221. A mere accident?

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Front Row) - Friday 10:16 a.m.]

The people have reached around 10 kilometers and only 744 were left in the exam.

"Huh, not so many people have dropped out lately... seems that better and better duelists are actually staying in this exam, but how far they'll come, I cannot tell." Tim answered, interested. "Ah! Yes, these fellows are pretty much not going to make it all the way to the end, there will at least be another 400 that drop out in the first test, no doubt about it." Claimed Sora, who was quite entertained. "You seem to be enjoying this a lot...." Ayuka claimed. "But of course. Less people, more fun. The tests will progress in difficulty the more the people drop out, in next few tests, less people will be focused, so it's quite easy." Giggled Sora. "Of course.... what else would you do about it than laugh. I still cannot see the end of the line, no where near..." Tim spoke when looking behind. "Either way, I'm pretty much sure that you two will manage, and - of course me. For the rest, I don't know how many." Laughed Sora. "You're so full of it... but yeah, we can't do much about it...." Sighed Tim. "Plus, we barely ran any kilometers.... that's not even 90% complete... so we still have a long road ahead of us..." Sora told.

"But I do really wonder, how others are doing...." Ayuka asked quietly, thinking.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Back Row) - Friday 10:18 a.m.]

"Please.... just- just make it stop.... please... let it stop." Codey was breathing overwhelmingly hard and loudly. "Are you kidding? You've run 10 kilometers if not less... and you're already tired?" Kanji asked. "I freaking told you... I'm not good with this crappy stamina depletion....." Codey was making smaller steps. "I guess you're the only one who'll fail, Tim and others are probably ahead and you're slacking off, slowing down..." Called Kanji, moment he spoke, Codey became intimidated. "Not! Not! Not! No way! I won't let Tim pass and let myself fail! Gah! No god damn way! He's going to cry after he sees me make it to the end!" Codey shouted, people behind dropped out quicker and quicker every second. ".... oh... that pumps you up.... just wow.... though, what can I say ~ I knew it would work, heh." Kanji giggled, as Codey finally began to speed up a bit.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Middle Row) - Friday 10:25 a.m.]

"And there goes the 732th..." Spoke Hideki, seeing when a body dropped down a throttle. "Are you seriously keeping count of every examinee who falls and how many of them are left, Hideki?" Wondered Kylin, unamusingly disappointed. "Why yes! That way, we'll know how many have left by the end of the first test. Nobody else is doing it anyway." Hideki giggled, quite amused. "You're enjoying this, don't you?" Kylin was a bit unamused, but sighed. "Why yes. I mean, not that they are failing, but counting up or down is very entertaining, at least I won't need to focus on my tireness...." With a shorther, quieter laugh, Hideki sighed. "Just leave him be. He's entertained, so why not let him be entertained." Sakami added.

"I mean - sure. But how do you keep entertained of yourself, a human falls every so and then, not every second?" Asked Kylin. "That is the most simple question I've had this entire day. Simple, when one falls, like now..." The 732th dropped out, he continued to explain. "I begin counting from beginning from one to that number... basically, if I am at number 500 for example and the total goal to reach is 550, when one falls, I restart my count, and then begin counting from 0 to 499.... easy and claps giving." Both, Sakami and Kylin felt quite left out and unamused. "I see, so you basically never lose a number of counting? How.... great...." Sighed Kylin. "Yup! Oh! There goes another! From the beginning I go!" Hideki laughed.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Front Row) - Friday 10:30 a.m.]

"Turboooooooooo!" Shouted Yutaku, wiggling his arms behind his back. Kazuko on the other hand seemed to be getting annoyed of him, faster and faster. "Damn you asshole! You're not winning!" Kazuko yelled, speeding up and quickly catching up in front of Yutaku. "You biiiittttttchhhh! Get back hereeeee!" The two of them began racing, one time the first was ahead, one tiem the second one was ahead, as for the rest of the examinees, they continued to watch and feel unamused, and their loss of focus caused them to slip and drop out of the run. "I'll make you my slave! You'll enjoy when I win!" Shouted Yutaku. "Oh? You still believe you're gonna win! You peace of shit can barely even move past me!" Yelled Kazuko angrly, the two of them pressed their faces up against each other. "That's because you're constantly speeding up, so I gotta to, logical!" Yutaku forced Kazuko to lean back, but she yelled back and then she leaned him backward. "Oh! Then why are you trying to follow me! You're scared to lose aren't you! We both know you're dropping out before the second test!" Kazuko yelled. "No I am not! You'll see, I'll get to the end and make you beg me to drag you to the end!" Shouted Yutaku. "Grrrrraaaah!" The two of them began ramming over people that dropped and even speeding up.

"Dude, those two are going to fail sooner or later, if they keep fighting over who'll be better or win..." Tim sighed, when running besides Sora. "Well, to be honest, their stamina is not running otu at all.... guess they are quite skilled...." Sighed Sora. "And I was hoping that I would not have these two idiots roaming around the next six tests.... how bad...." Sighed Sora. "Would you just stop neglecting other examinees? Seriously, complaining is getting on my nerves..." Tim answered. In that instant, Sora changed his body. "Oh? You still think, sweetie?" Asked Sora, changing his body into a firm woman, winking and sending a flying smooch at Tim. Tim immediately felt embarrassed. "Stop that!" Tim swung his arms forward, trying to grab Sora. "Oh! Now! Come on! That's naughty! If you wanna have a relationship, just tell me! I'll enjoy! Wuhuhu!" Sora was jumping around while avoiding Tim's grabs. "Shut uppppp!" Tim reached with his arm forward and reached forward, Sora stopped and Tim accidently grabbed the breast, he immediately became embarrassed, in that moment, even Ayula became embarrassed. "Ahhh! No now! That was very naughty of you!" Sora once again made a wink. When Tim's ears let out steam. "You did that on purpose!!" Tim swung forward, trying to grab Sora. "Wuhuhu! Now, now, why would I do that!" Giggled Sora. "Damn you!! Stop jumping around like a monkey!" Yelled Tim. "You're not even allowed to use techniques and you're doing it!!" Tim shouted. "Well that's because, I don't use my technique to harm others, wuhuhu!" Laughed Sora. "You asshole! Get here!" At that moment, Sora rushed ahead with his arms far behind his femenine's body back. "Stop!" Tim seemed to have beeen angry and rushed past Ayuka. "Get over here!!" "Oh my! I didn't know you wanted me that badly! Then catch your lovely lady! I'm right here!" Sora shouted, showing his bottom as in making fun. "Okay! Now you've done it!" Tim bursted forward.

"He... spoke about not using his techniques to harm others.... didn't the examiner spoke about any techniques used? Is he going to be disqualified?" Questioned Ayuka, moving her finger on her lips to think. "Hey! Ayuka!" In that moment Yasu came running behind Ayuka. "Oh! Yasu, good to see you. What are you up to?" Wondered Ayuka. "I just heard Tim's scream, so I decided to check on him, but I never found him, only you... where is he?" Yasu wondered. "Well.... you see.... he's a bit 'occupied'." When Ayuka pointed ahead, Yasu became unamused, after seeing Tim swinging left and right, stepping back and forward, different directions, getting pranked by Sora. "Is that a girl?" Asked Yasu. "Yeah... I mean... well, it's a he, he just transformed into a femenine body. And Tim's been going nuts around him...." Explained Ayuka. "So... um a guy who can transform into other bodies? That's, funny." Laughed Yasu.

"Why is that funny?" "Ah, you know. Tim's always so locked up inside of his sensetive anger issue and stoicness, but when you see him go at it like a proffesional and crazy guy, you love to see it.... at least he isn't boring!" Laughed Yasu. "Yeah.... Guess you are right, he does seem happier when he gets angry and pranked by people..." Smiled Ayuka. "Told ya so! Either way, how far have we ran! Not a sweat has left my face!" Smiled Yasu. "We've reached 11 kilometers.... maybe more.... I don't have a proper tool to count that..." Ayuka claimed. "All right... wait, what about those two, are they still going at it and yelling at each other?" Asked Yasu, pointing at Kazuko and Yutaku. "Yeah, these two are going at it crazy.... no rage has left them, just fully with them..." Ayuka claimed and sighed. "Man, some people haven't even got tired and we've already ran about 11 kilometers. That's quite nice to see.... I wonder how the do it?" Questioned Yasu.

"Well.... people with good 'stamina' are usually less careless about how much they use it.... as you can see.... Tim has been occupied for about 3 minutes now, he is too focused on that instead of his stamina, so he barely feels tired.... some who constantly run and have no trouble, they just constantly think about their fear on dropping out, making their stamina deplete much faster. Just like us two, but we both seem just fine for now." Smiled Ayuka. "That's really it? Hey! How about us two get a bit crazy?" Asked Yasu. "W-what do you mean?" Ayuka wondered in confusion. "Why don't we do the same as Tim and Sora, as well as Kazuko and Yutaku, maybe we'll have better chance of getting to the end." Laughed Yasu, knowing. "Wh-why would we do that? I prefer not to make a big fuss about it.... besides, we're fine with a normal run, the time will just be longer, that's all...." Sighed Ayuka. "Man, you're so turned on with this run, that you'll end up blowing up from tireness..." Sighed Yasu. "That... sounded strange... and very weird.... even uncomfortable..." Claimed Ayuka, calmly. "Meh, who cares. Besides, this is fun, we only have to go another 139 kilometers, we're more than fine if this is our final result!" Yasu laughed, making a smirk on her expression. "Also, back row seems to be struggling decently, middle and front row of people seem to be doing just fine for now." Ayuka agreed to what Yasu spoke, but that was just expected. "Guess, those at the back have less of a stamina.... I'm not sure how's Codey doing, though." Ayuka answered. "Nah! He's fine! You shouldn't worry, he hasn't lost any stamina!".....

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Back Row) - Friday 10:35 a.m.]

"I LOST ALL OF MY STAMINA! KANJI! HOLD ME!!" A loud shout came from Codey's mouth when a sweat swung around his eyes. "Dude! What are you talking about? Look, you're doing just fine!" Shouted Kanji, complaining. "That's because I'm stressing out man! These people are all dropping out! It's soon going to be time when we drop out too! Especially me! This is horrible! This is nightmare! This is the end!!!!" In that moment, a light glow upon Codey as he fell asleep. "Yo! Hey! Codey! Wake up!" Shouted Kanji, but it seemed that Codey kept running. "Wait.... is... he running while ASLEEP?!?" Kanji asked. "When they spoke about good senses! This is nothing what I expected! Hey. Codey. Dong, dong?" By knocking onto Codey's forehead, he didn't budge but kept running. "Bagels....." He said, and Kanji gained a very unamused expression.

To be continued...