215. Cruelist and the 'Pyro Pendant'!

['Cloaked Shadow' Existance: Arc 10]

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest - Forest Path - Friday, 12:25 p.m.]

"Fine! Force is fine too! I'll fight both of you if necessary! I'll also kill both and rip your pendant, take it for myslef!" Shouted Lisa, having anger issues. "Just dream on!" Tim shouted, Kylin on the other hand, raised her sword in front of her chest and became quite serious, giving simmilar look that Sakami usually drives out. ("This is first time I'm fighting with Kylin against a single opponent... better focus then...") Tim thought but then moved his eyesight back on Lisa.

"Don't lose your cool, that's everything we don't need." Kylin spoke. "Do I look like I'm about to lose it?" Tim unamusingly asked. "No. But we know how crazy you can become, so just focus on controling your strength, we don't want to kill her, only imprison." Spoke Kylin. "Yeah, yeah, I get that!" From that moment, Kylin made a bounce forward and vanishd when appearing in front of Lisa, swinging her blade and cutting at her, Lisa luckly ducked and then slipped to the side. Kylin sliced to the side but noticed how the dagger went cutting toward her ankles, luckly, she jumped in the air and disappeared in current of lightning, moving behind Lisa and cutting forward, unleashing a roaring attack, made out of charged electricity. Lisa turned her body around, when sliding and then threw her dagger between the electricity. She leaped back to avoid, as for Kylin's reaction, she countered the thrown dagger and bounced it to the side, when jumping forward. She sliced with her blade when Lisa landed and crossed her daggers, seeing the sparks of the blade, moving across her daggers, she continued to use the seconds to cut at Kylin, but in luck, Kylin avoided.

"How the hell am I supposed to fight, if both of them are going at it like two cats fighting each other...?" Tim asked, unamused, he stabbed the sword into the floor and rest his arms on the handle, then leaned his jaw on the palm. "Time to enjoy this spectacular moment, while I slack off, instead of fighting." Tim said, bored down to his bones.

Kylin bounced the thrown dagger and then dashed forward, beneath the second, before she struck, Lisa appeared behind her and slid in a circle on the floor, Kylin quickly turned around and noticed how Lisa jumped at her, spinning with the two daggers. Kylin prepared a block and noticed how the daggers slid onto her sword's metal. In that moment, Kylin quickly pushed forward and let Lisa get flown backward, when she landed and then bounced onto the tree branch. Kylin on the other hand quickly moved her blade backward, ejecting electricity and then gathering it into her metal. "Aren't you a bit crazy bitch?" Lisa angrly asked. "You know, that's not a polite way to talk to somebody, especially not girls." Kylin then crouched and moved her sword besides her hip, when she bursted at high speed, appearing in front of Lisa's face, catching her off guard. "How fast are you even!?!" At that moment, Lisa got struck with a cut at her arms, when crossing them and then kicked into the stomach, knocked down the branch. "Didn't you just say, to try and NOT kill her?!" Tim unamusingly asked. At that moment, Kylin landed on the floor. "I'm not killing her, she won't die from blood loss that easily, besides, she'll get quick recovery after she gets imprisoned. But in that moment, Kyli nalready sensed somebody at the height of her face. Kylin, who was caugth off guard, was caught in shock.

But before she was about to get stabbed, Tim jumped forward and knocked Kylin to the side, as the dagger cut over the tow of them. In that moment, however, he landed kick into Lisa's stomach, stunning her, and quickly letting her fall to the ground. Tim was on top of Kylin while facing at Lisa. "Next time, try not to look at me while you talk!" Tim called and faced down at Kylin, however, she was heated in the cheeks, and Tim's eyes widened. "Gah! I'm so sorry!" Tim quickly let go of Kylin's breasts and felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. As for Kylin, she stood up. "I'm thankful, but touching a girl's body isn't polite either!" Kylin shouted, embarrassed. "I said I'm sorry! You'd get killed if I hadn't jumped in!" Tim shouted, waving with his arms up and down. "I said I'm thankful, but I'm still uspet! How do you manage to touch that specific point?!" She asked, covering her chest. "It was a reaction! I'm sorry!" Tim shouted. ("This is so nerve wracking! Why wasn't I standing behind her!") Tim angrly shouted. "Watch out!" Kylin shouted. Tim heard so, and faced when swinging his left arm, knocking Lisa's right arm to the side and then opened a palm in front of her face, he unleashed a burst of flames and made her get knocked backward, when she went slamming into the trunk of a tree, burnt clothes and burnt skin, her hands became light and soft, so she was forced to drop her daggers, not just that, she hit her head, quite badly.

"Didn't mean to push it that far!" Tim called. Both of them came towards Lisa, who was unconsciouss. "She's fine, just knocked out. We have to hurry and call the police." Called Kylin, when reaching for her phone, but it was a bad reception. "Or not...." Tim reached for Lisa, however, in that moment, her eyes opened and she snagged Tim's pendant, ripping it off and then disappearing into the distance. "That little bitch! Get your fat ass over here!" Tim shouted and rushed after her. "I just said to not call a girl that! Several minutes ago, you idiot!" Kylin shouted. But she rushed after Tim.

"You want your pendant back! Well try to catch me!" Shouted Lisa, moving quicker than before. "Do you seriously plan to escape without even having your own daggers?!" Tim asked. "I couldn't care less about those stupid weapons, all I want is your pendant! So logn sucker!" However, Tim became serious. ".... oh, I'll enjoy tearing your down...." Tim said. "What?" Kylin became confused, however, Tim grabbed his sword and moved it to the side. "Henshin!" With a loud call, his aura bursted and covered the area, when Lisa became a bit confused. "The hell are you doing?!" Asked Lisa in confusion. However, now that Tim was transformed into Henshin, he made a step and in instant, Lisa felt something smashing into her abdomen, causing her to cough out blood and begin to lose oxygen, when getting stunned on the ground. She was in great pain when Tim reached for his pendant. "I told you. You aren't getting this." Tim angrly spoke, Kylin finally caght up. "Was that necessary?" Questioned Kylin. "Well what? Do you expect me to leave my pendant with her? You can forget about that." Tim spoke and crossed his arms to the side, Lisa continued to try and get her breath. "You're going to regret, this." Spoke Lisa, but finally, Tim spoke. "Yeah, sure..."

But at that moment, Lisa's eyes widened when a massive fire explosion bursted and blew both, Tim and Kylin backward. "What the hell? Aren't you done yet!?" Tim asked, holding his arm in front of his face. Lisa was upset and in rage. She reached with her right arm to the side, when the orange flames began to awake. "I'll get that pendant off you, without weaponry." In that moment, Tim became a bit confused. "She's powered up? That's not good..." Kylin spoke. Lisa's clothes were burning, when the right side of her upper clothes uncovered her bra while she seemed to be in rage. "Guess you're not joking around anymore, huh?" Tim's face finally became serious.

"I'll tell you this now. I never wanted to kill those people, and I regret every last second of it. But.... if I don't do this, my entire family will be killed. So, I'm sorry, but I have to get that pendant from you." Spoke Lisa. "And for your concern. My name is Lisa - Kishi Yasu, so, don't call me Lisa, I hate that name." In that moment, Tim became a bit certain. "Kishi? All right, then.... whatever you say." Tim spoke, and then the final battle began. As for Tim, he was not in Henshin anymore.

Kishi quickly opened her right palm and aimed it forward when unleashing heated flames toward Tim. He quickly made a stance to keep his balance and swung his sword down, over his shoulder, cutting through the fire, when noticing that Kishi was gone, but, she appeared behind his back and punched him into the back, stunning him and making him get pushed forward. At that moment, Tim slashed and twisted his blade behind his back, as for Kishi, she luckly ducked and pressed her palm against the floor, unleashing a fire that forced her to be exploded upward and used that to her advantage to kick Tim's jaw with both feet, in that moment she spun in the air and raised her right foot high in the air, when dropping and striking downward. Tim raised his sword and blocked her kick on the flat side of his blade, pushing her backward, when Kishi then flipped backward and dropped on the floor, she raised her left hand next to her left side of the chest and unleashed flames, which roared in the air, in that moment, she made a pose and let her manipulate fire around her body. "A manipulator?" Tim asked in surprise. Kishi quickly appeared in front of Tim and swung her right arm from her right side across her chest to the side, the flames bursted at Tim, in which Kishi then quickly spun and raised her right leg, after the spin she stretched her right arm, and kicked Tim into the face, from that moment, she released multiple kicks and bursted Tim back. "What is he doing? He was fighting much better against Taira? So why is he having trouble?" Kylin questioned in confusion. Tim cleansed the blood from his mouth when slicing forward. Kishi however, quickly jumped and grabbed Tim's shoulder, kicking her knee into his face, knocking him backward.

In that moment, Kishi stretched her leg, knocking Tim backward, and then crashed her foot downward, unleashing hot flames that bursted at Tim. He leaped backward and avoided the flames, when Kishi faced at him. She twisted her right arm and pointed her palm forward, swiping the arm when summoning smaller circles of fire. She then unleashed them like flaming bullets to which Tim crossed, blocking them, however because of the force he was pushed midair back. Kishi quickly crouched and disappeared, appearing in front of Tim when smashing her fist into his face, sending him flying when, she disappeared again and appeared above him, she raised her right leg and slammed it down, into Tim's stomach, sending his body at the floor as the floor shattered. Kishi landed and asked. "What the hell are you doing? You're not even trying to fight back!" Shouted Kishi in annoyance. Tim stood up when he rested his sword onto his right shoulder.

"You are hiding something. You just said several words to me before. First, you didn't want to kill them, second, that you're being forced into doing so. Would you tell me who that is?" Tim asked, seriously. "Oh don't be stupid! Stop asking me these questions!" Shouted Kishi in anger. "No. I won't, not until you give me the answer." Tim said. Kishi was getting enraged by his style of fighting. "You really want to know? Fine! It's my mother!" Shouted Kishi, when tears dripped down her face, at that instant, both Tim and Kylin became a bit surprised.

".... But didn't you just say, you'd lose your parents and your siblings, if you don't do this?" Tim asked. "Look, that's none of your concern! Shut up and fight!" Called Kishi, she swung with her arm from a distance, unleashing a burst of whirling fire, that Tim took and swung through it. "I told you, I won't fight! And if you send hundreds of attacks at me! I won't fight, I'm not going to hurt you, you're injured enough from earlier's cut..." Tim spoke. "You bastard!" Kishi made another step and swung with her other hand. Unleashing the next burst of her fire, but Tim moved his left arm in front of his face and let the fire burst around and past him. "Damn you!" Shouted Kishi when unleashing multiple bursts at Tim. But as before, Tim didn't do anything about it. "Just say it, we can help you!" Tim shouted, from when Kishi was about to unleash the next burst, she became a bit confused and shocked. ".... of course..... now even you are giving me mercy, I knew I shouldn't have told you about what's really going on." Spoke Kishi, closing her eyes and standing straight. "His name is Nishida Tetsuya. He wants to gather the most efficient pendants to infuse them into one, so that he has them all for himself. He forced me into doing it, he knew I had great skills from martial arts, and all I could do about it was accept the fate...." Explained Kishi. "So, let me guess. You were not the one who had killed your father and the other sibling?" Tim asked. "No. It was a warning by Nishida. It was because I still didn't get the pendant that you have.... he only gave me additional 2 days to get it, if I don't. My mother and parent will be killed." Answered Kishi.

In that moment, Tim looked at his pendant. In that moment Tim stepped toward Kishi. "Hear me out..." She looked up at Tim in confused surprise. "Where are the rest of your family?" Questioned Tim. "W-what! Why do you want to know?" She asked, when making a step back, worrying. "It's simple. I'd like you and your family to come to the Umi Island. Such a cruelist doesn't deserve your body to be used, so please, bring us to your parents and siblings, it's not safe for them to stay at their homes." Spoke Tim. "B-But... aren't you upset, that-" But Tim then spoke. "Tell me, where were you last few days?" Questioned Tim. "In the forest, why?" She asked. "So, I guessed right. You're not the 'Cloaked Shadow' who have killed those people at Supply Team, Cathedral...." Tim said. "N-no, what do you mean? I was never told to go there...." Called Kishi. "I know. Which means, there is somebody on the hunt, in the same clothes as you..." Spoke Tim. "W-what do you mean?" Kishi asked, worried. In that moment, somebody landed on the branch in black cloak. Tim, Kylin and Kishi looked up. The woman dropped her hood and Kishi's eyes trembled. "Aren't you a lively young lady.... Lisa." Spoke the woman. Tim and Kylin prepared and protected Kishi.

"Guess you are worthless child after all." "M-mother! Wait! You were behind all of this?!" Questioned Kishi. "Yes, I was. Need explanation? Then let me tell you. I've met Nishida Tetsuya a few months back, we were friends and working on fusing a bunch of pendants to advance his power. I forced him to make you suspicious to use these clothes, to threaten you of killing me and your siblings, but at nights, when you were asleep. I've stole your cloak to kill those merciful and stupid people. Because, you're not good enough to kill anybody, I needed to do that dirty work instead of you, you're lucky these two came in contact with you, or things would turn out differently. Either way, go with them, such a child is not worthy enough to be my daughter. And hopefully, you'll end up dying..." "Are you dumb! You're treating your own child like a bad parent! No, you're actually the worst parent there could ever exist!" Shouted Tim in rage. "Oh shut it you slut, I don't care what happens to that little bitch, she can get killed, devoured, raped, either way, none of my buisness. A child like her should not exist. Oh, and by the way, I've already got rid of your siblings." In that moment, the mother put on her hood, while Kishi's eyes were widely opened, terrified when feeling worthless. "You little-" But in that moment, the woman shouted. "Stay out of my way! We've gathered enough pendants, so we don't need your ugly ass, bitching around, I hope you'll have fun, dealing with that slut." In that moment, the mother disappeared.

"Get back here!" But, the woman was gone. "Tim.... we should bring Kishi back to the Umi City, she can't be left alone out here...." Said Kylin, upset and worried. Tim held Kishi, leaned onto his crouched body, against his chest. "What kind of mother is she?" Tim angrly asked, with twitchy mouth.

To be continued...