232. Groups reunition!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness (Anthill) - Saturday 2:40 a.m.]

While Ellie managed to eliminate the Ant Queen, the ones who were climbing, Shin, Yasu, Kylin and Shoji witnessed a flash before them, just before that happened.

"We can't catch up to her, she can climb way to quickly than us!" Called Yasu, worried. ("No! I mist escape, I must escape to give birth to more of my beloved children! I must!") The hyperactive thoughts that were flowing through Ant Queen's mind were slowly breaking up, by rubbing its face through the top of the ceiling she launched herself upward.

"No! She's out! Damn it!" Kylin loudly called, in shock. But right before seeing the Ant Queen jump, a yellow flash blew and skimmed its way above them, creating a blinding light that made others almost drop back down to the bottom, however, the final thing they saw, was an Ant Queen's body, split into two.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 2:42 a.m.]

"He managed to cut that Demon in no time." Claimed Kanji, quite surprised, seeing his 'ally' standing in front of them. "See, sorry for the wrong reaction I gave, but the sudden appearence of this Demon made me rather surprised. No worries, it's taken care of." Claimed Ellie, calmly and smiled confidently. Soon as he spoke, four of examinees, Kylin, Shin, Yasu and Shoji came climbing through the hole and looked up at Ellie. Ellie slowly turned back toward the hole, twitching head, when he froze, facing at other examinees. He immediately became white throughout his body when he jumped from fear. "Ghosts!!!" Yelled Ellie, bouncing all the way at the top of the tree. "Those aren't ghosts! They are my allies! Kylin, Yasu, Shin, Shoji! Yo!" Kanji laughed, raising his right arm. The four of them climbed to the surface and cleaned their clothes. "Wait, what the heck were you even doing down there?"

After Kylin wiped down the dust off her clothes, Ellie looked at her deeply, seeing one and most common body part on her. "We were just trying to defeat these damn Ant Demons, the queen of theirs almost escaped, but I guess somebody managed to cut it." Explained Kylin, calm and relaxed. "Was it you who did that Kanji?" But, after Yasu's question, Kanji shook his head. "Nope. It was him, he's pretty skilled when it comes to controlling Electro Type, maybe you can introduce yourself." Claimed Kanji, looking up at Ellie, who hugged the trunk of a tree. "...boobs!" Soon as he shouted, he dropped down with a happy smile and ready to hug. "Hello little cutie!" When Kylin noticed Ellie dropping toward her, she raised her foot and slammed it into his cheek, smacking him to the side and rolled him across the floor. On the other side, Kanji and Sora both seemed to be squiggly. Shin was a bit uncomfortable, while Shoji and Yasu seemed to be squiggly into their face. "Excuse me, who were you talking about?" Kylin asked, with a sweat drop down her right side of the forehead, and an innocent smile.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 2:45 a.m.]

"So. He was the one who cut that Ant Queen?" Kylin scratched the top of her head. "Y-yeah. But, I sure didn't expect him to react in this way, to when he'd see you...." Claimed Kanji, looking at Ellie, with having a very unamused face. "What's so wrong about touching someone's body? Not like it's illegal in this exam." But to that saying, the rest faced at Ellie, quite intimidatingly. "Everything." Kanji added but then the Kylin and the rest finished their explanation.

"That sure is something. Ant Demons, that fall under Beats Demon Category? Hush and hush, people like us never would've expected activities of such Demons, nor their existence. Though, I really do hope there aren't any more anthills around this forest, or we'll end up failing the exam because of how many we'll have to clear." Explained Kanji, interested into the nature of such Demons. "I don't think we'll need to worry about any more of these Ant Demons. They've lost their Ant Queen, so I believe there is barely any left - of course, there are many skilled Spiritual Duelists here, so we may not need to worry about their safety, these Ant Demons are weak as any original Demons, so yes. We're pretty much fine." Explained Shin, leaning his right palm onto his chin. "Either way, we still have a few hours before we can reach the end of the second test, any idea of what we may be able to do?" Questioned Kanji, while rather confused. "Anthills are usually not very close to buildings while in nature, so I believe we aren't close to the third test area either. We've been constantly going North from where we began, so the easiest solution is to keep going that way. I believe you didn't switch any directions, right?" Wondered Shin, interested.

"Of course not. Since the beginning, I've only been going straight, meaning North." Answered Kanji, interested. "How can you be sure? What if you by accident lost your way around the forest? The fog is extremely thick, so that's a high chance." Spoke Kylin. "Yes, I'm aware. But no, I can guarantee you, I've been going North constantly, and if the path from tunnel continues North. Then we're good to go." By that, the rest have nodded and faced to the North. "All right. Very well, I'll trust you on this, so let's get going." To when Shin spoke, Kanji and the rest gave a nod. "My nose still hurts....." Ellie added.

- Almost 3 hours later -

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 5:50 a.m.]

Codey caught his boomerang and took a breath. "You know. Throwing an item for an entire 4 to 5 hours is really tiring. Can we take a break?" Codey asked, worried and took a seat on the rock. "You shouldn't worry much." Giggled Tim. "Why is that?" But to when Codey asked, Tim pointed ahead with a smile. "I can see clearly now... this means we're getting close to the exit." Tim spoke, giving a look at Codey. "Oh, right. Now that you mention it. This looks so much clearer now. All right! This means I don't need to use anymore of my throwable boomerangs!" With giggles that Codey lent, Tim then heard a call. "Tim! Codey! Hey! Over here!" It was a female voice, the two of them turned to the South and made a smile. "Hey! Look. It's Ayuka, Sakami, Hideki and Midori." Tim smiled, soon the four of them came closer. "Man! This coordination test really is putting us on the line of knowledge, doesn't it? Good to see some familiar faces!" Smiled Ayuka, when taking a short break from running. "Yeah, it really does! I'm surprised we came in contact with each other again!" Tim smiled, giving an innocent smile. "Good to see you too, Codey." Claimed Midori. "But of course! Same from me, good to see all of you!" He added.

"So, how so you've managed to get this far?" Questioned Hideki, quite smile-ish. "Oh, we came to a solution that if we combine wind and the fire, we'll be able to feel the surroundings by the heat provided in an area. Mostly Codey, I was just there to help him with heat." Tim explained. "Oh, haven't you grown quite a lot since the first time you and Tim have fought." Smiled Ayuka, making a cute smile. Because Codey was a bit embarrassed, he blushed from her niceness. "Yes.... t-thank you!" He spoke. "Anyway! How did you manage to reach this area?" Codey added with finished wonders. "Oh, we've pretty much relied on surroundings." Explained Midori. "We should also add is mostly because of Sakami's knowledge." Ayuka added, making Sakami giving a calm nod. "Either way, what you two did, may not make the most sense in physics, but it is what it is." Giggled Ayuka. ("....Tim should really do something about this. How can he not like a girl like her, as much as I prefer same genders, this girl is way to lovely.") With a smirk face, Codey giggled when Tim looked at him in confusion. "What's so funny?" Tim confusingly asked. "Ah! Wait! Sorry! Nothing, nothing! I just thought about something funny! And please, do not ask what it is!" Codey swung his arms in front of him, to hopefully hope that Tim would not ask him further. "Uh... all right... anyway. Now that we're once again together! We may as well begin our journey on this Fortune Island, thingy. What do you say?" As expected, the rest have agreed.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 5:59 a.m.]

The ones who were still able to follow the examiner finally came to an area where the fog cleared itself, the sun began to slowly shine over their heads and the ones who were in front made a smile. "Well look at this! We made it to the third test after all!" Giggled Ume, running besides Kaori. "Surely took way longer, it made me lose my patience at some point. But at least we made it to the end." Kaori spoke, calmly and relaxed, being relieved. The examiner and the rest have run up the hill and they came to a decently large building and finally the examiner stopped and so have the examinees. "All right, everybody, this is where the third test will take part. However, we must wait until 9 am. There are still several examinees that might end up coming to the exit." Spoke examiner, calmly. "Whoa, this is so much nicer than being stuck in that dark, misty forest." Spoke a girl. "Yeah. The air much more fresh and we don't need to worry about any more Demons, feels as if we were saved by a god." Claimed the man, scratching his nose. "You may rest while we wait." And so the rest have done just that. Ume, Kaori both sat next to each other.

Kyou was standing further away than other people, but he seemed to be constantly smiling. "I wish to see just how many will come to the finish line, I'm glad that at least 25 of us managed to come here together." The examinees began to make conversations. "So, Kaori. What was it like?" By confusion, Kaori faced at Ume. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, how was it! The first two test, were they hard or easy in your opinion?" Wondered Ume, looking directly at Kaori's face. "Erm... ehehehe. I guess it wasn't that difficult to begin with. The first test was very simple, the second, well, it did raise a bit in difficulty, but it still wasn't too hard for me, and I bet for you it wasn't either?" Wondered Kaori. "Not at all, in fact, it was fun and very interesting, well, especially the second test... but only 25 people made it to the third test - for now - that's quite funny, don't you think so?" Ume stretched her arms when Kaori looked at her in rather curious expression. "I suppose you're right. For now, all we can do is finally rest for a while, who knew we'd actually manage to get to the third test area exactly at 6 am."

Soon when Kaori spoke so, two yells were heard. "I'll be there first! I'm coming there first!" Yelled Kazuko. "You think! You just try! I'm gonna beat you!!" Yelled a man. The examinees were quite confused when Kazuko and Yutaku ran at high speed toward them. "No you don't! I'll be there first! For sure!" Kazuko added, the two sped up and soon of them, they reached the line. Both of them slid on the grass and stopped in front of the examiner. "Examiner Kichira! Tell him/her! I was first who came to the end!" Both, Yutaku and Kazuko yelled at the same time, loudly, waiting for an answer. "Um.... both of you were here at the exact time." As they heard such saying, two of them looked at each other. "Damn it! Fine! Then this test will prove you that I am better, not you!" Both of them yelled, pointing at each other, but examiner Kichira gave an exhale. "Who'd knew these two would make it...."

To be continued...