220. A body changer?

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Back Row) - Friday 9:25 a.m.]

The run was ongoing for about 25 minutes, and somehow many people began giving up already.

"Why do people try this exam if they cannot even run for around 3 kilometers....." Codey thought, running in the middle of the crowd. "Well, I'm not sure, but look at the people at the front. As for now they seem to be running quite easily...." Sighed Kanji and smiled. "The ones behind seem to be slowing down as well.... no doubt about it, in a few minutes those fellow people will also drop out sooner or later...."

"Yeah, I see why..." Answered Codey, just that moment, somebody besides them stopped running and took a long breath. "There goes another one... either way's who's ahead?" To make sure, Codey tried to see. But the crowd was too long, and both Kanji and Codey could not even see Tim and the rest. "I'm not sure. But I believe Tim and others aren't there. This crowd made us seperate...." Sighed Kanji, scratching his shoulder. "Well, behind us they sure aren't. We're near the end of the crowd, and I can't see them. This must mean, they must be some where ahead of us..." Codey called and tried to see once again. "Probably yes....."

"But you seem to worry about something, Codey. Mind sharing what it is?" Kanji thought when another person stopped. "I can't continue, this is insulting us... why is an exam this hard... ugh..." The guy called. "Huh? Oh, right. The first test is 150 kilometer run, then the third is climbing a mountain. It's just soon for me to drop out, maybe not here... but at climbing... what can I do...." Codey asked, holding his forehead. "But it's impressive. I was expecting many more to drop...." While the two of them looked they faced to the side and became unamused. Shiro and Seki were running next to each other. "Hah! You think you're faster than me! Hah, you can dream!" Laughed Seki, as for Shiro she seemed to be annoyed of him. "Actually, I'm must more faster than you!" Called Shiro. "Oh! Then prove it to me!" As Seki shouted to, Shiro bursted past Codey and Kanji to when Codey spun on the spot. "Yo! I didn't mean that fast! Get back here!" Seki also accelerated and bursted past Kanji while Kanji spun after. Codey and Kanji smacked each other into forehead and dropped n their bottoms. "What the hell?!" Shouted Codey, in that moment, Kanji and Codey noticed how people began stepping over them.

"Hey! Ouch! That's my face!" "Are yoz stupid! Hey! I will blow you away!" Shouted Codey when the dust continued to rise. As for Shiro and Seki, both of them continued to move. Toyama and Chino ran past Codey and Kanji. "Well those two are in competition apparently..." Sighed Chino, annoyed of the events. "What can you do with these two?" Shiro continued to run forward. In that instant, Codey and Kanji stood up, by Codey had complains. "So they're just gonna allow that! Those jerks! Get back here!" Codey rushed forward and Kanji sighed. "This will be so unfair competition..." But luckly, Kanji continued to run.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Front Row) - Friday 9:29 a.m.]

"Well, this is um, weird. How did I end up at the front, alone?" Tim was looking around, while he scratched his head. He was somewhere in the middle of the front row. "Well, maybe because we were all seperated, ain't that right?" Tim faced to the side and became somewhat uncomfortable. It was an older man. "Haaaa? Who are you? Why are you talking to me randomly???" Tim asked, scared. "Ah! No worries your man! My name is Maita Sora! And I am-" While Maita began talking, Tim noticed how Maita began making several poses, to show off.

"I am, the one and the oldest, deadly, lazy sloth of the group! Maita Sora, to your service! What would you like, my beloved friend?" "Ummmm...."

"Some food! Maybe some drinks! Or no! Would you like a lovely woman!" In that moment, Maita spun and Tim's eyes becane surprised. "How about now? Like me now, sweetie?" Asked Maita. Tim was still uncomfortable. "....GAH! What the hell, you're a woman now!" Tim shouted, pointing at her. "Ah, yes. That's right! A pleasure to meet you, what do you say we enjoy ourselves!" She made a wink, when Tim became unamused, he made a step to the side on the opposite side, to the right. "No thank you!" Tim shouted, but in that moment, Maita appeared on his left side. "Hi there again!" Tim jumped from surprise. "Wha'! How are you here now!?" Tim asked, surprised. "It's a sneaky technique, now, now. Tell me, what made you come to this, immersive and entertaining solution to getting your 'Dueling Licenses'?" Her face zoomed forward when she disappeared, coming from the right. Tim became unamused, seeing an older woman. "What the hell? Now you're a granny?!" Asked Tim and raised his face in front of him. "Yes, yes.... ah! I see you've managed to see my few bodies! As for now! I am here!" Once again, Tim heard whispering behind his ear and a touch on his shoulder. By the creepy breeze on his neck, he quickly pushed the girl aside. "Aw! Come on! That was nice you naughty boy!" Called Maita, once again in her young firm body.

"Stop changing bodies! What the hell are you even trying to do?" Asked Tim in annoyance. "Hmmm.... that's an interesting thought..." Soon the firm female body changed into a firm male body, Tim became unamused. "But to be exact! Just minding my own buisness, continuing the exam..." Maita faced at Tim and made a wink as his teeth sparkled white. ".....erm...." Maita soon stepped forward in front of Tim and began running backward. "Now you! You still didn't answer my question!" His face moved in front of Tim's when changing back to firm female body. Tim leaned backward with squiggly eyes and a drop of sweat. "I just need to get the 'Dueling Licenses' that's all.... and a few of my friends." Tim gulped. "Ah. I see.... either way, fine that I see an interesting guy around here..." Finalyl the guy changed to his original body. "Anyway, as I said before. My name is Sora. Good to meet you my friend, what's yours!" Smiled Maita. "Shinkaku Tim...." He spoke. "Ah! The Duelist who is known quite well on Umi Island, how beautiful!" Laughed Maita.

"So... uh Maita..... or well.... Sora..... why are you changing your bodies, doesn't that waste your stamina?" Tim wonderfully asked. "No, no. Not at all. In fact, it's quite entertaining to see other's reaction... look, watch..." Spoke Maita. Tim faced at him as he moved next to a girl, and Tim already knew who she was. "Excuse me young miss! How's your lovely day?" Questioned Maita. "And, you areeee?" Ayuka asked. ("Whoa, when did she get to the front?") Tim confusingly asked.

"I am, the one and the oldest, deadly, lazy sloth of the group! Maita Sora, to your service! What would you like, my beloved friend?" In that instant, Maita leaned onto Ayuka's shoulder. "Uhh....." She was simmilar to confusion. "So tell, me, what's your goal here.... are you somebody who I should keep aware of?" Maita asked, smiling. "Just like every other.... trying to get my -" Before Ayuka finished, she faced to the right and noticed how Maita moved aside. "- Dueling Licenses....." She spoke. "Ah! Of course, what a brilliant idea, what's your name, you lovely sweetie?" Giggled Maita. "Ayuka... Ayuka Kirashito...." She spoke, in that moment Maita switched his body to the middle. "Wait, why do I feel like you two know each other?" Tim and Ayuka looked at each other in confusion when returning their sight on Maita. "No, nevermind. Got no idea." Ayuka and Tim both became unamused. "We're just friends..... that's what's about us...." Tim sighed. A few of people have just slipped besides them and fell, tired. Tim jumped over someone's body and landed. "Ah, friends..... damn, I'm getting better at combining pair. Hey I got an idea. You two like siblings, blue eyes, white hair..... simmilar height.... are you sure you're just friends?" Questioned Maita. "Of course we are you dumbass!" Tim and Ayuka both shouted onto his ears, when Maita ducked with a sweaty forehead. "All right, all right... calm down, calm down..." He pressed his palms up against Tim's and Ayuka's face, pushing them aside. "We better get to the end of this exam, mwahahaha!" Laughed Maita.

"Stop rubbing your palm against me, you jerk!" Tim called, quite angrly. "Why would I-" But in that moment, Ayuka slapped his wrist. "Hey! Ow.... that hurt.... meanie!" Called Maita, unamused. "Well, you better not fail, we have a long history behind us and I am ready to take it all in!" Laughed Maita. Tim and Ayuka both seemed quite disappointed on to who they've met. "Seriously..... some of these jokes are nasty..." Tim sighed. "Nasty! But work!" In that moment, Tim smashed his fist on top of Maita's head. "Oh come no! You as well!?" Maita asked. "Then stop being so weird." "Hey! I can't help it but to have some fun!" He called in annoyance. Once again, another two examinees, dropped from the run.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Middle Row) - Friday 9:35 a.m.]

Kylin and Sakami were besides Ikehara. "So... Ikehara.... why exactly are you here with us?" Kylin wondered to ask. "Simple! I just wanted. Or I might have got seperate from Tim.... ending with you two..." He said, pointing at them. "I mean, Ayuka is no where near us either.... so, you didn't just drop away from boys...." Sighed Kylin. "And let's not forget Kishi...."

"Yeeeeah. Guess you are right. Well, either way, it's good to have some company while running. At least we can have some entertainment." Spoke Ikehara. Sakami just moved aside when a girl stopped running. "You see, people have already dropped so far... there is around 770 left..." Answered Ikehara. "So, when each of them drops, I at least wish to have some company." Smiled Ikehara. "Yes, quite many have fallen.... and many of them are losing their energeticness." But soon as Sakami said so, Shiro and Seki bursted past them. "Hahaha! You nasty bitch! You're losing!" "Asshole! You are!" The two of them bursted through the people like a rocket. "Spoke to soon...." Kylin added. "And there goes another one..." A man dropped down.... and only 769 were left. "So when we reach the second test, Kanji told something about cooperation, do you have any idea of how it works?" Ikehara questioned, looking at the two girls. "Well... honestly... I don't know.... but I'm sure the rules will be explain at the time zone..." Kylin grabbed her chin, thinking carefuly. "Besides, if they don't, how are we supposed to finish exam, other than with our own brain..." Kylin faced back at Ikehara. "Well... I'll be honest... I bet the rules will be told... But I'm just a bit worried that something will go wrong... just look.... at the start, it told 100 kilometer run, but now we must run 150 instead..... that's strange, don't you think?" Ikehara added.

"Yeah, I do see your point here, but no worries. We'll be just as fine as everybody else who passes... either way, we do have Codey on our side, if he makes it to the end.... I'm sure he'll be able to explain the situation...." Smiled Kylin.


[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Back Row) - Friday 9:36 a.m.]

"Help me somebody! This is insulting my capabilities! Why stamina, why is that something that I must deal with! Please, just let me fly!!!" Shouted Codey, people began complaining at his shouting. "Calm down... just drink if you don't have anything.... Ikehara made us some water bottles." Kanji made a smirk smile and giggle. "How did you even made him do that?"

"Ah... it's a secret." Kanji took a drink of the bottled water and made a wink. "...Whatever...."

To be continued...

(Quick Note: Please if you necessary read the note that will be written under 'Author's thought'.)