214. Kylin Sandarasu!

['Cloaked Shadow' Existance: Arc 10]

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Tim's Living room - Friday, 11:20 a.m.]

Tim was sitting at the table, searching up on the webs through his phone. "So, what exactly are you doing?" Charlotte wondered. "Trying to see if there are any sights on 'Cloaked Shadow'." Tim claimed while wiping his finger up. "This is really your priority, isn't it...." Sighed Charlotte when leaning backward onto her seat. "Yes, it is. After all, if this person keeps on stalking the island areas, we're bound to lose many more people!" Tim was quite focused on his research. "You did say you've come in contact with this 'Cloaked Shadow' multiple times now, right? Do you know his intention?" Charlotte asked, curiously. "No, but there is something I am guranteed about. The 'Cloaked Shadow' is hunting down pendants, the same as the one I got. I even saw the identical pendant on one of his photos, furthermore, the girl we've met with Sakami yesterday seemed to be hunting down a girl, so this does give me ideas that the 'Cloaked Shadow' is actually a female and not a male, for now however, I'll stick with my guess for them to be a male...." Tim answered. "You know. Maybe - maybe you should go ask Kylin for help, she's skilled in locating targets, if necessary." Charlotte reminded.

"That's one option. Either way, if I go alone then I won't put her in danger, but if she does come by, we'll probably have better chances of finding him, both options work, but I really do not want to put others in danger." Tim spoke, while leaning back on the phone. "Have you tried to search for the person at night?" Questioned Charlotte. "No... but this might actually be one way of finding her." By interests into Charlotte's idea, he came to a conclusion. "Maybe you're right, I should ask Kylin for the help. We've got many leads on the killer." From that point on, Tim stood up and slid the chair back under the table and put his phone into pockets. "So, where are you going?" Questioned Charlotte, leaning back on the table. "I'll go ask Kylin for help, we'll wait for the killer at night when everybody is asleep, make sure to keep father and Ava from going outside, if we do come in contact, I'm sure we'll have to catch him by force..." Tim then reached for his white hoodie and put it around his body. "And don't forget it, all right. Nor tell them about me. As much as Ava knows about me, our father doesn't, so keep him away. Time will probably around midnight on." From that moment, Tim shut the door after opening. "Sure.... no prob.... I guess...." Charlotte took a sigh and leaned back on the chair, taking a yawn. "This work must be quite annoying at some points." Said Charlotte. "I just hope he'll come home safe."

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Friday, 11:43 a.m.]

"Let's just hope she's at the hotel...." Tim sighed. He finally reached the hotel's entrance and entered, walking up to the room that Kylin and the rest usually sleep.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Kylin's Bedroom - Friday, 11:50 a.m.]

Kylin was researching over the internet, when she quickly stood up. "I should go ask somebody for help." Kylin quickly reached for her clothes when the knock on the door. "Yeah, come in." Spoke Kylin when Tim opened the door. "Hey! Sorry to bother you, but I've got a favour to ask of you." But even when TIm spoke, Kylin quickly dashed him. "Yeah! I know, you want my help with Locating the killer! But just in time, come with me!" Shouted Kylin. "Whoa! How the hell did you know about the 'Cloaked Shadow'?!" "Internet, I might have found her location! But first, I need your help." While Kylin and Tim talked, the two of them ran through the hallway. "With what? I was hoping you could HELP me rather!" Tim unamusingly called. "I said, I will. But right now, there's been another sights of her, caught near Umi Island, inside of the forest." Explained Kylin. "You mean to tell me that the person who saw her, was this quickly to upload it on internet? But any other signs that that?!" Tim asked, as the two of them ran down a circular staircase. "Yes, a photo of her in the air. If we're luckly we'll be able to find the uploader, let's just hope they are not dead." Kylin and Tim rushed through the hotel door as the receptionist seemed to be quite confused. Both of them came turning their bodies on the street, when sliding on the side, making their clothes wave. People, walking by were confused. "What the hell man!" Kylin and Tim rushed forward. "Sorry! We're in a hurry!" Answered Kylin and continued to run at high speed through the crowd.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Forest Path - Friday, 12:14 p.m.]

The two of them continued to run at high speed as both of them jumped over a cut down trunk of tree and landed when jumping toward the bottom of the smaller hill. Tim landed on one foot and almost lost balance but caught himself and continued to follow Kylin. "Be on your guard, the photo must be from somewhere around here!" Answered Kylin, and as she warned, somebody was seen, jumping over the trees. "There she is!" Called Kylin. The woman dressed in black coat faced back and became surprised, she spoke. "Damn it. They got here quickly..." From that moment, the woman continued to move quicker. "She's accelerating! Guess we will too!" Spoke Kylin, her body was surrounded by electricity when a current of lightning struck to the top of the branch, Kylin appeared, landing on the branch and began moving quickly. Tim sighed. "Come on, that's unfair, how am I supposed to keep up, my Kinetic Type doesn't boost my physical speed!" Tim shouted annoyed and jealous. "Don't bother! I'll keep you in track, try to cross her off!" Called Kylin. "Hah! Easy for you to say, but fine, whatever!" At that moment, Tim switched the path on the right and moved through it. While Kylin was doing that, she reached for her blade when the woman became annoyed. "Seriously, you still are pushing at me, fine, let it be that way!" In that moment, the woman grabbed her dagger when noticing Kylin leaping into the distance at her.

Kylin perfected her movement when she sliced downward, but in that moment, the woman turned around, leaped backward and dropped down toward the ground, when Kylin sliced the air, after landing on the branch, however, she noticed how the dagger went flying past her cheek and then spun behind her. The woman teleported to her dagger and spun when unleashing black surge of energy. Kylin noticed that the woman dropped down and swung with her daggers and for that specific reason, Kylin decided to duck and then disappear in a current, when seeing the prediction in the woman's eyes, the dagger already went throwing at her, but a dark trail appeared past Kylin when the girl soon circulated behind her back, Kylin sliced backward with her blade and landed a blow, but the woman in cloak, blocked easily and then kicked Kylin at the chest, bouncing herself away. The girl now dropped down on the ground and accelerated. Kylin ignored the kick and dropped down on the path, following the woman. She immediately made a step and ejected electricity, dashing and leaping her forward when the woman ducked, after seeing the blade swinging above her head. Kylin quickly noticed how the woman raised her elbow to prepare a smash into Kylin's stomach, but by turning her entire body to the side, she avoided and slipped her left foot on the ground, landing in balance, the girl in that moment quickly kicked at Kylin who raised her arms and blocked the physical blow, from that moment, the woman, leaped forward and disappeared a few meters ahead. "You think you're getting away that easily! Imagine it yourself!" Kylin hurried forward and a lightning current struck in front of the woman, when the girl leaped but Kylin raised her right arm and caught the woman's foot. "You're not!" But the girl, who was held seemed inpatient, so she quickly twisted her arm and then lost the grip from Kylin's palm, following up with a spin and a kick into Kylin's face. In that momenbt, she moved behind Kylin and sliced with her daggers. Kylin however recovered extremely quickly and then leaped in the air with a backflip. The woman missed her dagger cut and noticed that Kylin smashed with her foot, slamming it into the woman's face, knocking her back. The woman took that moment to escape into other direction when Kylin quickly exhaled and continued to follow the woman.

While the two of them continued to chase, the woman lost her focus on the sides, so she seemed to be stressed. But in that moment, a body appeared in front of the woman, moving from the left side of the forest, when she was forced to slide. "Seraphic Penetrate!" Tim slashed downward, unleashed a blue crescent sweet that went flying at the woman at insane speed. "What the hell?!" Shocked to her surprise, the woman twisted her feet and jumped to the side, barely avoiding the slice, however, when Kylin saw the attack, she quickly leaped in the air and flipped, dropping behind the transperent body and then disappeared landed on the floor. The woman, who recovered quickly tried to rush away, but Kylin was in quick reaction. "No you don't!" In that moment, a lightning current bursted in front of the woman and Kylin appeared in front of her, grabbing the woman's shoulder and slamming her back at the ground. As for Tim, he quickly came running close. "No more running away, from you!" Shouted Kylin, when holding the woman's arms down, so she could not attack.

"Damn! Aren't you a stubborn one!" Angrly spoke the woman. Kylin uncovered her hood and Tim soon knew who she was. "Wait, you're that girl, Lisa, right?" Tim asked. "Oh, so you remembered my name, now what the hell do you want from me?!" Lisa asked angrly. "Better question. What the hell do you want with all of those pendants! You melt people's faces and then steal their pendant! What's this play of yours?!" Tim angrly asked. "What is my play? Well, let me tell you something. That's NONE.... of your buisness!" In that moment, the girl bursted out orange flames, that Kylin needed to avoid, by leaping backward. As for Tim, he covered his face. Lisa landed backward and slid on the floor, when unleashing heat. "Another Pyro Kinetic User?!" Tim asked when lookign at her, with his blade held in his arms. "Are you all right, Kylin?" In luck, Kylin confirmed. "So what. I might have killed those stupid assholes, but the reason to that is because I'm searching for 'Pyro Pendant'! Do you understand it! These Pendants are jewerly yes, but they do more than this, they efficiently allow someone's Pyro Techniques to be much more useful, but in stupid annoyance, nobody of those fools have had them, I even needed to kill my parent and my sibling for this shit. Do you understand it, this is all I want!" Shouted Lisa.

"You've killed those people, just for a single pendant! That's a cruel way of doing something!" Tim angrly spoke. "Yeah! And I couldn't care less. But of course, a bunch of idiots like you, had to come after me, stopping me on the road!" Lisa shouted angrly. "Do you even see yourself as a Spiritual Duelist? You've killed innocent people, is power really so important to you?" Kylin asked. "Oh! Of course, if I want to keep myself alive, you weirdos!" Shouted Lisa, raging. But at that moment, she noticed a pendant on Tim's neck. "Wait. Your pendant! That's exactly the one I've been searching! A 'Pyrp Pendant' give it to me, now!" Shouted Lisa. "W-what? Are you joking?! I won't just give you my pendant! No way, this was given to me by my mother before she died!" Tim angrly spoke. "Well, I dont' care, I want it and you'll give it to me, if not in the nice way, then forcing you will do the honors!" Shouted the girl. She reached for her daggers and unleashed heated temperature. "Damn you." Tim shouted in anger. Tim prepared his blade as the flames bursted and his pendant glowed the colour it represented.

To be continued...