206. Wrath of Godess and evacuation!

[Kodama Tsutomu's awakening: Arc 9]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance to the evil...

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:31 p.m.]

The wind overwhelmed the rest to when the grass got pulled by the wind, thrown in the air as it was seeable before a white ray of light to which continued to rise high in the air, seperating the clouds as if they were feathers, blown aside, to when Kodama dropped his aiming arm. Sakami, Codey, Kanji and Kylin were facing at the ray which was forcing them backward. Akari, joined up with them seemed to be getting pushed back, but had a proud face on her look.

"....is.....that....." From the words said by Kanji, the rest noticed the body within the light. From the finished explosion, the body finally revealed itself. Ayuka standing before them with Tim's body leaned over her shoulder, faced ahead. "Tim, Ayuka!" From the surprise, Sakami called, but soon they've noticed the difference within Ayuka's eyes. Kylin who was the closest to Ayuka heard her voice. "Take him." The calm voice, but vaporized tears in Ayuka's eyes were quite filled with hatered. Kylin quickly spoke. "Of course.... but... what are you planning to do?" Questioned Kylin to when Ayuka let Tim get leaned onto Kylin's shoulder. Ayuka stomped the handle on the floor of a sword and swiped her arm to the side. Tim's blade attached itself onto his back. "He's alive... if he wasn't, the blade would already transform back." From surprise and relief that Tim was alive, Kylin questioned. "But.... what do you plan to-?" From when Kylin dared to ask, Ayuka moved her arm to the side, to when a blade appeared in her arm. The scratches she held were rather gone, but were still seen a little.

"Please if you do not question. Hurry up and make distance between me.... before I lose control." Ayuka spoke. From the saying, the rest of them soon became confused. "Wait! You mean to tell me that-" But Ayuka quickly called. "I said, go." Ayuka spoke, without comment, Kylin became serious with a nod and backed away with Tim. "Does she mean.... that all this time, even at the barricades, she was never in control of her mind?" Questioned Kanji with a surprise. "....of course... s-she... wasn't. She was put under her 'wrath' and had the opportunity to kill everybody who were attacking her, she only left alive the ones, who she.... t-thought w-wouldn't attack.... yo-you've seen it yourself. She put those soldiers under her de-demise, but also... k-killed some members of the hun-hunting team. Even cutting Octavius's arm...." Explained Codey still in severe pain.

"And you who may be?" With a question from Kodama's mouth, he faced the girl. Ayuka from there opened her palm to when a white blade came flying and spinning from above her right side. With a grab and catch of her blade, she spoke. "....Ayuka Kirashito...." The answer was said.

"Your energy.... what is it, I cannot sense it....?" Kodama was focused on Ayuka who was overwhelmingly serious. But, his question was never achieved and Ayuka sticked quiet, until a few seconds. "He was squashed by the boulders. His Splenius Captis and Semispinals thoracic muscle are both completely wounded, even his spine is also broken." Explained Kylin. "That happened just from a bunch of boulders?" From shock, Kanji questioned. "Codey ou need to let me recover your wound." Exclaimed Akari. "No. It's... f-fine, it'll recover in duo time." Spoke Codey. "Ah don't be dumb. I can at least speed up the process, but it will hurt a little." Akari soon leaned Codey by the tree. "Ayuka, do you think you can just hold back for a while, I need to-" But before Akari finished. "Yes, but then hurry up and get away." Spoke Ayuka. "So, if you may be a friend of them, do you by any chance, know my name?" Questioned Kodama to when Ayuka spoke. "Kodama Tsutomu, that's your name." After saying, Kodama felt pressure in his body. "Kodama.... my name is Kodama. Now I know.... that's all I needed to know." Spoke Kodama, still thinking.

"You've been created to obliterate humanity, to destroy several islands and you've been given part of my own strength as well." Explained Ayuka. "However... to not have any trouble, the erasure must happen." Exclaimed Ayuka, being quite serious. "But what you're saying. This I believe means you would not let me leave without harming anybody..... correct?" Wondered Kodama. "I apologize, but that is exactly what I cannot let you do." Answered Ayuka. "....I see.... very well..... then, I'll let your friends move out of the way, I will not fight with injured people around here." Kodama spoke, from surprise, Ayuka claimed. "Don't give me that lying look. You've been created to evaporate humanity, so what you're saying right now, is unacceptable." Spoke Ayuka. "You've said that I am here because of your own energy... well, then it's only fair for me to keep the rest of them alive, however I can't tell if I'll be able to keep myself from harming the islands, but I can spare your friends, for as long as you can let me go, I do not wish to kill you." Spoke Kodama. Ayuka stood up straighter and quite intimdatingly. "That I won't let. The islands are populated by many other people, so I am sorry, but I will not let you destroy those islands. Currently, I do not have enough energy to erase a human being, but I still have enough to fight, so we'll make a deal. You let them go and we end this with whoever the winner is, in this area." Ayuka spoke to when she seemed to have quite calm face.

"So, a fight to death? I can manage to do that much. But don't cry if I end up killing you." Spoke Kodama. "Ayuka! I've managed to speed up the process! Hurry up and-" But before Akari called, Ayuka answered. "Good, take them with you and evacuate everybody in the town before Hikari Forest." Spoke Ayuka. Without other comments, Akari and others agreed to when they rushed for the town. "If I may ask. Give them a few minutes to evacuate everyone. Then we'll begin." Ayuka spoke. Without any comment back, Kodama sat down on the rock. "30 minutes. That's all they get." Spoke Kodama.

[Planet Earth - Hikari Forest - Field - Friday, 6:35 p.m.]

After knowing that Ayuka is ready to fight against Kodama, the rest of them began moving toward the town, their simple goal was to evacuate every human in that area, to keep them safe.

"She told us to evacuate everybody, but. But how will we manage with two wounded horribly in quick enough time?" Wondered Kanji, worried, holding Codey. "Kylin, do you still have enough time to make use of your Electro Speed? If so, please run ahead and evacuate them, we need as much time spared, while we take these two to the hospital." Spoke Akari. "Yes, right away, on my way." After saying that, Kylin made a step to when the ground made a crack, the electricitry rised from the feet to the top of her body, surrounding her. By her hair, spiking just a tiny bit, she vanished in a bolt, to when the rest became quite surprised "I barely saw her move, how fast can she move at that state?" Questioned Kanji. "No more questions. We should continue moving ahead." Spoke Akari, while the rest of them nodded.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 6:45 p.m.]

"15 more minutes...." Spoke Kodama. Ayuka however was making sure to rest her power so it wouldn't run out before the time passed. ("Is this what they were talking about? The reason to why people hunt me down? But, what does it really mean?" Ayuka wondered, with her face being somewhat stoic. ("Before, I've never managed to have any control of it. I believe. I suppose something made me control it, but then, once again, was it the guy...") To when Ayuka questioned, her eyes widened just a bit. ("Wait. Because of who... why can't I remember that boy's name. I know him, it can't possibly mean that I've done this just to help a random person. Why are my memories slowly fading. I can't forget the boy, if that happens, then what will be the reason to it?" Ayuka wondered with her eyes, stoiced, but stressed. ("Just keep him in the mind, I must remember him, as soon as I am done with this, I must, I won't let it fade away.")

[Planet Earth - Hikari Town - Field - Friday, 6:55 p.m.]

The electricity rose to the top of a building's chimney to when people soon faced up. "Please! Everyone! You must leave this town immediately! There is going to happen a massive oblivion within the 3 kilometer mark ratio! This is not a lie, you must listen to me!" Shouted Kylin. People, who were working hard, seemed to be uninterested. "Are you joking! If you've come here to lie, you may evacuate yourself, woman!" A girl shouted, from surprise Kylin looked at then. "Yeah! Don't scare us! We aren't falling for such a trick!" Yelled a man. "What?! No, no! You misunderstand it! This is not a joke, a man and a woman are about to fight, we cannot let you stay here!" Kylin called. "Oh, shut up! Who cares if they fight! There is no such thing, humanly possible to destroy a long distance chunk of the area!" Shouted a man. "Besides! This town is so far from the rest of forests and cities, nothing will reach us, so just forget it, girl!" Shouted a man. "Please! You must be listening to me, just this time! Why can't you understand!" Kylin shouted. "Keep muttering, we'll go back to work!" Shouted people, arguing and complaining. ("This isn't real..") Spoke Kylin within her mind.

"Please! You must hurry, we don't know how much time we have, before this thing happens! So please, just work with me, do you really want to die for being so stupid?!" Asked Kylin. "Who are you calling stupid! Don't be dumb! We know you're one of those criminals, trying to steal our money and work, go to hell!" Shouted people, others agreeing. ("This is no good, there has got to be a way to letting them understand, but how?") Question Kylin, begining to get stressed. But then she realized.

Kylin stood up straight and put her right palm on her chest. "My name is Kylin Sandarasu! I am a daughter of Akusei family and have come in contact with a few people who were trying to help their friend! They've been trying to keep the warrior, to soon obliterate this city, away from you! His name is Kodama and was created by a man called Shinsuke, a scientist living for several years now. While my team is on its way to reach hospital as soon as possible, I've been ordered to evacuate everyone here! So PLEASE, if you don't want to die like a bunch of idiots, you will listen to my words, you will proceed with causes and a quick escape!" Shouted Kylin, getting everyone's attentsion, Kylin dragged out a proof of her being the proper Kylin. "And if you still won't listen, then you may die like a bunch of fools and poor people like you! So hurry up and get yourselves to UMI ISLAND!" Shouted Kylin, by surprise, people quieted down, but were slowly falling under anger. "Just shut up-" But then, an elder stepped before them. "Now, now. Please, do calm yourselves down. If a pretty and a young firm girl like her, and a family member of Akuseis orders and gives us warning, we shall listen to her." Smiled the elder. "Sir. Rico!" Surprisingly called people. "So, no more questions, grab what is necessary and begin moving out before the time runs out!" Called Rico. "R-Right away Sir!" From the orders given, people began evacuating, while Kylin seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with yelling, however proud. "Make sure to get there in time." Smiled Rico.

"Thank the lord..." Smiled Kylin.

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 7:00 p.m.]

"It's time...."

To be continued...