222. The Earth senser!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Front Row) - Friday 10:50 a.m.]

Tim and the rest have managed to reach 12 kilometers of running, and still around 728 people have left in this exam.

"Okay, now I'm concerned? Those haven't lost any time break of arguing and catching a mice, and they still are going at it for 20 minutes now? How do they do it?" Yasu wondered, thinking that Ayuka would know the answer. "Um? How am I supposed to know, like I said, this is just how these two do stuff, I guess...." Ayuka explained. "Oh! Right, I didn't ask you? Are you tired at all?" Wondered Yasu, interested. "Huh? Now that I think about it? I am not. This is something I expected the least.... either way, I'm fine with it." Ayuka smiled. From that moment, Kazuko and Yutaku began to accelerate past Tim and Sora. "Stop pushing haead! You can't go further than the examiner!" Yelled Yutaku. "Hah! So what! I wanna get rid of your noisy ass!" Shouted Kazuko, yelling over Tim and Sora's shoulders. Tim and Sora were spinning while Tim tried to catch him. "Change this femenine body back to your original so that I can smack you down a ton!" Tim shouted, when jumping around. "OH! Is that so! Then you can forget it! I'll make it to the front with my better and precious ass, unlike your fat ass!" Shouted Yutaku, showing a tongue, yelling over Tim and Sora's shoulder. "Yeepie! You almost got me! Wuhuhu!" Laughed Sora. "Damn you! I swear, one more second of this and I will make you burn!" Shouted Tim in anger, ignoring Yutaku and Kazuko around them. "Ahahah! You just try! I'll make you fall down a cliff and make you hang on it!" Laughed Kazuko showing anger. "Aha! So where will you find it? Tell me you bitch!?" Angrly shouted Yutaku. "As soon as I get to that mountain! You're falling down!" Kazuko added.

"Try me bitch!" At that moment, Tim raised his head. "Would you two already shut the hell up with these complains and competition!" Tim yelled, when smashing his palms up against their faces. "Who the hell are you kid! Get your smelly hand off my face!" Yelled Yutaku. "Seriously! They smell perverty!" Shouted Kazuko. "Oh, that's because he grabbed a woman's breast, nu-uh, unpolite." Explained Sora, stepping in front of them, raising his finger. "You- I swear I will strangle you!!" Tim reached forward with his head and almost grabbed Sora's head. "Hah! Close, but not too close!" Yelled Sora, rushing ahead. "Stop running away!!! Let me kill you!!" Tim shouted when his burning passion in eyes came, raising his fists. Kazuko and Yutaku were like a bunch of pinecons compared to him at that moment, but Kazuko raised herself above him and yelled. "Stop making this hot! It's making me sweat!" Yelled Kazuko. Tim seemed to be like a poor cat, ducking between the two humans. "Yeah! You're making this much mroe hard for us!" Shouted Yutaku. But then Tim finally raised his face and upper body smacking them to the side. "That's because this idiot is making me pissed as hell!" Tim yelled. Kazuko and Yutaku began fighting over each other, with Tim in the middle. "You jerk! Asshole! Idiots! You perv. Freaking bitch!" The three of them complained, constantly cursing. "Man, these three are now the next priority, eh?" Questioned Sora, thinking. "Heh! Wait for me!" Sora jumped in the dusty cloud while people just began dropping aside them. "Stop touching me! Who the hell are you! Gwwwwaaaah! That's not where you touch a man!" Yelled Yutaku. "What the hell did I just touch!!!!" Tim yelled. "Thank's for that! You're gonna pay for that!" Yelled Yutaku, smashing his palm into Tim's face. "Hey! You're pushing him at me, you asshole!" Yelled Kazuko. "Stop this crap! I have nothing to do in her breasts! Get me away from her!" Yelled Tim. "Hey! Do you got problem with my breasts or something!" Shouted Kazuko. "That's not what I said!" Tim yelled. Soon Tim grabbed something again. "Eeeeek! You did it again, you smelly perv!" Yelled Sora. "YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE! I swear to god Sora!!!" Tim shouted, when pushing him forward, the four of them began rolling between people like a bowling ball in dust. "Take this!" Yelled Yutaku. "What was supposed to be that! You punch like a duck!" Yelled Kazuko. "Shut up! Stop smashing me down at the floor then!" Yutaku yelled. "It's literally you the one who made us roll like a bunch of bowling balls!!" Yelled Kazuko. "Gah! Not again! Stop touching me down there!!!" Yutaku yelled. "That wasn't me!!" Tim shouted. "Oh... sorry, it was me... my bad..." Spoke Sora. "Oh my god! I swear I will pummel you down in dust!" Yelled all three of them. "We're already at the dust! You ignorants! Wuhuhu!" Yelled Sora. "Damn it you little seducer!!" Shouted the rest three.

"Yeaaaaaah.... I'd say they are having great fun...." Spoke Yasu, watching them, while running behind. "How are those four idiots still not disqualified?!" Asked a man, but as he did, a rock went flying at him, as he smacked his back on the floor. "What the hell!!" Yelled the fallen man. "Well, there goes another guy...." Said Ayuka, quite confused on what was going on. "Can somebody explain to me, why are they still doing that?" Yasu wondered. "Stop asking me these questions? I guess they are just all stupid...." Sighed Ayuka embarrassed. "Why don't you stop them, then?" Questioned Yasu. "What can I do! It's not my fault they ended up in a dust ball... filled of cloudy mechanism." Spoke Ayuka. "What does that got to do with mechanism?" Yasu wondered.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Back Row) - Friday 11:00 a.m.]

"13 kilometers..... not bad I suppose..." Spoke Midori when appearing on Kanji's and... Codey's? Sight." "Hey! Midori! Over here!" Smiled Kanji when raising his arm. Midori faced behind and slowed down, for the two to come by and next to her. "You two seem to be in..... well... sleepy interaction...." Midori called, scratching her hair. "Well... I could tell yes. But, he just fell asleep and he is not complaining, some quietness that I can take!" Called Kanji and smiled. "Oh, so I believe he's a Perceptionist?" Wondered Midori. "Whoa... hey, how did you know that?" Kanji wondered. "Oh! Right, sorry. I am a Perceptionist as well, so it's simple to tell." Midori claimed and smiled. "Oh! I see! This is why you managed to find your opponent in those misty areas of the forest, when Tim and Sakami were there..." Midori made a calm nod. "It's just something Perceptionists are most skilled at, hunting down their target." Midori spoke. "How well thought out... well. Does that mean you can sleep and run at the same time as well?" However, Midori declined. "No, never had something like this happen to me... but sure looks funny." Smiled Midori. "Who said anything about funny, huh!?!" Shouted Codey, opening his eyes when the sleep bubble popped. "Whoa! Wait! Where am I?!" Codey asked. "So, I guess you got no clue what the hell happened to you..." Sighed Kanji. "Um, huh?" "You've fallen asleep and somehow kept with my running at the same time..." Sighed Kanji. "I thought I was eating bagels!!!" Codey angrly shouted. "... yeah, I knew.... you kept talking about how tastey, delicious and soft these bagels are... you're sure an interesting dreamer, Codey..." Kanji explained. "Man... I haven't had bagels for ages,..." Codey smirked with a cry. "....Well, maybe you'll get some after we finish the exam!" Laughed Midori. "Hah! Seriously? Then I'm going at this full circle!" Shouted Codey and began speeding up, but making a few steps ahead, he stopped. He needed to take a short break when Kanji and Midori ran by. "You made it far..." Midori said. "Shut up... this is nothing I do casually!" Codey began breathing like a moth, loud and clearly, when bursting ahead. "But I will get to the en-" But right in that instant, his eyes closed and the next bubble of sleeping appeared, making him to run asleep once again. "And he is back to his daily slumber from now on, I guess...." Kanji admired him but felt funny at the same moment. "Well, on the other hand. If he keeps being like this, he'll probably make it to the end withou a problem." Smiled Midori. "As for us, we should catch up to at least middle of the back row." Claimed Midori, but as they agreed, the three of them ran past people, who have begun falling down.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel (Middle Row) - Friday 11:11 a.m.]

"Man, so many are falling apart..." Eguchi spoke with a sigh. "Yeah, something I really did not expect..." Explained Octavius. "Y'know, it seems that the ones we're teaming up with are all still in the show, how well... but unentertaining..." Eguchi said, bored. "Seriously, Eguchi. Why are you so competetive towards your allies?" Hamada asked, confused. "Yo! Who has ever agreed for me to be their ally, Octavius?" Annoyingly asked Eguchi. "But yes. However, you seem to be partaking in it quite fairly, you haven't been going at them like a bunch of assassins that usually do..." Claimd Octavius. "Screw you.... either way, my plan is just to get the licenses.... nothing else..." Tiringly spoke Eguchi.

On the simmilar path, Shin and Shoji moved. "Only 700 people left, this is getting highly expected for at least 500 people to finish the first test. I absolutely do wonder how many of them will be standing in the second test." Shoji wondered, using his mechanical glasses to his advantage. "You're using those glasses, it slowly seems that it's making you addicted to them..." Sighed Shin. "Hey! Don't complain, these glasses are plot twisting, it lets us know how many have fallen and how much farther we must go." Explained Shoji, annoyingly. "I am aware, but what about when they get shattered, what will oyu do then? Shouldn't you restrain them in your backpack at least, we don't need to know how much further to run, we just go until everybody else finishes." Claimed Shin. "Nu-uh! No way, I'm not restraining my glasses to anywhere but my own face, I absolutely need them, they do not complete me..." Called Eguchi. "And why are you so casual about it, aren't you afraid that you'd fail?" Shoji wondered. "No, I can sense how far and how many people drop, after all I am a Terra Type user, it is simple to understand, what happens just through earth that we step on." Claimed Shin. "As of now, two have just fallen i nthe front row and we will soon come across the two lying bodies... so only 698 left." Explained Shin. "You and your dumb Earth senses, maybe you should just forget about them.... you're so entertained by them..." Sighed Shin. "Just as you are to your glasses." The two of them both continued ahead and in a few minutes reached the two fallen bodies.

"Fine... have it your way... I'll put them in my backpack." And so, Shoji did it. "You can't believe it, congratulations my beloved friend." Said Shin. "Yeah, yeah, shut up.... if you can tell how many have dropped out and how much further to go.... do you know what is happening with Yutaku?" "Hm, let's see... they seem to be keeping themselves entertained with two two others. Look at that, new allies for them." Claimed Shin. "We're not far, are we? They are at the front row, correct?" Wondered Shoji. "That is correct... but do not push yourself, we should keep up running with this pace that its currently displayed...." Claimed Shin. "Urgh... fine...." Sighed Shoji as the two continued running forward.

To be continued...