207. The Semi-Godly solution for victory!

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 7:00 p.m.]

"It's time...."

[Planet Earth - Araya Outcall - Field - Friday, 7:00 p.m.]

Ayuka closed her eyes. ("Hopefully this was enough time for them to evacuate everyone.") Ayuka stood up to when her body became soft and waved after stance, from her arms to top body. Kodama reached for his gas mask when his veins soon began to be filled with purple colour, through his body, into his eyes which soon glowed purple, shattering the floor and unleashing a black energy. The stand between the two overwhelming warriors was incredibly tense, to when the area began shaking just from their standings.

Serious, calm, prepared to fight, Kodama reached for his right arm muscles, to when a sword appeared through it. The power increase over the expectations that not even Codey would withstand.

To when the two Duelists stood, a few seconds passed to exchange each other additional looks.

But then. It began.

The standby between them widly raged - Ayuka's feet that were pressed on the floor began to awake a white, bright aura to which it extended around her body, flashing willingly and tensly, to when Kodama raised his right arm, sharpening the sword in the air and swinging it downward, in instant, he awoke a devouring stones of earth, to which began growing toward Ayuka, with a full on focus, Ayuka immediately slashed forward with her blade, to when striking the blade into hte stones, by that event, the white aura sharpened out, wildy to when the white aura continued to burst behind her, making her 'now' shorter hair wave behind, from there Kodama understood she was not on the same level as earlier's duelist.

"Then, I'll begin." To when he spoke, he provided his body with insane black energy and vanished within it, appearing right before Ayuka who already swung forward. The two blades collided into each other to when, Kodama disappeared from the spot and make a leap in the air with a flip, to when Ayuka pressed her right leg forward and immediately swung downward. By the contact the two blades made, after the swing down and up, Ayuka pummeled Kodama back in the air, to when she immediately launched herself in the air, releasing white aura, to which destroyed the ground in singular swipe.

She caught up to Kodama in a mere second to when she sliced forward, blocked by Kodama who then soon noticed, her slip behind his back and spun, slicing backward, Ayuka flipepd backward, to when Kodama swung with his blade after throwing it into his left arm and unleashed several metal walls Ayuka however, immediately moved forward and landed on the metal to when she slid down it and then noticed a combination of metal spikes, stabbing toward her.

By bouncing from the landing metal, she leaped over the combination and landed on the metal spikes and slid on it to when several walls of metal prepared to slam at her. She spun when releasing the white energy in the middle of the two walls and then sliced through the metal, shattering it into several pieces.

Kodama slid backward, down the pipe of a metal but then leaped backward and disappeared, moving in front of Ayuka, swinging with a spin, who Ayuka then blocked, by striking with her blade. Kodama immediately opened his left palm and unleashed a flame burst, to which Ayuka avoided, by using Kodama's shoulder to leap in the air.

Kodama and Ayuka both put their looks back on each other to when Kodama soon spun after noticing Ayuka higher in the air than him. From there, he created a bunch of frozen shards, that were then thrown at Ayuka. From the midair movement, Ayuka soon faced at him to when spinning high in the air unleashing a hurricane to which shattered the ice and broke it. From there Kodama landed on the floor to when he stomped.

The metal walls began to rise toward Ayuka, who was now high in the air and dropped at them. By making a flinch with her eye, she immediately landed on it, and noticed a spike, striking at her. She leaped through the air, as if she were to lay down and then spun over a spike, when landing on the metal. By the moment she began to run downward to when she quickly turned her blade backward, with handle first.

The trails of metalic whips began to slam at her, to when she sliced forward, cutting through the metal whip and then leaning backward, sliding on the path and avoiding the whipe, from there she noticed a combination of whips preparing to strike to when she quickly leaned back forward and leaped forward. The whips struck the metal behind her to when she landed on them, leaping forward, but was soon catght up by Kodama who leaped in front of her, using metal to zoom at her. From there he rised his sword to when the water bursted high in the air, just like a waving trail and flow, he sliced downward, swiping the water flow to when Ayuka quickly sliced the blade forward and slamming it in the water, from there, the water quickly began to freeze and soon caught Kodama's arm, to when she quickly, landed on the nearest metal part and then leaped forward, cutting on the ice and sliding the blade over the frozen water, as she was nearing Kodama.

Kodama quickly used his free arm and unleashed the next level of metal walls, to which were growing from beneath Ayuka. To not get pierced or struck, Ayuka quickly leaned her left leg forward and pressed the foot on the flat side of the metal, to when she used that to leap forward, and fangs of metal, missed her by a mere centimeter. On avoiding, Ayuka quickly spun when sliding the blade through the ice and then sliced idrectly through Kodama's wrist, across the chets, to who then disappeared in pink plasma and appeared on the floor.

For quick notice, Ayuka dropped down and disappeared after making a blink and caught Kodama in front of him, he swung forward, but Ayuka blowed her blade, by using her pressure she pummeled and pushed Kodama backward, through the air, after making a step and dash forward, on the ground.

Kodama, who was catching his balance through the air, came to a twirl and soon locked his palm in front of Ayuka. He unleashed a bolt to which Ayuka quickly swiped her blade, down, past her left shoulder and deflected the lightning, which Kodama then avoided by landing.

Ayuka jumped in the air to where, Kodama quickly raised his palm and grew a tower of rocky stone. Ayuka made a front flip and slammed the blade at the top of the stone to avoid getting injured, but was knocked in the air, to when she was upside down. Kodama quickly raised his blade and soun it over his head with both hands, then pierced it into the ground to when pillars of lava bursted from the ground at Ayuka.

The instant he did so, Ayuka spun and sliced two pillars of lava in half, bursting lava aside and blowing it away with just her force. Two pillars were stopped, but additional combination of pillars bursted, to where, Ayuka noticed a metal spike growing between the pillars. She quickly bcked her body to when she pressed her feet on the flat side of the spike, soon avoiding. From there she made a back flip to when her hair got caught on fire. She ingored it with no worries, since she was falling with high speed, to when Kodama unstabbed the sword and stopped the lava pillars. From there, he made a stomp and leaped forward to when Ayuka still dropped.

She protected herself with incredible strength to when the blades, clashed. The ground, that was a few meters beneath them, exploded into dust, dirt and grass. Both of them disappeared as the white and black auras began flying high in the air, getting a high point. While doing so, bot hof the auras struck themselves with full force, to when Kodama came in clutch with a kick into Ayuka's stomach. For the mere second that she was stunned, Kodama sliced forward, but Ayuka blocked by sliding her blade to which, she bursted backward, unleashing a pulse after stopping in midair.

Kodama quickly opened his right palm to which he unleashed a red Demon Bomb, smaller than earlier. Ayuka noticed it to when she quick-drew her sword forward and deflected the blast as it spun through the air, pst Kodama's hair and exploding intensely in the air, bursting clouds aside.

From there Ayuka noticed a movement in Kodama's fingers, to when she instantaneously faced downward. A lava pillar was bursting at her, to which she was caught in after crossing her arms. But as soon as Kodama believed it was over. Ayuka stood in the lava, after her clothes being completely ruined.

She noticed that she was soon going to be left without any, but luckly, she spun inside of the lava after flowing it downward toward the ground when she created a powerful ice, cold enough to even freeze lava, creating ice pillars on which she landed. By the ripped and burnt and cut clothes, Kodama landed in a three-step on the rock floor to when his eyes glowed purple. Both of them pressed their feet into their platforms and dashed at each other, swinging at each other.

On that moment, both of them sliced with their blades forward. On contact both of them created an insane pulse that flew through the air, even creating storm on the contact. A thunder struck, to which both of them disappeared on its strike. From there Kodama's eyes were filled with anger to which he raised his palm and unleashed a bunch of metal, which was flying toward Ayuka. With Ayuka's eyes glowing silver, she soon ran forward, when a she noticed a wall smashing at her, she made a step with her right foot to the side and then crossed her blade with the metal of the flat edge, to which she ran forward, and because of swiping the blade, creating smaller sparks of fire, to which Ayuka then used to her advantage. By using her pressure, she combined the sparks and energy, to when she stomped forward and unleashed a combination of fiery wave, which illuminated the grass, and blew between several metal, to when another flat edge of metal smashed at Ayuka, who crossed her blade and blocked, she used full force to begin cut the middle of the metal and move closer to Kodama, to when she cut through the entire row. To that event, she noticed a combination of spikes stabbing from both of her sides to which, Ayuka quickly ducked, the both combinations were struck at each other to where Ayuka crouched right before them and then cut upward, unleashing a white wave, to which seperated an entire row and area long metal, exploding them into smaller pieces, Kodama, stood on the opposite side, to who raised his right arm and summoned a massive Demon Bomb, instantaneously.

It's massive pressure was shaking the floor to which Ayuka balanced her body on the spot. She noticed how Kodama flew high in the air, preparing the main attack. Ayuka recognized it to when Codey used it, but this one was much more larger. Ayuka tensed her seriousness, standing between the middle of floating metals to which one of them even cut her cheek, but by ignoring it, Ayuka moved her sword to the side to which a white electricity appeared, tensing her muscles in the arm and even tensing her pressure to something not expected.

Her eyes were slowly losing it's silverness and whiteness to which her mouth changed to somewhat stressed, but in that moment, the white electricity ejected itself through the blade, when a white wave bursted behind her. "Divine Wrath." The ground shook once, twice and thrice, extended a massive holde to where Ayuka's clothes waved backward with full force.

At the same time, the massive Demon Bomb was growing even larger and larger to where it finally unleashed a hurricane and created a massive storm. (".....Death or survival.... protecting humanity, friends and... that boy... is..... it Tim.....? To advance and keep them all safe is something a friend needs to do.... I may, or may not understand what this gift to me is, but I know that it has to be used for good....") Thinking in her mind, Ayuka grabbed her handle even more tensly, the pressure increased to when the Demon Bomb finally reached it's enormous size, reaching for entire of 30 meters throughout the entire shape.

By creating such a gigantic attack, Kodama lost an insane amount of stamina but it was ready to release. "Sorry. But this is the end!" From the shout, Kodama swung his right arm forward and unleashed the slow-falling red bomb, to which it was begining to suck in an insane amount of physical bodies, trees, rocks, stones, grass, trunk of trees, dirt, dust, leaves and many more.

The slow fall of this Demon Bomb was able to be seen from afar, and if this were to hit the ground, the entire side of East would be destroyed, making a massive massacre and oblivion.

But Ayuka knew, this must not happen, as the ground dug, rose and began cracking, Ayuka moved her sword further behind her, when a wave of white light began to surround her. ("I only have to use this last time of power to stop this attack..... if I fail, everybody here is going to be killed.") At that Ayuka tensed her muscles in feet, to when the Demon Bomb soon begin to enclose on her, by unleashing the final white glow through her eyes, she sliced ahead when the white flow of energy whirled forward and her blade was slammed direclty into the middle of the Demon Bomb.

At the contact, the white aura began to burst outwards to the sides while creating an earthquake beneath the ground. Ayuka's body was slowly beginning to be pushed backward, however, dugging her feet into the floor made her slow down the push and press her full pressure into her arms and feet. Kodama was pushing forward with the Demon Bomb, sweating as the drops of sweat were quickly vaporized because of the heat. Ayuka who was getting burned in her skin tensed her mouth stressfuly, but she continued to pushing. (".....if I fail.... fa-il this.... then w-what was the point of that e-evacuation! Don't you da-dare to let go. Keep pushing, you mu-must! Must, you abso-absolutely must!") Thinking in the air, Ayuka prepared even more pressure into her arms to when she began pushing inside of the bomb, sacrificing her skin on arm which was soon nearing to her neck, chest and also stomach, all the way to feet. (".....Sacrificing.... my arms.... that's all... that's everything!") Ayuka thought.

The white energy, the red bomb were slowly beginning to surf around Ayuka to when her left eye was forced to be closed. The floor, began to furthermore exterminate itself, reaching deep for it to explode. By gathering her strength even further, Ayuka finally slashed forward when the white energy completely bursted, from her body, surfing at extreme speed, by her body being covered by red and white light, she began to dug further into the bomb with her blade to when it slowly began to crack. ("Just hold on until this is over! I won't.... I can't let THEM die, this time, I am going to be the one to protect him!") Thinking in her mind, Ayuka saw a familliar body of Tim, standing in front of her, dreadfuly, stoicly, her mind seeing that made her to increase her power even more. ("All of this, just because I've met him.... hah.... what a joke.") But with a smile, her eyes shadowed, unseen, but a longer drop of tears, flowed down her cheek, with a serious mouth shape. ("This is now over...") To when Ayuka said so withing her mind, she sliced forward and Kodama's eyes stressed out when his skin began to melt and bleed. The white wave flowing through the blade, cut through the bomb, to when a massive tornado of red bomb and white flow, exploded and created almost a nuclear-size explosion, to which the trees blew and even the ones who were much farther were now vaporized, the ground shattered further and Ayuka's blade broke into two, seperated parts.

("So.... this is how you soon understand your death..... it's..... kind of flashy....") Wondered Kodama to when his body got vaporized and at the same time, Ayuka's arms completely burned, showing purely blood and almost sinking into her bones, her body, as well, was caught in the massive explosion to when the storm bursted even wider, thunder struck for the final time to when the rain began to drop, heavily. The explosive pulse even reached miles into distance, felt by other people. With that, the grass vaporized and Ayuka's body, dropped on the floor, with her clothes completely ruined, her right side of the bra was vaporized completely, but thankful to the small part of the trench coat left, it covered.

While the rain drops continued to fall, Ayuka faced at the gray clouds, with her cracked blade. When her body began to be trapped by rain. ".....Who.... knew..... I'd manage to do it....? Hahaha..... I'm sorry.... it was my fault....." The calm voice of Ayuka was spoken, to when her eyes returned to blue.

"I'm sorry..."

Kylin luckly came there in time, noticed Ayuka lying on the floor as she closed her eyes.

"No.... Ayuka....."

To be continued...