212. Codey Katorishi!

['Cloaked Shadow' Existance: Arc 10]

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Cathedral - Street - Wednesday, 2:20 a.m.]

"Kai. Today was a tiring day. Why are you still praying in the cathedral?" A girl stood next to a man, rather confused. "Dear God - For this day help me to keep my heart open. Help me to observe the beauty around me; to appreciate all that I see. Help me to notice the blessings in my life, and to ignore those things that do not measure up to mey expectations. Guide me dear God to be of service to others, and to go through this day with humor and grace, and no regrets. Through jezus Chirst, our lord, we pray."

Kai was not answering and he was making the woman confused. "Kai. You've did this pray before-" However, soon as the woman spoke, he continued once again, this time quicker.

"Kai. Today was a tiring day. Why are you still praying in the cathedral?" A girl stood next to him, rather confused. "Dear God - For this day help me to keep my heart open. Help me to observe the beauty around me; to appreciate all that I see. Help me to notice the blessings in my life, and to ignore those things that do not measure up to mey expectations. Guide me dear God to be of service to others, and to go through this day with humor and grace, and no regrets. Through jezus Chirst, our lord, we pray.

"Um, dear friend. What is up, you've been acting strange-" Spoke the woman, she began to be worried, this time, once again.

"Kai. Today was a tiring day. Why are you still praying in the cathedral?" A girl stood next to him, rather confused. "Dear God - For this day help me to keep my heart open. Help me to observe the beauty around me; to appreciate all that I see. Help me to notice the blessings in my life, and to ignore those things that do not measure up to mey expectations. Guide me dear God to be of service to others, and to go through this day with humor and grace, and no regrets. Through jezus Chirst, our lord, we pray.

Finally she decided to step behind the man as she touched his shoulder. "Hey, it's already 2 am, please, we must hurry...." But, no commen, the girl became even more stressed. ("What's this feeling I sense?") She soon noticed Kai's head to twitch. "K-Kai... hell-hello?" But once she spoke, Kai turned and his face was melted. "Aaaaaah!" By quickly falling back, she slammed her bottom on the floor and began crawling backward. The man began speaking and slowly move toward the girl. "Sano... Sano..."

The area began to be seen as nauseas, Sano was slowly feeling sick and decided to keep tought.

"K-Kai! What happened to you! Do you even hear me! Hello! Kai!" Sano was screaming loudly and scared as she reached the cathedral door. Stuck by the door, she tried to reach for the handle, however, when she touched it, her palm burnt. She moved back and bumped her back into Kai's chest. She was scared to death, falling down on the floor, when her pendant slipped aside. In that moment, Kai's body began to change, and a figure, covered by cloak stood before. The figure reached for the pendant and looked at it. The blue crystalized symbol that was attached to it was grabbed and the cloaked figure faced toward the window, in instant, they've disappeared and Sano's right side of the face melted as her life.... was lost.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Street - Wednesday, 10:10 a.m.]

The sun was up in the sky, and the day was set. Tim, who was just passing by came in face with Codey, who was lost in his thoughts. "Hey. Codey, what's up?" But no answer, Codey kept on mumbling. "...So... uh. Codey, morning?" Once again no answer and his mumbling was continuing. By giving Codey a very unamused face, Tim finally decided. "Codey!!" With a loud shout, Codey's ears almost exploded to when he jumped in fear. "Hey! What the hell mean! Would you not sneak up on me?!" Codey shouted. "Are you kidding? I didn't even sneak up! I was saying 'hello' this entire time, and you've been mumbling constantly, like a crazy person! Maybe, next time, focus on your surroundings as well!" "Well sorry, jeeze...." With that Codey continued to think.

"Okay. What the hell, would you already tell me what's going on?" Tim questioned when holding a bag of store items. "Didn't you see? There was a murder of a woman in Umi City's cathedral, this early morning." "Murder? Here? How so?" Tim wondered. "Well. Basically. At around 2:30 am, two people, a man and a woman, were left late at night. The morning, somebody passed by and came in face with a dead woman, he called the police and now they were investigating, however, seems that police never arrived." Codey explained. "How so? Police is always active, so how the hell is that even possible, do you even know how many police buildings are there? There is like 826 Koban!" Tim claimed. "Yeah, but it seems that, the nearest Koban never arrived, and they never had contact with other police." Explained Codey. "This is make strange vibes... all right, then we'll go look at it." Tim answered, confidently. "Are you joking? That's not our job!" Codey called, worried. "Well it is now, so hurry up, let's see what this has got in store for us." Tim soon ran forward. "Oh! So now we're detectives! How dumb is this guy? Wait up at least!"

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Cathedral - Street - Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.]

Tim and Codey came to the top of the hill where the cathedral lied, a few of the officers were killed on the spot. "Guess you're right. But it seems that the police did actually arrive, so something in what you've read was a total lie.." Tim sighed while thinking. "All right. So what exactly do you plan on doing here, now?! There are dead officers everywhere and the sight of the killed woman is no where?" "Check into it...." In that moment, Tim and Codey walked in and the two of them were first set by the blood on the floor. "Fresh...." Tim sighed. "I still think this is too much for what we do? Either way, why are you so interested into this?" Codey wondered, quite confused. "Why? Because, last morning, me and Kanji came in contact with missing Supplies, and once we went to check out the Supply Building. Everyone there was killed and their bodies were mostly melted on skin." Tim spoke, with a sigh. "So why did you never call the police, you idiot?" Codey was overwhelmingly annoyed. "Because we didn't want to put them in danger. See. When the man called the police, they've all been killed." Codey faced back on the outside, where the police lied. "Yeah, you're right. And their faces are also melted. Is this some sort of sign of the person, who's doing this?" Questioned Codey, rather suspect.

"Yeah, and not only that. The woman must still be around here, but where...." Tim and Codey continued to walk forward, through the cathedral while they've got a bit surprised. Codey walked up the stairs, behind the platform of where the priest stands. "There is nothing up there, any luck with you down there?" Codey asked, leaning over the fence to face down at Tim, who was crouching. "No. But I sure know, there's gotta be something we're missing! Have you checked the entire upstairs area?" With a nod given, Tim came to an idea. "Let's go look outside." In that moment, Codey jumped down the fence and landed next to Tim, when the two of them walked outside and searched the cathedral's surroundings on the outside.

"The shape seems to be identical to the one on the inside, the roof as well." Tim spoke while looking around. Codey then jumped higher up onto the roof to hopefully find some sort of clue. "Anything up there?" But no luck, Codey declined. "Hmm.... is there a chance that the killer took the woman with them?" "No way. Why would the person try to take the body, unless if they were trying to hide their tracks." Codey answered and sighed, "You said the woman was seen by a man, did you forget? But now, the woman is no where to be seen." Tim noted Codey about. "Oh, right. I forgot completely. So then, what the hell do you mean to tell me?"

"I mean to tell you that the body is somewhere in the cathedral." From there the two of them returned inside and in quicker moment, Tim came in notice with something strange. A blood was at the bottom of the wall, reaching under. "Can somebody explain to me, how is this possible? Blood goes under a hard wall? No logic in that, or physics."

"That's because, this wall is actually a door." Tim looked around, confusing Codey. "And you expect us to find the trigger to open up the door, you can just forget, we won't be so lucky." In that moment, Codey leaned back on the wall and soon the shakes were heard, the wall opened and Codey became a bit confused. "Whoa! It actually worked!"

With unamused face, Tim asked. "Lucky, eh?" "Come on! I didn't know this would happen!" Codey shouted, soon after, the two of them faced down the creepy staircase. "Final request! Please if you do not make me go down there." However, Tim immediately spoke. "All right, no need. See you." Tim began walking down the stairs. "Hey! Wait! Stop! Yo-You're not actually planning in going down there." The voice echoed and Tim spoke nothing. "T-Tim?" Worried sick, Codey looked around. "Hey! Tim! What the hell happened!" In that moment, Codey rushed down the stairs and soon he was grabbed by the mouth and around the chest, pulled behind the wall. He begin to mumble again, but Tim spoke. "....Quiet down.... are you crazy?" In luck, Tim let go of Codey and let him breath. "Why the hell are we hiding?" Tim soon pointed and Codey dared to look behind the corner, his eyes were caught in surprise. "Who the hell is that?" Codey wondered, but he noticed that the cloaked person was doing something with the killed woman and held pendant. "I see... this guy is trying to get his hands on those pendants.... but what is he trying to do with them?" Both of them were whispering. "Do you know him?" "He is the same person we've seen with Kanji... I guess he is gathering these pendants, what reason, I could not tell."

"I really don't like the atmosphere in here, we should just report this guy right away." However, Tim declined. "No. It's not safe... besides... he seems to be a Spiritual Duelist, which is not safe for police or other regiments...." The claimed words by Tim made Codey unwilling to show fear. "Well... fine. But what do we plan on doing?" Codey made a step which made an echo and the guy faced at the staicase immediately. "You idiot...!" Whispering in shouts, Tim and Codey quickly hid behind the corner and the guy seemed to have put the pendant into their pocket. The person quickly took a breath and grabbed syringe when both, Codey and Tim noticed, how the person disappeared into nothingness. "Whoa! What the hell, he's gone!" Immediately after so, the two of them jumped out of the corner and entered the small opened area. They've confirmed that the woman was the one seen by the man who called the police. "Man. This place is crazy..." Codey spoke.

"Yeah. Let's hurry and get out of here. We don't want to be caught by somebody and thought that we were the ones who killed this woman." Codey agreed and the two of them quickly rushed, but Tim soon noticed something on the wall, his eyes were a bit surprised, he noticed a photo of the pendant, identical to his. Ignoring that, he quickly rushed up the stairs after Codey.

Another surprise, seen by Tim and his allies was seen....