213. Sakami Hashujin!

['Cloaked Shadow' Existance: Arc 10]

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Cabin in Forest - Thursday, 3:15 p.m.]

"Lisa, is there something wrong?" A mother questioned, her family of three children. Lisa bit into her food and spoke. "Huh? Everything is fine, don't worry." Lisa answered, while biting into the food. "Oh, poor Lisa is a bit upset to be living in the forest!" Laughed her brother. "Just shut it, would you? This is not what I have on my mind." Explained Lisa in instant. "Yeah, right!" "All right Hata, please calm down. Let's just enjoy our lunch." The calm wind gently blew past the window. "Where are father and Jo?" Questioned Lisa quite confused. "Oh, they've went to grab some stuff to Umi City, why bother?" Mother seemed to be quite confused. "I just want to know, anyway, the lunch was great. I'll just go grab something that I've left outside." Answered Lisa, stood up and walked through the door. "Um. All right, but be careful!" Smiled mother and saw Lisa giving her a nod. Lisa reached for her jacket and walked down the misty path.

".....Tsch, the two brothers, that I have. Feels like I'm being used just to take care of them for when the parents aren't at home...." Lisa seemed to be quite angry and continued the path.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Cathedral - Umi City - Thursday, 4:30 p.m.]

Tim once again was passing by when trying to puzzle everything together. ("First the Supply Team, then the Woman at the cathedral? I wish I'd knew who that person was, and what does he want with those pendants?") But then he came to a store, selling fish. "All right, go ahead, which of these fishes would you like to buy for your beautiful teeth ma'am?" Sakami was quite confused while looking at the stall. "Hm." Tim stopped moving as he looked at Sakami. "Well she sure is busy with checking food...." By the confused expression in Tim's eyes, he stepped closer. "Um. Sakami, what are you trying to get?" Tim wondered in confusion. She finally raised her head and looked at Tim, calmly. "I was trying to buy something to eat. But most of the stores have been closed, so I've decided to pick something up from Food Stall. But they only sell fish, which I really do not like." Spoke Sakami. "You don't eat fish? What about baked?" "Those, I do not like either. But I do eat them." Answered Sakami while stunningly focused on the food. "Well, based on your expression. Well. You seem that you actually want to buy some."

"Giving a taste to everything is always good. So why not give it a tastem however, I've forgot my money, so I am just looking." Sakami spoke. "..... how do you forget your wallet? Anyway, at least tell me which are you trying to taste." From confusion, Sakami became a bit quiet. "Why are you asking me this? Well - if it's so important, the Honey Fish. I've never tasted it."

"All right, would you mind baking a Honey Fish for both?" Tim asked and then let the man to say. "Why of course! It will take for about 5 minutes." Smiled the man and reached for the grill, please if you sit down and wait." With pleasure and proud feeling, the man began baking the fish. "Erm.... you really don't need to pay, I just-" But Tim interfered with her saying. "I'm hungry too, so why do we not both eat, either way, it's really not a big deal." With a calm expression, Tim sat near the docks with Sakami. "I usually don't like to ask others to pay for me, but, if there is nothing I can do to stop you, thank you." Sakami spoke, calm and continued to wait for the fish to be baked.

"I heard that you, Kanji and Codey were met up with a person, correct?" Sakami questioned, a bit interested. "Yeah, that's right, something new?" Tim wondered. "Yes. A father and a son were both killed in Umi Forest, a few hours ago. Police arrived, but there were no reports back, so I believe there might be some problems that appeared." Answered Sakami. "Again, eh? This guy is really on a rampage.... three spots and all around Umi Island. This is becoming cruelsome... Sakami, I'll need your help." From that point, Sakami became a bit interested. "Of course, what is it? I'll help anyway I could." Sakami spoke. "Well it won't be much, but like before, I want to go investigate that place, I'm still not certain if it's the same killer or if there are multiple of them." Tim claimed while worried. "I understand."

"We'll go as soon as we're done eating."

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Cabin in Forest - Thursday, 5:00 p.m.]

Tim and Sakami were already passing through the Umi Forest, where the mist kept on rising. "So, in this area you say?" As Tim questioned - Sakami believed that it was right around the area. "Well, it doesn't seem much. Maybe we should go deeper." The two of them continued to by pass, but soon in a couple of minutes, the two of them came in touch with the lying bodies. Tim once again faced at the two corpses and confirmed. "This is getting out of hand. The killer, is getting crazier and crazier. I don't understand what's he trying to do. Poor people... and poor children." Tim sighed while looking ahead, but in the distance, a girl kneeled. "A girl. Did she do it?" Tim and Sakami came closer and faced at Lisa. "Excuse me. W-would you explain what had happened?" Questioned Tim, facing the girl. The girl seemed to make no comment and not move. "Hi?" But finally the girl spoke and stood up. She turned around in act of terrify. "Hey! Stop, it's not safe!" Called Tim, but while he tried to stop her, the girl ignored him. "What's your name?" Sakami asked. The girl stopped for a second and said. "Lisa, now leave me... I've already seen enough, how my dad and brother were killed...." The girl continued to walk forward. "But they were killed, not long ago! Tell us, were you the one?!" Tim asked, a bit stressed of anger. "It wasn't me. Now just leave me!" The girl let out tears and rushed into the mist. "Hey! Wait up!" Tim ran after, chasing her down, and Sakami went with him.

The two of them went deeper and deeper however, the fog begun to be thicker and thicker. "This is unreal. A few seconds ago, the fog wasn't even that thick, I barely see!" Called Tim, but soon Sakami called. "Get down." Tim faced at Sakami in confusion. "What?" But before he finished, Sakami grabbed his arm and both of them dropped down, when a figure went swinging over their head.

"What the hell is going on!" The person continued to with a hook attached to her glove when the person dropped down at them. Sakami quickly stood up and sliced upward, with her blade, when the attacker and Sakami struck with their blades. "Hey! Chill!" Tim quickly backed away when the person attacking, leaped backward and aimed their left arm with the hook to the side, when the attackerreeled herself to the side. "How the hell is this guy moving this fast, and their movements are just not humanoid! Or if they are, how the hell are they moving that quick over the air!?" Tim questioned. "It seems that the person uses some sort of hooks." From that moment, the attacker came swinging behind when spinning and Sakami soon became surprised, the attacker sliced with two of their blades when Tim screamed like a girl, luckly for Sakami, she managed to block. "You said hooks?! Those are blades!" From that moment, the fog thickened and the girl bounced backward. "A wielder of another two blades?" Tim asked when Sakami quickly swung past his face. "Hey! Watch it!" By the surprise, Tim noticed the two blades clashing at each other, when the fog bursted past. Tim, Sakami came in view of a girl, who just dropped down, her hooks swung around the blade. "A girl??" Tim asked in surprise. But soon the girl, leaped backward and landed on the ground, facing around. "Where is she?" The girl seemed to have been searching for somebody. "Hey! What do you mean, where is she?!" Tim was swinging his arms up and down while the girl with blond hair seemed confused. "Stop ignoring us!"

From that moment, the girl jumped forward and used her hooks, twisted around her hands and disappeared from their sight. "And she is gone..." Tim was annoyed. Sakami however recalled her Ginkens. "She wasn't after us." To what Sakami said, Tim gasped and came in contact with question. "What do you mean?" "I think that girl was after Lisa, the one whoi we saw earlier."

"But why?" "I cannot be sure, but there are two chances, either the girl who attacked us is our enemy or that Lisa..." Sakami explained while wondered. "Lisa? But she looks like the same age as us...." Tim thought. "Same goes for the attacker..." Sakami explained. "I don't trust either of them, we should follow them." And so they did.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Cabin in Forest - Thursday, 5:10 p.m.]

The girl who encountered both Tim and Sakami was using her wrist hook to continue moving forward. But in that moment, the girl sensed something and her eyes were caught in surprise, by moving her right arm, she noticed how something went cutting past her right shoulder, a bit of blood bursted but in that moment, the girl dropped toward the floor and used her left hook on the wrist to slow down her fall, but when the girl landed on the floor, she recalled her hooks and rolled on the shoulder when reaching for her sword on the side. Before her stood a cloaked shadow who seemed to have femenine's body formation. "There you are." The girl spoke, however in that moment, cloaked shadow slashed backward and the girl prepared herself. Cloaked Shadow swooped forward with a throw of knives when the girl rolled further on her shoulder and then leaped in the air, she aimed her left hook around the wrist and stabbed it into the Cloaked Shadow's left shoulder. From that moment, the blood bursted and the girl quickly pulled with her arm to the side, pulling the Cloaked Shadow toward her. The girl then spun and sliced through the girl's body and even causing her clothes to get ripped. The Cloaked Shadow, swung her left arm backward and forced the girl, to drop toward the floor, in bad position. The girl landed on her left arm in a hand-stand and then quickly leaped backward, pulling the hook and wrap it around her right arm, holding her blades.

In that moment, the Cloaked Shadow annoyingly disappeared. "Stop!" Shouted the girl, but no luck, the girl vanished from her sight. "Damn it...." In that moment, the girl heard how two of the bodies stepped closer. "There you are!" Tim shouted and prepared his fighting position. The girl with hooks, seemed to be standing still. "Tell us, what the hell are you doing here! Were you the one who killed that man and that child?" Tim asked with a serious question. "Hm, wait, who are you talking about?" The girl with hooks became quite energetic. "Come on, don't lie. The two who have been at near the entrance of Umi's Forest."

"Sorry, not that I know, either way. Thank you, you've made my target escape!" Called the girl. "Explain yourself." Sakami called. "How many times, I know nothing! Well, see ya!" From the wink, the girl smiled. "No, you don't!" As Tim tried to jump at her, the girl showed estaticness and aimed her hook backward, reeling herself into the mist. "Damn it, this chick's got some nerves!" Tim annoyingly spoke. "Calm down. We should return back to Umi City before we get ourselves lost...." Sakami answered. "But what did we get from this? Nothing!"

"We did get some information, seems that the 'Cloaked Shadow' who melts people's faces, has a hitman on themselves...."

To be continued...