking slowly toward Sakami and Kylin. The two of them prepared, with Akari as well. ("This is horrible, we've lost all four of our group members! What can we do?" Wondered Kylin to when she reached for her blade. But, as soon as they thought, something had happened.

"Stop.... you idiot..." Answered a voice. Kodama turned around to where, Kanji and Codey stood, Kanji was a shoulder support for Codey, while both of them felt tired. With a smile, others gained quite some relief. "Do you actually think that I'd let you kill him! Not by a chance!" Spoke Kanji. "Oh, so you've used some technique, boosting your physical speed, is that it?" Asked Kodama, seriously. "Yeah.... something like that...." "L-let.... m-me at him." With pain and a massive wound, Codey spoke. ("His wound is not healing fast enough, damn it, what are we supposed to do!") "No way, you can't fight in this stage.... not by any circumstances!" Kanji said. "I... I-I'm fine. D-Don't, yo-you see..." But as soon as Codey spoke, making a single step made his bleeding worse. "Stop moving! You can see you're not fine, and there is nothing you can do about it!" Spoke Kanji, worried for his friend. "P-Pain is not so-something to- to worry ab-about..." But as Codey coughed, his stamina dropped down. ("No... his stamina leaked out to 95%, if he continues, he's going to get kill instantaneously.") Sakami thought in her mind.

"You're nearly dead and you still wish to fight me?" Questioned Kodama. "Wha-what kind of a-a warrior wo-would I be.... if I would- wouldn't fight until my death?" He questioned. "Codey, really, stop. Please, you can't do a singular movement in that stage." Spoke Kanji.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:30 p.m.]

Under the rubbles, where the two bodies lied, Ayuka slowly opened her eyes when she became a bit confused. She felt a warm body lying on her.

It was Tim, who protected her entire body from getting injured, but in return, he harmed his own body.

While he lied there, he was covered in blood and cut clothes, closed eyes. "....T....Tim.... w....what are you-" But soon, Ayuka noticed that he wasn't moving, thankfuly she was dressed to him giving her the trench coat. "....H...Hey.... w-wake... up.... T-Tim, please...." Ayuka gently spoke with her calm and weak words, however, luckly for the small opening that was over them, Ayuka noticed his hand leaned onto hers.

"...T-this.... is - is ~ not funny.... T-Tim.... please, do you- do you not hear my voices.... hey.... s-say something........ I..... I beg of you... - pleas-please.... at.... at least move your hand..." Ayuka then soon realized that Tim's heartbeat was slowing down dramatically. "Tim! Stop! This is not reality.... say.... please, Tim!" However, no answer..... was it heard from him.

Ayuka who was caught up in the most confused moment, feeling some sort of feeling toward Tim, could not decide what to do. By the fear and her feeling of being guility, her eyes, that were shaken, let out tears. "Is..... - please... just say.... one.... - please... one word." Ayuka spoke, because of her worry, Ayuka hugged Tim's head to when her face leaned up against his. "I'm so sorry - I don't know.... w-what was I thinking.... I tried to do this so everything would end up happily for you and others... but this just got worse.... everything I hoped, everything I was hoping for you and others, it was all.... just so you could all stay alive.... but now - this has turned... t-this chan-changed... to something that was never, never intentional... why.... why am I so stubborn, why do I always think, why do I always think that everytime.... everytime I'm away, will not make you come to help... why am I such a nuisance! I am no better than to what I thought would keep you safe! Bu-but now, all I did, was to harm somebody, somebody who I cared about, why am I so weak! Why can I not protect nobody... why am I such a fool!" She called, while the tears continued to drip down Tim's face, her eyes slowly began to change, not even noticing herself." Ayuka spoke.

"Just why, WHY am I such a fool! Why am I, who am I if I cannot even protect somebody else! How can I ever be a proper Spiritual Duelist! Just how! Tell me! Please! What can I do, please! Tim, answer me, I beg of you! Just one word! Just one word!" Her hug was continuing to tense to when her tears dripped down. "Just WHY!? I'm not useful! I'm just a mere teenager who doesn't know what to do! Why do I end up in this situations! Losing somebody I care about, somebody who gave me promise, someone who protected me! But me, all I can do is just hurt people! Why can't I do anything RIGHT!"

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:31 p.m.]

Kanji, Codey, Kylin and Sakami were standing by to when their danger constantly increased. "This is becoming hopeless, if I won't get your name, I'll just find other people to ask about, and if they won't answer on my first question, then I'll just kill them." To when Kodama spoke, he aimed his palm directly at Codey and Kanji. "Prepare to..." The rubbles shook. "Die!" Soon, after the call, a white ray of intense energy bursted into the air, Kodama's body was sent flying, followed up by the rest, while the trees around them broke, the rubbles that were blown into air, shattered into smaller pieces to when something unbelivable had happened.

".....is..... that... no.... not possible...."

To be continued...